The Heart of the Falcon: The Guardian Maidens Book 3

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The Heart of the Falcon: The Guardian Maidens Book 3 Page 23

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I said, “I don’t know, but I kind of want you to be able to if you want to. But maybe we should keep it a secret for now and maybe you are the only one who does it. You are my first wife and maybe that’s a privilege that you share with me but no one else does for now.”

  She squeezed my hand and said, “That sounds very special. Thank you. Are you ready to get started?”

  We walked into the dining room and Val seated me at the head of the table.

  Jack and Tanya were already there, but none of the women were. They were wearing tunics like mine and Val’s, but the women’s tunics were a bit more see-through. It didn’t really matter. Like they had said, we would all swim naked anyway. Jack didn’t even seem to notice.

  Tanya said, “Hi Pops. It’s good to see you. You didn’t get eaten by a bear. That’s good. I would have missed you. Sometimes,” and she giggled.

  I laughed and said, “Only sometimes?”

  She said, “Until you came back. You could be eaten by a bear, but you would just cut your way out of his belly and come back the next day. But unless I needed a present while you were eaten, it would be fine.”

  I said, “It would, huh? If I got eaten by a bear, it would be just fine unless I missed a chance to give you a present?”

  She said, “Yep. Or if I needed a hug or had to ask you a question or just needed my Dad or to play a game or to tell you a secret or sit on your lap.”

  I said, “Well, I can live with that. I think being eaten by a bear would smell bad.”

  She giggled and said, “Being on his insides would smell like bear poop.”

  About that time, Brenda came from the kitchen carrying more food and Stacy and Alice and Dawn came from upstairs. All of them were dressed like Val. The fabric was just sheer enough for me to see the lines of their bodies beneath the fabric. A minute later, Harmony appeared. She took a seat at my right, around the corner of the table from me and had obviously gotten instructions from Shaheena about what she was supposed to do.

  Harmony said, “Our other two will be down in a moment. Ronin, is there anything that you want to say before we go farther?’

  I said, “Well, I suppose that I should. Mostly for Jack and Tanya’s sake.”

  Jack said, “Oh, don’t worry about us. My spies reported that some secret adventure is happening, and I told Tanya already. They couldn’t find out what it was, but my senior spy said…what was it? Oh, she said strange things are afoot in the house of Ronin tonight and that we should be ready and not cry or complain or anything no matter what because Ronin knows what he’s talking about and normal stuff like that. Nobody seems sad anyway.”

  Tanya said, “I think Grandpa Gerald has our unicorns ready.”

  Jack said, “I don’t think that’s it. I think it has something to do with wifely things. I wouldn’t be interested except that someday I will have to do whatever it is too, when I get older and have Elf-girls.”

  Tanya said, “You talk about Elf-girls all the time now.”

  Jack said, “I do not. But things are getting better now, and we have to consider all of our contingencies. I think contingencies is the right word. But anyway, when Ichabod the Goblin was here, somehow wifely things seemed gross and disgusting.”

  Brenda said, “They certainly did. You’re right about that.”

  Alice laughed, and Jack continued, “I don’t think he was doing it right. I don’t know what it is, but it’s about making ladies happy and he wasn’t doing it.”

  Alice said, “He’s got that right too!”

  Jack said, “But Ronin knows how to do the wifely things so that the womenfolk are happier than ever, and it doesn’t seem gross at all. It seems to be like a really good thing and something that we are going to have to know about someday.”

  Tanya said, “Yeah, I think that too. This is better. All these Elf-people and lots of pretty princesses and a real daddy and everything.”

  Chapter 24 - Jack and Tanya Understand it All

  I said, “Oh, I forgot. I bought presents. Where are the presets that I bought for Jack and Tanya?”

  Brenda smiled and said, “I think I know which ones you mean. I went ahead and wrapped them just in case. Here…”

  She went to a small cupboard and retrieved two packages and handed them to me.

  Jack said, “Books? Oh no!”

  Tanya said, “Jack, you dumb boy! What’s wrong with you. You said already that your spies said don’t be stupid tonight.”

  Jack looked at Tanya with surprise and said, “Tanya, you do listen to me when I talk. But, you’re right. But I meant, ‘books, oh no, I can’t wait to open them.’”

  Tanya said, “You did not. You meant books are for stupid girls, not Elf-boys. But Ronin is an Elf-king and he must like books, so you are dumb. You need to ask your spies how to not be so dumb and be an Elf-prince. That’s what I think.”

  I said, “Hey hey. Jack just never saw the right kind of books before. Ichabod probably never showed him a really good book for an Elf-prince. How could he? You know, since he was a Goblin and Goblin’s don’t read.”

  April had joined us now and took the final seat at the table.

  Tanya said, “April, you put on a dress. And not your best one. Go change.”

  Jack yelled, “Ha! Now who isn’t listening to my spies? It’s part of the adventure isn’t it? Harmony and Lady Dawn say the Ronin always has a plan. April, did Ronin tell you to wear a dress?”

  April smiled and nodded.

  Jack said, “So there! And if he told her to then there’s a good reason and she has to anyway.”

  I said, “Jack, I’m glad you brought that up. I want to say something about that. You and Tanya need to do what we tell you because you are still just eight and Tanya is just eleven. And if I am leading an Adventure, then sometimes everybody does what I say because I am keeping everyone safe. But you can ask questions if you need to, and the rest of the time the ladies can decide if they do what I say or not. If I say to do something and they say no, then that’s their choice and they don’t get in trouble for it like if you’re only eight.”

  Tanya said, “Like Harmony. She does what she wants, but if she wants to do what you say, then she does. Like Jack’s spies warned him.”

  Jack said, “How?”

  Tanya said, “Because if Ronin says that to go on the Adventure you have to do it. If you don’t do it, you don’t go on the Adventure. Like the book.”

  Jack squinted at her and she said, “Because if you say books are stupid, Ronin won’t punish you I don’t think, but you get punished by yourself because you don’t get a present and don’t get what you would get if you read the book he got you. Is that right?”

  I said, “Tanya, that is exactly right. That was a really good way to explain it. That was perfect. Do you want your present now?”

  She grinned and nodded, and I held out the big book and she took it from me.

  I said, “Little Princess, it’s supposed to have stories about princesses and unicorns and rescues and giants and things like that. It has lots of pictures.”

  Tanya squealed, “Really? That’s so fun. I want to read all of it. We could read it together! Before bedtimes, with all of the Elf-princesses! Oh, thank you. That’s the best present and I didn’t even ask for it. Books are expensive. I’ll take good care of it. April, sit on Daddy’s lap for me and look at him lovey-dovey and stuff. I’m just eleven, but I feel all happy and Daddy thank you. I love you.”

  I said, “And if I get eaten by a bear it will still be OK?”

  She smiled and said, “No! Don’t get eaten by a bear. Even for a little while. I like you too much and if you smell like bear poop no one will sit on your lap or even let you in the house. And Momma won’t want to do those wifely things for you and everyone will be terribly sad again. But thank you for my book. Can I kiss you?”

  I said, “Um, it would be honor to receive a kiss of thanks from a grateful Elf-princess.”

  Tanya jumped out of her seat and threw
her arms around me and kissed me on the mouth. It was definitely like a daughter with her father, and nothing more.

  She said, “Daddy, I made you cry! You love me! That’s OK. I love you too,” and she sat in her seat again.

  I said, “Well Jack? I do have this other book, but I won’t make you read it. It’s up to you and I won’t be mad.”

  Jack said, “Well, I should take it. My spies say that I should, so I will. Um, thank you, it was kind of you to get it for me…I guess.”

  I held it out, but when he reached across the table to get it, I held firmly and said, “It’s just a battle and adventure training manual, that’s all. You know about surviving in the woods and building a fire and skinning and cooking rabbits and building your own canoes and things like that. If you want to learn those kinds of things.”

  Jack huffed in frustration and said, “There are times when my spies are very negligent and don’t give me all of the critical information that I need to make a good decision. I will have to speak to them.”

  Tanya said, “No, you just don’t listen because you think you know already. Dumb Elf-boy!”

  Jack said, “Well, maybe I made a mistake or maybe I didn’t.”

  I said, “Jack, a leader admits his mistakes and learns from them. How will his party trust him if they don’t know that he knows when he’s wrong?”

  Jack said, “Ah, I see your point, General. OK, Tanya, I was wrong. Ronin had a great and important gift for me and I was a dumb Elf-boy to think that I knew better. Thank you, Sir. It is my pleasure to serve under your command and I will learn not to be distrustful.”

  I said, “Jack, you had no one to teach you until now. I think that you have been a great leader and protector for this house until I came. You were wise to find me and make a plan with me. I’m proud of you. You and I will study the book together until you are ready for a more advanced one. This one is really for a boy at least twelve, but I think that you can handle it,” and I winked at him.

  Stacy said, “Are we ready for our final dinner attendee? Dear, come down when you are ready.”

  Everyone looked toward the stairway and Shaheena appeared and walked to the table and stood beside me, between Harmony and I.

  Tanya said, “There’s no chair or plate. We forgot. There’s too many to count.”

  Shaheena said softly, “No, no one forgot. None of you know everything that I want to say to you tonight. Perhaps my master does, but the rest know only a bit, and some nothing at all.”

  Jack did notice that Shaheena was dressed a bit differently than the rest of us and I saw his eyes go wide and then look at me. Yes, Shaheena’s gown was similar, but much more sheer than the others. Her body was draped in a nearly transparent curtain, and her form, and even the very purple nipples of her breasts were well displayed.

  Jack whispered, “Um, are you an Elf-queen? I thought you were just a lady-elf. I didn’t know you were um, so, um…”

  Brenda said softly, “She is a very beautiful Elf-queen, isn’t she Jack? Don’t be ashamed that you noticed. She doesn’t mind. We all feel that way I think. Her breasts are bigger than mine, aren’t they? And very unusual as well.”

  Jack said, “Um…, so Elf-girls can look like that? Ladies are pretty, I know that, I am a boy and everything, but um, do I call you Queen Shaheen or what? I kind of feel like strange things certainly are afoot at our house. You are um…, as pretty as Momma.”

  Shaheena smiled and said, “Everyone, you are very kind to me, but I am only a queen if my master says so. He says that my name is not Shaheen, but Shaheena. I need to explain. It won’t take long. Three weeks ago, I was at home, in my cloak, hiding away from the world and I heard a knock on my spirit and when I looked up, I saw him coming to our village. And I loved him from the beginning. Over the next days and weeks, I was in turmoil trying to figure out what I felt and what I wanted. I wanted him. I was made to be with him. But deep down, I knew that I was made to belong to him. I have been alone and proud for so long, for over 300 years, but now I have found my home. Jack, I am going to talk to you and I hope you understand…and that you all do. I am going to say it to Jack because it will be easier. Jack, every lady here is different. Brenda wants to cook and care for us. Alice has her role and it makes her happy to be what she wants. And Val and Dawn and Stacy too. And Harmony is Harmony and she does what she does and each of us has a place and a special role in your father’s house. You are his Captain, and you have your soldiers and your spies. He didn’t make you do that, you just knew that it was what you were meant to be right now. And I want to be what I am meant to be now. I knew what I wanted as soon as I knew that I would be his. I belong to him. All of the ladies call him Master sometimes. He is my master too.”

  I was stroking Shaheena’s bottom softly as she spoke. I assumed that Jack wouldn’t be able to see it from where he was sitting.

  She said, “Jack, do you know what I am to him? Or what he is to me? I could have kept it a secret, but if I am going to be what I am, everyone in the house has to know me.”

  Tanya burst out and said, “You are a unicorn!”

  Shaheena was taken aback and said, “A unicorn? What do you mean?”’

  Tanya stood on her chair and pointed at Shaheena exclaimed, “You are a unicorn. A princess unicorn. King Ronin found you and tamed you and you turned yourself into an Elf-Queen and you are his unicorn-wife and you belong to him and unicorns have masters and they belong to the Elf-prince who tames them. That why!”

  Jack said casually, “It does explain it.”

  Shaheena frowned and asked, “That’s why what?”

  Tanya said, “That’s why you don’t have a chair and a plate!”

  Brenda said, “Why?”

  Tanya, still standing on her chair said, “Because if I have a unicorn and I bring it in the house and it comes to dinner it will sit beside me and I will feed it, that’s why!”

  Shaheena smiled again and said, “That’s right. Ladies, Tanya said it way better than I could. I am a unicorn and this Elf-king tamed me and I am his, and for tonight at least, I will sit at his feet and be fed from his hand.”

  Tanya said, “Wow! That’s special. Do you have a pretty collar and a leash? Daddy, a unicorn needs a collar and a leash! Mommy Shaheena, don’t be scared. I love you. It’s all fine. Are you scared to be a lady now? And be tamed? It’s better isn’t it? Daddy, give her a present!”

  Brenda said, “Tanya, don’t be silly. Shaheena doesn’t wear a collar or a leash. Shaheena, don’t mind her, she’s young.”

  Shaheena grinned slyly and said, “She is wiser than you think.”

  Shaheena knelt between Harmony and I and bowed her head. Harmony smiled and took something from her lap and put it around Shaheena’s neck and then fastened the buckle at the side. Shaheena raised her head and sighed deeply with satisfaction and apparent transformation.

  Tanya leaned on the table and yelled, “See! It has a bell. And it’s pretty and just right. And she’s a unicorn-lady and that’s why!”

  Shaheena looked up at Tanya, and Brenda said, “Tanya, why what?”

  Tanya said, “Why her boobies are like that! She has purple cherries. No lady has boobies like she does. Boobies are nice, but now we know that unicorn boobies are like Shaheena has and they are really pretty. I wish I could touch them.”

  Brenda exclaimed, “Um, Tanya, um, yes, they are pretty, but…”

  Shaheena looked up at me with a question and I said, “Tanya, come here. Shaheena, turn around for a minute.”

  She smiled and turned to face the wall and Tanya came to my side and I said, “Tanya, you can touch my pretty unicorn if you want to. But be very gentle. I didn’t get to feel them yet, so be very tender.”

  Shaheena smiled again and knelt and pulled up her gown so that only Harmony, Tanya, and I could see her breasts. Tanya reached out very gently and put her hand on Shaheena’s naked breast and felt it and the large purple cherry at the peak.

  She said reverently, “I knew
it. Her skin is so white, and it has tiny silky fur all over it and that’s how we know she is a unicorn. Mommy Shaheena, thank you. I will help you be safe and everything if you need me to and I won’t tell anyone unless I have to and if you get lonely, you can sleep in my bed, not on the floor. I mean, if you aren’t with our master or one of the other Mommas.”

  She went back to her seat and everyone was looking at her as she sat down.

  Tanya said, “He’s all of our master, right? I’m not a lady, but he’s our Elf-king, so that’s why. Where is your leash? You don’t have to have it in the house, but do you have one? I know it’s kind of pretend, and a leash is weird if you are a different kind of lady maybe, but for a unicorn, it’s a fun game.”

  Shaheena smiled and said, “Tanya, thank you for explaining it for me.”

  Harmony grinned as she fastened the leash and handed it to me. I laid the end in my lap and looked at the surprised looks on all of the women’s faces.

  Brenda said, “I don’t know what the rest of you are thinking, but I already asked My Master if we could have a new tradition where one of us who wanted to could sit beside him like this every night. If we want to. Tanya explained it really well. At least one night a week, I’m going to be a unicorn and have my lover feed me at dinner. And then I’m going to take him upstairs and…” she seemed to catch herself before she said something that the children maybe shouldn’t hear and finished her sentence by saying, “and do some wifely things. I might have to get my own collar and leash.”

  Tanya squealed, “Momma’s a unicorn. Momma’s a unicorn.”

  Shaheena smiled and said, “Do you truly understand like Tanya does? If you don’t, it doesn’t change anything for me, and it is up to you to think what you want, but if you understand, I will feel more loved and accepted.”

  Harmony said, “I get it. If it had been explained differently, it might have seemed more like a game and a story, but I can easily believe that Ronin tamed a unicorn and she turned into Shaheena and now his pet unicorn sits at our table and sleeps in our beds.”


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