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Big Bad Twins

Page 3

by Tia Siren

  He shrugged. “I’d be happy to pay if…well…you know. I’d have to get something for my money.”

  “Randy, I’d rather wrestle an alligator than go anywhere with you.” I said it with a condescending smile. “And if you think you’ll ever get in my pants again, you’re sorely mistaken.”

  “No need to be ugly,” he said quietly. He put a hurt look on his face and went back to his gumbo and beer.

  The front door chimed. I looked up to see Terry coming through the door. He was wearing khaki shorts and sandals and a black tank top that fit his muscular form like a glove. His skin was the color of honey. The muscles in his shoulders and arms looked round and hard. When he saw me behind the counter, he smiled and the air between us seemed to fill with stars.

  “Is that him?” Randy asked. “He don’t look like much.”

  “That’s him,” Dad said.

  “Hi there,” Terry said when he reached the counter. He gave me the once over and whistled. “You look great.”

  “So do you,” I said.

  “So do you,” Randy mocked quietly.

  If Terry heard him, he didn’t acknowledge it. He just gave me the smile that made my knees wobble and jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. “Shall we hit the road?”

  “We shall,” I said with a smile.

  “We shall,” Randy grunted.

  “Shut up, Randy,” I said quietly as I turned to look at Dad. “You okay to close?”

  “I was closing this diner before you were born, missy,” Dad said. He was talking to me, but he was frowning at Terry. He tapped the spatula on the ledge to get Terry’s attention. “You, Mr. Big Shot, be nice to my little girl. I don’t care how much money you got in the bank. You hurt my girl and you’ll end up as alligator bait in the bayou.”

  Terry looked at Dad for a moment and then looked at me and smiled. He held up his hands. “Don’t worry, sir. I’ll bring her back just like I found her.”

  “I’m not sure I like the sound of that,” I said with a grin. I came around the counter and let him take my hand. “Come on, Tommy. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Terry,” he said as I dragged him toward the door.

  “I know.”

  * * *

  Randy was right about one thing: there was absolutely nothing to see or do in Bellegrade, so the driving tour took all of five minutes. It was a hot and sticky night, but the air conditioner in Terry’s fancy SUV did a good job of keeping us cool. Even the seat had little air vents to keep your backside from sweating. How cool was that?

  We stopped at the package store near the highway to buy a six pack of Coors and headed for the spot on the north side of Lake Pontchartrain where Davy and I used to park. It was peaceful and secluded. I still went there sometimes by myself just to get away.

  There was a full moon in the eastern sky and a warm breeze blowing in from the Gulf. It would be a good night to sit on the top of a car and drink beer and get to know each other better.

  Or do other things.

  With a man like Terry Wolf, I figured the possibilities were endless.

  “Pull in right here,” I said, leaning forward in the seat to direct Terry down the narrow path from the main road to my parking spot near the north shore of the massive lake. He put the gear into park and leaned forward to look out the windshield. The high beams illuminated the dark water out twenty yards or so.

  “So, this is the famous Lake Pontchartrain,” he said. He glanced sideways at me and smiled. From where we sat we could see the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway that connected the north side of the lake to New Orleans on the southern side. The bridge stretched for miles and disappeared into the darkness.

  Terry whistled. “That’s a long bridge.”

  “According to Guinness, the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway is the longest continuous bridge that passes over water,” I said, purposefully sounding like a tour guide. “It’s twenty-four miles long. And when you’re at the middle third you can’t see land in either direction.”

  “Like I said, that’s a long bridge.” He turned off the lights but left the motor running so the AC would keep us cool. He asked, “And how do you know about this particular spot?”

  “We used to park here when I was in high school,” I said without thinking.


  “My old boyfriend and I.”

  “Was that the guy sitting at the end of the counter who kept giving me the evil eye?”

  I sighed heavily. “No. That was my dipshit ex-husband, Randy. Sorry about that.”

  “Sorry that you married him?”


  He looked out the windows at the darkness surrounding us. “So, what do we do now?”

  I reached to the floor for the six pack of beer. I opened the door and gave him a nod. “Come on. I’ll show you what we do for fun in the big city of Bellegrade.”

  CHAPTER 7: Danielle

  “So, this is what you do for fun?” Terry asked. He was sitting beside me on the roof of the Range Rover with his long legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. The night air was hot and thick. We were both sweating. The cold beer bottles in our hands were dripping with condensation.

  “This is it,” I said with a satisfied sigh. I pointed toward the star-filled sky. “Look at that sky and tell me you’re not having fun.”

  “It is beautiful,” he said, peering up. “You can’t see the stars like that from New York. Too many lights on the ground and too much crap in the air.”

  I lay back with my hands behind my head. He did the same. “Tell me about your high school boyfriend,” he said. “The one you used to park here with.”

  “Not much to tell,” I said.

  “What was his name?”

  “Davy Boone.”

  “Davy Boone?”

  I glanced sideways at him. “Yes. Why?”

  He smiled. “If you had married him you would have been—”

  “Danielle Boone, I know.” I leaned up to take a sip of beer. “Trust me, that fact did not go unnoticed by my three younger brothers, who called me that for years, even after Davy left town.”

  “You have three brothers?” He whistled. “I can barely stand having one. Where are they?”

  “They’re all working oil rigs in the Gulf,” I said. “They’re big boys now. Nineteen, twenty-one, and twenty-three. I still worry about them like they were little kids, though, because I helped raise them.”

  “I sort of met your dad. Where’s your mom?”

  “She left when I was young,” I said. “I reckon she stood Bellegrade as long as she could. Ran off with a travelling salesman when I was ten. I think she’s in Mobile now.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” He rolled to his side and propped himself up on one elbow. “So, what happened to Davy Boone?”

  “He joined the navy right out of high school,” I said. “I know, Davy joined the Navy. He was supposed to come back for me, but I never heard from him again.”


  I shook my head. “I got one letter while he was at basic training, then nothing. He didn’t even come home when his mama died. Far as I know, he’s dead too. Or just found another girl and moved on.”

  He studied my face in the dark for a moment. “Do you still love him?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s been a long time. Then I married Randy and that didn’t last long. The pickings are pretty slim in Bellegrade.”

  He took a swig of beer and licked his lips. “Maybe you should leave.”

  I rolled my head to look at him. “And go where?”

  “There’s a big world out there.” He glanced up at the sky. “You can see these same stars from anywhere, you know.”

  “I guess,” I said. “Enough about me. Tell me about you. What’s it like being a billionaire?”

  I could see his white teeth in the dark when he smiled.

  “It doesn’t suck.”

  “I’ll bet.” I rolled sideways to face him. “Tell me about your love

  “Now there’s a topic that won’t take long,” he said.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because I don’t really have a love life. Tony and I travel a lot. Neither of us has ever really had a relationship.”

  “But you’ve had a lot of women,” I said with a smirk.

  He tried not to smile. “We’ve had our share.”

  “Ever date the same woman?”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “Define date.”

  My mouth hung open. “Uh, you define it.”

  “Let’s just say my brother and I have similar tastes in women, and rather than compete with one another for a woman’s attention, we sometimes go in as a team.”

  I gawked at him. “You mean y’all have sex with the same woman? At the same time?”

  He shrugged like it was no big deal. “Sure. Sometimes.”

  “And just how does that work?” I asked. I was already sweating from the humid night air. Listening to Terry talk had me heating up from the inside. I could feel a dampness between my legs that I knew wasn’t sweat. My nipples nudged against my bra. I felt a little hum in my clit.

  He said, “Well, as you know, women come with many…”


  “I was gonna say parts,” he said with a grin, “but holes is a good word, too. We share, we take turns, we tag in and out; he gets one end and I get the other.”

  “Oh my god,” I said, digging my top teeth into my bottom lip. “Y’all gangbang the same girl?”

  “We prefer the French term ‘ménage à trois,’” he said in a very bad French accent. “But three-way or gangbang works just as well. We don’t care what you call it, so long as we get to participate.”

  “Wow,” I said quietly. “I’ve never even imagined…I mean…just wow...”

  Terry reached over and pushed a strand of sweaty hair from my forehead. He gazed into my eyes. He asked, “Is that something you’d like to try?”

  My mouth moved for a minute but no words came out. I cleared my throat and tried to smile. “Uh, well, I don’t…I mean…I’ve never thought about it…”

  “What if you tried it with one brother first?” he said, putting his hand on my cheek. His touch made me tingle. “And if that went well…then maybe you’d like to try it with two.”

  He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. It was a soft, gentle kiss full of heat and promise. His tongue went around my lips and then slid inside my mouth. I moaned as my breath caught in my chest.

  My body was suddenly on fire.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt a man’s touch.

  My breath came in short bursts against his lips.

  My breasts swelled. My nipples ached to be touched.

  The crotch of my cotton panties was hot and wet.

  “Can you swim?” I asked breathlessly, my lips still on his.

  “Of course.”

  “Then come with me.”

  CHAPTER 8: Terry

  Danny asked if I could swim, then slid off the roof of the Rover and held out a hand, waiting for me to do the same. She took my hand and led me toward the water’s edge. The full moon was high above us in the cloudless sky. Its beam flickered off the still water like a thousand candles.

  I tugged her into my arms. My hands went around to clutch her ass. As we kissed, I lifted her up and pulled her close so she could feel the stiffness of my cock, which was ready for her. She sighed into my mouth and ground her hips into me.

  “God, you feel good,” I said, my lips at her ear. “I want you.”

  She pushed away from me with a devious smile on her gorgeous lips. She tugged her T-shirt over her head and tossed in on the hood of the Rover. Her tits were large and milky white in the moonlight.

  She unhooked her bra and her tits fall free. Her areolas were large and dark against her skin. Her nipples plumped, as if they were longing for my attention. She tossed the bra on the hood and shimmied out of her khaki shorts and panties. She had a perfect vee of red curls between her legs.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked, stepping backward toward the edge of the lake. She grinned for a moment and then turned to wade into the lake. When she was in waist deep, she crooked a finger at me and then lowered herself into the water.

  Now, for the record, I was not afraid of much.

  My brother and I were adrenaline junkies.

  We travelled the world and faced danger other men would run from.

  We climbed the planet’s highest mountains.

  We parachuted out of planes.

  We explored underwater caves.

  We trekked the jungles of Peru.

  But I’d never swum in a murky lake in southern Louisiana in the dark of night. I would have much preferred to just fuck on top of the Land Rover. I wasn’t sure how well I’d perform with alligators snapping at my balls.

  I swallowed hard and tugged my shirt over my head. “Are there alligators in Lake Pontchartrain?”

  I could just see her head above the water. She blew bubbles across the surface and grinned. Her teeth glowed white in the darkness. “This is Louisiana, Mr. Wolf. There are alligators everywhere.”

  I could feel my cock beginning to wither.

  “And we’re going to swim in there?”

  “No. We’re going to fuck in here, if you hurry up.” She narrowed her eyes and gave me a smirk. “Is the great Terry Wolf afraid of a little old alligator?”

  “No. Terry Wolf is afraid of the little old alligator biting his big old cock off.”

  She giggled at me.

  “Relax. Just keep a watch for their eyes. They glow in the dark.” She stood up and the water reached just below her tits. “Are you coming in or do I have to come get you?”

  “I’m coming,” I said with a deep breath.

  I slid my shorts and underwear down my legs and walked toward her.

  My cock was stiff again, ready to battle gators if that was what it took to feel the inside of Danny’s pussy.

  Her eyes focused on my cock as I waded into the water.

  I was going to have this woman.

  Gators or not.

  CHAPTER 9: Danielle

  I giggled at Terry’s hesitation to come into the lake. There were gators in Lake Pontchartrain, but they tended to stay on the south side of the lake, nearer to New Orleans.

  The thought of gators quickly left my mind when I saw Terry’s cock spring out of his shorts. It caught my eye and wouldn’t let it go. His cock jutted from his muscled torso like a thick, veiny snake with a large mushroom head. It bobbed as he waded into the water. I licked my lips and held my breath. I held out my arms. I couldn’t wait to have him deep inside me.

  The water was like a warm bath. It was four feet deep where I was standing. I knew this spot well because I’d been swimming here my entire life. The lake bed steadily sloped out for another ten yards or so and then dropped suddenly down to twenty or thirty feet. So long as we remained where we were—and watched out for gators—we’d be fine.

  Terry took me in his arms and kissed me hard on the lips. He probed my mouth with his stiff tongue. He put his hands on my ass and lifted me up. My legs went around his waist. My pussy straddled his cock like a bicycle seat. I felt the shaft, long and hard, beneath my folds. The round head tickled my anus.

  He put his hands on my hips and slowly slid me back and forth over the length of his cock. I could feel my hot juices slathering over him, mixing with the warm water of the lake.

  “God, that feels amazing.” I sighed as my pussy slid along the full length of his shaft. I could feel the bulbous head sliding from my clit to my asshole. Each time it passed my opening, my breath caught in my throat. “You’re so long…so hard…”

  I laced my fingers behind his neck and leaned back. His hands came up to my tits. My tits were large, more than a handful. He kneaded the soft flesh and tweaked my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. I lay my head back and moaned.

  “I want to fuck you,�
� he said, sucking air in through his teeth. “Put me inside you.”

  The muscles in his shoulders and arms rippled as he held me up by my ass with my legs still wrapped around him. I reached down between my legs and took his cock in my hand for the first time. Jesus, I almost came when my fingers wrapped around it. It had been a long time since I’d felt a man’s cock. Randy was half the man Terry was. I couldn’t help but wonder if it would even fit inside me.

  I guided the head of his cock to my opening. My pussy was dripping wet. The head slid easily in. The air rushed from my lungs. My eyes closed as a shudder went through my body. I pushed my hips toward him and his cock pushed its way inside me.

  “You’re so tight,” he said with a sigh.

  “And you’re so big.” I laced my fingers behind his neck again and licked my dry lips. “Now shut up and fuck me.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said.

  He dug his fingers into my ass and pulled me to him. His cock impaled me, pushing the breath from my lungs and a sigh from my lips. He slid in another inch, and then another. When the head of his cock reached the depth of me, he used his grip on my ass to slide me back and forth along the shaft.

  “Holy shit…” Every nerve in my body jumped to attention as he fucked me with long, slow strokes. My nipples grew thick and hard. I let my eyes go across his face. His eyes were closed. His mouth was hanging open. He began to pant like a dog. His chest muscled flexed. His nipples looked like hard pebbles that I longed to take between my lips.

  Terry steadily increased the speed of his thrusts. He was building toward an orgasm with every stroke. I was getting closer, too. I could feel the walls of my pussy stretching to accommodate his massive cock. I could feel the bulbous head bouncing off my cervix. The sparks that were shooting through my body began to make their way to my pussy, like streams of lava being pushed toward the surface by tremendous pressure.

  “Oh…god…” He opened his eyes and moaned. “I’m coming.”

  I held on to his neck as he pummeled me against him. In one great wave, we came together, him filling me with his hot, milky seed and me slathering him with my hot, oily juices.

  He thrust into me one last time and groaned. I pulled myself into his chest and pressed my forehead against him as I came. He leaned back in the water with me on top of him. He squeezed my ass and laughed.


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