Confessions Of Gemini

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Confessions Of Gemini Page 8

by Logan Tyler

  “Well,” Melissa said, pulling back to meet Beth’s eyes. “That’s kind of up to you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sit down. Let’s talk.”

  “Okay,” Beth said, her voice shaking.

  “First, I want to be clear that this isn’t a punishment. It’s a way to relieve stress. It’s a way for you to regain focus, and it’s a way for you to accept the changes that you are going through. Really, B, it’s a way for you to work through everything that you’ve been bottling up inside. I am going to spank you. It’s going to hurt, and you are going to cry, but as you accept the pain, you’ll also be able to accept your feeling and emotions. It’s not an easy thing, but I promise you that when it’s over, you’ll feel lighter.”

  Beth put a hand on her chest and took a deep breath. “The stress hurts. It’s hard to breathe sometimes.”

  “I’m sorry, Beth. I should have been there for you more. I didn’t realize it had gotten this bad.”

  “It’s my fault. I should have told you what was going on. I didn’t want to bother you or Sarah…”

  Melissa shook her head. “Promise me something? I don’t want you to think that way again. You’re not a bother, you’re my sister. Nothing is more important than that.”


  Melissa gave her a soft smile. “No. Now, we need to get into specifics. I want to hear how you think this should go.”

  “Me?” Beth paled. “Don’t you just pull me over your lap and wail on me until I cry?”

  “I could do that, but is that what you need?”

  “What do you mean? Isn’t that how you and Sarah do it?”

  “You’re not Sarah, and what we do has no consequence. You’ve already admitted that you are like me. I know you fantasize about this. I know you have an idea of what you think you need. I want to hear about that.”

  Beth felt her cheeks warm. “But that’s so embarrassing.”

  “Embarrassment is an important part of accepting what you need, sis.”

  “Ugh, alright… um, well I want it to be hard. Like you said, I think I need to cry. I think it would be good to work out some of all this…” Beth pointed to her chest, “all of this I have stuck in here. All my doubts, and worries…”

  “Right. Define hard. What kind of implement are you thinking? How many strokes?”

  Beth squirmed at the thought of actually confessing to Melissa what she’d been fantasizing about. It’s all she’d been thinking about since she’d seen Sarah’s punishment the Sunday before. “Does that paddle you were using on Sarah hurt?”

  Melissa’s eyes went wide before she chuckled. “She’s not a big fan, but I want you to think about something that’s special to you. Something that you think will make an impression on you. Spanking is as much mental as it is physical. I don’t want you comparing yourself to Sarah. This is for you, B, not her.”

  Beth wrinkled her nose. “How about a belt? That would hurt, right?”

  Melissa let out a long breath. “I don’t think you’re being honest with yourself, Beth.”

  “But I…”

  “Bethany,” Melissa interrupted. “I want you to get up and look around. Find something you feel is appropriate and bring it back to me.”

  “Find something… for you to sp...spank me with?”

  “Yes, go find something that speaks to you. Something that makes you curious and you think will work for you.”


  “You have five minutes, Bethany Rose,” Melissa cut her off as she picked up her phone.

  “But Melissa…”

  Melissa shook her head and put her phone down on the coffee table in front of her. The countdown on the timer had already started.

  “Seriously? Melissa!”

  “I’d start searching if I were you,” Melissa said calmly.

  Feeling the panic rise, Beth didn’t want to know what would happen if the timer hit zero before she found an object. She was losing time. She needed to move.

  Beth zeroed in on the kitchen first. She went to the utensil drawer and pulled out a wooden spoon. Looking at it for a moment, she wrinkled her nose and put it back. The same process was repeated over a wooden spatula and a handled bread-board. Nothing seemed right.

  Moving on to the bathroom, Beth picked up a long-handled bath brush and a plastic hairbrush before putting both back. The bedroom heeded similar results as she touched a black leather belt she found in the closet and another wooden hairbrush that was on Melissa and Sarah’s dresser. It was obviously unused, at least for brushing hair, but it seemed weird that Melissa probably used it to spank Sarah.

  Out of immediate ideas and quickly running out of time, Beth cruised through Sarah’s office only to blanch at a sorority paddle that she discovered leaning against the back wall. She was about to leave the office when she remembered that Melissa and Sarah used the closet in the office to store odds and ends.

  Beth opened the closet door and frowned as her eyes searched the half of the closet that Sarah had built shelves into for storage. She looked across the shelf that was at eye level before bending down and looked at the one below it. Seeing nothing, she was about to give up when she caught the word basement, written on a box on the floor.

  Eyes going wide, she realized the box was familiar. Not only was the word written in her own handwriting, but she remembered what she’d packed inside. It was full of childhood mementos from the basement playroom that she and Melissa had shared as children. She hadn’t thought about the box in years and had never realized that it must have gotten mixed up with Melissa’s things instead of in her garage where she thought it was.

  Curiosity suddenly overrode Beth’s good sense, and she found herself sitting down on the ground as she pulled the box out of the closet and opened it. Smiling to herself, she pulled out two Barbie dolls, some sheet music, a photo album, a snowglobe, and several other odds and ends, each bringing a memory from her childhood.

  “Beth?” Melissa's voice called from the hallway. “Where are you?”

  “Ah, I’m in the office,” Beth said, realizing that her time was up. The panic suddenly started to stir within her again and she quickly started to put everything back in the box.

  “What are you doing in here?” Melissa said as she came around the desk and found Beth still sitting on the floor

  Beth could only blush as she tried to close the box and push it back into the closet. “Nothing, sorry. I got distracted.”

  “Wait a minute. Hold it. Pull that back out.”

  “Ah, why? I’m sorry, Mel. I’ll find something. I didn’t mean…” Beth trailed off as she looked up at her sister from where she’d been sitting on the ground. The box in front of her was still semi-open, but Melissa seemed almost amused by it.

  “What’s in that box? I don’t remember seeing it before.”

  “It’s mine, kind of,” Beth admitted. “I packed it up from Mom and Dad’s but it must have gotten mixed up with your things. I’m assuming Sarah thought it was yours and stashed it in here. It’s um, stuff from the basement.”

  “Really? I want to see,” Melissa pressed. She sat down next to Beth and pulled the box back out.

  “But it’s just a bunch of old memories,” Beth argued.

  “Oh, stop it. Come on, I’m curious.”

  Beth sighed, her own memories stirring at what she knew was in the bottom of that box. It was another moment of panic, but she had little choice and reluctantly gave in as Melissa started pulling out toys, papers, and even a couple of old games.

  When Melissa reached the bottom of the box, however, she paused before bringing out a pair of ping pong paddles. Raising her eyebrow in Beth’s direction, Beth felt her cheeks grow warm as she blushed.

  “Interesting. You know I was wondering where these went,” Melissa said as she examined each. She handed Beth the blue paddle while she studied the red one. “Look you can still see our names,” Melissa chuckled, showing Beth her name faintly written on the han
dle of the blue paddle.

  Beth chewed on her lip and gave her sister a small shrug. “I’m not sure why I kept those.” She flipped the paddle over in her hand. It was light, but heavy with memories.

  “I think you know why, and now I’m glad you did,” Melissa countered with a wry smile. “You know I was kind of disappointed. I was going to take them, but they were gone. I figured Mom or Dad threw them out.”

  Melissa flipped the paddle with her name on it over in her hand and chuckled. “A little ironic that you should find these tonight. It reminds me of the last time I felt this. It was when we were seniors. Remember that night I missed curfew? I so had trouble sitting the next day.”

  Beth rolled her eyes. “I was twenty. Junior year of college. I came home for the weekend with apparently a little too much attitude.”

  Melissa smiled. She put her arm around Beth and gave her a hug before she dropped her own paddle back into her box. “I think we’ve found your something special.”

  Beth’s eyes widened as her mouth moved, but nothing came out. She was afraid that Melissa was going to say that.

  “I thought so.” Melissa smiled warmly at her sister. “Maybe that’s all you need. A good reminder like Mom would have given you for the tantrum you threw earlier today. Nothing like an old-fashioned paddling to make you cry.”

  Beth squirmed but didn’t protest. She didn’t care for the idea at all, but at the same time, she knew Melissa was right. “Maybe…” she finally conceded as Melissa placed all the mementos back into the box except Beth’s paddle.

  Melissa closed the box and stood before offering her hand to Beth. “You ready, sister?”

  Beth sighed but took the offered hand. “I think so. Maybe we should get it over with before we overthink it?” she said as she shifted nervously from foot to foot. She couldn’t help noticing the twin bed tucked up against the far wall. The memories of her mother dragging her up to her room and taking her over her knee came charging back to the forefront of her mind and she couldn’t help but wonder if Melissa was going to do the same thing to her.

  Melissa seemed to read her thoughts as she followed Beth’s gaze and frowned slightly at the bed. “Maybe so,” Melissa finally agreed as she gently reached for Beth’s wrist and stepped around the desk and over to the bed, pulling her along as she went.

  Apparently undaunted by her own memories, Melissa sat in the center of the mattress leading Beth to stand right in front of her. Melissa looked up into identical blue eyes before admitting, “I love you, Bethany Rose Winters. I have from the moment we were born. I don’t like seeing you stressed and reacting in anger the way you did today. I want you to have a chance to let all that go. That’s why I’m about to spank you.”

  Beth’s eyes went wide as she listened to Melissa’s lecture. They only grew wider as Melissa took the paddle out of Beth’s hand and set it next to her. Beth had almost forgotten she was holding it. Without ceremony, Beth then suddenly found herself being pulled right over her sister’s knee.

  “Mel!” Beth managed to squeak out, once face-down in position.

  Melissa settled Beth’s frame easily; half on the bed, and half hanging over her lap towards the floor. She wrapped her arm around Beth’s slim waist holding her in place securely. Much to Beth’s chagrin, she didn’t utter a word before she picked up the paddle and struck it sharply over Beth’s trousers.

  Beth winced as a loud ‘pop’ echoed off the bedroom walls. A second later she felt the sting followed by too many memories. Melissa raised the paddle again, giving her another pop on her opposite cheek. That too stung, but it was the culminating force of the next half-dozen swats that started to make Beth anxious.

  Between the memories and the building fire on her backside, Beth was frozen in place. As the paddle continued to thud over her pants, she was shocked that it still hurt as much as it had all those years ago. Somehow, she thought that now that she was grown it would be different. Each swat was already building warmth in both of her bottom cheeks. Still, she couldn’t seem to move or breathe. She was staring at the quilt on the bed; her mind was a swirl of thoughts. This was happening. Her bottom was already starting to sting, turning quite warm, even under the layers of protection she was suddenly thankful for. It was almost too much to take in. She was actually getting a spanking!

  Melissa remained silent, relentless, and kept the paddle raining down in a steady rhythm. Layer after layer was building, each making Beth’s bottom more and more uncomfortable. Beth couldn’t help clenching and unclenching her cheeks to relieve the sting in the moment between each swat.

  The space between the swats was narrowing as the pain starting to ebb into one large uncomfortable burn. Beth was finding it harder and hard to focus on what was happening to her backside. Her mind kept rolling back to all the mistakes she had made that day, and really all the mistakes she had made since leaving college.

  Working at the firm for Mary Parker and wasting so much time there was one of the biggest regrets. Letting her professional life overtake her common sense as she stayed in the closet, effectively ending her social life was another. Maybe if she’d come out, she wouldn’t be so lonely. Then there were the mistakes of just the past week -- spying on Sarah and Melissa, not telling them what she saw, and then not leaving sooner. She still felt guilty about watching them. She’d been fascinated, but so ashamed at the same time.

  There was also the shame of hiding from her own sister. She’d avoided Melissa’s calls and texts for three days. That was practically unheard of between them. And then the display at the office. Maybe she really did deserve this spanking for acting like a child. Her last thought was cut off as Melissa again caught her attention by stopping.

  Beth’s backside was tingling, but she couldn’t help but be disappointed when Melissa said, “Stand up, Bethany.”

  Beth held her breath a moment unsure what to do. Sure, the spanking had stung, but she had surely had worse. “Uhm, Mel… I uh… I’m not sure I’ve had enough yet.” Beth quietly told her glancing back over her shoulder. Beth could hear her chuckle and saw her shake her head.

  “I did not say we were done, Beth. Up.” Melissa popped her backside hard once more spurring Beth to move.

  Beth scrambled unsteadily to her feet and looked at her sister with uncertainty.

  “Okay, you get that jacket off and take your pants down.”

  Beth stood frozen in place processing what Melissa had said. “Mel… I’m not sure that is necessary… I mean… it was stinging plenty.”

  Melissa frowned slightly. “You just said…” she stopped and shook her head, tapping the paddle gently on her thigh as she did so. “You are going to want your jacket off before I’m done, but you can keep it on if you want. However, you are taking those pants down,” Melissa stated, matter of factly.

  Beth felt her lip go out in a pout. She didn’t really care about being naked in front of Melissa or anyone for that matter, but she knew the moment she lost her pants, that paddle was going to sting a hundred times worse.

  Sighing, she shrugged out of her jacket tossing it beside Melissa before gritting her teeth and pushing her pants down to her knees. “There. Happy now?” she couldn't help demanding, finding her voice more sassy than she really intended.

  “Very,” Melissa’s replied as Beth again found herself hauled over her knee now with much less protecting her bottom. Soon as she was trapped into place, again by Melissa’s strong arm, the paddle returned to her bottom with a vengeance.

  Melissa wasted no time as she bounced it over and over all across Beth’s bottom. Each swat would have stung all by itself, however, the continued onslaught was contributing to an overall fiery sensation that was erupting from the center of each bottom cheek. Beth couldn’t help moving as she could focus only on the burning that each taste that the plastic-coated wood created.

  Just when the pain started to peak, Beth felt Melissa pause. Unfortunately, however, the pause was only for a moment as her panties were whisked down
sore cheeks to land at her mid-thigh. Her bare backside was now totally vulnerable, and she felt the difference, as a deliberate swat landed across the center of her sit spots leaving what felt like a permanent imprint of the paddle where she needed to sit most.

  She hissed and wriggled, but Melissa held her strongly, as she suddenly spoke, “Now, Bethany Rose. You are going to listen to me for a moment.”


  Melissa tapped the blue paddle lightly across Beth’s red bottom as she watched the back of her head. She spoke firmly, but kindly, to her sister, making sure that her point was heard. “You are going to forgive yourself for everything that you think you have done wrong these past few years. This is the moment you are to let all that go. Do you understand?”

  Melissa waited, only to frown when instead of answering her, Beth’s head dropped closer to the bed. Obviously, she had heard her, but no answer was forthcoming.

  Pulling the paddle back Melissa landed a sharper sudden blow to the center of her cheeks asking as just as it landed, “Do you understand me, Bethany? A yes Melissa will suffice.”

  Bethany pulled herself further up the bed and away from the punishing wood, but Melissa just adjusted to her new position. She started to tick off seconds in her head waiting for Beth to answer her.

  When she reached sixty, she shook her head and sighed deeply at her sister’s stubbornness. Pulling the paddle back, she crashed it down hard on the meaty part of Beth’s right cheek, creating a momentary white mark. Not pausing, she did the same again, then eight more times in the same spot, each swat making Beth’s cheek more inflamed. Beth only response was a grunt and wiggle, as she still continued to ignore Melissa’s question.

  With a small grunt of annoyance, Melissa then repeated the firm and identical series of swats on Beth’s left cheek. At least she got a response as Beth let out a, “Oh, aw… ouch,” but she was again surprised that Beth didn’t say anything more. She knew her sister had a stubborn streak, but this was taking it a bit too far.

  Melissa rested the paddle against her Beth’s backside, waiting for her wiggling to calm before she again asked, “Bethany, I need you to answer me. Do you understand what I said?”


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