EVES: (Carsonbrothers, #2)

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EVES: (Carsonbrothers, #2) Page 24

by Dyble, S R

  "Just promise me you won't let this bother you, stay focused on staying calm for the baby."

  "It's very hard not to worry about this. Some crazy bitch tried to kill my boyfriend."

  He just looked at me, worrying that I wasn't going to stay strong. I could sense it. He really didn't need anything else to worry about so I nodded.

  "I'll try, I promise."

  He nodded and gestured for me to turn the lamp off.

  "Now, sleep, Blondie."

  Despite everything going on in my mind, I found comfort in his arms and managed to fall into a deep sleep.

  * * *

  Once the renovation to my grandparents house had begun, things started to feel a lot better with them. Naturally they were gutted, and so was I. Their house had held so many crucial memories. Memories of my family. Thankfully, we still had the memories in the photos and videos Kit had saved. That day he arrived home, looking much happier with himself. I was about to ask him what was going on when I saw the box sitting on the table. I could see from where I stood that it was a photo reader and I didn't know why I hadn't thought of it before. I knew instantly why he'd bought it, and I stared at him, warmth rushing to my chest.

  "I'm paying for this, this is too much." I said.

  My grandparents weren't here, they'd decided to take a walk down the Beck.

  "No, it's not. No way am I running into any more burning buildings to save those things," he grinned.

  "That's not funny," I scowled.

  "Sorry," he said, turning serious. "Now you can scan them all so you have more than one copy."

  I understood and appreciated it so much.

  "With everything already on your mind and you still had the time to think of this?"

  He shrugged it off as if it was nothing, but it wasn't nothing.

  "You never cease to amaze me, Mr. Carson," I said standing closer and looking up at him.

  "Nor you, my future Mrs. Carson."

  His words had knocked my balance.

  "Sorry, too much?" he asked.

  It had shocked me, to say the least. I stared at him and shook my head.

  "I just wasn't expecting you to say that."

  "I admit, neither did I." He stared into my eyes, melting me even more.

  Had he just insinuated that he wanted to marry me?

  Just then, right one cue, we heard the front door open and my grandparents called to make sure we were here.

  Kit sighed. "I may have to take you back to my old room at this rate, just to fuck you," he said under his breath and it made me glare at him to shut him up.

  He smiled and smacked my behind just before my grandparents came into the living room.

  "Cup of tea?" Kit asked as he walked towards the kitchen.

  "Yes please," my grandma beamed at him before she gave me her look of approval.

  It had taken almost a month for the renovations at my grandparents' house to be nearly finished. Although we'd enjoyed having them living with us, I could tell that they were as eager as we were to be alone. The longer they stayed, the less intimate time me and Kit had together. Afraid that we would be heard, we had to minimise our intimate times to when my grandparents weren't here. It was different at Kit's brother's house, they were all guys and were probably all doing exactly the same thing. I couldn't even imagine being heard by my grandparents. True to his word, Kit had gotten to the point where he had to resort to taking me to his old room.

  Thankfully none of them were there when he finally brought me back home. If they were, I was sure they would have heard the door to Kit's bedroom slamming open and shutting shortly before Kit bent me over the bed and let loose his frustration.

  I could tell he had been deprived, he was full of lust and it showed.

  The next day we took my grandparents back to their home, now fully refurbished. It had been freshly painted, and my grandparents had chosen new furniture and fittings.

  It was odd for them to be back home. After discussing it with Kit, he'd told me that from now on there would be surveillance on their house. It didn't feel right not telling them. I felt so guilty and the last month, having them living with us had been a nightmare. It was one thing lying to them, but having them so close every day made it even harder to keep it a secret. Although I cared more about their safety, I was beginning to wonder if keeping it from them really was in their best interest.

  I tried to put the guilt aside. It wasn't hard to think about something else, especially with my next scan approaching.

  It had passed so quickly, and although my baby quickly started to move every other second of the day, I was still worried that something could be wrong. The amount of stress I'd inflicted onto my body during my pregnancy so far wasn't healthy and it made me feel sick with guilt. I stood in the centre of my old bedroom, now a blank canvas and I shed a small tear, feeling as if everything had been wiped away, never to be remembered again. Don't get me wrong, the amount of sadness I'd felt in this room was immeasurable at times, but it was all linked to the family that I had lost. Without it, it was as if they'd never existed at all.

  I knew I was being overly dramatic and my hormones didn't help, I still couldn't help it.

  After the fire, I'd been given a box full of stuff that had been saved. The box wasn't very big and I had to re-buy any clothes that I'd left here. Thankfully, the few weeks prior to the fire, more and more of my things had been moved to Kit's house because I was practically living with him there. The same couldn't be said for my grandparents. They had only the belongings that they had taken on holiday with them. Thankfully the necessities had been taken with them in their suitcases.

  "Part of me sees this as our fresh start," my grandma said from the kitchen as I came back downstairs. I had to smile because she always saw the positive in everything. Apart from things not anyone could see the positive from…

  I remembered the day I'd walked down the stairs over a year ago, like a skeleton after not eating for weeks. My grandma had been sitting on the kitchen floor, sobbing and begging God to bring our family back.

  The memory brought a cloud of sadness over my body, remembering how badly it had been raining that day. As if even the weather could feel the pain.

  My grandad placed his arm around her and admired their new home. I allowed the darkness in my head to fade away as I saw how happy they were with the new decor.

  "We did say that everything needed redecorating," he said.

  "You could almost call it opportune, apart from the fact that all of our possessions have turned to ash."

  I stood by the kitchen doorway, smiling at them.

  They were making the best of it with their jokes and it made me not worry so much about them. They were the strongest people I'd ever met. Together, they only became stronger.

  "We got a call earlier today," my grandad said and I nodded.

  "The investigation has unfortunately been dropped. There just wasn't enough evidence."

  I felt guilty, already knowing everything they were telling me.

  Kit had already told me a month ago that they were dealing with it at Delta, that it had to be left to run its course because dropping it so early with the police wouldn't do any good. Then a few days earlier Kit had told me that they were going to have the case dropped, so that it couldn't bother my grandparents for any longer. So that they could move forward while Delta carried on with the case. The case being, where the hell had Maddie gone, and why had she attempted murder of all people, Kit.

  It was our first night alone since my grandparents had moved in.

  Completely alone.

  The scan was in a couple of days, and that night when I'd come home alone, I thanked Bob for the lift and rushed inside quickly. He'd picked me up from the corner of my grandparents street so they didn't see him, and I realised then, as I sat down in his car, that I needed to tell them. I couldn't put it into words, I just had to tell them. I couldn't continue seeing them and lying to them.

  Kit had returned fro
m Delta about an hour after and had headed straight out to take his jog down the Beck. Now, for some reason I was absolutely mafting. I couldn't cool myself down.

  I blamed my hormones because they were to blame for everything these days. I sat feeling sorry for myself with an ice-lolly, dressed in just my knickers and one of Kit's sleeveless tops that I'd found lying around the bedroom.

  I stayed that way, relaxing on the sofa and watching TV when Kit returned from his shower.

  "Eves, you—"

  "Hi," I stared at him, standing in his boxers and still looking damp from his shower.

  "You need something?" I asked as he stared at me.

  "I was gonna ask if you've seen… Nevermind," he came towards me.

  "What?" I asked as he continued to stare at me.

  "Nothing," he eventually said smiling down at me, "you eaten yet?"

  "No, I was waiting for you. I'm eating this because I can't cool down."

  It felt so good to sit like this without worrying about my grandparents being here. Still, strangely enough I missed them and sent my grandma a quick text to make sure they were settled in okay.

  I followed after Kit into the kitchen to see him opening the double patio doors on the back of the kitchen. Fresh-air flooded into the room and I took a deep breath.

  "That's so good," I said moving closer.

  "Careful, don't let the neighbours see you dressed like that. You'll give someone a heart attack," he commented while reaching into the cupboard to pull various pans out.

  "You're cooking?" I asked.

  "Well, prior to seeing you sitting half naked, sucking on that ice-pop, I was going to tell you something."

  I frowned and moved over to the kitchen counter.

  "I wanted to tell you that seeing as we're now alone, I want to celebrate with you. It's been a month in the making. We celebrated with a party, but I wanna celebrate alone with you. Also, I was asking if you'd seen my t-shirt but clearly, you have…" he trailed on, staring down at the sleeveless vest I had on that was his.

  He smirked as I stood staring at him.

  "Sorry, but it looks better on me," I said moving towards him and placing my hands on his bare chest. It felt unbelievable and I smiled up at him and brought my face close to his.

  He placed a gentle kiss to my lips and then stared at me some more.

  "I have to cook you something. That's the whole point of the celebration."

  I nodded, allowing him to return back to the kitchen counter where he started pulling things from the fridge. A few minutes later, he stood at the hob in only his boxers and tossed the pan like a god.

  I took the liberty of pulling myself onto the counter to get a better view. Searching the cupboards, Kit eventually came across the wine glasses and made us both a drink.

  "Just juice," he said handing me my glass and I thanked him.

  After tossing the food in the pan again, he returned, picking up his glass in the process and sliding himself between my legs.

  "To you, and our baby," he said holding his glass up.

  "To us and our baby," I said, gently bringing my glass to his and hearing the quiet clink of them together.

  Once the food had cooked, Kit laid it out on the table and shut both the doors and drew the curtains. It was starting to feel chilly in here even after Kit had cooked us a meal and it made me loathe hormones all the more. One second I was mafting, the next I felt chilly. I smiled, admiring the food and plates Kit had laid out for us and we sat together there to eat.

  It was perfect.

  Just chatting the two of us, half dressed and in each others company. Once we'd both finished, we sat a little longer, staring at each other.

  Shortly after placing his glass on the table, he moved around the table and pulled my chair back with me still sitting on it. Then he was suddenly down to my level and he lifted me up so my legs wrapped around his back. He placed me down on the table edge before extending his arms and shifting everything out of the way. I gasped when a plate hit the floor, thankfully it didn't smash. Not that he cared, he was too busy kissing my neck and driving me insane with his touch.

  "That's how I planned on celebrating, now, I wanna celebrate in a different way…" he tugged at my knickers until he pulled them off and I reached to pull his boxers down. I wasn't expecting to make love on the kitchen table, but it was mind-blowing.

  "Hey, babe, how's it going?" Lilly placed me on loud speaker as she drove.

  She'd been to Wales to work at a wedding and whilst there she'd met with her parents who were reporting there.

  "Feeling nervous about the scan… and trying not to worry about everything else, apart from that I'm really good..."

  I thought about the night before with Kit and realised despite everything going on, I was so lucky.

  After reassuring me I asked Lilly how her time in Wales had gone.

  "Well, the guys here are certainly something else. One guy at the bar approached me and actually thought it was okay to grab my arse prior to actually speaking to me. That was only at the hotel bar."

  "What was this guy like?"

  Since everything that had happened, I didn't trust any fucker. Both Lilly and Niomi had been involved in my problems in the past, now that it had happened, situations like this freaked me out.

  "Don't worry, Eves, I politely told him to go fuck himself and left…"

  I frowned. "Really?"

  That wasn't like Lilly.

  "I'm not a sex craved lunatic all the time, you know? The cheeky twat squeezed my arse to the point of pain. Besides, I wasn't feeling up to it. I just wanna come home."

  "Come home? I thought you were meeting with your parents and spending the night with them?"

  "My parents ditched at the last minute. Apparently everything kicked off and they were needed back to hold an interview."

  "Oh, Lill', I'm sorry."

  "I'm used to it."

  I knew that, I really did.

  "Where are you?" She asked, changing the subject.

  "At home. Pretty bored..."

  "That sucks. I'll text you later okay? The traffic is getting pretty bad.”

  "Text me to let me know you're safe."

  "I-I, Captain," I smiled and placed my phone down. Then frowned, feeling sorry for her that her parents had let her down again. It was a shame that their plans with Lilly had to suffer due to their work.

  "Yeah, text me when you get home."

  "Will do, see you later."

  I tapped my hand on my thigh a few more times, glancing around the room. I'd spent the full day cleaning every single room.

  Now exhausted and alone, I felt lonely and not to mention bored shitless.

  I thought about Kit, knowing he was still at Delta. I knew his brothers would likely be home now. Kit had been staying at work longer than usual to train some new members.

  The more I thought about his brothers, the more I realised how much I missed them.

  So, I picked up my phone and typed a text before selecting all of their numbers and pressing send.

  Takeaway and a film. My pad?

  Before too long, each Carson brother descended, each bringing something along with them. Nick brought crisps, well chips according to him. Jax brought popcorn, Eric brought coke and Jason brought himself…

  I rolled my eyes at him as he slouched back onto the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table.

  They'd arrived quicker than expected and I still needed to have a shower before we could hang out.

  "I'm going for a quick shower before Kit gets home, get whatever you want from the kitchen," I said but they were already heading that way and I smiled knowing that they felt at home here.

  Before getting a shower, I texted Kit to ask him when he'd be home.

  After a quick shower I dressed in my pajama shorts and a vest, in preparation for movie night. Then I saw the little pot on the side. It was my favourite face mask and I smiled, picking it up.

  Downstairs I found each of th
em in the kitchen, still placing food into bowls like they were preparing for an all you can eat buffet.

  "What's that?" Jason asked, shoving crisps into his mouth.

  "Face mask," I grinned.

  It dawned on him then as it did for the rest of them.

  "Hell no, girl," Jason said walking past me, holding his bowl of crisps to his chest.

  The rest of them followed him and settled in the living room.

  "Aw, please!" I begged, following after them and they all looked at me as I prepared my speech.

  "I've never had a big sleepover before. I never had sisters and—"

  "You had Lilly, don't pull that crap, Eves," Jason replied.

  "Lilly has sensitive skin, she can't wear face masks. So I'd sit all alone wearing one by myself…"

  "She's fucking killing me," Jax said, not taking his eyes off of me.

  "Uhuh," Eric agreed, still eyeing me.

  "Fine!" Jason said and I squealed and rushed over to him.

  "Okay, just relax," I said sitting beside him and opening the tub.

  "You know, a lot of guys wear face masks, it's really good for the skin—"

  "A lot of guys pout and take photos of themselves wearing them, then they post them on Instagram. You think I look like that type of guy?"

  "Fair point," I said but took the opportunity to spread a blob of it across his face, instantly getting a reaction from him.

  "Urgh! What the fuck is that?"

  "This looks like torture," Eric commented crossing his arms and wincing.

  I smiled as Jason continued to complain, until eventually all of his face was covered in an army coloured face mask.

  "Who's next?" I asked, beaming at the rest of them.

  Fifteen minutes later we all had our facemasks on and I checked my phone that said Kit would be home soon. Although, he sent that over an hour ago and he still wasn't here.

  "He'll be here soon, Eves, we'll watch a film whilst we wait."

  What seemed like minutes later we each heard the front door unlatching after the security system had let him in. An exhausted looking Kit entered the room. He was about to speak but shut the hell up when he saw each of us sitting here in our face masks, and we each stared up at him from where we sat on the sofas.


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