Running from the Wolf

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Running from the Wolf Page 4

by Laura Ann

  Derrick’s smile matched Ruby’s. “How about I get your number and I’ll text you when I get it planned?”

  Ruby pulled her phone out of her pocket and made a couple of swipes. “Okay, enter your number here and I’ll send you a text.”

  His large hand touched Ruby’s fingers when he took the phone. A shot of electricity ran up her arm and Ruby held in a gasp at the sensation. What exactly is going on here?

  Derrick handed back her phone and Ruby shot him a smiley face before putting it away. “There. Now you can get ahold of me.”

  Derrick smiled. “I’ll do that.”

  “Hey, Derrick!” A loud voice called across the small yard.

  Both Derrick and Ruby’s heads snapped toward the sound.

  “Oh, hey Steven,” Ruby said with a smile.

  “Hi, Ruby. How goes the numbers these days?” Steven stopped a few feet away and gave a dramatic bow.

  Ruby giggled at his antics, Steven was the middle school Literature teacher and was known for his completely over the top behavior. Her giggling turned into full-blown laughter when she turned and saw Derrick roll his eyes at Steven’s bow.

  A sheepish look crossed Derrick’s face at being caught and he shrugged, a small smile pulling at his lips.

  “Good, good. Thanks.” Steven turned his attention to Derrick. “Aurora said if she stays in the heat any longer she’s going to spontaneously combust. So, to avoid such a catastrophe, I came to see if you’re ready to go?”

  Disappointment sank into Ruby’s core. Shoot. I wasn’t ready for him to go yet. Giving herself a small shake, Ruby put a smile on her face. “It was really great to meet you, Derrick.”

  Derrick’s smile nearly stole her breath. “Likewise,” he said as he stood up.

  Ruby stood as well, his large frame made her feel small. She didn’t feel small very often, but Derrick’s broad frame made her feel feminine and very protected as if he could always keep her safe. Wait ... what? What would he need to keep me safe from? An image of Braedon flashed through her mind, but she shoved it aside. He is not going to ruin this moment for me.

  “I’ll, uh, be in touch.” Derrick gave his phone a little shake and rubbed the back of his neck while giving Ruby a shy smile.

  Oh good gracious. That is adorable. Ruby smiled back. “Sounds great.” I’ll be waiting. She added mentally.

  After watching Derrick and Steve leave, Ruby wandered over to the cooler and grabbed another bottle of water. Her eyes caught on the dark-haired guy she had seen earlier. Curious as to who he was, she wandered over.

  “And just who are you?” She asked; her eyes narrowed as she sized him up. He was a handsome man, but she didn’t feel any of the zing and pull she had felt with Derrick.

  “My name is Mateo, I came with Lillith Gresham. And you are?”

  “You came with Lillith? Well, that’s certainly a step up for her,” Ruby murmured. “I’m Ruby. I work with the bride and groom.” Ruby put out her hand to shake.

  Mateo smiled. “Nice to meet you.” He looked around. “So, I’m discovering a lot of you work together. Most everyone here?”

  Ruby followed his line of sight and eyed the crowd. “Yeah. Piper and Nash invited the whole school, I think pretty much anyone who was in town came, with just a few exceptions.” Ruby fought to contain her smile. And a few new people ... like Derrick.

  “So what do you do at the school?” He asked.

  “I teach middle school math.” She eyed him sideways. “Numbers fascinate me and tweeners make me laugh, so it’s a good fit.”

  “Sounds like.”

  Ruby smiled and continued chatting, but her mind wandered to the golden-haired Viking who had just left.

  DERRICK WAS QUIET IN the backseat as Steven and Rory drove him home. He sat with his face staring out the window, his knees were nearly to his chin, but neither the discomfort or the scenery was what played through his mind. Instead, he was focused on a mental picture of the woman he had met at the barbecue. Ruby ... He liked her name. It fit perfectly with those large, red lips she had.

  Everything about her seemed perfect. Long, black hair ... crystal blue eyes ... soft, creamy skin. He knew it was creamy because he had felt it when they shook hands and when her hand had rested on his forearm.

  He thought back on the buzz that touch had initiated and a small smile touched his lips. Everything in him was drawn to her, and unless he was sorely mistaken, she was just a drawn to him.

  He chuckled to himself as he thought of her calling him a lumberjack. Their easy banter had been fun and freeing. He was settling nicely into his new job at The Center, working to help kids who had rough family situations. Having come from a single parent, welfare household, he knew what it was like to need a place to go after school. That’s what had drawn him to the position when he was released from the military. He might not need to use his combat skills, but he was used to being organized and in charge and his childhood gave him a unique insight and sympathy into what most of those kids were going through.

  “What’s so funny back there?” Rory turned her head over her shoulder and questioned Derrick with a smile.

  Derrick shook his head, schooling his face back into his normal stoic expression. “Nothing,” he said, looking at the attractive blonde woman.

  He couldn’t help comparing her to Ruby. He felt absolutely no draw to Rory, no matter how nice she was. Which was a good thing, since she and Steven seemed to be pretty serious.

  Rory smirked. “Uh, huh. This wouldn’t have anything to do with the exotic beauty you spent an hour talking to, would it?”

  Derrick cleared his throat and was grateful he wasn’t the type to blush. He shrugged his shoulders as much as he could in the back of their small sedan. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Steven chuckled from the driver’s seat. “Leave him alone Aurora. If he has something to tell us, he will.”

  Derrick nodded at Steven; grateful for his interference.

  Rory pushed out her lip in a pout. “Fine. But remember,” she pointed a finger at Derrick. “I like Ruby, so don’t be breaking her heart.”

  “You also like Derrick,” Steven reminded her.

  Rory grinned at Steven. “You’re right. Maybe I should give Ruby the same chat?”

  Derrick found himself chuckling again.

  “Are you going to ask her out?” Rory prodded.

  “Aurora!” Steven scolded with a laugh. “Leave the man alone!”

  Rory put her hands up. “Fine, fine. I’ll stop.”

  Derrick smiled at their banter as they continued to flirt back and forth.

  He obviously wasn’t opposed to finding someone, but Derrick would be the first to admit he hadn’t really been looking. Although he was thirty-one years old, he had yet to feel truly settled anywhere. The military had dragged him all over the world and thanks to his injury, he was only now getting a feel for waking up in the same bed day after day. A relationship hadn’t been on the radar. But I can’t say I would mind. He let his mind wander to those lush lips again. No. I can’t say I would mind at all.


  Ruby had kept her phone in her pocket all morning. Meeting Derrick at the barbecue had put her world in a whole new perspective. She had never felt so drawn to someone before, not only his looks but in how he and her interacted as well.

  His personality was strong but kind and she could feel a protective aura about him that called to her. Probably from his days in the military. Ruby mused as she washed the dishes after lunch. Their conversation had been easy and enjoyable and she looked forward to talking to him again. If he ever texts.

  Ruby sighed. “It’s only been like twelve hours girl. Give him a chance,” she mumbled to herself. Finishing with the dishes, she closed the dishwasher door and pressed start. Swiping a chunk of hair out of her eyes, she turned around and surveyed the kitchen area.

  “Looks clean enough.” She headed toward the family room and the familiar sound of clicking nee
dles to grab her laptop.

  “Dishes done?” Grams asked, her eyes never leaving her project.

  “Yep,” Ruby responded. “I thought I’d just do a bit of shopping, see if there are any good Fourth of July deals running this weekend.”

  Grams nodded but didn’t speak.

  Ruby opened her laptop and pulled up her email first. Haven’t check it in a couple days. Probably ought to clean it out. The first thing she noticed was another email from Braedon. Ruby froze. When is this guy going to leave me alone? Her heart rate spiked as she opened the note.


  Obviously, my actions haven’t made my intentions clear. I knew immediately upon seeing you that I was meant to love you, but it was clear you didn’t feel the same. I decided I would be willing to wait until you realized that you were meant to belong to me. I can see now that I was wrong. Your little escapade with that man at the barbecue yesterday pushed me too far. You will not talk to him again. You and I are meant to be together, and I am confident that given time, you will realize the truth of those words. Meanwhile, I will still be here. Do not push me, you will not like the consequences.


  Ruby felt her eyes go wide and her jaw slack the further she read into the email. This can’t be real. How does he know what happened at the barbecue yesterday? Ruby thought back on all the times she had seen him around town. He thinks I belong to him? He’s crazy! What am I going to do?

  Her phone buzzed at her side, causing her to yelp and nearly jump out of her chair.

  Grams stopped knitting and looked at Ruby over her glasses. “Are you all right?”

  Ruby gulped and tried to slow down her breathing. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Phone just startled me is all.” Grabbing her phone she opened the screen, half expecting the message to be from Braedon. Calm down, he doesn’t have your number.

  Ruby’s heart nearly soared out of her chest when she saw it wasn’t Braedon but Derrick. The flight was immediately followed by a harsh plummet. Braedon said not to talk to him again. Even as she thought the words, Ruby felt her spine stiffen.

  “Who the heck does he think he is? Telling me who I can talk to?” She said under her breath. Ruby thought of Derrick’s kindness, his strength and how she felt such chemistry with him before she even met him. Shaking her head, she resolved not to let some coward in the shadows dictate her actions.

  She deleted the email, choosing to ignore rather than respond. Then she pulled up the message from Derrick and read it.

  Hi Ruby. This is Derrick Woodsman. We met yesterday at the barbecue.

  Ruby chuckled. “Like I wouldn’t remember who he was.”

  “What do you keep talking about over there dear?” Gram had stopped knitting again and had one eyebrow raised in amusement as she looked at Ruby.

  “Nothing Grams. Just reading a text.”

  “Must be from a man,” Grams said, picking her needles back up.

  “What makes you say that?” Ruby asked with a laugh.

  “Nothing makes a woman act like a weirdo more than a man.” Grams stopped again. “This isn’t that man from the internet is it?”

  “Oh no.” Ruby shook her head. “I met someone at Piper’s party yesterday.”

  Gram’s eyebrows shot up. “You did, huh? What’s his name?”

  “Derrick Woodsman.” Ruby’s eyes kept flicking back to the text, wanting to finish reading, but not wanting to be rude to Grams.

  Grams pointed a crooked finger at Ruby. “Finish your message and then I expect a full report.” She went back to her afghan. “Must be good. You’re practically glowing.”

  Ruby smiled wide and went back to reading.

  I realize we only met yesterday but you did say you would be willing to go out to dinner. My schedule is open tonight. Are you available around seven o’clock?

  “Why yes, I am,” Ruby mumbled, then pursed her lips. But will I look desperate if I agree? Do I make him work for it? Her desire to see Derrick won over her pride and she sent back a response.

  Dinner tonight works great. How should I dress?

  Uh ... I usually put one leg in, then the other.

  Ruby laughed out loud before responding.

  Doofus. I meant how fancy should I get?

  Gotcha ... well, in that case, I had planned to take us to Tritan’s Seabar. Does that work for you? How do you feel about seafood?

  Love it. :)

  Perfect. Can I pick you up?

  Ruby chewed her lip. She didn’t like giving out her address to men. When she went out she usually waited the first couple of dates before having him pick her up. It gave her a sense of control and safety when she had her own vehicle.

  A debate warred inside her. Derrick felt different to her. He worked at The Center with Rory and Steven. Bringing him to the party yesterday meant they trusted him and thought him to be a good guy. Not to mention the feeling of safety she got in his presence yesterday.

  Deciding to take the risk, she wrote back.

  That would be nice.

  She sent him her address.

  Great. See you tonight.

  Ruby debated a moment before answering.

  I can’t wait.

  Hoping that wasn’t too bold of her, she waited a moment, but he didn’t respond. With a happy little sigh, she put her phone down and went back to her computer.

  “You better be preparing to tell me a story missy.” Gram’s stern voice came from across the room.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Ruby put on her best innocent face. Her eyebrows were raised and she widened her eyes, fluttering her eyelashes rapidly at her grandmother.

  “Seen that trick too many times, it won’t work on me anymore. Those baby blues lost power a long time ago. Spill it girl.”

  Ruby closed her eyes and gave a light laugh. “All right, all right. So there were a couple of new people at the party last night. One of them was Derrick Woodsman, he’s the new director of The Center.”

  Grams put down her yarn and needles, her attention focused solely on Ruby. “And?” She prodded.

  Ruby sighed. “He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.”


  Derrick didn’t bother to try and wipe off the smile that was stretching across his face, after all, the building was completely empty save for himself. They weren’t actually open on Sundays, but Derrick had been trying to catch up on paperwork. Which meant there was no one around to witness his giddy moment.

  Shuffling the papers on his desk, he tried to bring his mind back around to the task at hand. Ever since he took over for Ms. Millicent at The Center a couple of months ago, he had been working his way through all the company’s financial paperwork.

  Ms. Millicent had resigned when she had been caught embezzling funds and one of Derrick’s first tasks was to go through all the paperwork and see exactly where the tutoring center stood. So far, it had been slow, but educational.

  Rory and Steven had become good friends to him and had helped him transition into his role as well as he could have asked for. I just hate all the paperwork. He thought to himself as he continued to go through the stack on his desk.

  His eyes kept wandering back to his phone as he worked, distracted by the conversation he had just had with the lovely Ruby. His smile came back as he thought of her last text.

  I can’t wait.

  That was exactly how he felt, but she had been brave enough to say it, for which he was grateful. Knowing she was just as interested in him as he was in her made asking her out a whole lot easier.

  Derrick sighed and pushed his hand through his hair. “You won’t be going out with her at all if you don’t get your work done. Focus Woodsman!” He scolded himself.

  Forcefully pushing Ruby and her attractiveness out of his mind, Derrick went back to the paper in front of him.

  AFTER HEADING HOME and showering, Derrick pulled up to the address Ruby had given him. From the driveway, he studied the quaint cottage. The backyard pus
hed right up against a forested area that he had heard had miles and miles of running/walking trails.

  “Maybe I’ll have to come to give them a try,” Derrick muttered as he got out of his car. Exercise had become an integral part of his life when he joined the military and that habit hadn’t been broken after he was discharged. He hadn’t been running in over a year because of his injury and he missed the peace of it. Walking up to the front door, he tried to keep his heart rate under control. He felt like a teenage boy picking up his crush for the first time.

  The door was answered by a small, grey haired, older woman who looked remarkably like Ruby, especially her bright blue eyes.

  Those eyes looked him up and down before settling on his own. Her lips pursed for a moment before she nodded in apparent approval. “Ruby said you were the most handsome man she had ever seen and now I believe her.”

  Before Derrick could react, he heard a shout from behind the older woman.

  “GRAMS!” Ruby came running up to the door as fast as her heels would let her. Her cheeks were fiery red and her eyes wide. “You can’t just say things like that!”

  Derrick bit his lips to keep from laughing. Ruby’s embarrassment was obvious, she wouldn’t even look at Derrick, but he couldn’t help but feel like a puffed peacock at her description.

  Grams waved her hand in dismissal. “Life is too short to beat around the bush. It’s not like he doesn’t know he’s handsome. I’m sure many women have told him so.” She waved her hand at the man in question. Ruby finally turned to look at him and Derrick could see panic in her eyes.

  Derrick now felt his own cheeks get hot and hoped it wasn’t visible. He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “Well, as kind as those words are, I can’t say they are something I hear regularly. I’m not one to get out all too often.”

  The anxiety eased out of Ruby’s eyes and Derrick was glad he’d gotten that cleared up.


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