This Changes Everything

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This Changes Everything Page 50

by Sally Ember, Ed.D.



  The Elimination of Nations, Boundaries, Citizenship, Race, Religions, Politics, Hunger, Poverty and War: What John Lennon Knows"

  Public Talk given by Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., Chief Communicator,

  Templeton Prize Recipient for 2014

  5/12/14, London, England

  Branon: Thank you for this amazing honor. I cannot believe I belong in the same category as His Holiness the Dalai Lama, but here we are. Let's say that circumstances prevail to place me in this position, but I in no way compare myself to you, My Revered Lama [Branon puts her hands together and bows to H.H., who smiles and waves].

  The Committee asks me to talk about my personal experiences, to tell some stories, not to lecture. I promise to try. [Laughter]. You can take the teacher out of the classroom, but give me a podium and an audience and a speech comes out! Well, here goes!

  Even though I’m timulting frequently, intentionally and accidentally, it is impossible to know how any circumstances actually feel until I’m “in” them, so to speak. It’s a bit like knowing well in advance that someone is going to be born or die. We often have at least six months' notice for a human birth and sometimes longer for a death from illness. We think we are prepared, but we merely fool ourselves.

  And, then, there are all the Psi-Penalties I have to contend with…. It’s exhausting. Really. Every time I timult, there are consequences. Physical, emotional, mental, circumstantial. Being Psi-ped is more painful than most people ever know. It's not something I talk about with anyone but The Band and, sometimes, some timelines, my great love, Epifanio Dang, whom some of you know in some context or another.

  Not one of us can fully prepare for life-changing events. That’s kind of the point: these events change us, change our lives and the lives of those around us, and then the changes ripple out. Even when we can timult to conceive of them, how we feel during the experience of living these events is very different than watching them unfold from the timultenaity point of view.

  I know that other members of the Many Worlds Collective begin to conform, whether they plan to do so or not, to the generally accepted ways of all the other MWC operating planets regarding governments, social and political issues, interpersonal conflicts and economics, as best as all species on any orb can adapt. I know this several ways: from timulting, from the Chief Communicators' trainings, from conversations with the MWC delegation, from my own meditations and from Access to the MWC Resource Library.

  Earth's planetary transformation, its Transition, is accomplished as easily and safely as possible, limiting deaths and avoiding any dismantling that is not absolutely necessary. But, if YOUR house is the one destroyed for the “great” new highway, how do YOU feel?

  If you’re Cindy, my best friend in our upper elementary, junior high and early years of high schools, you feel terrible. Her family’s house is “taken” by “eminent domain” for a cross-county highway in the late ‘60s in Bayonne, Missouri. We find out soon after her mom's unexpected suicide that her family has to move in two years. We then think that we are somewhat prepared. But when it finally happens, in 1970, she and I are devastated.

  And, oddly, even though we still attend the same high school, our friendship does not survive our being more than a ten-minute walk from one another. We drift apart socially, getting into new groups of friends. It isn’t painful, exactly, but it is unexpected and strange. Or, it is to me. I stay in touch with friends from junior high and high school, even now, but not Cindy. I have no idea where she is. I bet she knows exactly where I am most days, though. [Laughter]

  Knowing from my own experience that preparation does not work well for most of us, early in 2013 I try to explain to The Band that the changes Earthers experience in our early years as MWC members are monumental and difficult, even for those of us who mostly want or are receptive to the changes. Being in favor of Transition and MWC membership does not mean we are acclimating without pain or sorrow. Then, there are the Fraggers, the Trenchers and the Psi-Defiers: they are hopping mad, terrified, and unable to cooperate.

  I ask Led to describe in more detail what kinds of assistance and assistants the MWC provides. “Don't you have ‘adaptation’ aides or ‘life transformation specialists’? What about ‘So, Your Planet Is Joining the MWC? Here Are Some Tips!’ pamphlets, vids, customer service ‘bots, Transition for Dummies? Something, anything?"

  No response.

  I continue with my wish list: "And, while you’re at it, interspecies translators are essential. How are we going to communicate with the whales, dolphins, porpoises, elephants, horses, birds, primates and whomever else off-planet during all this? Do they all have telepathy except humans?” I know I sound querulous more than curious, but I do not care.

  It’s mid-January, 2013, and this is the week the proverbial shit hits the proverbial fan, as we Earthers like to say. [Laughter] I’m wondering which of the multiverse timelines I remember best when all of this feels “past.”

  My reverie that day is interrupted by Led’s response to my query.

  “If I understand you correctly, Clara,” Led begins, “We are the ‘aides’ and ‘specialists’ you request: Mick, Janis—Diana, Ringo and I. That is one of our main functions, one of the most important reasons we are here.”

  He pauses. Never let Led pause: that's when you know he’s about to zing you! [Led bounces; laughter]

  Led then tells me: “YOU, Clara, are the singular human method by which our functions are fulfilled. It is up to you, as the liaison to Earthers from the MWC, to bring help, information, support, encouragement and hope to your planet mates during this Transition.”

  Great! Kill the messenger! I think, somewhat sarcastically. I continue to grumble internally, knowing they can hear me. Why can’t we all Do It Ourselves?

  Of course, Led answers: “Soon, yes, individual Earthers have their own iDs to Access the MWC Resource Library, but you are still of primary importance in your Spanning role. Not all information is individually available, except to you. Even you must be trained to understand what you are learning and to plan the best ways and times to share each bit.”

  “How long is my CC training?” I ask.

  Mick answers: “As long as it takes, of course. Some liaisons take longer than others. Your age, health, ability, willingness, motivation, focus, availability: these all factor in.”

  “Well,” I persist, “what is the range of time it could take?”

  Janis says, soothingly, sensing I’m a bit upset, “You mustn’t worry. You’re doing quite well. We have no reasons to doubt your capacities.”

  “OK,” I say. I am hard to please in those weeks. I am only somewhat mollified, and still more than a little grumpy. I persist: “But if you have to guesstimate, what would you say? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades?”

  Diana pipes in, cheerfully, “It takes you less time than many!”

  I am not proud to say, and no offense to those who do this naturally, that I growl at her. [Laughter]

  This seems to be Ringo’s signal to make an offer, “Clara! If getting to Level 12 takes you longer than you want it to, let us know and we’ll do a Re-set!”

  Ahh. Bargaining. I like that! I consider. How long do I want my training to take? “How soon must I be ready to be fully ‘on deck’?” I ask. Seems a good thing to know, right?

  “Earthers are already having trouble,” Led says. “Now is good. You already know enough to be helpful,” he assures me. “Level 12 capacity is not required immediately.”

  "How about another Re-set to get me trained more quickly?" I ask. "I'm skeptical of my abilities. No; scratch that: I'm terrified."

  "No Re-set," Led declares. "That is not authorized."

  “All right,” I say. I know when I'm beat. “What can I do?”

  Mick tells me, “You have to get Esperanza back here as soon as possible. Then you must put out a series of informational and reassuring guidelines, posted on your internet
, placed in newspapers and broadcast on your television and radio stations, for all human Earthers to see and read.”

  Ringo continues: “Access to information must also be provided to all other species of interest. We help with that, for now. We choose a species-specific Attaché for each group and utilize them in similar ways to our interfacing with you, for humans. We provide the topics and context for each posting.”

  Diana adds, “Then, you meet with the Pod and School leaders of all cetaceans around the world. We arrange that. This meeting is to introduce you to which of them will be your main Attaché and how communication will best occur between humans and them, and between us and them. Janis and I translate.”

  Led adds, “I help with that, of course. Ocean beings are my specialty.”

  Janis says, respectfully, “Of course.”

  “Then,” Ringo says, “almost at the same time, and certainly the same week, you and the leaders of each primate group—the shrewdnesses of apes, cartloads of chimps, troups of monkeys, flanges of baboons, tribes of orangutans—also meet, similarly. I translate.”

  Led adds, “I help with that, of course. Interspecies communication and translation are my expertise.”

  Ringo says, respectfully, but with a touch of humor, to my ears, “Of course.”

  “And so on, for birds, elephants, equines, felines, canines, etc. This can take a few weeks,” Mick says, pointing to colored spots on the screen which light up as he says each animal type.

  Do any of you know what screen I mean? [Scattered murmurs] Ringo? [Ringo's holo moves over to the podium area and a large screen *POPs* next to Branon.] Thanks, Ringo. Can you make that same display I'm describing, now? [Screen lights up with multiple colored spots on a timeline] Great. Thanks! I'll go on with my story.

  I'm thinking: I wonder what those colors represent? Species Attachés? Habitats? I must remember to ask, later. I ponder as I stare, somewhat entranced, at the screen. There are about twenty or more areas “lit up.” [Branon points to the screen next to her].

  “What about the humans?” I ask, dreading the answer. Remember me, misanthrope extraordinaire? “What about the results of the recent election in this country? The USA President gets inaugurated next week….” I trail off, not sure where to go with this line of questioning.

  Led answers, rather brusquely, “All elected officials, all appointed leaders, all self-declared dictators and premiers and all royalty are soon to be, well, retired, sent off-duty, stripped of power, extravagance and unnecessary wealth. Nations, countries—whatever designations Earth has for internal and competing government—are soon to end. Must end. Required. No choice. Deadline for borders and nations to dissolve is always about one planetary year APC, so, 12/31/14, since many on Earth commemorate the 'new year' on January 1.”

  “Then,” Ringo continues, “there is another important MWC policy: anyone who volunteers recently to be a leader, deciding to run for office, taking over by coup or fiat, or otherwise putting him/herself forward as a political leader is automatically disqualified from continuing in any leadership role for at least five years from this year.”

  “Basically,” I respond, “if you want to lead, you are not allowed to, for a while?”

  Led bounces and Janis—Diana sway in assent. Ringo or Mick causes the screen to flash “YES” in bright blue letters. [Screen next to Branon does this.] That brings a smile.

  "Hold on. Remember the American and Russian Revolutions, Bastille Day in France, the recent “Arab Spring” and other coups d'état throughout human history?" I ask. "Death, destruction, martyrdom, looting, horrible things happening. Most self-appointed or eager-to-lead folks do not voluntarily step down, either. I guess they can be Qed…."

  Then, I remember: Horribleness of that type doesn’t happen, here. Not during our Transition. That isn’t part of any future timelines I timult. But, I realize I don’t know why. Or, how these types of outcomes are avoided.

  Hearing my thoughts, again, Ringo tells me: “Clara, we manage the MWC New Member Transition. This is not our first time. Our team has a combined experience of over ten Transitions among us.”

  Led interrupts, “Twelve, for me.”

  Diana says, “Remember, Clara? The primary reason we are here this way, at this time, with you? Earthers need the MWC Transition. Urgently.”

  “I kind of get it and I kind of don’t,” I tell them. “I mean, intellectually, and with some timulting and my ‘previews,’ I know it’s going to be all right, but I still do not understand how we get from here, now, to ‘all right’ in such a short ALT period. That’s a problem I have, continually. Like, about MFH, where the ‘F’ currently stands for ‘Future,’ but may have to be converted, to stand for ‘Fictional.’ I believe that Fanio and I get together, I need to believe it, but I don’t know exactly when or how we get from here to there. And, I also know we may not. He may not. My Fictional Husband is looking more and more likely.”

  Led says, “That’s all part of your Levels 5 and 6 ESP trainings. We must get to those right away and focus on those areas, it seems.”

  “Yes. I agree. I think I especially need to know what you communicate to John Lennon. How is it that he knows all of this, over forty years ago? No countries, heaven, possessions, religions, killing or dying for any causes: an all-together better world.”

  [Branon sings some lines from “Imagine.”]

  “I miss John. A lot. And, how on Earth, and I do mean, ON EARTH, are you going to help us fix our economies?” I kind of wail this and then I feel embarrassed. I am such a whiner sometimes. [Laughter]

  Mick intervenes, “Clara, you come to know all you need when you need it. Let’s not waste any more time talking about it. Let’s continue your training.” He tilts his flat top part and another large screen appears in front of me.

  I feel my chest heat up slightly with that release and brief *POP* feeling. Then, pictures appear on the screen. It appears to be a political and geological map of the continents and oceans of the Central and Northern hemispheres of Earth—the UK, Scandinavia, The Netherlands, Greenland, Iceland, the Balkans—all of Western and Eastern Europe, plus the top parts of Africa and India and the countries abutting them. “OK,” I respond, getting excited. “Let’s do it!”

  Mick indicates, by highlighting with one appendage, the political boundaries on these land masses. “See these?” he asks. “Now, watch.” One by one, they disappear. In their places are, well, nothing. There are no more boundaries. No demarcations or listed names for nations.

  “Nice,” I say. “But, how does that actually play out, with people? What about the local and national governments? The ‘ethnic pride’ or religious autocracies? What do all the dominance-obsessed people do when the MWC removes all boundaries? I mean, boundaries are imaginary, anyway, for the most part, but imaginations are powerful.”

  Janis explains, “The MWC provides ‘internal adjustments’ for all surviving leaders; all Earthers who require it, in fact. Some are slower to respond positively. Some, well, they simply can’t. So, the ones whose bodies or minds break down go into ReInvolvement. The rest must be Sequestered, or 'Qed,' as Moran abbreviates it.”

  I feel myself getting very still, foreboding filling me. I am truly frightened for the first time. “’Internal adjustments?’ ‘Sequestered’?”

  Diana gives details, “These are painless, harmless, and necessary. Let us explain some of what we do during early Transition: First, increasing and decreasing, balancing quantities of neurotransmitters, like dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. Humans feel comforted, relaxed, energized, euphoric, blissful, happy, receptive or peaceful, depending on their exact body chemistry, mental capacities and cultural constructs as well as age, physical health and backgrounds."

  Janis continues: "Anxiety and panic as well as mental distortions leading to paranoia and depressive reactions are reduced or disappear. Many say it’s a lot like the ways many species feel after mating, vigorous exercise or having a large, satisfying meal.�

  Janis—Diana wiggle, which I know is their way of asking me if I understand.

  I nod, receiving the images they are also sending telepathically as well.

  Diana goes on: “Next, we activate channels and neural communication networks within unused and more peaceful regions of the brain. This happens naturally when you learn a new language or have other spiritual and cultural ‘openings,’ such as, from getting to a mountain top and looking out at the horizon, being on a boat on a calm sea or focusing creatively on an artistic endeavor or interesting project.”

  “Or, when we meditate?” I ask.

  “Exactly,” Janis responds. “Then, we stimulate the body-wide chemical receptors in each human, making oxytocin and not testosterone the predominant human hormone in adults. All humans have both, as well as estrogen and androgen. But, oxytocin and testosterone are primarily responsible for reactions, urges and emotional states that affect interpersonal interaction responses."

  Diana sounds excited, now: "The goal is to reduce aggression, isolation, disdain, prejudice, selfishness, apathy, anxiety and loneliness, while increasing affection, bonding, love, friendliness, compassion, altruism, collaboration, trust, generosity and respect.”

  “More oxytocin and less testosterone? How could that be bad? This is sounding quite workable, to me,” I say, eagerly. “Long overdue, for humans, in my opinion. Many feminists say too many leaders and criminals suffer from testosterone poisoning, anyway!”

  Mick adds: “We also help with regulation of adrenaline and epinephrine and their cousins, noradrenalin and norepinephrine. Well-regulated neurotransmitters operate to assist with appropriate responses while reducing unnecessary stress in one’s body, obviating the need for producing cortisol.”

  “Wow! You all really research this thoroughly, it seems!” I admire their knowledge of human neuropsychology. Exceeds mine, to date, but the extra informational images Janis—Diana are providing fill in my former gaps.

  “These are only some of the adjustments,” Janis sighs. At least, I think that is meaning of the bubbling sound she makes.

  Mick continues: “Having the positive aspects of male gender attributes and all interested individuals’ sexual passion available while maintaining peace and harmony: these are humans’ challenges, yes? Proper amounts of assertiveness and decisiveness without improper levels of aggression: we adjust each of you for that exact combination, person by person. Not only the men, you understand. Everyone. Or, the ones we can.”

  “That’s a relief,” I say, thinking of people who would not need my exact mixture, or would need something different from many. Wouldn't want everyone to be the same, and one of me is more than enough. [Laughter]

  I consider the aggressive women and gentle men I know. "Each definitely needs a unique balance," I agree.

  Ringo adds, “Rudimentary telepathy, empathy and all other Level 1 Excellent Skills Program trainings are also provided to each individual as soon as possible. Compassion and generosity are key for a sense of personal safety to exist. Each human must be ‘re-initialized’ properly for a smooth Transition.”

  “And, this works?” I ask, starting to feel more hopeful, again. “How quickly?”

  Led says, “For those humans who survive the initial cognitive dissonance and paradoxical containment phases, physically alive and mentally intact, Transition adjustments for adults take from three months to several years, depending upon the human and his/her age and resistance.” He quickly adds, “The safety adjustments, those that operate to prevent violent reactions and conflicts, are almost instantaneous. They have to be.”

  “Religious, ethnic and other individual, personal adjustments take more time,” Ringo says. “It’s all one-on-one. And, as Janis says, not everyone adjusts.”

  Led explains: “Primates, cetaceans and most other non-human species take almost no time, very much like human children.” He quickly adds: “Not because they’re less capable or intelligent, the way most human children are compared to human adults. Rather, other species adapt more quickly during Transition because they have fewer components that require drastic changes. Up to about two months, for complete Transition. After that, anyone who is not adjusted is probably not going to."

  "What happens to the bad adjusters?" I ask.

  "We let them ‘surface.’ They always do. Protesting, complaining, causing problems. When necessary, we Q them, when their bodies' ill health do not put them into ReInvolvement,” Ringo tells me.

  “Besides,” Mick continues, “Economies and nations can’t simply disappear, the way all armament-type weapons and ammunition do, with nothing to replace them. The MWC provides several new models. For instance, there are many ‘live’ examples via our Resource Library, which all may soon Access. Many planets keep or revert to earlier versions of most place’s names, just not the former governments' appellations for the locations as they are organized previous to Transition.”

  “Plus,” Ringo adds, sounding a bit excited, “representatives from other MWC membership planets and locations Earthers can communicate with begin to reach out to Earthers and become available to ‘chat’ or communicate via vids. Some find it all rather, well, fun. Some hear about and see the OverSeers and then join in various capacities, which can’t happen right away, of course, except for your nephew, Moran, and a few others. But in later years, after sufficient ESP training, many Earthers join."

  Led resumes describing the sequence of events for Transition on Earth. “Next, humans, cetaceans and primates choose which of the early Transitional models to employ. We convene a leaders’ group, of non-elected and nominated individuals each year, the Global Unity Leaders Council, for these and other purposes, on each Transitioning planet or location. We help your new leaders to co-create consistent laws, policies, consequences and enforcement procedures. The composition of this Council as well as the non-self-selected nature of their service yield less likelihood of corruption or distortion.”

  “What is my role in all of this, then?” I ask.

  Led says, “You have many roles. Most importantly, you are the First Facilitator of the GULC."

  I let that sink in. Another job? Wow.

  "But, NOW, you must be trained. Let’s continue?” Led prods, none too gently.

  I sigh. I wonder if my sighs sou

  nd like bubbles or water moving to any of them?

  “Right. Back to training.” My eyes return to the screen and off we go. [Screen on stage goes dark]

  I hope that gives you a better idea of the way The Band and I work together. I want you to be better able to imagine, and perhaps empathize, with all the tsuris I give them and what they have to put up with. [Laughter] Each of them exhibits such patience, kindness, consideration and compassion that I believe even His Holiness could learn a thing or two [Branon and H.H. bow to each other, then to The Band delegation]

  Thank you all again on the Templeton Prize committee for this unwarranted honor and to you all for your attention. I want to end with a prayer for everyone's benefit. Would you lead us, please, Rinpoche?"

  [Branon again bows to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who nods and waits for an attendant to provide him with a microphone. When he has the microphone, H. H. leads a prayer in Tibetan, then in English.] [Silence, then applause]


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