Tangled Pieces

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Tangled Pieces Page 2

by Lizzie James

  I was momentarily shocked by how harsh his words were, but before I could say or do anything, his head quickly descended towards mine and he roughly claimed my lips with his. I gasped in surprise as his tongue immediately plundered my mouth, kissing me as I had never been kissed before.

  Rough and sweet. Passionate and sinful. Lustful and gentle. All at the same time.

  I grabbed the lapels of his jacket, trying to anchor myself to him. Seconds later, I felt the wall of the pillar at my back as he pressed me up against it, allowing me to feel him. All of him.

  He pulled back and smiled down at me, looking sinfully delicious. “So what will it be sweetness?” He licked his bottom lip, his tongue breaking out. “Are we going to do this or what?”

  Fuck me.

  “I’m not like you.” I may have acted like a tough person in the office but outside of the office... I was vulnerable. “A one night stand isn’t what I came for tonight.” I had no time for one night stands.

  “I’m not a one night stand. I’m a once in a lifetime that’s going to fuck your world up.”

  I turned away from him. What do I do? If I were to go with him, there was a chance he would destroy what was left of me. If I stayed, I worried I would always regret not going. I always played things safe but right now, I wanted to jump.

  Right now, I wanted to fly. I wanted to soar.

  “I need to find Callie.” I looked at the bar, immediately finding her being chatted up by a man.

  “What for?” His arm tightened around my waist, probably thinking I was looking for an escape.

  I shook my head and stepped away, making my way to Callie. I smiled when I felt him step closer to me, his arm tightening around my waist.

  “Callie.” I tapped her on her shoulder, smiling at her. “I’m going to head out.” I pointed my thumb in the direction of the exit.

  Her eyes lit up when she saw Adam standing behind me. She was always trying to set me up with her male friends and I could only imagine the thoughts that were going through her mind right now.

  “Sure.” She pulled me into a hug, away from Adam’s grip. “Message me tomorrow with all the details,” she whispered quietly in my ear. “Take care of this one.” She directed her words at Adam, making me giggle.

  “I can’t promise anything.” He gave her a sexy wink before he took my hand and began pulling me away.

  I tightened my fingers around his before allowing him to lead me out the door. My eyes trailed down his back, checking his ass out.

  “Enjoying the view?” He looked over his shoulder, catching me red-handed.

  I quickly ducked my head, not having a comeback for him. I was so fucking screwed with this man.

  He dragged me through the exit before turning to face me. “You cold?” He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me to him.

  Fuck! I left my jacket. “A little.” I touched the lapels of his jacket and held myself closer to him. “I’m sure you can figure out a way to warm me up though.”

  He grinned down at me before his hands trailed down my back and grabbed my ass. “I may have an idea but you are wearing far too much clothing for what I have in mind.”

  I giggled up at him, secretly loving his fun side. He was incredibly sexy when he was being cocky but when he was fun, he made me feel more relaxed.

  “Then you’d better get us to some place more private,” I whispered.

  No sooner had the words left my mouth was I being yanked forward by my wrist towards a taxi idling at the kerb.

  The second I shut the door, Adam was already instructing the taxi driver.

  “To the Shangri-La Hotel. Step on it.” He turned towards me, smirking in the most sinful way. “Now, where were we?”


  I looked over at her, hating how far away she was sitting from me. After the short taxi ride back to the hotel room, she changed. She seemed to close in on herself and it made me think that she was second-guessing herself.

  “You okay?” I asked. I lifted the glass to my lips and took a swig of the bourbon.

  Her head shot up from her staring session with the coffee table. “Yes. Why?” She sounded defensive.

  “I don’t bite.” I gazed down at her before lifting my arm and laying it across the back of the sofa.

  She chuckled before she leaned back. She rolled her shoulders trying to relax but it really didn’t work. She still looked tense.

  “What if I want you to?” She peeked over at me. “Not bite me...” She rolled her eyes at herself.

  I leaned forward and placed the glass on the table before moving closer to her.

  “You sound a little lost.” I stared down at her, unable to silence the voice that was telling me that she didn’t want to be here with me. “It’s okay if you want to...” I pointed my thumb at the door to the hotel room, indicating for her to leave.

  “You want me to go?” She looked at me surprised.

  “Do you want to go?” I raised an eyebrow at her. “If you want to, I will understand.”

  “And if I don’t?” she asked. She kept her gaze on me and I could see the confidence in her starting to wake up.

  “If you don't, I’m going to take you into the bedroom and fuck you in every way I’ve imagined since meeting you.” I smirked down at her when I saw her eyes glaze over with lust.

  She wanted everything that I was offering but seemed too afraid to take the leap. She was a smart one. She knew that I would break her.

  Before I could push her any further, she quickly shook her head. “I want that. I do.”

  “But?” I asked. I cocked an eyebrow at her, wondering what she was going to reply with.

  “I, uh…” She looked towards the door before her gaze slowly came back to mine. "I'm sorry."

  "You don't have to be sorry." I turned my body towards her. "Just talk to me."

  I was beginning to get the feeling that there was something holding her back. Kate was one of the most beautiful women I had ever met, but right now, I was getting the feeling that the confident side of her had left us. Right now, she looked like she was trying to hide from me.

  "I'm just..." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not ready to be..."

  "To be what?" This girl was confusing me now. I didn't expect her to be shy when she looked as amazing as she did.

  "I'm not ready to be... with someone like that."

  I stared at her, hating the insecurity I was seeing on her face. I was completely wrong about this girl. For the first time, I realised that I was probably seeing her at her most vulnerable. If she was anything like me, I’m sure it was something she didn’t allow a lot of people to see.

  I stood up and held my hand out to her. "Come with me."

  She stared at me for a moment before she took my hand and allowed me to pull her from the sofa.

  I led her to the bedroom, not stopping until we were next to the bed. Before she could question me, I leaned down and lifted her into my arms.

  She shrieked before she tightened her arms around my neck. "Don't drop me!"

  I grinned before climbing up on the bed and laid her down in the middle.

  Lying down next to her, I tucked my arm beneath my head and looked at her.

  "This is different." She smiled up at me.

  "Good different?" I enquired.

  She nodded shyly, staring down at my chest.

  She was beginning to make me think that something really fucked up had happened to her.

  "Come here." I lay on my back and held my arm out to hold her.

  She scooted closer and lay her head on my chest. "Like this?"

  I tucked my arm around her and pulled her closer. She smelled of lavender and I couldn't help but lean down and press my lips to her forehead.

  After a few moments of silence, she spoke. "I never took the fierce Mr. Walker as a cuddler."

  I chuckled at her words, not bothering to correct her. I wasn't a cuddler. Not by a long shot. Right now, however, holding her like this, I didn't want to b
e anywhere else. If she needed comfort, then I was more than happy to be the one to provide it.

  "It's a secret I expect you to take to your grave."

  She giggled before looking up at me. "Your secret is safe with me."

  I slowly leaned down, softly placing my lips on hers before pulling back and laying my head back on the pillow.

  "Good night, beautiful."

  She cuddled her head into my chest before wrapping her arm around me, cocooning herself to my side.

  "Good night, Adam."

  Opening my eyes, I looked down, feeling heat radiate from the side of me. I had half-expected her to have sneaked out during the early hours that I was asleep but I was wrong. There she still lay with her hand on my chest.

  Last night had been a first for me. Whenever I brought a woman back to my apartment, it was never for cuddling. Sex was always the reason. It had been that way for so long that sometimes I forgot what it felt like to just be held. For a moment, it felt nice to not be wanted or needed in that way by a woman.

  Kate didn't realise how fucking beautiful she was. She seemed to underestimate herself when she was outside of the office. I didn't understand it but it was something that I wasn't going to turn away from. Before I left here to go back to London, I was determined to show her just how amazing she was.

  In and out of the bedroom.

  My princess had been sleeping for far too long and I hated to be the one to wake her..

  I gently leaned to the side, trying not to disturb her. I wasn't ready to let her leave me yet. I was nowhere near finished with her.

  I quietly walked to the door. My princess needed a day of relaxing and time to spend with my charming side before she went back to reality. It was my plan to make her smile today, and I knew just where to take her.

  Grabbing the phone in the lounge, I quickly dialled the number for Reception and ordered breakfast. There were too many damn choices so I just ordered everything.

  Pancakes, cereal, eggs, bacon, juice, coffee... The full works.

  Heading back towards the bedroom, I cringed when I heard my phone ring. Running into the lounge area, I quickly grabbed it, frowning when I saw who was ringing me again.

  "What?!" I snapped.

  "Someone is pissed off."

  Nathan was a massive pain in my fucking ass. Every little bastard problem he had, he'd ring expecting me to save him!

  "What do you want, Nathan?" I tried to lower my tone but Nathan had a way of pissing me off like no one else ever could.

  Since he’d joined us in the business, Father had put him on probation. Dad sent him out visiting associates and marketing the brand of Walker Enterprises. Father said it was so that he could develop an understanding of what we did and what the business was about—said that it would make him a better businessman. He took it personally but it was the same shit that I had to do.

  Fuck, it was the same shit that I was still doing. Nathan didn't realise that your probationary period technically never ended at Walker Enterprises. You were always one mistake from being dropped. The old man would say that you were either the best or you were nothing.

  There was no halfway mark here. You were either all in—one hundred percent—or you were out.

  "I, uh..."

  Fuck, this wasn't going to be good.

  "Dad wants to know when are you coming home."

  Fucking hell.

  "I haven't even had my meeting yet," I snapped.

  "So, a few days?" he asked hesitantly.

  I sighed, not having an answer. "I'll be in touch when I've had the meeting." I quickly hung up, not bothering with the pleasantries. The clock was now ticking against me and I wasn't going to waste a second. My time with Kate was precious and I planned to enjoy as much of it with her as I could.

  I opened the door ready for room service to arrive and walked back into the room, stopping at her side of the bed. She was laying on her back with her hair fanned out over the pillowcase, framing her beautiful face. She looked so perfect lying there. Like she belonged at my side.

  I moved my hand down and stroked my finger over her cheekbone.

  Her eyelashes slowly fluttered open before her gaze met mine. She smiled instantly—a beautiful, white smile taking over her expression.

  "Were you watching me sleep?" she asked. She placed her hand over my wrist. "That's kind of creepy."

  I secretly loved that she was comfortable enough to touch me. I wanted her touch on me as often as I could get it. I leaned down until our faces were only inches apart before I spoke.

  "Do you know what it's time for?" I whispered.

  Her eyes widened in surprise before she leaned her head back into the pillow.

  I could see where her thoughts were taking her and it was hard not to smirk.

  She wanted me. She was just hiding it.

  "What?" she whispered.

  I leaned back to my full height, attempting to take it easy on her.

  She looked relieved when I did that and I hated it. She should never be relieved to have attention taken off her. She deserved a man’s full attention and today she would be getting one hundred percent of mine.

  "Breakfast." I grinned wickedly down at her before I quickly placed my arms beneath her legs and lifted her into my arms.

  She shrieked in surprise before wrapping her arms around my shoulders and holding herself to me.

  I slowly made my way back out into the foyer, where I knew breakfast would be waiting.


  Sitting at the table with Adam, I was determined not to enjoy his company. He was a player and anyone would be blind to not see that. He gave off the impression that he didn't care for anyone and that women were a tool that he used to climb the ladder. I had done my research on this man and I didn't like what I found out. I tried to remember that.

  Being with him last night though, he’d made me feel things that I didn't think I would ever feel around someone like him. He made me feel comfortable to be in his arms. No, not comfortable. He made me feel like I belonged. Like as though as long as I was in his arms, I would be okay—that no one would be able to get to me.

  I knew it was wrong to think that but right then... I didn't care.

  "What are you thinking so hard about?" He grinned over at me before stealing some more bacon for his plate.

  Things I had learned about Adam so far: he loved bacon.

  I shook my head. "Just wondering what your plans are for today."

  "Our plans you mean."

  I raised my eyesbrows in surprise at him before he quickly continued. He had some cheek!

  "I know what I'd like to do." He grinned at me before giving me a sexy wink.

  "I'm not having sex with you."

  He tossed his head back and let out the sexiest laugh. "Straight to the point."

  I shrugged my shoulders. I had never been the most subtle. It was pointless starting now.

  "You were thinking it as well," I defended.

  "Maybe." He took a bite of bacon before pushing his plate away. "I was thinking we could just take the day, get to know each other and you can show me a bit of Sydney."

  "You'd like that?" Her eyes flicked up to mine before moving away just as fast. "You'd want to spend time with me with clothes on?" I stared at him, trying to take the sting out of my comment.

  He frowned at me before he leaned forward. Resting his elbows on the table, he gazed at me, almost as though he was looking for something. "I'd like to spend time with you." He nodded. "But more than that, I would like to get to know you."

  It was hard to believe his words but if he was being serious, then I would have to try and not be so judgemental.

  "I'd like that," I whispered. "I would need to go home and get changed first, though."

  He nodded before standing from the table. "I'll go and shower and then we can go."

  Sitting in the car, I couldn't stop my gaze from trailing over to Adam. He was looking very sexy in a pair of long surfer shorts and a blue
t-shirt. I’d only seen him in jeans and a suit but he was equally sexy in his Australia attire.

  "Enjoying the view?"

  My eyes shot up to his and I couldn't contain the blush that took over my face. Fucking busted.

  "Right here," I said, pointing to a parking space outside my building. "Do you want to come in?"

  Please say no, please say no.

  "Sure." He nodded his head and cut the engine before unclipping his seatbelt and following me from the car.

  Walking inside the apartment, my eyes immediately went to the photograph on the mantel like it did every time I walked through the door.

  Poppy. My beautiful Poppy.

  "Make yourself at home. I'll go and take a shower and then we can go."

  I didn't look to see if he’d heard me. The quicker I finished, the quicker I could get him out of here.

  After the quickest shower in history, I walked back into the living area wearing my red leggings and yellow strappy top. I brushed the hair back out of my eyes and it fell down my back in natural curls.

  "You look beautiful." He stared over at me from where he was standing in front of the mantel.

  "Thank you." I smiled over at him before walking closer. I already knew what he was going to ask from the awkward way that he was standing.

  "Who's this?" He pointed his finger at the photograph of Poppy.

  I smiled as I looked at her. She was sitting on the patch of grass on the rooftop garden, smiling for me as I made silly faces at her. She’d only been five weeks old in that photo. I tried not to remember that it was the last day she was with me. If I focused on that, this conversation would get ugly.

  "That's Poppy." I traced my finger over her chubby cheek, remembering how soft her skin always felt. "She was my daughter."

  "Was?" He stared down at me, not even trying to hide the sympathy in his eyes.

  I nodded my head. "I went into the nursery and she, uh... she wasn't breathing."

  "I'm sorry, princess." He reached out and took my hand in his.


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