Old Hollywood

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Old Hollywood Page 14

by Suzanne Steele

  He wasn’t going to tell her, but he would have no trouble killing Luis and anyone else who caused trouble for her. But not before he chained them from the ceiling and toyed with them. By the time he was finished with them, they would be begging him to kill them.

  Victor had learned the art of torture and revenge at his uncle’s knee. Antonio Wayne had even mentored him on how to wield a whip. Of course, he didn’t pretend to be as good at it as his uncle, but nobody was. He hadn’t used his newfound talent yet. Perhaps he would save that for Luis, after all. You always remember your first.

  Victor knew Valentina had no idea of the depth of his feelings when it came to her wellbeing. That was probably as it should be, for now. She was the love of his life and he knew the flame would burn even in death. He would live, he would kill, and he would die…all for her. How ironic that her fiery nature captivated him so completely even as it held him at bay.

  He knew firsthand how fierce her fighting spirit was. She was as defiant as she was beautiful and she wouldn’t surrender without a fight. But ultimately, they both knew the truth: he was a Ramirez, so there was nothing she could do to stop the inevitable.

  He wrapped his arms around her and teased her lips with the tip of his tongue. “Come here and let me fuck you, girl,” he said against her lips.

  “Come here and let me fuck you up, boy.”

  “Mmm, you are such a bad-ass.”

  “You have no idea.”

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Valentina tossed and turned as she listened to Victor’s quiet, steady breathing next to her. She gently kicked the covers from her legs and eased out of bed. The soft sounds of the night frogs, crickets, and owls lured her from the warmth of the bed to take a lone nighttime walk. Being completely alone was rare anymore, and was one of the less appealing aspects of her current circumstances.

  As she curled her toes into the plush carpet, her belly fluttered like little butterflies, prompting her to wonder if the odd sensation was due to the elicit thrill of sneaking outside on her own or was it the first sparks of life growing deep within her. Either way it was far too early to actually feel a baby moving. And yet…if it was the first stirrings of her maternal instincts then she knew she would do anything to protect that feeling—anything at all.

  It’s just me, it’s too soon to know. She pushed aside the sinking feeling she experienced at the thought. Feeling disappointed would mean she wanted a family as badly as he did, and how was that possible? The thought of raising a child in the cartel life was terrifying. How could she live with that kind of worry?

  Valentina quietly put on jeans and a t-shirt, along with slip-on athletic shoes. Every nerve in her body seemed to be on high alert, her blood pumping through her body, revitalizing every life-giving cell right down to the marrow in her bones. Despite all her worries, she was truly glad to be alive.

  Pausing as she opened the bedroom door, she looked over her shoulder one last time at the man who had changed her life and was determined to stake his claim on her. She tiptoed out of the room and quietly made her way down a winding staircase at the back of the house. The large country home was huge and no doubt harbored as many secrets as its inhabitants did. This small, narrow staircase was an area she had been wanting to explore and now was the perfect time to do it unhindered by prying eyes.

  She tiptoed out a back door and into the yard, marveling at the expansive beauty of the grounds. The Ramirez home was not a flash in the pan, it was a hard-fought legacy that would be enjoyed by generations to come. Whatever they did, they did it heart and soul with the kind of passion she wished she had. The only thing she’d ever had any passion for was acting and she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to feel wholehearted and passionate about a family of her own.

  Something inside her chest clenched and her heart seemed to twist helplessly at the memories of a lifetime of being used as a meal ticket. There wasn’t a single person, up until now, who had simply wanted her. Now she was faced with Victor, who not only wanted her but demanded her complete surrender. She viewed their sexual attraction with some trepidation, even as she fought the urge to let herself be consumed by him.

  The woods on the far end of the yard seemed to call her name. At the edge of the woods, there was an area with an arbor arch that was beautifully overgrown with foliage. Valentina thought of a book she had read as a child about a secret garden. She smiled and blinked back tears when she thought about how books had been her only true friends back then.

  The life of a child star is never what the public sees. Her mother had lived the high life while she worked the hours of an adult at the age of a child. Her mother was always coming up with excuses about how they needed to work together because there was no man helping to carry out the financial responsibilities. She’d asked her mother about her father numerous times but her mother never gave up any details. So, Valentina carried the load for both of them while her mother lived a life of excess.

  Teamwork? No. That hadn’t been the case at all, and as far as being a princess, that was bullshit too—she was Cinder-fuckin-rella, little more than a meal ticket and a maid. Oh, her mother was good at keeping up appearances, but she turned a blind eye to way too many things—overly affectionate directors who always tried to meet with Valentina ‘privately’, screen tests where she was asked to strip or dance when the role clearly didn’t call for it. Those moments, and her mother’s refusal to complain for fear of burning bridges, cut so deeply that Valentina had learned to ‘stuff’ her darkest memories into the farthest reaches of her mind. Nothing could undo the trauma her mother had allowed to befall her in the name of working together. No wonder she had balked at Luis’ attempts to make her take off her clothes for the camera. She had to admit, Victor’s intervention had saved her from an untenable situation and provided her with some much-needed protection--

  “Don’t. Make. A. Fucking. Move.” Her breath caught in her throat as a large hand covered her mouth and an arm wrapped around her shoulders. She was yanked back, losing her footing as she wriggled and flailed against her attacker’s body. Her movements accomplished nothing and only seemed to excite him, based on the substantial hard-on pressing against her ass.

  “If I wanted to cut off your airflow, all I’d have to do is cover your mouth and press your nose closed. Simple. Kind of ironic how your life’s in my hands now, huh? Your prince charming has a dark side, you know.”

  In one swift move she jerked his arm down and turned around, shrieking at the sight before her. “What the fuck?! Are you crazy? And by the way, you weren’t pressing hard enough to suffocate me.”

  The lopsided grin on his face did nothing to disguise the sinister look in his eyes. He answered innocently enough, “Oh, I am crazy…especially when it comes to you and my unborn child.” With one arm he pulled her close until there was no space between them. When she looked up at him, something shifted inside him and the tension that usually filled his chest melted like hot candle wax.

  “So, if I were pregnant…you were planning to cut off my air and leave me gasping for breath? Nice.” She rolled her eyes as she spoke.

  “I like nothing better than to take your breath away, woman, but not like that, no.” He turned her body around so that her back was against his chest once more, and her ass pressed against his growing erection. His fingers slowly trailed down, unbuttoning her jeans. As he tugged the zipper down, she moved her feet apart to give him the access he clearly wanted.

  “Oh, you are so wet. Such a dirty little girl when it comes to me,” he whispered in her ear before tugging at her ear lobe between his front teeth.

  Her body felt electrified, her hips thrusting toward his hand in a silent effort to get him inside her in whatever way suited him. He pumped a finger in her soaked opening as he used his thumb to manipulate her clit. A feral growl rumbled from somewhere deep in his chest as her body clenched on a gasp, then melted against him. He gained so much pleasure in being a witness to her sexual pleasure.
For the first time in his life, he found his own satisfaction through someone else’s.

  He stroked his free hand over her long, silky hair as she came down from the orgasm. When she turned around and slid her hand down to cup his aching cock through his jeans, he stopped her. “It isn’t about me babe, it’s all about you.”

  Pressing her forehead to his chest, her embrace tightened, wordlessly thanking him for putting her first. God knows he was the first man who ever had.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Ricardo, Antonio Wayne, Juanita, and Roxanne had assembled in Ricardo’s office behind closed doors. Just outside hovered a bodyguard with shoulders so broad he had barely fit through the doorframe when he had stepped inside to alert Ricardo to his presence.

  What was going on inside the office was none of his business; making sure no one entered the space was his present station in life. His arms were crossed in front of him and his gaze was fixed on nothing in particular, yet he saw everything. He took his job seriously—better that than to suffer at the business end of Antonio Wayne’s whip. He shuddered at the thought.

  There had been whispers throughout the household ever since that last incident and he had seen firsthand what Antonio’s handiwork had left behind in the form of scars. His colleague Arturo would carry those scars the rest of his life. But one thing was for damn sure: Arturo would take his job more seriously now.

  Yes, there would be no falling asleep on his watch, no lack of focus. Better to learn from another man’s careless mistakes than to suffer at the hands – or whip – of a card-carrying sadist.

  “I’m telling you, this was no chance meeting,” Juanita declared. Ricardo couldn’t help but smile at his wife’s persistence and determination. For her part, Juanita was fuming as she stood in front of his desk with her arms crossed over her chest in a show of stubbornness. You’d think by now she’d know that all that ever did was make him hungry for her tits. He’d delight in reminding her when the opportunity presented itself.

  “Rubia… Have a seat, my love.” His pet name for her slid off his tongue like melted butter. Juanita never tired of hearing that sexy deep voice. The slight smile on his face reached his eyes; something unusual for any of the Ramirez men.

  She uncrossed her arms and reluctantly sat down next to Roxanne with a small huff of resignation.

  “Rubia, you of all people should know I leave nothing to chance. I’ve never believed that was a chance meeting.”

  “I don’t know why we don’t have that fucker Escondido on the other end of my whip. These fucking Sinaloans are beginning to get on my nerves,” Antonio Wayne spoke for the first time.

  Ricardo’s eyes never left his wife as he turned his head slightly toward his brother and replied, “Never one for diplomacy, eh, Antonio?”

  At the dig directed at her husband, a small snicker escaped Roxanne’s lips. She could immediately feel the heat of her husband’s glare but, as hard as she tried to hide her amusement, she just couldn’t. She knew she’d pay for it later in the bedroom. At the thought of what that might entail, she shifted in her seat, crossing her legs in a vain attempt to soothe her suddenly sensitive clit. As he watched her restless movements, Antonio Wayne began subtly stroking the arm of his chair, his fingertips making small circles on the supple leather as a small smile tilted his lips.

  Ricardo’s voice pulled Antonio Wayne’s attention back to the matter at hand. “Escondido is not the cause of the Sinaloans running amok, but he may be the fucking solution. The problem will be dealt with accordingly, all in good time. Patience, my brother.”

  Antonio Wayne leaned in, speaking through gritted teeth. “My wife’s life, your wife’s life, were both put in danger. Maybe Escondido needs to stop being Mr. Elusive, sitting in the shadows, and do his fucking job. I can tell you right now, if I have to go do it,” he shook his head menacingly as he leaned back in his chair, “it won’t be pretty.”

  Though Ricardo chuckled softly, the look he gave his brother was direct and decisive. There were few people Antonio Wayne respected and even fewer he feared—his older brother was at the top of that list. This time it was Ricardo who leaned forward, invading his little brother’s space. He nodded in the women’s direction as his piercing gaze stayed on his brother.

  “What, you think they’re scared? Those two? That’s almost fucking funny, little brother. I’m not scared for those two. Fuck no, I’m scared for the punks who tried to jack their SUV.”

  Antonio Wayne took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose as he settled deeper into his chair. Ricardo was certain he had his attention now, adding, “Here’s what we’re going to do, little brother. We’re sending the women out again, but this time undercover.” Ricardo paused when he saw the angry tick in his little brother’s jaw. “You set those three women loose and they won’t just find those two gangbangers, they’ll be the key to taking them down.”

  This time it was Juanita who laughed as she glanced over at a framed photo of Victor. “It should be interesting to see how your son reacts to this little tidbit of information.”

  “So…now he’s my son?”

  “When it comes to matters of obsession and abduction, he’s always your son, my love.” She smiled demurely as if it would soften the blow.

  “I’ll deal with my son, my love,” he replied softly, his voice almost too quiet.

  “Of course, you will. I’m counting on that. God knows no one else can.”.

  “Ah, my little Rubia, you deal with our troublemaking females and I’ll deal with the overly obsessive males of the species, and together we’ll do what we always do.”

  They shared a secret smile as they spoke in unison. “Take out the enemy.”

  “You think that’s funny? You think I’m funny?”

  The heat coming off Antonio Wayne’s body was nothing compared to the malevolent heat of his coal black eyes boring into her. It didn’t matter how many years they were married, he turned her on beyond all rational thought. But there was no need to make her need for him so obvious. Roxanne’s ability to keep her cartel husband guessing was the secret of their long, deliciously stormy relationship.

  “Oh, don’t be so intense, Antonio Wayne, you know I meant you no disrespect.”

  “It doesn’t have a fucking thing to do with disrespect. You play too damn much. You learned a time ago, Roxanne, that you fuck with me at your own risk. You’re playing with fire!”

  “Mmm,” she purred as she snuggled up against his powerful frame, “I do so love the heat of a cozy little fireplace in the winter, and we both know you’re one cold son of a bitch.”

  “My heat is only for you, my little troublemaking wife.”

  It wasn’t a sweet response; it was the raw truth that held them together and preserved their bond. It took a certain kind of woman to be married to a man in the Colombian cartel, and a white picket fence had never been part of their plans.

  He cradled her face in his hands, studying every nuance of her features, noting the fine lines and other subtle changes that so vexed her but, in his opinion, only enhanced her beauty. “You really are spectacular. So. Fucking. Beautiful. My Roxanne.”

  “And you’re so severe and enigmatic.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Enigmatic? What, do you need a roadmap at this point? I would hope after all the years we’ve spent together, you of all people would be able to read me.” He leaned in and with a hoarse whisper predicted her future. “I think we both know what’s about to happen. You won’t know how and you won’t know when, but I’m coming for you, Roxanne. And when I do I will lay waste to any confusion you may have about my feelings for you.”

  With that, he kissed her chastely on the forehead and left the room, leaving her body aching for his possession and tingling with anticipation. The threat would linger in her subconscious mind, teasing her relentlessly until he chose to make it her reality.

  “Sit down, son. Relax and take a load off.”

  Victor lowered himself into the chair acro
ss from his father’s desk, a more formal seating arrangement than he typically encountered during conversations in this room. Despite his father’s casual greeting, Victor could feel the sting of his gaze. He hated getting called on the carpet by his father and that was what this was beginning to feel like.

  Ricardo waited while his son sat down, and then continued, “The men in this family are passionate about their women; however, a man must be careful not to allow his obsession for a woman to cloud his judgement. One careless mistake could cost lives. I have always supported your claim on Valentina Vargas, ultimately greenlighting you bringing her here. Need I remind you there were contingencies?”

  Victor resisted the urge to squirm in his seat. He could see his uncle in his peripheral vision as he stretched his long legs out and crossed them at the ankles; interlocking his fingers behind his neck. Great, Tio. Would you like me to get you some popcorn? As much as he respected and loved both men, he knew they lived to make you squirm. More than once he’d been tempted to feel sorry for their enemies—that is, if he had had a heart.

  “Everybody in this family has to pull their weight.” There it is…Victor thought to himself.

  “I hear what you’re saying--”

  Ricardo’s hand sliced through the air, demanding silence. “I don’t want to hear it.” He leaned forward over the desk and said, “She’s been trained. I know that because while you paid for her English classes, we agreed that you would have Luis send her to self-defense classes under the auspices of preparing for future movie roles. Unless you’re telling me you didn’t do what I told you to do. And I’m certain that’s not what you’re telling me. Is it? I know the last thing you want to do is risk your fiancé going back to Guatemala.”

  Victor spoke through clenched teeth. “She’s not going anywhere.”


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