Steel Assassin

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Steel Assassin Page 22

by Geoffrey Saign

  Steel frowned. “Something like this took major planning.”

  “Makes no sense.” Clay studied the ground. “The ISIS guys we stopped were driving south, but they would have needed to take a private plane to reach Yosemite on time for their attack today.”

  Carlos stuck a thumb in his belt. “He got nervous when he saw you follow him. He decided to change the day and location.”

  Steel agreed with Carlos; it wasn’t good. “The other terrorists may move their schedule up as much as a day when they don’t see any news about their associates in Yosemite, especially if they were supposed to maintain contact with each other. Any idea of the weapons supplied for the other two attacks?”

  Carlos pushed back his hat. “Machine guns and bombs.”

  “Any descriptions?” asked Christie.

  Carlos shook his head. “Our prisoner only had phone contact with the others. Once the attacks began, they were to have no contact.”

  “Where are the other sites?” asked Steel.

  “Mall of America in Minnesota, St. Croix River Crossing Bridge in Wisconsin, New York subway, and Walt Disney World in Florida. He didn’t know the order.”

  “What do we do about the prisoner?” asked Clay.

  Carlos glanced at him. “It’s taken care of.”

  Clay nodded. “Good.”

  Carlos turned to Steel. “I am going to visit Pedro at Nellis Air Force Base to make sure he will be all right. We can give you three a ride to the airport in Las Vegas. It’s on the way.”

  Mario and Carlos walked away to get the truck.

  Steel took Christie’s hand and walked toward the cars, noting the bullet holes in her Camry. The weariness in her features matched her beat-up car.

  He called Jeffries and filled him in on the ISIS targets, finishing with, “They’ve put a lot of planning into this. Expect the worst.”

  “Good job. Your country owes you.”

  He didn’t mention Angel’s request to Jeffries. They didn’t need the assassin for the ISIS target locations now. Besides he didn’t trust Angel, and six murders demanded justice.

  Her smile weary, Christie squeezed his hand. “I’d like some ice cream to celebrate freeing Harry.”

  “I think we can manage that.” He didn’t think he could celebrate anything until Diego and his men were dead.


  Angel loved the wind in his hair. After exiting the half-mile long tunnel, he drove the Zero FX electric motorcycle hard over the hilly terrain. The bike made no noise and was a joy to ride.

  When he had arrived in the west-leading tunnel, only one of the two bikes had been present. Diego must have fled before him and, as always, had kept his destination secret.

  The Zeros had a hundred-mile range so they were perfect, but it also meant it was futile to try and find Diego now. The cartel leader was going to a storage facility in a small town, where a car waited for him. Angel was doing the same.

  As he rode he contemplated his last fight and his call to Steel. Not long ago it would have bothered him that he had failed to kill Steel. He would have pursued Steel, Christie, and their families obsessively. But he wasn’t climbing up the cartel ladder anymore so his reputation didn’t matter to him.

  All that mattered now was creating a new life. In fact it had been fortuitous that he had not put a bullet into Christie or Harry. Steel would have come after him if he had, and he didn’t want someone that skilled to chase him for the rest of his life.

  In truth he was glad he hadn’t killed anyone on Steel’s team in the last fight. However on the way to the tunnel at the back of the house he had shot two of Diego’s men in the back. That hadn’t bothered him. He had hoped to find Diego just ahead of him, but the coward had probably ducked out early in the fight.

  It was amazing that in a matter of days he had gone from accepting killing as part of his life to wanting to walk away from it completely. And he was relieved that he had found a way to spare Isabella rape and torture at the hands of Diego and his men.

  He had to plan things carefully now. Before he killed Diego, he would move Renata to someplace new, to ensure her safety. Even though she was hidden, he still wanted to be cautious.

  To avoid an open contract on his head, he would have to kill all of Diego’s men to make sure none of them could tell the other cartels about his disloyalty. The cartels would just as soon kill each other, but they hated traitors no matter what family they belonged to.

  As he rode he recalled the fight, his choices, and Steel’s nimble responses. The man was excellent in sensing when to act and how to maintain safety. Christie had also impressed him. Even Harry and Isabella had done their share.

  He felt magnanimous about ending his part in the vendetta. After all, the bad guys needed someone with Steel’s skills to keep them in line. He smiled over that.

  He heard a helicopter in the distance. Steel must have called in help for their wounded.

  In fifty miles he reached his destination, a small town to the west. Driving up to a storage shed, he opened it and traded the Zero for the parked car. Another Chevy SS. Blue instead of white, with the same modifications as the other SS. He drove west.

  Diego would head back to his California ranch, where he had privacy and security, and direct the pack from there. Diego expected him to chase Steel, but instead he would go to California and then call Steel.

  He was about to call Renata when his phone rang. It was her.

  Smiling, he answered. “Yes, dear sister.”

  “Angel, we have Renata and we’re bringing her to the ranch. Diego will call you shortly, but if you don’t fulfill your part in the vendetta, we’ll slice up your precious sister’s face.”

  Stunned, he couldn’t speak at first. He recognized the voice of Diego’s man. Diego must have been planning this for a long time, having him followed and discovering that he had a sister. The man’s treachery preceded his own.

  He kept his voice calm. “I want to speak with her.”

  “You get thirty seconds.”

  Renata sobbed on the phone. “Angel, I’m sorry, dear brother. They threatened to cut my face so I told them you wanted a new life and planned to leave.”

  He sensed the phone was on speaker so he said, “Dear sister, you would have told them everything anyway. You made a good choice.”

  “You will make a good choice too, dear brother.”

  “I will, Renata. I—”

  Diego’s man interrupted him. “Wait for Diego’s call, Angel.”

  The call ended.

  Panicked thoughts ran through his head.

  In minutes his phone rang. Diego.

  “I’m sorry, Angel, but when we met at the Wynn today I sensed something was wrong. I had your sister picked up. When you began disappearing over the years, I had you followed. That’s how I learned about Renata.” Diego paused. “My men saw you leave your hostages alive in the canyon. I felt betrayed. Renata confirmed my fears when she told my men your plans.”

  Angel searched for a way to make it less personal for Diego. “I didn’t leave the hostages alive to betray you, but to stop Steel from chasing me.”

  “Still a betrayal, my friend.” Diego paused. “You know I cannot allow you to leave the cartel. You know too much and I need you.”

  He thought on that. It sounded as if Renata hadn’t told Diego that he planned to kill him. That might help him later. “I have served you like a brother for many years, Diego.”

  “Yes, and I have paid you well. Bring Steel to me alive and kill the rest of his family. Kill Christie’s family too, and the Aguilars who engineered Garcia’s and Vincente’s murders. Otherwise we will do to your poor sister what we did to Marita. You remember that day, don’t you?”

  He clenched his jaw. When he first joined Diego’s cartel, he insisted he would never kill innocent women and chi
ldren. Probably the love of his sister had taught him that perspective. Diego had never complained. He wanted Angel’s skills for his more dangerous opponents.

  Angel kept his voice calm. “I’m disappointed in you, Diego.”

  “As I am in you, Angel. You are going to join the pack, and if Lucas doesn’t call me hourly, we begin hurting your sister. Lucas will contact you to coordinate your first assignment with them. You have three days to kill all of our enemies and bring Steel to me alive. I want them all to suffer like Marita before they die. Send me photos.”

  The line went dead.

  Angel’s usual calm evaporated and he pulled the car over to the shoulder and got out, yelling incoherently at the sky and desert as he stalked back and forth.

  After calming himself, he whispered, “How did you miss this, Renata?”

  But he already knew the answer. Regarding herself, she was as blind as anyone else. It was up to him to keep her safe. And he had failed. He guessed this must be what his victims felt, a sense of helplessness and loss.

  He considered returning to the canyon and killing everyone there. It was doubtful he would succeed. And he had given his word to Steel, an honorable man. Whereas Diego was scum.

  Sitting down against the front tire of his car, he stared out over the desert. Renata could not help him now. If she revealed her skills to Diego, he would keep her prisoner forever, and use her ability to keep himself in power. But she might do it anyway if her brother died and she had no one to protect her.

  Renata’s face was beautiful. To think of it cut up by Diego and his men sickened and angered him. It was probably why she had given in so quickly. It was the one part of her body that made her feel normal.

  Her words filtered back to him. You will make a good choice too, dear brother. She was telling him to trust himself and everything would be okay.

  His phone rang. Lucas. He had trained Lucas. The man was ruthless and very skilled. That fact used to give him pride. Now it just bunched his shoulders.

  Lucas was curt, giving him an address to meet.

  Getting into the car, he turned around and headed east. He had a long drive ahead of him. Flying was too risky after the Colorado shooting. Clay would have given his description to the police. Besides he wanted his car with him.

  Of one thing he was certain. Diego would never let him live after this vendetta was over. Perhaps the pack had orders to kill him. He could trust no one.

  And Renata’s life was on the line.

  He loved her more than his own life and would do whatever it took to get her back.

  PART 5



  The car ride was painfully quiet, with everyone staring out windows.

  Mario drove, his father in the front passenger seat. Steel sat behind Carlos, with Christie beside him, her head on his shoulder, her eyes closed. Clay sat on the other side of Christie, behind Mario.

  Steel thought it couldn’t get any more strained or odd than to have former kidnappers-and-victims-turned-allies in the same vehicle.

  With his eyes he traced the curls of Christie’s brown-and-blond streaked hair, the soft lines of her face, her lean body. Again he questioned what kind of life he was giving her. It couldn’t be worth all the misery and pain he had brought to her and her family.

  After ten minutes, Carlos said, “I will help with Diego’s pack. Diego and his men threaten my family as much as yours.”

  “I appreciate that.” Steel wanted to clear the air. “You knew about the cartel hiring ISIS long ago, and you wanted ISIS to hit the U.S. out of revenge.”

  Carlos remained quiet.

  “Papá?” Mario stared open-mouthed at his father. “How could you support terrorists killing the innocent?”

  Carlos rested a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Because I was blinded by hate.”

  “You’re getting off easy.” Christie sat up, glaring at him from the back seat. “Harry was shot and stabbed because of you, Dale died, and you almost got me and Jack killed.”

  Clay’s hand tightened to a fist on his thigh, but he remained silent.

  Carlos turned in his seat. “And your government, the one you love so much, did they tell Steel to get our beloved Marita out of Colombia?” He gestured. “Did they even tell you her name, Steel?”

  The memories were still painful and Steel swallowed, remembering that night. “That was part of the problem. I didn’t know if she was the informant or not.”

  Carlos nodded. “Christie, your government was fine with allowing my dear niece, who never wanted to hurt anyone in her life, to be used like a piece of meat by Gustavo Alvarez in his bed, while risking her life. And they were fine with her remaining behind so long as Steel got out, which cost her rape, torture, and her life. Your government is responsible, and so yes, I wanted your people to suffer. I wanted to strike back in any way I could. Misguided, yes, but for a reason.”

  Christie’s shoulders slumped, her voice less harsh. “I just want to end all of this.”

  Carlos seemed to sag too. “As do I. That’s why I offered to get information from the ISIS prisoner. To end this and to make amends.”

  Mario glanced in the rearview mirror at Steel. “I will help with the pack too.”

  “Thanks.” He wouldn’t turn down any guns at this point.

  They drove another ten minutes in silence, until Clay stared at Carlos, his voice calm. “Harry said something to me. If you hadn’t forced Steel to strike at the cartel first, they might have blindsided our families and most likely killed more of us.”

  Surprised, Steel stared at Clay. He found himself fighting Clay’s words, not wanting to give Carlos any absolution for what he had done. Carlos hadn’t chosen to abandon his vengeance—it had been forced upon him.

  Carlos said softly, “I appreciate your words, my friend.”

  “Harry also said he never would have met Isabella if she hadn’t kidnapped him.” Christie squeezed Steel’s hand and rested her head on his shoulder again.

  Clay frowned. “He also said she stabbed him.”

  “Harry’s an idiot, Clay.” Christie closed her eyes. “You know he’s always been a pushover.”

  “Harry always finds the positive.” Steel looked out the window, still wanting Carlos dead. He wondered how Christie and Clay really felt.

  Carlos’ eyebrows rose. “Harry must have a heart as big as Isabella’s.”

  “I’m not surprised Harry likes Isabella after being stuck in a car trunk with her,” said Mario. “My sister has a strong personality.”

  Clay cleared his throat. “I’d appreciate a ride to Nellis Air Force Base to see my brother.”

  Mario waved a hand. “No problem.”

  “I want to come too.” Christie nestled into Steel. “I want to see my brother, Jack.”

  “That’s a great idea, honey. I have to get to Wyatt’s to prepare. We’ll meet up there.”

  “Can we stop for ice cream?” she asked.

  “Sí. Why not?” Carlos pushed back his hat. “I would like some food too.”


  Mario dropped Steel off at McCarran International Airport. They stopped at a gas station first, where Steel washed the blood off his face in the restroom and bandaged his cut. He gave Christie a quick hug and kiss, and she left with the others.

  That she could still love him after what she had been through, and what was still to come, amazed him. Yet as they said goodbye, his sadness returned. Something else to push aside.

  He felt impatient to get to Billings. Wyatt would move Carol and Rachel off his property tonight, but he didn’t like the thought of the pack showing up on Wyatt’s doorstep when his friend was alone.

  His phone rang. He tensed when he heard Angel’s voice.

  “Did you call your military?” Angel’s voice was calm.

teel kept his voice neutral. “We extracted intel from the ISIS operative that met with Diego so we didn’t need you.”

  Angel was silent a moment. “How many targets did he give you?”

  “You tell me.”

  “Five. Now tell me the targets he gave you.”

  Steel ran through the list.

  “He gave you a false one. I can give you the real target in exchange for your military forgetting about me after I leave the cartel.”

  “I’ll call them. Call me back in five.” Steel hung up and called Jeffries, explaining the situation.

  “Do you trust him?” asked Jeffries.

  “No, but this could be real. He wants out of the cartel and wants you and me to leave him alone. He’s caring for someone, maybe a family member, and doesn’t want to worry about being hunted.”

  “I talked to my superiors. No way are they letting him walk after killing four of our own. Play him. Tell him sure, give us the target and we’ll forget about you. Call me.” Jeffries hung up.

  Angel called back. Steel didn’t mind lying—he agreed with Jeffries. “Okay, give us the target and they’ll leave you alone.”

  “The Mall of America is not a target. Tomorrow they hit the Skywalk on the Grand Canyon.”

  Steel frowned. “Do you know how?”

  “Diego hid weapons near the site that the ISIS operatives can retrieve.”

  Steel believed him. “What about Diego and the pack?”

  “I’ll get back to you.” Angel hung up.

  Steel filled in Jeffries, and the colonel said, “The guy’s desperate. He knows we’re going to hunt him down. Worse, what if he’s playing us? Maybe he’s not leaving the cartel and he’s trying to get us to pull people from the Mall of America while ISIS hits it.”

  Steel doubted Jeffries’ concerns, but agreed with taking precautions. “I can’t argue with any of that. Keep the MOA on alert. To be safe, Skywalk should still be alerted.”


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