The Dreaming Suburb
Page 44
“You will see I am now back in London, having left the stage for good, and lost touch with everybody during the last few years, after I was silly enough to try my luck on the road and turn my back on hotel work, which was steady but so dull. The fact is, Esme, I want to get a good office job. I can still type, and I'm sure I can soon work up a shorthand speed. Sydney told me you were in a good job in London and I thought perhaps you knew of someone. Do you think we could meet and have a coffee somewhere? I've such heaps to tell you and knowing you I think a lot of it would make you laugh, and perhaps give you some stories to write about if you still write stories like you used to. Sydney did say you wrote stuff for the radio, and I was thrilled to hear it because I always knew you would if you kept on trying.
“I'm staying at this little hotel for a few days, as I still don't think I could stay at home and I'm still not sorry I left. You could ring up but the man who takes messages here is very deaf and would probably get the time and place wrong. Would you think me very silly if we met (providing you want to of course) under the dead poet picture in the Tate Gallery where we met once before? I've never forgotten that—his breeches were such a beautiful blue and it was romantic to meet there like that. In any case, I'll be there at one o'clock today (the day you get this)—and tomorrow as well, in case you can't make it. I was going to see the picture anyway, so even if you don't turn up it won't matter and I shall understand because it's a bit much for me to pop up suddenly like this and expect you to remember the same nice things I remember, you know —take everything for granted in this way.
“Goodbye for now, Esme dear. I'm terribly excited at the thought of seeing you again and wonder if you've changed as much as me,. not to look at I mean, but inside.
As ever,
P.S. Some things of mine in a parcel might arrive at your address. I had to give the number as I didn't want them to go home and there was nowhere else.
P.P.S. I meant to send a photo but haven't got a good one. I'm sure we'll be able to recognise one another.”
The right-hand corner of the last sheet; was turned back, and under it was a tiny cross.
He sat looking at the pages for so long that he had to run into Delhi Road, and most of the way to the station, in order to catch the later train.
He found it impossible to digest the letter, and all it implied, in spite of several readings, but as the train pulled into Charing Cross (he had an appointment in the West End that morning and did not leave at his usual terminus, London Bridge) one factor did emerge. That was the astonishing certainty that she had by no means dismissed him from her mind, as he had imagined himself to be dismissed all these years. Neither, it would seem, did she regard their immature courtship as a naive milestone in the process of growing-up, but had seemingly kept it fresh and green, looking back on it with flattering warmth, and recalling moments of it that even he might have forgotten—that Launcelot business, for instance, and their trysting place, under The Death of Chatter-ton.
She even remembered the colour of Chatterton's breeches, and that kids' trick of putting a kiss under the turned-back corner of the page! Then there was the “Esme dear”, slipped into the final paragraph. To judge by this letter, indeed, she might not have been absent and silent for years on end, but simply returning from a separation of a few months at most. Was it really possible that he had misjudged her to that extent?
He found that he could not concentrate on work, and stopped at a kiosk in Trafalgar Square to make a phone call to his office and ask the typist to ring up and cancel his appointment. It was then nearly ten o'clock, and he had three hours to waste until one.
He drifted into the Mall, and thence into St. James's Park, where he sat watching the ducks for a time, trying to rationalise the jumble of emotions her letter had stirred in him. He was only partially successful. Every now and again a cold douche of caution swamped down on his elation, and his reason warned him that a person could not change to this extent, that he was reading into her letter things that were not there. But as soon as he had convinced himself of this equally obvious points hurried to his rescue—the Launcelot joke, the “Esme dear”, the tender memory that prompted her selection of the point of reunion, the turned-back corner for the kiss. Surely this last must mean that she would still like to be kissed by him, that she still remembered those eager kisses of years ago.
It did occur to him that she had purposely introduced the nostalgic note into the letter, purely in order to encourage him to help her find a job. She was quite capable of such a thing, or had once been. Was she still? Or might she not have grown up, and changed to the extent of completely disproving Harold's assertion that she would never feel deeply about anyone or anything? Then he found himself resenting Harold's estimate. After all, what did Harold know of her? What did her father, or anyone but himself, who had once loved her so desperately, and had been unable to forget her in almost a decade?
And here Esme began to lie to himself a little, for in truth, he had almost forgotten her, since returning home and settling happily at the office. The encouragement of his employers, and the pleasure of actually receiving money from, such an august establishment as the BBC, had done a great deal to erase the memory of Elaine, and he was now old enough to ask himself whether his sustained longing for her was not a kind of crystallisation of all his adolescent ideas abput love. He was still an incurable romantic, so much of one that he had so far been unable to attach himself to any of the young women he met in the course of his work or recreation. He found that their slang and banality irritated him, and encouraged him to isolate himself. He would have been hurt, but not much surprised, to learn the estimate of the typist, Mavis, who described him to her friend Marlene as “nice, but just-the-tiniest-bit-stuffy-if-you-know-what-I-mean-dear”.
This was a fair estimate of Esme Fraser, at twenty-six. Nice, but stuffy; not stuffy in the accepted sense of the word, but stuffy in a way that made no appeal to the level-headed young women who had replaced the flappers of the 'twenties. In one way they found him naive, and in another almost middle-aged. He was a highbrow, but without the sophistication that distinguished a highbrow, and made him pleasant to exhibit to one's girl friends at dances and staff socials. Other girls, Avenue girls, had assessed Esme in disparaging terms. Freda Geering, for instance, of Number Five, whom Esme had once taken to a dance, put it another way, when replying to a question put to her by an exasperated mother, who had heard exaggerated reports of Esme's inheritance “Why don't I go out with him again, Mum? Well, in the first place because he's never asked me, but even if he did, I'd think twice about going. He's odd, and kind of moody, and ... well ... unpredictable. That time we went to the Club dance, do you know, what he talked about? Some silly old revolution or other ... no, he's not a Bolshie, Bolshies are often quite interesting; this revolution happened millions of years ago, in Rome, or somewhere, and was started by a lot of martyrs, or gladiators. I remember now, they were all crucified, like Jesus. I mean to say, who wants to hear about people being crucified when you're dancing a tango?”
There were, of course, plenty of girls available to Esme with whom it might have been possible to discuss crucified gladiators, and kindred subjects, but like most romantics under thirty, Esme wanted cake and ha'penny too. He wanted a girl who looked like Elaine, but was still able to provide him with a readily available audience of one, as Judy Carver had done so patiently in days gone by. He had, in fact, already made the depressing discovery that girls who were equipped to discuss Spartacus had a tendency to wear hornrimmed glasses and lisle stockings, and a man did not always want to be talking about gladiators' revolts.
At eleven o'clock he left the Park, and climbed Clive Steps into King Charles' Street, walking thence to Parliament Square. At the corner of Whitehall he decided that he needed a drink, and went into a basement bar near Scotland Yard, ordering a double brandy, which he sipped slowly. As Big Ben struck twelve he climbed to the street again, and began to make
his way towards the Tate, arriving at the Gallery at ten minutes past twelve.
It was some years since he had visited the Tate Gallery. His tastes in art, he was informed, were lamentable, for he demanded incident, rather than power, colour, or design. He did not much care “what the artist was getting at”, and was obstinate in his defence of the Pre-Raphaelites. His preferences infuriated Aubrey Caseman, one of his Bloomsbury associates at the office. “If you want bloody stories with your pictures why the hell don't you go out and buy a magazine?” he demanded, when Esme chipped into discussions on modern art.
Esme was sorry about this. He would have liked to have gone all the way with Aubrey, and enthused over Picasso and Matisse, but he was a very honest young man, and found it impossible to pretend to enthusiasms he did not feel. It was the same with poetry. He still preferred Tennyson, Masefield, and Rupert Brooke, to the poets Aubrey was always trying to sell him, young men whose verses had alternately short and long lines, and who appeared to dispense with old-fashioned metre and rhymes.
He found The Death of Chatterton, and stared at it for five minutes, trying to discover the mystical link, if such link existed, between the vivid blue of the breeches and Elaine, and wondering what it was about the picture that had imprinted itself so firmly on her memory. Then it struck him that they did have one thing in common. Both the artists' colour and Elaine had magnetism. On entering the gallery it was Chatterton's breeches that caught and held the eye, to the exclusion of the pictures on either side, and, indeed, to the detraction of the subject as a whole. Elaine, as he remembered her, had always had the same effect on people when she entered a room. It was not that she was strikingly beautiful—simply vivid and exciting, in the way that this splash of colour was vivid and exciting.
He found the idea so fanciful that he smiled to himself, as he moved on to have another look at his favourite picture, Derby Day. He had been attracted by Derby Day ever since Eunice and Harold had first brought him there as a child, and he supposed that this was because people interested him so much more deeply than abstract ideas. Aubrey Caseman, of course, would snort at this; in Derby Day there was not one story, but a baker's dozen: the penniless young dupe, the card sharper, the girls in the phaeton, and so on. Studying it, section by section, he forgot Elaine, and after a few minutes drifted round under the begrimed dome, to a gallery where hung another old favourite, April Love. It was a picture that would have sent Aubrey Caseman groping for the brandy bottle, depicting as it did a young girl, awaiting her lover, in a conveniently rural setting. But Esme had always liked it, and it seemed to him an appropriate sort of picture to inspect that day, although he had to admit that Elaine and the principal subject had very little in common. He was, indeed, methodically comparing their differences, when a voice at his elbow said:
“Hullo, Esme!”
He spun round and saw her, standing less than a yard away, and at his first sight of her all the old enchantment invaded his senses, driving out uncertainty, and doubt, and fear, and lighting up his face with joy.
She had given a great deal of thought to her appearance when she dressed that morning. Despite her existing stock, half her small capital had been invested in yet more clothes, and she had purchased wisely, reminding herself that she was out to coax, rather than dazzle. She remembered that, despite Esme's habitual carelessness with his own appearance, he had always been quick to notice what she was wearing. Wasn't it that demure, slightly-outmoded dance-frock that had caught his eye in the first place, all those years ago at the Stafford-Fyffe's ball?
She remembered too that he liked women to look dainty and ultra-feminine, irrespective of fashion. They had even had talks about it, and she recalled how he had once deplored the passing of the crinoline. It was a pity, she thought, that crinolines were no longer in vogue, for this, if ever, was surely a crinoline occasion. So she chose the next best thing, a white linen blouse, and a simple blue pinafore frock, that matched her eyes. Over it she wore a brief, scalloped cape, of very light wool, and a little black straw hat, that sat back on her dark hair like a biretta, its small cluster of marguerites above the right eye.
Her concessions to the West End were her smartest Italian shoes (bought by Tom Tappertitt in Bournemouth, shortly before the debacle) and her crocodile handbag, the one substantial legacy of Benny Boy. Just before she left her room she had changed her mind about gloves, peeling off her long suede pair, and replacing them with short cotton ones, transparent, and frilled at the wrist.
Her instincts and her memories were reliable. The moment he saw her he made no attempt to conceal the wonder she stirred in him. She smiled to see it, not her old catlike smile, that had always seemed to him to murmur “Stroke me if you like, but I shall claw you if I like”, but a warm, almost sisterly smile, that took no advantage of the fact that it was she who had surprised him, for once she realised that he had some difficulty in greeting her she dropped her eyes and said:
“You weren't by the picture, but I knew you'd be somewhere about ... I tried to remember the pictures you liked, but the man said they changed them around.”
He began to apologise, abjectly. “I'm terribly sorry, Elaine. I got here early, and forgot the time....”
She came to his rescue again. “No, no, Esme, it was my fault. It isn't one o'clock yet.” She glanced at Tom Tapper-titt's watch. “I think I'm a bit fast.”
He calmed a little, but his heart continued to thump.
“You ... you look quite wonderful, Elaine ... it's been so long now, I'd almost forgotten.”
“You too, Esme ... you're so grown up and ...” she smiled again, “so much taller, and even a little tidier.”
He was able to smile at that. Eunice was always nagging him about his personal appearance. He was forever putting off having his hair cut, and he never once used the oak trouser-press that his mother and Harold had given him on his eighteenth birthday, but continued to fling his clothes on a chair beside the bed.
“I was never much of a one for dressing up, was I?” And then: “Could you eat a really good lunch ... something a bit different?”
She looked surprised. “Lunch? I thought just a coffee.... What about your work, don't you have to be back at two?”
She had grown up, he decided. In the old days she would never have thought about a thing like that.
“I'll take the day off ... I'll say I felt rotten, and went home again.”
He felt reckless and carefree as he made the announcement. “Let's go to Soho; we've got so much to talk about!”
Soho? Was he so sophisticated? It used to be Lyons. And weren't Soho meals expensive? Perhaps Sydney had been right about the legacy.
He led the way to the main exit, and as they left the long gallery she put her gloved hand on his arm. He stole a cautious glance at her as they descended the steps, noting that her face was not quite as full as it had once been, but that her lashes were just as long, and her complexion still had the freshness and bloom of rose-petals.
In Parliament Square she had another slight shock. He hailed a taxi, and gave the name of a good restaurant in Old Compton Street. He handed her in, and when he sat down beside her she let her hand remain for a moment on his wrist, and then gently withdrew it. She was a far better tactician than Tom Tappertitt.
She was amazed by his apparent familiarity with the Soho menu. He seemed to speak French quite fluently, and, moreover, the head waiter recognised him, and came across, bowing.
“Sir ... madame ... will you have something to drink now?”
She watched him, smiling with pleasure, while he ordered sherry and the meal. As he discussed various dishes with the waiter he kept looking across at her, and each time she met his eye she tried to convey her admiration.
It was not a difficult thing to do. She was already beginning to suspect that she had made insufficient allowance for the passing years.
Yet, in his approach to her he remained shy, and she had to feel her way carefully. The one sure path was flatter
“I can't get over it, Esme ... you're so different... so sort of relaxed and experienced. I think I'm the tiniest bit frightened of you! Do you come to places like this very often?”
“Most of the work in my line of business is done in places like this, over meals,” he told her.
“But what exactly is your line of business? Sydney didn't seem to know.”
“I work for a newspaper, a Scottish newspaper, but I don't exactly write for it; it's more of an office job, seeing people about advertisements and things.”
“But Sydney said you wrote for the radio.”
“Yes, I do, but that's nothing to do with my job. I write half-hour features for the Empire programmes, most historical stuff ... you remember, like some of the stories I was always boring you with?”
“You didn't bore me!” She sounded almost indignant “Why, some of them were very naughty stories!”
He laughed for the first time since they had met.
“I'll wager you can't remember any!”
“But I can.... I always liked that one about the widowed Queen who secretly married the Welsh soldier because he could dance, and who had all those children that everyone was so angry about!”
He was unreasonably delighted. “I say, but that's marvellous! Queen Katharine and Owen Tudor! I did that one a month ago, and picked up eighteen guineas for it. I shall get another nine if they repeat it!.”
Twenty-seven guineas for a little play! Well, here was a promising source of pin-money!
She decided to risk further enquiries.
“But that's wonderful! Esme, you must be terribly clever! Sydney also said you only worked because you wanted to ...”
“Sydney was talking out of the back of his head. My father left me a bit, but it's in trust, and I couldn't blue it if I wanted to! Still, it might come in handy one day, if things work out.”
“What things, Esme?”
“Oh, I don't know.... I still want to write more than anything, and I've got some idea of living abroad when I do it.”