Tompkin's School (For The Extraordinarily Talented Book 1)

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Tompkin's School (For The Extraordinarily Talented Book 1) Page 12

by Slick, Tabi

  “This is a really cute shop!” I exclaimed.

  “Yeah, remind you of home any?" He asked.

  “Not at all,” I laughed.

  “I guess that would be strange,” he replied, “Davis, Oklahoma is quite different than the Big Apple.”

  “Just a tad,” I agreed.

  I took a sip of my coffee which was pretty good! Definitely on the top of my list of coffee, which was saying something.

  “Hey, so I heard you threw Amadeus all the way across an entire room that night?" He asked, “That story has to be completely exaggerated.

  “Yeah, totally. Like that’d be possible!” I laughed, rolling my eyes to emphasize that I was being sarcastic.

  “Seriously,” he shook his head, “people seem to blow things way out of proportion. Especially when alcohol is involved.”

  “Exactly!” I exclaimed, “There’s absolutely no way I could do that! I don’t know how many people saw it, but if they saw me throw that guy then they had to be drunk. I was barely able to pull him away.”

  “So, how’s your brother taking that?" He asked.

  “I don’t think he was really invested in it,” I shrugged, “he doesn’t really date anyway.”

  “And what about you and Kia?" He added.

  “We’re okay,” I replied, “she’s my friend and roommate. I can’t really be mad at her too long. Plus they weren’t dating and if my brother really does like her that much then I’m sure he’ll get over it.”

  “And what about us?” Lee asked.

  “What?” I said, startled by the drastic topic change.

  “What do you think about us? I mean,” he continued, “I know we haven’t known each other that long, but I like you.”

  “Me too,” I murmured.

  “Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

  Was this really happening? He was officially asking me out? I was doing a million backflips on the inside.

  “Yes!” I exclaimed.

  He gave me a huge smile as he took my hand.

  “Come on,” he said, suddenly standing.

  “Where are we going now?” I asked.

  “I want to show you something," he replied.

  He was being very mysterious, but I was curious enough! I jumped in the passenger seat and drove out of Davis.

  “There’s a place I’ve been meaning to take you,” he said, “I think you’re really going to like it.”

  “Sounds like fun!” I exclaimed.

  I wasn’t sure where we were headed, but I was content. Lee and I were official and I didn’t need to worry about whatever was going on with Kain or the school. I wasn’t going to worry about any of it! At least not right now. In spite of it all, I was going to enjoy the little bit of happiness I had.

  We drove down a winding road surrounded by tall trees and rock covered hills. Finally the trees broke and a huge waterfall appeared amongst the rocks.

  “Wow!” I gasped, “It’s beautiful!”

  “Yeah,” Lee agreed, “but just wait, this isn’t it.”

  We parked the truck and hopped out to take in the sights.

  “It’s not too far from here,” he commented, “come on!”

  He took my hand and the butterflies inside me swarmed.

  As we walked down the dirt path, I noticed a stone wall next to us. What was so familiar about this path? I knew I had never been here before. Suddenly, the colors around me changed. It suddenly became cold and overcast.

  “Hey,” a voice said, startling me out of my dreamlike state.

  I blinked and somehow snapped out of my dreamlike state, the warmth with the sun returning, and I glanced up at Lee.

  “You okay?" He asked.

  “Yeah,” I said, “it just got cold all of a sudden.”

  “Oh,” he said, “I have a jacket in the car. I can go back to get it.”

  “No,” I laughed, “I’m fine. So, where’s this place at?”

  “Right here,” he said, pointing over my shoulder.

  I turned and as I did so I saw a castle!

  “It’s Collings Castle,” Lee was saying, “totally abandoned now, but it’s still one of the coolest things around here.”

  “Yeah,” I replied, “this is is incredible!”

  We climbed up the steps to get a closer look at the place and as we did the feeling of familiarity returned.

  Suddenly, the abandoned castle disappeared and in its place was a brand new establishment. A man in a tailored suit coat and tie, tall pants, and roundish glasses came from inside the castle. He was slightly translucent and as he walked, he walked straight through me to the other side of the patio area. It was obvious that what I was seeing was not in my time. I gathered from the style of clothing and the way this man wore his hair that it must’ve been around the 1930’s. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I turned to follow where this strange man was going. I doubled back in shock as I looked upon a vision I never thought I’d see during my waking hours.

  Chapter 8: Pain Makes It Beautiful

  “Dr. Charles,” the voice said, “you can’t deny the truth!”

  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! A man with long wavy blond hair, who looked exactly like the eldest of the Bartholomew brothers, was standing there with giant black wings just like in my dream. His eyes were pitch black, unlike mine, but the large claws were familiar.

  “This just isn’t possible,” the doctor responded, shaking his head adamantly.

  “Possible or not, the school is not what it claims to be,” the creature replied.

  “Lawrence” the doctor said, empathetically, “I understand your loss, but it would devastate the community. Not to mention hurt my reputation! I’m a major contributor and I would lose all credibility.”

  “If the school continues,” Lawrence began, “more innocent students will be slaughtered and buried for something that they cannot help. The school has been doing this for decades! You must do something.”

  This beast was definitely the student from my dream, only a few years older. But if this was him in the 1930s, shouldn’t he be much older?

  “My hands are tied,” the doctor said.

  Just then Lawrence’s eyes moved passed the doctor and seemed to be looking directly at me! Suddenly, a voice was speaking in my head.

  “Izara,” the voice said.

  Somehow I knew it was Lawrence. But how could that be possible?

  “I know you are there,” he continued, “I see you. This school was made for those like us. It is not safe. You and your brother will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. When you do, those who mean you harm will find you.”

  “What?” I exclaimed and suddenly the vision disappeared and I was back in the present amongst the abandoned ruins.

  “Are you okay?” Lee asked, looking at me with concern.

  “Huh?” I was a bit blinded by the bright sun.

  “You were talking to yourself,” he said.

  “Oh, sorry,” I replied, “I guess I’m just a bit more tired than I thought I was.”

  “Do you want to head back?" He asked.

  “If you don’t mind,” I said, “I’m suddenly not feeling too well.”

  We headed back to the truck and made our way back to the school, which was apparently a dangerous place for who knows what reason. I looked over to Lee who seemed to look disappointed. I felt bad. Here he was being nice and all I did was completely space out!

  “Thanks for taking me out,” I said, reaching for his free hand.

  “Did you like it?" He asked.

  “Yeah,” I replied, “it’s pretty cool. I could see a pretty awesome party being there.”

  “I think they close by the time that could happen,” he laughed.

  “Really?” I said, “Whatever, I still think it’d be cool. Maybe I’ll talk to Laurent and see if he’s up for it.”

  “You are going to get us all in trouble,” Lee replied.

  “You like it,” I teased.

  He ju
st smiled to himself.

  I gazed out of the window, watching the trees fly by us, and pondering upon the events that had just occurred. I saw Lawrence. In the past. But while I was still in the present and he saw me. Not only that, but we had an actual conversation! How could that even happen? I didn’t have any answers. Maybe I could go back there, maybe I could show Kain what I had seen and heard. What did he mean by saying the school was not safe? Or that Kain and I would get more powerful? How was I even powerful in the first place? All that happened was I had some crazy dream, or something like that, and that was it. I had to go back there with Kain and maybe we could get some answers. I needed to know why this was happening to us.


  We arrived back at the school, said goodbye, and went our separate ways. It was getting pretty late so I knew we wouldn’t be able to get back to the Castle again today. I needed to at least tell Kain what had happened and set a time where we could go there together. I pulled my phone out and saw that I had 5 missed calls. I opened my voicemail and listened to the first message. It was from Kain.

  Kain: Izzy, where are you? Call me back.

  Okay, that was a helpful voice message. I checked the rest of the messages and they were all from Kain! They became increasingly more and more urgent. Why hadn’t I gotten these messages earlier? I opened the options next to his recent call and chose redial. It rang and rang with no answer. What was going on? Suddenly, my phone buzzed and I got a text from an unknown number. I opened the message and all it contained was an address.

  “What is happening!” I exclaimed to myself.

  I turned on my heel and headed back down the trail and away from the dorms. I needed a car. Was Lee even still around? I quickly dialed his number.

  ⎼“Hey,” Lee answered.

  ⎼“Hi,” I replied, “ I know that this is really weird and sudden, but is here anyway I could borrow your car?”

  ⎼“Uhh, yeah sure,” Lee replied, “is everything alright?”

  ⎼”Yeah,” I assured, “I just realized I forgot something. Is it okay if I take your truck?”

  ⎼“Sure,” he said, “I’ll meet you at the split.”

  ⎼“Thanks,” I said.

  I headed towards where the path to the guy’s dorms met and after grabbing the keys rushed back to where the students parked their cars. I entered the address into my phone’s navigation and headed towards this mysterious place in hopes that I would be able to find my brother. I drove down the winding road towards town, the darkness enveloping everything around me. It was getting pretty late, but I couldn’t care less. Something was wrong with Kain and if someone was messing with him then they’d definitely be sorry.

  “In a quarter mile turn right on Primrose Lane,” the navigation voice said.

  I slammed on the breaks after a small tiny green sign appeared in my headlights reading Primrose. I had to back up a bit in order to turn onto the lane. I hoped that I hadn’t damaged Lee’s truck. I made a sharp right turn and continued for less than a minute before it told me that my destination was on my left. I pulled into the short drive to a small cabin with a covered front porch. I noticed that there were hardly any lights on and feared whatever was going on had something to do with this dreadful curse or whatever was happening to Kain and I.

  I hopped out of the truck, pulling my jacket further around me as the chilling breeze surrounded me. I walked up the gravel road passed an old picnic bench, and up a wooden ramp onto the porch. I braced myself for whatever would happen next. I had to remind myself that I was stronger than I actually felt. There was something about Kain and I that was beyond our comprehension. Whatever we were, we were definitely not fully human and that was the most thrilling thought I had ever had. Instead of the fear, I felt calm and encouraged by this new power within. I swung the old door open and I entered the cabin like it was nothing. I knew I was scared, but for some reason I didn’t feel any fear whatsoever. I entered the cabin and when I turned I saw the most disgusting vision I could’ve possibly imagined. I saw Kain’s arms stretched out and secured to chains hanging in the cabin’s kitchen and his ankles all shackled up. He was bruised as if someone had taken a bat to his chest and there was a gag was in his mouth. He lifted his head ever so slightly like it was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life and I could see his desperate eyes as he realized who was standing in front of him. He made a noise as if to try to speak as I stepped closer to him.

  “How’d you get here?” I whispered.

  He obviously couldn’t respond. I had no idea who was responsible for this, but whoever it was I was going to kill them. I took a few steps forward and all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain behind my neck which brought me to my knees. The world went dark in that moment and the last thing I saw were a pair of brown boots.


  I heard a faint voice in the distance and tried to force my eyes to open up. I let out a cry as I tried to get my muscles to work properly, but they wouldn’t listen. What the hell was going on? Who was coming after us? I tried to remember my legs. They used to work, right? I couldn't feel them anymore. I focused my energy on my eyelids and made my way down. I felt my eye twitch as it tried to respond to my command. I felt the blood pulsing through my veins within my neck and the freezing air as I pushed oxygen through my lungs. I tried to move my hips and my bones cracked under the attempt. I moved on to my legs and toes. Was that water? Ice? I couldn’t tell. What was happening?

  “Are you up?” A familiar voice asked, the warmth of his breath on my ear was a surprising relief compared to the freezing agony I was experiencing through the rest of my body.

  I screamed in pain as freezing water slammed against my chest.

  “I said, are you up?" The same voice shouted.

  I slowly opened my eyes to meet my captor.

  “Chuck,” I gasped.

  “Ahh, she does speak,” the rude student journalist from the school paper replied, “I was beginning to worry that you might not revive. But, that would be no loss to me. Your brother is still fighting on.”

  “What’s, going on?” I slurred, still gasping for air.

  “You’ve been asking the wrong questions, deary,” Chuck replied, pulling a seat from the bar.

  I glanced up at Kain who was chained just a few feet away from me. He seemed to be unconscious and I hoped he would wake up soon. We had to get out of here.

  “What questions?” I spat.

  “About the school, of course,” he replied, “no ordinary student would be even the least concerned with the origin of this school and yet seem utterly bent on finding out more than you should about this business. This makes me wonder, what’s your gain?”

  “Gain?” I asked, more confused than ever.

  “Knowledge is power, sweetie,” he replied, waving his hand dramatically as he sat down and crossed his legs, “and it makes me wonder. What business is it of yours to even have the slightest interest in the school’s founder?”

  “I-I just thought it might be interesting,” I choked, “just please release my brother.”

  “You mean your twin?" He asked, a twinkle in his eye, “Now what fun would that be? I’ve been on a long mission to make sure the secrets of this school remain in the family and I’ve been ordered to kill anyone who attempts to dig.”

  “Then why am I still here?” I coughed.

  His eyes glared with hatred towards me and I wish I could produce the same strength I had that one night at the party. How was I able to throw a full grown man across the room at one moment and the next barely be able to lift my own head?

  “Because I want to know what game you’re playing,” he replied, “why the sudden interest in Tompkin’s Academy?”

  “I told you,” I spat, another round of shivers running through my body as my feet sloshed around in what felt like a bucket filled with ice water.

  “But that’s the thing, love,” he interrupted, “I just don’t believe you.”

  “Then what do
you believe?” I glared.

  “I don’t know yet,” he hesitated, suddenly pulling out a pocket knife, “but I’m working on a theory.”

  He stood up and slowly made his way forward and I thought for sure he was going to come after me. But instead he pivoted on his heel and swung his arm wide, bringing the knife down and slashing Kain’s face. My brother let out a howl as the blood dripped down the side of his face.

  “No!” I cried.

  “Are you awake, there?” Chuck asked, grabbing Kain’s collar and lifting him more upright.

  “What do you want?” Kain groaned, I could tell that breathing was difficult for him.

  If anything happened to him there would be hell to pay.

  “Don’t say anything,” I warned him.

  “Now, that’s not your decision to make is it?” Chuck laughed, turning his attention back to Kain, “Your sister here thought it would be a nice joke to dig into the history of a school that doesn’t appreciate questions.”

  “So?” Kain growled.

  “So?” Chuck mocked, “So, I’ve been told to kill anyone who tries to dig into areas which they have no business digging into. The history of this school being one of them.”

  He let go of Kain’s collar and seemed to glide back to his seat, his eyes focusing on the blood covered blade in his hand.

  “Just a complete mess,” he muttered.

  He grabbed a nearby placemat off of a table and used it to wipe off his knife.

  “Anyways,” he replied, returning his focus back to his hostages, “I have found it more advantageous to find out the how and why regarding your interest in the place rather than to off you right away.”

  “Go to hell,” I spat.

  He just hideously laughed in response.

  “Language,” he sarcastically scolded, standing from his seat once again and, without hesitation, grabbed a pan from a hook and slammed it across my face.

  “Maybe in the morning things’ll go better,” I heard his voice faintly in the background as my world faded into darkness once again.


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