Recluse (Spider Series Book 1)

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Recluse (Spider Series Book 1) Page 9

by Jaycee Ford

She ignored me as she typed on her phone. “What did he call her father? Asgina? Was that it?”

  “Maybe? I didn’t understand what he said. Do you know what it means?”

  “I’m searching for that now. Oh …” She paused and glanced up from her phone. I looked between her and the road, eagerly waiting for her to fill me in..

  “What?” I asked.

  “This site says asgina means evil ghost.”

  I considered it for a moment. “You know, Erica’s skin complexion was quite a bit lighter than her uncle’s.”

  “Are you saying you think her father is white?”

  “If they weren’t living on the reservation, and if Dakotah Gunter holds so much hate for him, it’s might be fair to assume he’s white.”

  “Dakotah Gunter struck me as a man undeniably proud of his heritage,” Lara reasoned. “As I said before, the Cherokee are very family oriented, which would explain why he’d want to keep his niece on the reservation, but it feels like there’s something more to it.”

  “Something like a man not being responsible enough to raise his daughter?”

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” she asked.

  “I’m thinking we need to track down her father right away.”

  She smiled. “Glad to see that we’re in synch. Maybe this is the beginning of a glorious partnership.”

  “THIS IS THE famous Dixie’s I’ve been hearing about?” Lara eyed the worn-out bar with a slight look of disdain.

  “Don’t knock it yet, city chick. This bar is a classic.” I guided her further inside. “See, this whole town keeps changing around us, but this bar … this bar is our one constant. The only change this place has seen was an upgrade to flat screen TVs.” I breathed in the smell of the bar. “I really do love this place.”

  “As long as they serve good drinks, I don’t care what it looks like.”

  I glanced around. The place was fairly busy tonight. A few girls gave my suited partner the eye, but quickly looked away before she noticed. Behind the bar, Megan stared at us in utter disbelief.

  “Hi,” Megan said as we approached and took a seat at the bar. “What can I get you?”

  “Do I drink anything besides beer?” I cocked my eyebrow at her question.

  “Well…” She glanced at Lara and back at me. “Sometimes you like whiskey. You never know when things are going to change.”

  “Hi. I’m Lara, Wyatt’s new partner. I’ll take a beer as well.”

  Megan eyed her, but Lara refused to look away and a silent battle began. I felt exhilarated, finding the whole situation both frightening and awesome all at once. Megan finally turned away. I gave Lara a pointed stare, but she continued to study her surroundings until, at last, she caught me staring.


  “Don’t think I didn’t see what just happened back there,” I said. “Megan is my friend, Lara.”

  “I get that, but she totally just gave me the country girl stare down. She needs to settle a bit. I’m not trying to steal her man.”

  “Whoa,” Megan interrupted placing two beers in front of us. “He is not my man.”

  “But I heard that the two of y’all …”

  “Nope,” Megan cut her off a little too quickly.

  “So, y’all aren’t a thing?”

  Megan shook her head.

  “Nuh-uh,” I confirmed. “We used to hang out, but that’s all. We’re just good friends.”

  “Yeah, just friends.” Megan smiled at me and I smiled back. In that moment, our entire sexual relationship ended. It was probably for the best.

  “Besides, the man she’s really into—”

  “Wyatt,” Megan whispered, nodding her head toward the door. “Shush.”

  I turned toward the entrance.

  “Evan Murphy!” I hollered. “Come have a beer, buddy!”

  “Oh, dear Jesus,” Megan mumbled under her breath, her cheeks flushing bright pink.

  “Oh,” Lara said, sipping her beer. ”Now, I get it,”

  “Peterman.” Evan greeted us. “Detective Allen.”

  Megan placed a beer in front of him and he smiled up at her.

  “It’s like you know me,” Evan said.

  “Maybe a bit.” She winked and walked away to help the other customers.

  “So,” Evan started, but then stopped to take a sip while holding up his finger for us to wait until he was finished. “What happened with the uncle?”

  “It turns out the uncle was very much involved in her life,” Lara said.

  My phone vibrated. I reached into my pocket and pulled it out as Lara continued to debrief Evan on the day’s events.

  Grace: I hadn’t heard from you today. I feel weird texting and saying that, but I guess I was a little worried.

  Me: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry. We had to question a man in Cherokee today. I always lose service in the mountains. I know it’s a horrible excuse, but it’s the total truth.

  Grace: I just have to ask. Was it silly for me to have gotten used to you being around?

  I couldn’t contain the smile on my face, and I wasn’t even going to try. I didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. I took a gulp to cover it up, but that didn’t mean I gave a shit.

  Me: Nope. I kind of like that actually. Are you home already?

  Grace: I am. I just dropped Chloe off at a friend’s house.

  Me: Come to Dixie’s. You can meet Lara.

  Grace: You sure? Is that wise? Small town and all.

  “I guess Sunday’s are drinking days.”

  I looked up as Grayson Cooks saddled up beside Evan. Megan placed a beer in front of him before refilling mine.

  “So, what happened today?” he asked.

  “That’s what they’re talking about right now,” I said dismissively before returning my attention to my phone, typing frantically.

  Me: Murphy and Cooks are here. It wouldn’t be too obvious.

  It wasn’t until after I’d pressed enter that I realized what I’d said. I stared down at my phone waiting for her response, a knot tightening in my chest with each passing minute. Finally, my phone buzzed a response.

  Grace: Well, we wouldn’t want that. ;-)

  I tossed the phone down on the counter and chugged my beer. Grace was flirting with me, and I had no idea what to do.


  I turned toward the sound of Lara’s voice.

  “Do we need to have a conversation?”

  I shook my head.

  “I saw her name on your phone. I’d be a lousy detective if I didn’t pay attention to details like that.”

  I exhaled and watched my empty glass refill with fresh beer. Megan really was a great bartender.

  “I can’t let them know,” I said, turning back to Lara.

  She glanced over my shoulder, watching Megan excitedly chat up Evan and Grayson.

  “I’m going on a hunch here, but I would say it’s probably too late for that, Wyatt. Everyone already knows, but you need to realize that everyone has the capability to move on. It’s the healthy thing to do. If Mike really was the epic man you guys paint him out to be, he would’ve understood that. No one, not even Mike, will hate you for this.”

  I nodded and chugged more of my beer. Why was I so nervous?

  “You better text her back,” she urged.

  I grabbed my phone and hit the home button. My fingers began to type before I really knew what I was saying.

  Me: Maybe being a little obvious wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Just come.

  I glanced up at Lara. She seemed pretty proud of herself for getting me to admit it. I was amazed at how good it felt. Everything became clear. In that moment, I discovered my true admiration for her. While it was still true that she could never replace Mike, it was also true that she didn’t have to. She just needed to be a good partner, and in that regard, she excelled beyond all of my expectations.

  My phone lit up. I grabbed it before Lara could snoop.

race: I’m already in the car.

  Me: You shouldn’t be texting and driving.

  Grace: Well, stop texting me.

  I took her advice and put the phone down. I then raised my glass and took another long drink of my beer.

  “Don’t get too sloppy before she gets here,” Lara warned.

  “I’ll be fine. I didn’t touch the whiskey.”

  “How many have you had in the past 15 minutes?”

  “Umm…” I drained my glass. “No idea.”

  “What’s gotten into you? You’re usually much more put together than this.”

  “She makes me nervous,” I whispered so no one could overhear.

  “Why? You’re a hot cowboy cop. You’ve got nothing to worry about. Would you settle down?”

  I exhaled and cocked my eyebrow at her. “You think I’m hot?”

  “Oh, Jesus …” She drained her beer. “Megan, can I have an extra dirty martini? I’m done trying to fake it here.”

  “And the city girl finally comes out,” Evan teased, moving to sit next to Lara.

  Megan started pouring the gin, very amused with our new coworker. Maybe they would end up getting along after all. Grayson scooted closer and smirked at me until it started to feel uncomfortable.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Is she coming?”

  Am I that obvious?

  “Yes,” I answered.

  He patted me on the shoulder as I stared at my beer.

  “Grayson, is this stupid?”

  “No,” he said matter-of-factly as he lifted his beer up to sip. “We all want this to happen.”

  “Y’all do?” I looked at him for a sense of guidance.

  He set his beer down and nodded. “We all love Grace. We want her to be happy and so does Mike. If she’s ready to move on, then you just have to accept that she’s choosing to do it with you and be there for her.”

  I nodded. It was such a relief to discover all of my friends approved of this wild notion.

  “Listen, you have to stop beating yourself up about it. No, you’re not Mike. And you never will be. You’re Wyatt. Stop comparing yourself to a ghost.”


  “Look, I’m not trying to sound harsh, but he’s gone, Wyatt. Do you want her to end up with just anyone? None of us want that. We all know you love her. Stop running from that. Stop feeling guilty. It’s going to hurt a lot worse if you give up and she finds someone else. Don’t do that to yourself or to her … or to Mike.”

  “If you’re so wise about this stuff, why are you still single?”

  “Because I’m picky as fuck and Grace is already taken.”

  The slightest touch grazed my back. My heart skipped a beat and plummeted into nothingness. I knew it was Grace. Naturally, I’d had girlfriends in the past and I had loved before, but there was something indescribable about Grace. Everything just seemed to fit.

  “Are y’all talking about me again? I’m starting to get a complex.”

  I smiled before I turned around. I didn’t want her to see how happy she made me. Not yet, at least.

  “That’s because you always stink,” I said, turning around to meet her eyes.

  She didn’t say a word, but her lips curved into a smirk. Her long blonde hair was tied up in a lose ponytail and she wore a deep red shirt underneath a brown jacket. It was simple and yet the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.

  “Hi,” I said.

  Grayson silently picked up his beer, scooted off the barstool, and motioned for Grace to sit.

  “Hi,” she said while taking his seat and reaching for my beer.

  “Can’t you get your own beer, you little thief?” I joked.

  “I could, but you’ve already had a few so I figured you could share.”

  “What makes you think I’ve already had a few?”

  “Well…” She smiled, keeping her eyes on her newly acquired beer. “You’re being flirty.”

  “Oh, and you’re not?”

  Her eyes met mine. “I didn’t say I wasn’t.”

  I usually tried to contain my smiles in front of everyone, but tonight I didn’t care who witnessed my grin.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Lara said, coming up to stand beside us.

  “Grace, this is Lara.” I let my hand rest on Grace’s leg. I didn’t know how tough this might be for her, but I wanted her to know I was there.

  Lara held out her hand, but Grace pushed off her stool and gave her a hug instead. Lara was caught off guard. She glanced at me, wide-eyed. “It’s so great to meet you,” Grace said as she pulled out of the hug. She placed her hand on my knee as if to let me know she was there for me too. “Wyatt has been telling me about you. I’m so glad he’s not working alone anymore. I would love to have lunch sometime. I have some good stories about all the men you’ll be working with. Trust me, they can be a handful.”

  At that exact moment, Cooks and Murphy roared in laughter at something Megan had said.

  “It looks like I’m going to have my hands full.” Lara rolled her eyes. “Maybe we can get together sometime after New Year’s?”

  “That sounds great.”

  “I’m going back to save Megan now,” Lara said.

  “Are you two getting along now?” I narrowed my stare at Lara.

  “Yes, Wyatt. Don’t you know we’re best friends now?” She winked and walked away.

  Grace left her hand on my knee as she readjusted herself on the stool. She started to move her hand away, but I grabbed it and held it in place. She glanced down at our interlocking hands and then into my eyes, biting the inside of her lip to keep from smiling. Witnessing this thing between us gave me so much hope. Lord knew I didn’t deserve her, but I couldn’t stand the thought of her with anyone else. If we could turn all the horror of what we’d been through into some kind of happiness, then there was no reason to keep the barriers up.

  “Are you getting excited for New Year’s Eve?” I asked, brushing my thumb across her knuckle.

  “A little.” She shrugged as a playful smirk crossed her face.

  “Just as long as you don’t stink.” I squeezed her hand, never wanting to let go. She looked down and watched her thumb graze across my knuckle. Her face lifted as her eyes sought mine. Her forehead wrinkled and I could see a silent battle behind her eyes. I wanted to tell her it was okay, that I had waged that same war within myself, but all I could do was tighten my grip on hers. I was in this with her. We would figure it out. We had to figure it out. I would be lost forever if we didn’t.

  “I really shouldn’t stay out too much longer. I have to work tomorrow.” She drank the last sip of beer, still keeping her hand in mine.

  “Are you okay by yourself?”

  She put down the empty mug and turned toward me. Her stare might have lasted for a second or for an eternity, I couldn’t tell. Finally, she shook her head no.

  “Let me get the bill.” I turned back to catch Megan’s attention.

  “I’ve got it,” Lara whispered on the other side of me. “Just go.”

  I nodded and turned back to Grace. “You ready?”

  She smiled and hopped off the stool. Our hands remained clenched together for all of Dixie’s to see as we walked toward the door. I looked back at the bar to find Grayson, Evan, Megan, and Lara all watching. Megan nodded to me from behind the bar. It was going to be okay. It was okay to be happy. We walked out into the cold, but Grace’s touch still kept me warm.

  GRACE CONVINCED ME to ride back to the house with her. Honestly, I was glad for the offer because it meant I wouldn’t have to leave her. I probably shouldn’t have drunk so much, but if I hadn’t, would I have ended up here beside the woman I loved? I glanced over at her as she drove, her eyes intently watching the road. I could feel a wall being built between us ever since we’d left Dixie’s. She could keep her walls if she needed them. I’d still be here when she broke them down, but the ride was all too quiet. The radio was on but turned down so low I could barely hear it. I needed
to break the silence.

  “Was Chloe okay today?” I wanted her to know I cared just in case there was any doubt about it.

  “Oh, yeah, she’s fine. I’m glad she called you yesterday.” Grace glanced at me with her normal smile and stared back at the road. She seemed so closed off now. I had no idea what was going on in that head of hers.

  “I meant it when I said I was here for y’all. I’ll always be here. You know that, right?” She had to know I would drop everything for her and Chloe.

  “I do,” she said as we exited the highway.

  That was it. She didn’t say anything else. How could things change in a matter of ten minutes? Everything had been going great until now.

  “What’s wrong, Grace? Something seems off.”

  “Let’s just get home first.”

  Home. For some reason, the word didn’t feel as welcoming when she said it.

  I stared out at the road I had driven so many times over the past year. I had just admitted my love for Grace, and now, within a matter of minutes, she was going to take it away. Eventually, she would speak, and I would have to listen to her and accept anything she said. If she wished me out of her life, then I would have to grant her wish. I wasn’t sure how I could possibly do such a thing, but I knew if I pushed, I would lose her forever. That was the last thing I wanted.

  The headlights brightened the driveway. The car slowed to a stop, and she turned off the engine. I slowly got out and walked behind her as we approached the house. She opened the front door and I followed her inside, closing it behind me. She went to the fridge while I moved to the back window and closed the blinds, still open from earlier.

  “You’ve gotta keep these blinds closed at night, Grace.”

  “I know.” She shut the fridge door.

  I walked over to her and she handed me a bottle of water. I stared into her eyes while I opened the bottle and took a sip. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking anymore, but I could tell that her guard was up and she had shut down somewhere along the way. I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I knew she was upset with me. I knew her well enough to understand it was also going to bother her if we didn’t talk it out.

  “Do you want to talk now? I don’t know what’s wrong, but I know something’s bothering you.” I exhaled, trying to rid myself of the nerves. “I want you to be able to talk to me.”


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