Confessions Of Gemini

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Confessions Of Gemini Page 2

by Logan Tyler

  Sarah sighed deeply before moving into the kitchen. She had the same issue there too. There was nowhere available to hide the damn book! Why did she have to be so silly as to break her grounding in the first place?

  She bopped herself on the head as she wandered through the dining room, she only paused again as she noticed the closet. Melissa had been gone 12 minutes already! She had to hide this thing now! Practically running into her office, she spun in a circle considering every piece of furniture and hiding spot possible. Finally, her eyes landed on the closet. Perfect! She could stuff it into one of the winter coat pockets. Since it was the middle of summer, there was no way Melissa would find it there.

  She pulled open the door and reached for the top shelf, where they kept extra bedding and blankets before she secured the book between two old quilts. She then took a moment to catch her breath and center herself before making her way back to the living room. There, she picked up a magazine and tried to make herself look casual, thumbing through it while sitting on the couch.

  After that, time seemed to tick slowly. She longed to just turn on her computer or even the TV. This time though, she’d been thoroughly grounded. Not only could she not buy or read that forbidden book, but Melissa didn’t want her downloading it either. Sarah swore she’d thrown in the TV just out of spite, but then she probably deserved this weekend’s grounding. Last weekend had been a push, and she still felt guilty wasting the $200 on the tickets they’d not even used.

  Finally, the door opened, and Melissa returned with a bag in tow. Relieved to have something to focus on, Sarah sprung up off the sofa, eager to help. She followed Melissa into the kitchen and assisted her to unload, only to feel the stab of panic return as she spotted a rectangular piece of paper on the floor. Somehow the receipt, which had been tucked into the book like a bookmark had fallen out onto the kitchen floor.

  Sarah tried to be casual and stepped across the kitchen inconspicuously, but Melissa’s eyes caught the paper just as Sarah stepped on it.

  “What’s that?” Melissa asked.

  “Ah, nothing. Just a little piece of trash.”

  “Then why are you trying to hide it? Hand it over,” Melissa directed.

  In another moment of panic, Sarah snatched the paper off the floor. She put it behind her back, protecting her ill-fated secret for a bit longer. “No, really it’s nothing. I’m just going to throw it away.”

  Melissa stepped towards her, locking eyes with her and making Sarah very nervous. “I told you to do something, young lady, and I expect you to do it! Give me the paper. Now.”

  Sarah shook her head and backed further away from the intimidating Melissa. She wanted to run, but hitting the counter, she quickly realized she had nowhere else to go.

  “Now, Sarah Annabelle.”

  Sarah’s eyes widened. There was no way she’d be able to get by Melissa without her lover catching her, and with the realization that there was no escape, the panic increased tenfold. Her heart was beating faster and faster now. Handing the paper over would be like confessing. That was the last thing she wanted to do.

  “Give that to me,” Melissa growled as she reached around Sarah for the paper in her hands.

  Out of options, Sarah spun, tossed the paper into the garbage disposal, and flipped the switch causing it to roar to life and eat the paper.

  Melissa’s mouth was agape as she looked from the sink and back at Sarah. Not blinking, she reached for the utensil holder sitting on the counter and pulled out a wooden spoon. She then took Sarah by the ear and led her to the end of the counter before pushing her over it.

  “No, no, no, no,” Sarah begged as the spoon landed with a loud pop. “Please, I’m sorry, Melissa. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Really?” Melissa grunted as Sarah squirmed through a good dozen rapid-fire swats. “I can only imagine what you were thinking, or what was on that paper,” Melissa scolded, pulling Sarah back up only long enough to undo the button and zipper to her pants. She quickly yanked them down before pressing Sarah back against the counter.

  “You’re going to tell me what was on that paper,” Melissa demanded, giving Sarah a pop on both her panty covered cheeks.

  Sarah wiggled wildly across the top of the counter. The heat was quickly building in her backside and the spoon was far from her favorite implement. “Please Melissa, ma’am, you’ll be mad if I tell you,” she implored.

  Her pleas fell on deaf ears, however, because Melissa didn’t relent. Instead, she continued her hold on Sarah’s lower back, placing two firm pops lower, on her tender sit spots. “Be that as it may, little brat, I want to know what was on that paper. And the longer it takes you to tell me, the longer your strapping is going to be later!”

  Sarah hissed as another round of stinging pops connected. Knowing she had to say something, but still reluctant to do so, she gritted her teeth and mumbled into the counter.

  Melissa responded with two even firmer swats. “Tell me so I can hear you or you are about to lose these panties, young lady! Now, I’ve had quite enough of this!”

  Her voice was as strict as Sarah had ever heard it, but even though her butt was burning, Melissa’s tone also sent shivers to her lower belly. Sarah’s lip started to tremble. Bratting was one thing, but Melissa was upset with her now. She hated when Melissa got like this. It went beyond their normal tit for tat, and that was too much. A tear rolled down her cheek and she finally broke down, calling out, “Fishsticks.”

  “What?” Melissa asked, but backed down. “What happened?”

  “I just...” Sarah’s lip again trembled. “I need a minute.”

  “Okay,” Melissa agreed. “Do you need a hug?”

  Sarah nodded and flew into her lover’s arms. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” she started to sob into Melissa’s shirt.

  Without further comment, Melissa picked Sarah up, allowing her to wrap her legs around her hips and carried her the ten feet to the couch. Sarah felt much better as she hid in Melissa’s chest, sitting astride her lap. Eventually, Sarah was able to even out her breathing.

  Melissa pushed a long lock of golden hair behind Sarah’s ear before her voice dropped down into a soft, but reassuring tone. “Are you ready to talk about this?”

  Sarah nodded into Melissa’s chest but continued to clutch Melissa's blouse tightly. She shifted sideways so she could curl up even closer and put her head on Melissa’s shoulder. “I’m not sure where to begin.”

  “How about with the paper.”

  Sarah wrinkled her nose. “No, that’s not a good place.”

  Melissa chuckled. “You are cute when you’re in trouble.”

  “Then I must be adorable right now,” Sarah sighed.

  “Come on now, enough. Tell me what’s going on. Why was that little piece of paper worth using our safeword?”

  “It wasn’t paper or the spoon,” Sarah squirmed. “It was the lie… or lies.”

  “Ah, and my sister? Was she part of this lie?”

  Sarah brought her hand up her to mouth as she absently chewed on her thumb. “Kinda.”

  “Okay,” Melissa drew out. “Do I need to call and interrogate my sister, or are you ever going to tell me what’s going on?”

  “She didn’t do anything but try to help,” Sarah finally relinquished. “She found me...”

  “In the living room, I hope.”

  “No… at the bookstore.”

  Melissa sighed. “So, you went out after I told you not to. And let me guess you bought the book as well?”

  Sarah ducked her face as she felt fire flood her cheeks. “Yeah, I did.”

  “You are in more trouble now, you know. Where is the book?”

  Sarah whined and poked her lip out at Melissa pleadingly.

  “Come on Sarah, where is the book?” Melissa repeated as she patted Sarah’s thigh meaningfully.

  Sarah slouched off her girlfriend’s lap and gave another pitiful look. “If I get it what are you going to do with it?”

Melissa raised a brow and questioned, “Just what do you think I should do with it?”

  “Spank me with it?” Sarah asked, her voice trembling.

  Melissa chuckled. “That’s an idea. No, I’m not going to spank you with it, but I will be taking it, putting it up, and making sure you don’t touch it for a month.”

  “A whole month? But how am I going to avoid the spoilers? The chat groups will all be…”

  “I could include the internet for that month as well,” Melissa supplied.

  Sarah paled. She’d surely die of boredom if she lost the internet for that long. “No, no. I’ll be good. I swear I won’t touch it.”

  “That’s my girl. Alright, that takes care of that. You were right about something else, though. I am going to spank you.”

  Sarah looked down. “You always have to spank me.”

  Melissa popped her thigh. “Well, if you’d behave for more than five minutes, I wouldn’t have to spank you so often. Now, the book please?”

  Sarah’s shoulders dropped. She turned toward the hallway, shuffling down it and berating herself for forgetting to check the damn receipt. How could she make such a rookie mistake? Goodness, she had been a brat with a top for three years after all! Coming back to Melissa, Sarah was still pouting as she pushed it toward her partner. “Here, I didn’t want to read the stupid thing anyway.”

  Melissa took the book placing it aside. “I’m sure which is why you are pouting like a 5-year-old right now.”

  “I’m not pouting like a 5-year-old!”

  “But you are pouting?”

  Sarah crossed her arms, giving a minuscule stomp of her foot as she did.

  “So, young lady, why don’t we head to our bedroom and finish the discussion we were having earlier?”

  Sarah bit her lip thinking about the heat she could still feel in her hind cheeks and wanted no part of anymore spanking tonight. “Do we really have to? I think I’ve been spanked enough for today.”

  “I’m pretty sure I don’t even have to answer that. And I don’t like the attitude, so why don’t you march your behind right to your corner for a while so you can think about our impending chat.”

  Sarah’s eyes got wide, but she knew better than to argue now. With another stomp, however, she made her way to the bedroom and into the prescribed corner. She hated the place where the two walls met, and Melissa knew that. Settling in, however, only made her mind drift to what would happen when she left the dreaded spot. She was in huge trouble, probably more than she’d been in a long time – if ever.

  The minutes ticked by at the endless pace, but eventually, she heard the bed behind her creak as Melissa sat upon it. Sarah didn’t dare turn around or make a sound. This was the most dangerous time, the time where her top was contemplating just how much attention her poor little backside was about to need.


  Melissa had spent the last several minutes studying her brat as she stood, shifting, in the corner. She was beyond disappointed and didn’t quite know what she was she going to do with Sarah. Breaking her grounding and lying to boot was not only unusual behavior for her brat but were both very serious offenses. In fact, lying was right under putting herself in danger, which was on the top of her list.

  With a sigh, Melissa straightened and called out, “Come here, young lady. It’s about time we chat.”

  Sarah also stiffened but took her time in turning to face her. Her eyes were glossed over, and Melissa knew that Sarah wasn’t happy about her situation at all. But then she never liked being punished and was prone to dramatics in those rare times when it was necessary. Those dramatics didn’t disappoint when Sarah finally started to move, ever so slowly, dragging her feet as she went.

  She only stopped when she reached Melissa. Standing, in front of her, their eyes met, and then Melissa reached out for Sarah’s hands. Melissa then dropped her voice into a serious tone before asking, “Can you tell me why I’m about to roast your backside?”

  Sarah chewed her lip in clear hesitation. “Because I broke my grounding and bought the book you told me not to and then lied to you about it,” she rushed out in one breath.

  “Correct. You know why you were grounded, and I believe next weekend we will try it again, hopefully, this spanking will help you remember how to keep your promises.”

  “But I didn’t…” Sarah started, only to be cut off.

  “Didn’t you? You were supposed to be home by 4, yet you totally forgot. I even reminded you that morning. Then you told me you understood why I grounded you. Isn’t that the same thing? If you ignore a punishment, isn’t that the same thing as breaking a promise?”

  Melissa waited, letting her lecture sink in. She was still upset about missing the play the week before. Actual Broadway performances were few and far between even in the capital of South Dakota, and she was still sore about the whole thing. Sarah ignoring her consequence was just pouring salt on that wound.

  “I’m sorry,” Sarah finally managed. “I know I messed up.”

  “You did,” Melissa agreed. “But then it gets worse. I’m concerned about the lying, young lady. You know lying is not acceptable. It’s very much unlike you, and I would love to know just what you were thinking when you tried to deceive me like that?”

  Sarah stared at the floor. “I just didn’t think, I suppose.”

  “You didn’t think?”

  “Yeah, it just happened so quickly. Beth saw me, and I didn’t know what to do. It went from bad to worse quickly.”

  “I’d say it did.” Melissa studied her brat for a long moment before she added, “I think we’ve done quite enough talking. I think it’s time for you to go over my knee.”

  Sarah whimpered as Melissa only paused long enough to relieve her of her pants and panties before pulling Sarah over her thighs. Sarah twisted and wiggled, signaling that she was uncomfortable, but then that was part of the point. She was supposed to be slightly off balance and worried about the pain she was about to feel. Melissa’s thigh shifted. She lifted one leg slightly higher than the other to give Melissa the perfect angle. The change made Sarah groan.

  Before the spanking actually started, however, Melissa asked her the dreaded question once again. “Okay Sarah, why are you in this position?”

  Sarah wiggled as Melissa’s fingers drummed on her vulnerable backside. Melissa had already told her what she wanted to hear but knew that Sarah needed to verbalize it as well.

  Sarah drew in a deep breath before she finally was able to admit, “I broke my grounding, did the one thing you specifically forbid me from doing, and then lied to you to try to cover it up.”

  “True, and did you not also involve my sister in your lie?”

  Sarah swallowed hard. “Yes… but it wasn’t on purpose.”

  Melissa pulled back and gave Sarah a good pop with the palm of her hand. “Really?”

  “Well, it wasn’t intentional,” Sarah amended. “I’m sorry. I’ll apologize to her.”

  “Good idea. You know I have half a mind to wash your mouth out,” Melissa mused, patting each cheek in turn. They were only pats, but Melissa knew they made Sarah nervous by the little shivers and wiggles she was broadcasting in her movements.

  “Please don’t do that,” Sarah found herself begging. “I don’t think I could stand the soap.”

  Melissa patted harder now from cheek to cheek. “You know how important trust is? Maybe you need more than me just lighting up your cute, but naughty, little backside? Why shouldn’t I just add a good mouth soaping to the rest of your punishment?”

  Sarah kicked, squirming with Melissa’s choice of words. With a moan, she then answered, “Because you love me?”

  Melissa snickered. She swatted her harder before answering, “I do love you but that’s not going to stop your punishment or this spanking.” With the warning Melissa held her tighter, pulling her securely closer and proceeded to focus on warming the bare cheeks over her lap. She swatted back and forth steadily mixing the strength of the swats a
s she went.

  As the swats continued to build, Sarah was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. She was wiggling and becoming verbal. It only got worse as Melissa pulled her even closer and raised her right knee a little higher. The spanks suddenly started to rain down faster, harder, and peppered not only her bare bottom but the tender underside of her cheeks as well. “Oh! Ow!” Sarah whined.

  Melissa paused for a moment to once again reposition her. She rubbed Sarah’s cheeks for a few seconds, cupping each one almost tenderly. “Getting warm back here, but I don’t think you’re quite there yet,” Melissa decided before picking up her palm again.


  The second wave of swats were double-time. Sarah found herself squealing, wiggling, and tapping her toes in rhythm on the carpet. Melissa’s hand was relentless, and as the pace continued, Sarah was sure there must be smoke coming from her bottom. Melissa slowed and then turned her attention again to the very tops of Sarah’s thighs.

  The focus was abruptly changed as Melissa then fixated solely on these most tender spots. Slow and methodical, Sarah counted twenty solid spanks to each thigh with a small, “ohh, ah, ow,” or “ooof.”

  After the last set, Melissa gave Sarah a moment to recuperate as she soothingly rubbed her tender and surely red cheeks. “Do you remember what I promised you earlier?”

  Sarah stilled at Melissa’s question, racking her brain trying to recall the earlier promise. Then, suddenly it hit her -- the strap! “Oh... no.... please! Come on, my bottom is sore enough. Please don’t get out Ms. Olivia!”

  Patting her bum reassuringly, Melissa confirmed her worst fear. “I think that’s just what it is going to take to get your attention this afternoon. I want to be clear, however, because this is going to be a severe punishment. I am going to strap you specifically because you lied to me.”

  Sarah whined and with her displeasure, couldn’t help going completely limp over her girlfriend’s lap making it more difficult for Melissa to hold onto her.


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