You Belong to Me

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You Belong to Me Page 1

by Ices Sheer

  Hells Vipers:

  You Belong to Me


  Ices Sheer

  ©2014 by Blushing Books® and Ices Sheer

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  Sherr, Ices

  Hells Vipers: You Belong to Me

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-487-4

  Cover Design by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Table of contents:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

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  Chapter One

  Kevin and Cindy

  Kevin Durant glanced down at the blood dripping from his left thigh. Then he looked back up and stared into the barrel of the 9mm pointed at his head. He grinned; apparently she was still pissed off at him.

  Cindy looked like a red-haired wildcat that was ready to rip him to shreds. She was wearing a tight white tank top and lacy purple panties. The last time he had seen her in that particular thong, he’d ripped it off with his teeth. The blood coming from his flesh wound was nothing compared to the blood rushing to his groin as the sweet memory replayed over and over in his mind. Her blue-green eyes were edgy as they took a fleeting look behind him at the men he’d brought with him.

  “It’s all good. You know Nuke and Pipe.” He used his head to point to his fellow members of the Hells Vipers, who also had their hands in the air. Even without looking back at them, he knew that Nuke was probably holding in laughter at their situation and Pipe was furious.

  “Gentlemen, don’t you know any better than to break into a lady’s house in the middle of the night? You can get your balls blown off that way.”

  “Your aim is a little off, sweetheart,” Kevin replied.

  “Hey, Cindy, we all know Kevin is a dick, but would you mind lowering your gun? I had surgery on my shoulder two months ago,” Nuke asked as he motioned toward his right shoulder with his head.

  Nuke’s blonde hair was military short, and he had several face tattoos, which he’d done himself. He was only an inch shorter than Kevin’s six feet, four inches. Nuke was in almost every aspect, other than height, the complete opposite of Kevin, right down to their personalities. Nuke, even though he could be fun, was more of an introvert while Kevin always had to be the life of the party.

  Physically, Kevin was big and bulky. Nuke was lean and powerful, yet no less domineering. To her shock, Cindy had learned that he got the road name “Nuke” after he put his ex-wife’s Chihuahua in the microwave. The dog lived but was bat-shit crazy after that.

  She glared at all of them for a few more seconds. “No one moves until I know why you’re here.” Her voice reflected the mistrust and fear overwhelming her senses.

  “Calm down. No need for anyone else to get shot,” Kevin said with a sexy smile. “Nuke really did have surgery on his shoulder, and it’s hurting him bad. I’d appreciate it, and I know he would, too, if you let him put his hands down.”

  She felt a twinge of guilt about Nuke. “Nuke, you can lower your hands; you, too, Pipe. Just keep them where I can see them.”

  “Thanks, Cindy,” Nuke replied as he touched his shoulder, rubbing the painful area.

  Pipe, on the other hand, sent her a scorching look and flipped her the middle finger. He’d always been the one who made her feel nervous. Pipe was unpredictable and unapproachable. He wasn’t as tall as Nuke or Kevin, and he was covered in fewer tattoos. But there was something soulless about Pipe, and she’d made it a point to steer clear of him whenever she could. She didn’t know how he got the road name “Pipe,” and she truly didn’t want to find out.

  Damn it to hell with all alpha males and their ability to always be in control even though she was the one holding the gun. Kevin was bleeding all over her beige tile floor, and he still looked cocky and confident. All three of them didn’t seem too concerned about her at all.

  Kevin was the most egotistical and over-sexed man she’d ever been with. Throw in the custom-built motorcycle, and he was the Google search result for “sexy biker.”

  He tried to look anywhere else but in her eyes. Kevin could see it there even if no one else could -- the pain of betrayal. He started to apologize again but thought better of it. It was too late for regret. They’d terrified her, and he didn’t blame her one bit for shooting at three men breaking into her house at two o’clock in the morning. As bad as her aim was, they were lucky she hadn’t done any serious damage. Her hands were trembling, and he was starting to become concerned about her accidently pulling the trigger and killing one of them. He softly cleared his throat, trying not to startle her. “Did you see the news about the shooting at the gas station over on Auburn Avenue?”

  “Yeah, I did,” she said as her eyes shifted to Pipe, who was casually leaning up against the wall, his lips pursed with suppressed fury. The look in his dull brown eyes sent a chill up and down her spine.

  “The Grave Walkers MC tried to take out Vince. He had his two kids with him in the car. They also tried to run Mitch’s grandson off the road. They’re breaking the rules, making this shit involve the people we care about.”

  “What does that have to do with me?”

  “It’s got everything to do with you!” He moved quickly and grabbed the gun, shoving it up toward the ceiling. Her hand jerked as he took it from her, and she pulled the trigger. A shower of plaster dust rained down on them. He tucked the gun in his waistband just as she tried to run past him. Her heart was pounding.

  Kevin pushed her up against the wall. “I need you to listen to me. We got a prospect to talk, and he gave us a lot of Grave Walker info.”

  “Oh God!” she cried out. The way he said that word, “talk,” it almost seemed like a normal conversation, but she knew better. This was it; she’d done the unthinkable, and he knew. They all knew. A wave of terror welled up from her belly. She was going to die tonight.

  “Make it quick, Kevin. Two gun shots; one of her neighbors is certain to call the cops,” Nuke said as he hurried over and looked out of Cindy’s living room window.

  “We have it on good authority that the Grave Walkers have a list of names with addresses, and you’re on it.”

  “What?” She breathed a sigh of relief as genuine surprise jetted across her face. “What does this have to do with me?”

  “You matter to me!” Kevin said quietly.

  “Did you think that would scare me into getting back together wi
th you? If that’s what you came here for, you failed because it’s not working,” she said, frowning. “You’re the biggest man whore in the whole state of Indiana. If they have a list with the names of women you’ve fucked, I’m damn sure I’m somewhere near the bottom.” The pain reflected in her voice was real.

  “Damn, that was brutal!” Nuke laughed.

  Kevin’s grey eyes narrowed with anger as he held her against the wall.

  His familiar scent washed over her, and wetness seeped into her panties. Part of her liked him angry, though she did prefer when his anger was directed at someone else and not her. He’d broken her heart. No, he’d ripped it out of her chest, cut it into pieces and eaten it for dinner. She only wished he had done the same thing to her soul. In the four months since she’d walked out, not a day had gone by that she didn’t think about him. Even now, she still wanted him. But it was too late. During the year and a half that they were together, she’d had a rude awakening. She was pussy; that’s what men like him thought. She wanted more. She wanted him all to herself, but that was never going to happen. A new woman was easy for him to get. On the other hand, if she truly felt this way, then why were her panties dripping wet at the smell of him? He still wanted her, too; she could see his raging hard-on about to break the zipper on his jeans.

  “You need to be afraid. They raped Jamie’s wife and held guns to his kids’ heads. All of them were damaged for life in one way or another. I don’t care if you fucking hate me, but you damn well better be afraid!”

  “Pam?” she said, feeling the tears begin to stream down her face as she thought of Jamie’s wife. Dear God, it pained her to think of her friend being put through such torment. She’d never meant for that to happen. She’d only… “Jesus!” It hurt her even more knowing that since she and Kevin had broken up, she’d only spoken to Pam twice.

  “Stop crying,” he said in a strained voice as he kissed her tears away. “I’m here!” He caressed her cheek.

  “Here we go again,” Pipe said, running his fingers through his light brown shaggy hair as he shook his head in disbelief. “Nuke’s right; you need to speed things up!”

  “Kevin, I’m sorry about Pam and the kids. I’ll keep them in my prayers, but I really need for all of you to leave.”

  He eased his grip on her. His dick was throbbing, and he was fighting hard not to let out a moan. He wanted to hold her in his arms, not just fuck her. “When I found out you were a potential target for those assholes, my only thought was to get to you before they did.”

  She wanted to tell him that he was full of crap, but the Hells Vipers all had a warped sense of honor. He meant what he said to her; this she didn’t doubt. That still didn’t change any of the things that had happened between them. “I appreciate you coming here to warn me, but they won’t come after me. I will, however, go stay with a friend for a few a days if that will make you feel better?”

  “Kevin, time is ticking!” Nuke called over to him.

  Kevin nodded as he gripped her upper arm and nudged her toward the hallway. “You got three minutes. Go pack you stuff.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you!”

  “I’m not asking you; I’m telling you.” He purposely used his height to intimidate her.

  “All of you need to get the hell out of my house. I can take care of myself!” she shouted, defiantly staring at them.

  “Go put some clothes on, pack some shit, and let’s go!” His eyes bore into her as he toyed with the idea of tossing her over his shoulder and carrying her out to his bike dressed as she was.

  His muscles were bulging underneath his cut, and Cindy smiled as she remembered how angry he would get when she would call his cut “the little leather vest thingy.” She didn’t smile for long. The look he was giving her had her emotions hovering somewhere between frightened and horny. She opened her mouth to argue just as he reached up and pushed his wavy dark hair back behind his shoulder. He’d gotten a new tattoo on his neck since the last time she saw him; it was her name. She hadn’t noticed it until now. It made her think about the good times they’d had. It was just how it ended that had hurt her so bad.

  She was a very foolish woman, playing with fire. These guys hated snitches, and that’s exactly what she was. “Okay, give me a minute,” she said, heading down the hallway toward the bedroom.

  Kevin looked over at Nuke and Pipe and shouted, “Don’t start with me!” The last thing he wanted was for one of them to say anything. He was not in the mood for their input.

  “It’s all good Kev,” Pipe said and tapped Nuke on the arm. “We need to get him to a hospital.” He nodded toward Kevin.

  “The bullet only grazed him,” Nuke responded with a confused look on his face.

  “Man, that red witch done cast her spell on him again,” Pipe said, letting out a hardy laugh.

  “That’s stupid.” Nuke shook his head with a slight grimace on his face.

  Kevin chose to ignore Pipe’s comment.

  “Relax man, I’m just joking. I’m just telling you before she gets back to the clubhouse, all of us are tired of hearing her negative comments about the club. She needs to chill. Out of respect for you, none of us have put her in her place. Now that she’s un-owned, no one is going to stand for that shit,” Pipe said.

  “We get a lot of bad press. People have the wrong idea about us,” Nuke replied with a dry tone. “She on the other hand just has a bad vibe about her. That only brings drama.”

  Kevin didn’t respond as he glanced down the hallway toward her bedroom.

  “She’s very self-absorbed. That’s not a good thing,” Nuke said knowingly.

  “A bitch has got to be trainable!” Pipe added his two cents in. “If you can’t train her, cut that pussy loose and replace her with one that’ll follow the rules.”

  “You need to learn to keep your dick in your pants, too, or at least don’t let some woman record that shit. You’re lucky that chick didn’t stick that video up on XNXX!” Nuke continued.

  “Mistakes happen,” Kevin defended himself.

  “You let that Snake Swallower record herself fucking you. Then she sent it to your girlfriend. Bro, that’s not a mistake; that was just plain stupidity on your part. She recorded shit inside the clubhouse. That’s a fucking security violation to begin with. Either way you look at it, man, you fucked up. You need to do right by her or let her go. You can’t come over here playing hero then fuck that girl over again. That’s just not right, and things like that have a way of backfiring.”

  “Nuke, you don’t say a lot, but when you do it’s a boat load of honesty and well worth the wait,” Pipe replied as he fist-bumped him.

  Chapter Two

  Thirty minutes later, they rode through the heavily guarded black fence of the Hells Vipers compound. “We got quite a few here, though some sent their families out of state to be with relatives,” Kevin said after he parked his bike.

  Cindy nodded as she slid off the back of the motorcycle. She’d never liked this place, and it was hard to believe she was back here after promising herself that she was done with Kevin. Any fool could have told her that she was taking her life in her own hands being here again after what she had done. She said a quiet hello to the club president, Mitch, who was leaning up against the clubhouse door.

  He was shorter than everyone else in the club at five-foot-seven or –eight, at the most. That didn’t make him any less dangerous. His long grey hair was pulled back into a ponytail. He had a calmness about him that demanded respect even without making much of an effort to enforce his authority. All of the Hells Vipers were loyal to him, and he was the proud leader of a dysfunctional family.

  Mitch flicked his cigarette butt onto the ground. He nodded at Cindy and then looked at Kevin. “When you get her settled, I need to talk to you,” Mitch said with a stony expression.

  “Alright, I’ll be back down in a minute.”

  Cindy immediately thought the worst as she hurried behind Kevin. They headed toward the s
tairs. “Does he not want me here?” she asked once she felt they were out of earshot.

  “I’m Sergeant at Arms, we’re at war, and he’s our leader. Believe it or not, we got more important things to discuss than you.”

  They were silent during the trek up the stairs and down the hallway. He led her to the room he usually stayed in when he slept at the clubhouse. She’d been there plenty of times with him. From the looks of it, he had been here for several days. Dirty clothes were in piles on the floor, and it smelled like sex. She was instantly angry and regretting her decision to come with him. “I don’t want to stay in the room where you fuck your biker sluts.”

  “I’ve fucked them everywhere on the compound so you’re shit out of luck at being picky about where you’re going to lay your head.”

  “Asshole!” she mumbled as she tossed her bag down onto the floor. “I’m not sleeping on cum-stained sheets either.”

  He let out a slow, deep breath as he brushed past her and opened the closet door. He reached up to the top shelf and took down some clean sheets. “Here,” he said and handed them to her as he headed toward the door.

  “Is she still here?”

  He rolled his eyes and turned around. “Cindy…” he sighed.

  “Fuck!” She shook her head. “You brought me here knowing that she’s still here? Why would you do that? What is wrong with you?”

  “You’re being dramatic! She’s not here. We don’t keep traitors around.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Why? You want to join her?”

  There was a level of malevolence in his voice that made the blood drain from her face. “Why did you cheat on me, Kevin?”

  “Because you nag! ‘I want you to leave the club! I don’t like that guy, I don’t like this guy, where you going, why were you out so late, blah, blah, blah.’ I was sick of hearing that. You knew what I was about when you met me.”


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