You Belong to Me

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You Belong to Me Page 5

by Ices Sheer

  She let out a strangled cry as he thrust himself into her several more times until he pushed them both over the edge. With a hard convulsion, he pulled out and covered her lower stomach and thighs with his seed. He stayed on top of her and brushed back her tangled mass of hair. “You still want me to leave?” he asked as he kissed her hard on the mouth again and they both gasped for breath.

  “No,” she mumbled against his lips.

  “Good, because I wasn’t planning on leaving.” He kissed her again, rolled off of her and lay on the floor, out of breath.


  The central air sent a blast of cold across the thin sheet covering Jasmine’s naked body. Her eyes fluttered open, and she squinted as the sun peeped in through the blinds.

  The comforter had been pushed to the end of the bed, and she was shivering. With the sheet tucked up under her chin, she sat up and reached for the bringer of warmth. She winced in pain as a smile crossed her face. She was sore in all of the right places.

  Her face flushed with embarrassment at the things she’d done last night. Smiling, her finger tips grasped the soft fabric and she pulled it all the way up to her shoulder as she lay back down. She snuggled under the comforter and looked over at the empty spot next to her.

  She hadn’t heard him leave. She was a grown woman who had made a decision about hooking up with someone she really didn’t know. This was how it usually ends, or so she’d been told by her friends. This was nothing but a random hook-up. Still, she couldn’t help but feel upset.

  What she had learned from the experience was that she wasn’t a one-night-stand kind of girl. No matter how great the sex and conversation had been. Still, she’d had unprotected casual sex. What had she been thinking? Truth be told, she hadn’t thought; she was too busy bathing in orgasmic bliss.

  She sighed as she scooted over into the spot where he had slept and buried her face in the sheet. She closed her eyes; it smelled like him. She’d never been so uninhibited in her life, not even with her ex-fiancé. She replayed last night in her mind. It would have been nice if he would have at least told her good-bye.

  The comforter and the sheet lifted, letting in the cold air of the room. A gasp escaped her mouth as her eyes flew open. His hard body slid up next to her as he draped his tattooed arm around her waist. She was trying to stop the idiotic grin that was crossing her face, but she couldn’t. He hadn’t left!

  Reaching down, she touched his hand and scooted herself back up against him. This felt right. She could get used to waking up with him. If anything, the fact that he had stayed only made her want him more. But it was early yet. Quite possibly, he just wasn’t ready to face the day.

  She interlocked her fingers with his. “I thought you had left,” she said.

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No!” she exclaimed, rolling over to face him. “I woke up, and you were gone. I just assumed... I felt a little sad.”

  “You were only a little sad?” He gave her several slow kisses.

  “I was very sad.” Her face flushed.

  “I figured maybe you wanted me to leave because you’re in my spot,” he chuckled.

  “It smells like you.” She slid her hand down his torso and wrapped it around his penis. He let out a loud moan.

  “You want one more round before your man comes home?” he teased her. It was hard to believe that she wasn’t seeing someone.

  “I don’t have a man.”

  “A woman can always have a man; it just may not be the man she wants,” Nuke said with a half-serious tone. He possessively started to stroke her full breast.

  “I’m asking if you can stay a little bit longer. I could make us breakfast.” She started stroking his cock.

  Nuke took his hand from her breast and slid it between her legs. “I know what I want to eat.” He began to slide his finger over her clit. “When we’re finished, I’ll take you out to eat for breakfast, maybe lunch, depending on how many times I can get it up” he said with a laugh. “Then we can ride. It’s supposed to be good weather today. We can swing by my place, and I’ll show you the bike I was telling you about. It’s not running yet, but it won’t take long to get it up and going. If I can find the time, I could have it going in a week or two.”

  Jasmine swallowed hard. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? He wanted to spend time with her. She had to be sure. “How will I know when the bike is ready? You’ll text me?”

  “You’re bad at hinting,” he laughed. “I want us to spend time together, get to know one another. When the bike is ready I’ll roll over in bed and tell you. Is that alright with you?”

  “Yes, it’s alright with me!” Jasmine squealed before she slid down under the covers and took his cock in her mouth.

  Chapter Four

  Hells Vipers

  Nuke smiled as he stretched out on the couch in the clubhouse. He’d texted Jasmine, and she had immediately replied. He was definitely feeling her. They ended up spending the entire weekend together.

  A crash came from the game room, and his mood turned foul as he looked up from his phone. The clubhouse was too crowded. The place was cluttered with debris from women and kids. The Grave Walkers had to be dealt with and fast. His club needed to get back to normal business.

  Pipe walked over and tapped Nuke’s foot. “What’s wrong with you? Too many people here for you?”

  Nuke nodded as he stared down at his phone, sending Jasmine another text.

  “Is that why you vanished over the weekend?”

  Nuke shook his head no just as his phone vibrated. “I met someone.” He continued to text.

  Pipe cocked an eyebrow. This really wasn’t the time to bring new pussy into their midst, especially since they didn’t know who the rat was yet. He also knew Nuke well enough that he had to choose his words carefully. “We got church in a few. So where you meet this gash at?”

  “She’s not a gash,” he said as he texted her back. He finally looked up at Pipe with a grimace on his face.

  “Okay, bro, no offense,” Pipe replied, backing up and walking toward the meeting room door.

  As Nuke got up, he sent off one more text, then tossed his phone into the box on the bar before heading into the meeting room. Everyone sat down at the long oak table. Mitch was already seated.

  “I’m going to get to the point. We need to cut the head off of that fucking snake,” said Mitch. “The guns, the drugs, the deal with the Australians, it’ll all fall into place when we get that fucker.”

  They all nodded in agreement.

  “Douro has got to go. The GWMCs have got to be crippled. We can deal with the aftermath when it happens. The club will flounder for a while after he’s dead,” Kevin added. “Their VP is a pussy.”

  Again everyone nodded. “I want to be part of it,” Jamie said. He’d aged ten years since the incident with his wife and kids. His long brown hair was unkempt and now streaked with grey hairs. Dark shadows were a permanent fixture underneath his green eyes.

  “We got you, bro,” Kevin told him.

  “I say we hit Douro at the strip mall in broad damn daylight. We need to send a message to everyone that’s watching. Don’t fuck with the HV,” Nuke spoke up. “We need that fucking rat, too. I don’t like not knowing who’s giving up our personal information to the enemy.”

  “It’s just a rumor about the strip mall,” Jamie replied.

  Nuke shook his head. “One of the girls at Club Throttle gets her nails done at that shop over there. She swears that she sees him there on a regular basis. He doesn’t wear his cut, and he’s always in a different vehicle.”

  “I think it’s one of them gashes out there, that is the rat I mean,” Toby added. “None of us would betray each other, and the prospects and hang-arounds don’t know enough info.”

  “Those bitches don’t know anything!” Pipe shouted.

  “The parties, the rallies, the runs, some of them have been around for a while. They’ve met family, friends. It’s enough in
fo that the Grave Walkers could find useful,” Mitch replied.

  “Could be the Feds pulling the strings. Trying to get both clubs caught up in pointless drama, pitting us against each other,” Pipe suggested.

  “Possibly,” Mitch said.

  “Nuke, how does the girl at the club know it’s Douro?” Tech asked.

  “From when she worked the streets. He was a customer.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. They got girls at the clubhouse,” Tech said. “He doesn’t have to pay for pussy.”

  “He likes to get kicked and stomped in the balls,” replied Nuke. “He would step outside of the clubhouse regulars to get that kind of action.”

  Every man at the table touched their groin area while wincing in pain. A nauseated look covered Pipe’s unshaven face.

  “Don't worry, Pipe. You gotta have balls before anyone can stomp on them,” Nuke chuckled, and the room erupted into much-needed laughter. He continued speaking when the laughter finally died down to a few titters several minutes later. “Either way, it won’t hurt to check it out. No club members go with him to the strip mall. I say we look into it. It’s better than nothing,” Nuke said.

  “I agree,” said Kevin. “We need to do this ASAP. No offense to anyone, but all these women and kids are driving me nuts.”

  “No shit,” Toby added. “I have to fucking gear up every time Cindy is in the same room with the honeys.”

  “Tell me about it,” Kevin nodded.

  “I damn near broke my neck on the stairs, tripping over toys,” Mitch said. “I can’t die that way, no fucking honor in that,” he said and attempted a laugh. “So it’s settled then. Kevin, Nuke, the both of you check out the strip mall. If it’s legit, Jamie goes with you to finish the deal. Vince, Pipe and I will go talk with the Australians, smooth things over. Tech, you look into the women, see who has an ax to grind against the club. Dig deeper on the two prospects and that hang-around. I doubt it’s either of them, but you never know.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement.


  Two weeks later

  A knot formed in the pit of Jamie’s stomach as tension crawled up his spine until it reached the nape of his neck, where it began to creep into his head. There it was, teetering on the edge of full domination -- rage. It was a dark rain cloud hovering over him, ready to burst at any moment.

  He watched a small Asian man cross the street and slip as he stepped up onto the curb near the bus stop. The man caught himself and then continued on down the street. It annoyed him that people were continuing on with their lives when he and his family were in so much agony.

  The tautness in his chest was agonizing.

  “We need to do it now!” he shouted, cutting his eyes toward Kevin.

  “Let him get more into it. We’ll make our move in a few minutes. Take a deep breath. This asshole won’t leave this parking lot alive; I promise you that!”

  Jamie turned his head and looked out of the passenger side window. He scrunched up his nose as trash blew down the sidewalk. The containers in the strip mall needed to be emptied, and cups and empty food wrappers took flight with every gust of wind. The mall was working on a skeleton crew because over half of the stores had gone out of business and the few that remained were hanging on by a thread. There were at best twenty cars in the lot. This had become the unofficial pick-up spot for prostitutes.

  Douro, the president of the Grave Walkers MC, was a pasty white man in his late fifties with a full beard of grey and hair to match. Even in the SUV, his big barrel-shaped body looked stuffed into the front seat. The woman with him was much younger, and all of them were very familiar with her. She’d been a regular at their parties for a while, a white female, twenty-three years old. This night, she was wearing a dark blue shirt, cutoff jeans and Nikes. Her black hair was cut short, and on the streets, she went by the name Farm Girl.

  “Do you think she’s the rat?” Jamie said as he looked over at Kevin.

  Kevin shook his head. “Naw, she was just a Snake Swallower. She don’t know shit about where we live, or our families. Half the time she was wasted anyway.”

  Jamie nodded.

  They watched her raise her head and wrapped her arms around Douro’s neck. She planted a wet, sloppy kiss on him that made Jamie and Kevin slightly aroused, which soon vanished when she slapped Douro across the face.

  “Fuck, no way I’d let some chick do that shit to me, let alone out in public? Isn’t it bad enough he likes to get stomped and kicked in the balls?” Kevin asked.

  “Douro has self-destructive tendencies. Part of him wants to get caught. He also has an inner desire to be punished, hence why he loves getting kicked and stomped in the balls. It stems from something in his childhood. He was probably molested by a dominant figure in his life even though that person may have been younger and physically smaller than him. Whoever it was, that person had the ability to make him feel sexually insignificant,” Nuke said from the back seat. “Even though Farm Girl is the one sucking cock, she is clearly in charge.”

  “Freaking Sigmund Freud in the backseat,” Kevin laughed.

  “More like Dr. Phil,” Jamie replied with a forced smile.

  “Who are you always texting lately? Every time I see you, when I see you that is, you’re on that phone with a smile on your face,” asked Kevin.


  A surprised looked crossed Kevin’s face, and he turned around and looked in the back seat. “Cindy’s friend Jasmine? You hittin’ that?”

  “Yep. Cindy didn’t tell you?”

  “When did that happen?” Kevin began wondering why Cindy hadn’t said anything. He turned back around to keep an eye on the vehicle.

  “We hooked up a few days after Cindy took me to her house about my shoulder. We clicked; she’s good people. Plus, my shoulder doesn’t hurt nearly as bad anymore, now that she’s fixing me,” he laughed. “This is just between us three, alright? I want her safe until we find out who the rat is.” Nuke knew he was being overly cautious because he’d known Kevin since junior high, and he doubted that Jamie was the rat, considering what had happened to his wife and kids.

  Kevin and Jamie nodded. They understood Nuke’s concern. It was eating away at all of them, not knowing who to trust.

  “Is she hot?” Jamie asked as he kept his eyes glued on Douro’s vehicle.

  “Does she look like Rihanna?” Jamie asked. “She’s hot. I’d do her in a minute.”

  “That’s probably how long it would last, too!” Kevin joked.

  “Screw you, man!” Jamie shot back. “I’d have Rihanna begging for at least three minutes,” he laughed.

  “Jasmine looks like this.” Nuke unlocked his phone and held up a photo of Jasmine so that Jamie could see.

  “Damn, she is hot! She looks a little bit like Sanaa Lathan,” Jamie nodded.

  “Who the hell is Sanaa Lathan?” Kevin asked.

  “The chick in ‘Alien vs. Predator,’” Jamie said.

  Kevin shook his head, saying, “I don’t see it. Jasmine is prettier.”

  “She’s open-minded, too. She wasn’t afraid to try figging,” Nuke replied with a big smile as he put his phone away.

  “Bro, what the hell is figging?” Jamie snorted.

  “I don’t know if we should find out the details of that,” Kevin said with a snicker. “If Nuke is excited about it, it might scar us for life.”

  “Bro, you got to try it! It’s when you take a shaved ginger root and shove it in their pussy or ass real slow. I like to put it in their ass while I’m fucking the pussy. It causes a burning sensation wherever you stick it. Tying them up makes it even more interesting. They used to use it on horses to make them livelier for sale.”

  Both men turned around and stared blankly at Nuke. “I’m afraid to ask this, but I’ll do it anyway,” Kevin said. “And the point of doing this is?”

  “The pain, the domination and the fucking joy of not having missionary sex. Stick a ginger root up their ass, use
a stretcher bar for their legs, bind their hands, apply an open-mouth gag, and you’re in for the time of your life!”

  “And Jasmine likes this shit?” Kevin asked. Part of him was now wishing that he had hit on her.

  “Bro, she’s on my level of kinky. Once I got her to talk about what she always wanted to try sexually, it was amazing. We have good communication. She admitted that the dude she was with, ex-fiancé, wouldn’t do the things she wanted to try. He did some light bondage, but she wanted something hardcore, not fuzzy handcuffs. She said kinky to him was pulling her hair and smacking her ass while they fucked. Get this, on the non-sexual side, she even loves horror and science fiction movies. We like all kinds of the same stuff. She’s a ride-and-die chick. I’ve even met some of her friends and co-workers. I can’t wait until it’s safe to bring her to the clubhouse. She needs to meet the family,” Nuke said.

  “Aww, how sweet,” Kevin joked.

  “Fuck you, man!” Nuke laughed. “Don’t hate because I finally found a good one!”

  Kevin flipped Nuke off as he turned back around in the front seat.

  They watched as Farm Girl lowered her head again, disappearing from sight. Douro’s face basked in the glow of a man who was getting his dick sucked.

  “Can we just do this shit now?” It took all Jamie had to not raise his voice. Images of his kids and wife were haunting every fiber of his being.

  Kevin nodded. All of them pulled their black ski masks down over their faces and zipped up their black hoodies. Kevin put the throw-away vehicle into gear and drove straight for the SUV. The adrenalin raced through their veins as they pulled up behind the Navigator and quickly got out.

  A Hells Viper open up the passenger side door, and Farm Girl hopped out, making a hasty retreat out of the way. Running over to their throw away vehicle, she climbed inside the driver’s still-running car, and on the front seat was an envelope filled with the ten grand they agreed to pay her to get Douro to the mall parking lot. Putting the car into drive, she sped off in the opposite direction, not once looking back.


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