This Changes Everything

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This Changes Everything Page 13

by Sally Ember, Ed.D.


  The Mayan and Current Calendars; or, Why First Publishable MWC Contact Occurs on December 21, 2012

  Vid Interview given by Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., Chief Communicator and Liaison between Earth and the Many Worlds Collective

  January 6, 2014, with Media Contact, Esperanza Enlaces, Interviewer

  Enlaces: Tell us, Dr. Branon, why the Many Worlds Collective chooses December 21, 2012, as their visitation date with you?

  Branon: When I and others are able to “see” “previews,” alternate timelines and other glimpses of the seeming future, there are both benefits and drawbacks, for sure. It’s especially difficult for me at this stage because so many crucial events and facts are due to be verified or discarded over the next 12 - 24 months, for my personal as well as the global and galactic timelines. I’m not that qualified, that certain, yet, with my timulting. It’s hard to sort the metaphorical wheat from the chaff.

  Maybe some things I timult are completely correct in every detail. Maybe some things are correct in only some components, important and insignificant, mixed. Maybe NONE of my “previews” is correct (although, in my experience, some have always "come true"). Maybe some of them are going to be completely discarded, some are partially accurate and some are dead on, totally right. Problem is, I have almost no idea which are which.

  When I get better at this and when we all do, when timultaneity—Zephyr coins this term, which means: knowledge of and the existence or truth of simultaneous time—is as normal-seeming as linear time, I am able to “tune in” or timult to view the possible futures, which are as clear as they can be. Futures are never completely clear, because so much is influenced by free will, choices we and all beings make, up to and including the smallest creature (remember, “The Butterfly Effect”?) as well as randomness and things that go bumping into each other all over the place. Everything is constantly in flux to some extent. Add Re-set and ReInvolvement/Return to the mix, and the word “chaos” doesn’t begin to cover it.

  I think the trick is for each of us to become better aware of tendencies and probabilities while preparing for all eventualities. Zephyr coins preparanoid to describe those of us who prepare overly much, flooded with unnecessary anxiety all the while.

  We have to practice not being too attached to any particular outcome, expecting to be surprised, and recognizing the ephemeral nature of all circumstances. I go light on the anxious and heavy on the prepared.

  Enlaces: Thank you. Why do you believe the MWC selects you as Earth's first liaison?

  Branon: Like most of you, I am raised without these views, especially non-attachment. Hardly any Western Earthers, especially Spanners, find these perspectives “natural." In fact, we are spoon-fed aphorisms that still make me furious when I think of them: “Everything’s going to be all right”; “If you want it badly enough, it will happen”; “You’re a good person, so you deserve good things”; “Happily ever after”; “It’s your turn”; “Good things come to those who wait”: “God rewards those who have faith”; “It’s all good." What a crock. The worst of these positions sickness, especially cancer, as a “battle” to be “won” or “lost.”




  The only questions are how and when do we die, not if. Grieve or not, but never think anyone escapes death.

  It takes years of meditation training, daily spiritual practice, lifetime commitment, guidance by a qualified teacher and the kind of temperament and intelligence to utilize and benefit from all of these important perspective shifts. Buddhists call that special combination “acumen” in English. But, there really is no perfect translation from Tibetan to English for so many Buddhist terms. Acumen in its English usage doesn’t include one's heart, the inner, glowing courage and unshakable compassionate inclination, clear sight from a friendly perspective, which the Tibetan term does. When someone has the acumen, in that way, for Buddhist practice and self-improvement, everything else is more possible and more likely to be accomplished.

  My teacher, Lama Sangyay, is born a Jewish Westerner in northeastern USA (Connecticut), but he has more acumen for Buddhist practice than almost any Westerner and many Easterners. In fact, his teacher, a venerable Tibetan Rinpoche (meaning, “precious one”), selects Lama Sangyay to be his lineage heir and the spiritual director of all of his many centers around the world. Since Rinpoche could have selected his own adult son, a Tibetan who is trained more traditionally, his choosing Lama Sangyay, a Westerner relatively new to Buddhism, to succeed him is a very big deal; unprecedented.

  Lama Sangyay is my inspiration, my guide, my model and so much more. I couldn’t be the Chief Communicator with any degree of success without studying with and observing Lama Sangyay, with all the respect and devotion my heart can generate, for over fourteen years up to now in this lifetime and countless lifetimes in addition to this one.

  Enlaces: I understand how important Lama Sangyay and your Buddhist practice are to you. How else do you prepare for becoming Earth's Chief Communicator?

  Branon: I ask myself: if I’m correct about when and if the Many Worlds Collective delegation first appears in my bedroom—December 21, 2012—here in Kirov, California, then I only have a few months to prepare personally and get my life in order. I know that my life is never again truly mine after that encounter and selection become public.

  Since you’re reading this now, I must be mostly correct. I have to edit some parts of this book since I first draft the chapters in 2012-13 (this book is submitted for publication and becomes available early in 2040 or late in 2013 or in between, depending on the timeline you are in), but I am mostly faithful to and luckily, accurate about, my earliest depictions. Of course, most of you can’t know that; you have to take my word for it.

  So, from February, 2012, to May, 2012, I am connecting people to one or two chapters or sections at a time, as I finish them. I send them to my “feedback team”: my mom, Rose Vogel (in St. Louis, MO); my son, Zephyr Branon (in New York City, NY); my sisters, Violet Engel (in suburban Chicago, IL) and Cassie Ackerman (in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, CA) and her eldest, my niece, Leah Iris. And, I share with several friends: Robin Bach (in Cambridge, MA), until her untimely death in May, 2012; Franco Galina and Nate Levy (in the East Bay area of San Francisco, CA); and, Angela Lopez, near Kirov, California. Some of them actually read all or part of what I send; most do not.

  In the spring of 2012, I complete the first working draft and send the entire manuscript to you, my soon-to-be Media Contact. You put a printed copy and a CD-ROM of the files into a dual-key safety deposit box that only you and Zef have the keys to open. You both know that the first draft is not to be accessed until the final draft is published.

  Enlaces: I'm still amazed at your knowledge of the future and how you involve me so early on.

  Branon: Weird, huh? Even odder: in 2041 (or before that…), skeptics can ask any of my available feedback team members about what the first drafts contain. Zef gives his key to you or goes with you to open the box. You have instructions to review the first manuscript so you can do a fact-check/ side-by-side comparison of key chapters after the book becomes available to the general public. You make a summary of this comparison available online.

  Enlaces: Yes, that is all what happens. I have that summary and the key.

  Branon: Because this situation is so unusual, I think it is important to explain this set-up, make this all “transparent,” as many are fond of calling an open way of communicating. Since much of this Transition and my story are so difficult for Earthers of the early twenty-first century to accept, I feel the need to make as much as possible of my experiences and knowledge to be accessible, palatable and credible.

  Enlaces: Thank you, Dr. Branon. On to the main topic of this interview, now: why does the Many Worlds Collective (MWC) contingent select December 21, 2012, for your first contact with them?

  Branon: As many Earthers ar
e aware, especially in 2011-2012, some interpreters or translators of the ancient Mayans’ calendars identify the “last” date of the calendar as December 21, 2012. For those who don't know, Mayan culture and people live in Mexican and Central American land areas prior to 900 A.D. Some modern interpreters further determine, by analyzing other writings and artifacts, that the fact that this very long calendar (several millennia are represented on it) has an end date signifies that the Mayans believe the Earth, or human life on Earth, is ending on that date, or right after that. By the latter part of the twentieth and the first part of the twenty-first centuries, there are dozens of books, articles, television and radio shows and websites devoted to discussing this “end of the Mayan Calendar” and what it all means.

  The MWC members tell me, when I ask them how they select that date to visit me for the first time, that this is the best way to get Earthers’ attention: choose a date of major significance to us. I tell them that this date does not really have significance to most Earthers, only some fringe elements, but I do not think they believe me. It’s interesting to me that their concepts of the ways human Earthers function, what we believe and do, how we feel and respond, are sometimes askew.

  It’s as if the MWC members watch TV signals from USA situation comedies and dramas broadcast in the 1950s and believe that those depictions of life and people are what they encounter when they come to Earth in 2012. I think maybe they listen to a radio show that has callers and guests talking extensively about the Mayan Calendar and its significance, and then they do not understand that this radio show (like, Coast to Coast AM) is not widely listened to, not well-regarded, and not even well-known by most Earthers. I try to explain this to them, but it doesn’t work. I give up. I accept that they choose this date and leave it at that.

  Does it really matter why they choose it?

  Enlaces: I suppose not, when you get right down to it. What matters more is that they do come.

  Branon: I agree. Closer to the truth of understanding the timing of this first contact with me is that I am repeatedly requesting their return, their help, for many years. Combine that request with the “state of the world”: by late 2012, Earth is in such an economic and political mess that the InterGalactic Council agrees to have the delegation come and be public for the first time. Earth has such a lot that has to be rectified to prevent Earthers from self-destructing. The usual, more subtle interventions the IGC makes will not suffice.

  The IGC intentionally timults to check on multiple timelines, multiple divergences and possible outcomes before it makes all decisions. I and a few others learn to do the same.

  When MWC members of the IGC timult about this decision and date, they cannot find even one version of any timeline in which Earthers and Earth survive if the MWC delegates do not come and be known about publicly prior to the USA President’s taking the Oath of Office on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2013. Backing up from that, knowing about your and many Earthers’ winter holidays' vacations and holiday distractions for most Earthers, they figure out their plan. They choose December 21 to come to me. They choose January 3 to come for their second official visit, to both me and you, that time. This allows us to get their first visits and the ongoing MWC presence publicized and many of their interventions in motion prior to January 20, 2013.

  This allows you to work with the media to make the visits public on January 5, 2013. Of prime importance among the other immediate and major effects is that the USA Presidential Inauguration takes a very different turn than it would otherwise. In this timeline, the USA’s President, the Judges on its Supreme Court, and other elected officials are not assassinated and hundreds of others at the National Mall do not die, either.

  Therefore, the Iran War, with Israel, China, Russia, Syria and the USA, does not start. Millions of other deaths and injuries are averted; many land masses do not experience “nuclear winter.” The negative “first cause” does not occur so there is no consequent chain of events and effects that ends human life as we know it.

  Instead, here we are. Most of us, anyway. Safe and mostly sounder than ever. And, inexpressibly grateful.

  Enlaces: Yes. I'm very grateful. Thank you, Dr. Branon, for another most illuminating interview.

  Branon: You're very welcome. Thank you, Espe!

  Enlaces: This concludes our interview. Thank you all for listening, watching and commenting.


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