Revenge Of The CEO: White Collar Crime Financial Thriller

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Revenge Of The CEO: White Collar Crime Financial Thriller Page 11

by Peter Ralph

  On the face of it, it looked like William Elmhurst had attempted to hide his ownership of a tract of land rich in coal, and then used his influence to ensure that an exploration licence and development permit were issued by the New South Wales Government, thus exponentially increasing the value of the land. Clean Coal Limited had then acquired the land by issuing shares to Benefish Proprietary Limited, and had paid a dividend on those shares every year since, that had eventually found its way into Devlin Elmhurst’s bank account. It was an open and shut case of monumental corruption. Far too open and shut for Craig Chisholm’s liking.

  Fiona Jeczik couldn’t understand Craig’s reticence when everything she’d heard and seen seemed to confirm William Elmhurst’s guilt. “I don’t understand your concern.” She sighed. “We’ve gone with far less in the past and you haven’t objected.”

  “It’s too pat,” Craig said. “Too perfect. Out of thin air it’s handed to us on a plate. This guy says the documents fell off the back of a truck, and when I meet him he’s wearing a face mask so we have no idea who he really is. Usually we know the snitch, and invariably it’s a whistle blower close to or working in the mark’s office. Worse, we can’t authenticate the documents. Doesn’t it strike you as just a little strange?”

  “Not really, didn’t he tell you that he’d be dead if he was found out? There’s been plenty of snitches killed for far less than the millions involved in this cosy scam.”

  “Please. You’re talking about a member of parliament. When was the last time you heard about a politician running around setting up a hit?” Craig laughed.

  “You don’t know who else is involved. Elmhurst might be the tip of the iceberg. Anyhow what do you mean about not verifying the authenticity of the documents? I thought the lawyers said they were kosher and the accountants traced the Clean Coal dividends final resting place to the grubby Devlin Elmhurst’s bank account.”

  “The trust deeds are private documents, so there are no public records that can be examined to verify them. The accountants can hardly take copies of someone else’s bank statements along to the bank and say, ‘Could you please just check these and let me know if they’re true copies of the originals?’ The lawyers said the documents have been properly stamped and look authentic, but could also be skilfully prepared forgeries. The accountants said the same about the bank statements and other financial records they examined. I wanted a one hundred percent guarantee and instead got maybes with added disclaimers to protect their arses.”

  “What did you really expect, Craig? God, they’re lawyers and accountants trained in the art of avoiding any and all responsibility. What’s that quaint little get-out clause they use? All care and no responsibility.” Fiona laughed. “Why would anyone want to give us false documents? Master forgers don’t come cheap and they’re not listed in the White Pages. I did a bit of my own checking and if those documents are forgeries, they’d have cost close to a hundred thousand. That’s double what you paid the snitch, so where’s the logic in that? They’re authentic.”

  “You’ve made a lot of enemies exposing scams over the years. Why couldn’t it be one of them setting you up?”

  “Most wouldn’t be smart enough and, even if they were, I can’t think of one who’d outlay a hundred thousand to do it. You said this guy had two bodyguards with him. He’s the genuine article all right.”

  “You’re going ahead with the interview?”

  “Sure am. Tell the Right Honourable William Elmhurst that we’re doing a doco looking back at the thirty years he’s served the good people of New South Wales.”

  “Will you at least be careful, Fiona?”

  “I always am.” She smiled. “That’s why I’ve lasted so long in this business. I want you and your team to keep digging right up until the minute I start the interview. If you find anything tangible to support your concerns I’ll make it a genuine program to celebrate his political life. You won’t find anything though, because he’s a bloody crook born to a life of privilege.”

  Craig shook his head. “You’re the most influential and powerful woman in television. You don’t have to do this.”

  “That’s exactly why I have to do it. After all these years you still don’t get it. Exposing crooks like Elmhurst is why I got where I am, and if I stop, I’ll be just another bloody hack. No thanks!”

  Chapter 30

  JASMINE BARTLETT WAS PLEASED Jack had found a girlfriend but was worried that he was neglecting his studies. He’d never stayed out all night before but now it was a regular occurrence on Fridays and Saturdays. She was reluctant to say anything as she knew her little boy was turning into a man. The pictures that Jack had showed her of Anneka were stunning, and Jasmine asked him to invite her home for dinner. Jack explained that Anneka was very shy when it came to meeting people, but he was working on it. Jasmine had never seen her son so happy, and the last thing she wanted to be was a wet blanket, but she couldn’t let him neglect university. “Jack, why haven’t you been attending lectures lately?”

  “Don’t fuss, mum.” He laughed. “I’m doing them on the net.”

  “But you’re hardly ever home.”

  “Trust me, it’s under control,” he said, kissing her on the forehead. “I’m heading off to an evening lecture now. Sorry, have to fly.”

  As he climbed into his car there was only one thing on his mind – Anneka. She’d had to look after her grandmother for the past three days and he hadn’t seen her. He’d missed her badly and needless to say was so horny he could barely think, but that would soon be remedied. She’d made a booking at a Frankston motel and he was tingling with excitement about what the night might hold. The drive along Beach Road was pleasant with the ocean on his right and grand, predominantly two storey houses on the other side. His mum was right; he was falling behind with his studies but what could he do? There were only so many hours in the week and he had to keep up his casual work or he wouldn’t be able to afford to take Anneka out. He spent every minute he could with her and when he didn’t see her for a few days it was sheer hell. He’d mentioned to her that he was struggling with his studies, and she’d suggested that they only see each other on weekends. That would give him the time he was looking for. He wouldn’t hear of it. Then she had said that she might have something else that would help him, something she was going to tell him about tonight.

  When Raj George had met the despicable Douglas Aspine at his brother in law’s funeral ten years earlier, he’d just been described in the media as Singapore’s newest billionaire. He’d built on that and was now one of a handful of tycoons with enormous influence over the way Singapore was governed. He had been furious when Aspine had escaped from Changi and worried about his sister, Jasmine, knowing that Aspine was the type of snake who would seek revenge. Such was his fury, he had summoned the Police Commissioner and Prison Warden to his office, promising them if Aspine was not recaptured, he would have their jobs, a threat that he’d since carried out. Not only had he had arranged for security guards to watch Jasmine twenty-four hours a day, he’d beefed up the security around his own palatial mansion despite already having ten full-time servants. Nearly six months had elapsed since Aspine’s escape and nothing untoward had occurred so Raj determined that it was time to call off the additional security. The last thing he wanted was for his concerns to unsettle or scare his sister. Besides, it was highly improbable that Douglas Aspine would ever set foot in Australia or Singapore again, and it was more likely that he was hiding out in South America.

  Mick McHugh kept Aspine up to date at their weekly lunches at the Birmingham Hotel, which also seemed to pass for his office. He was big, loud and gregarious. Aspine enjoyed his company but was also wary of him. They were having a drink when his men had dragged this poor punter into the bar.

  “Johnny.” McHugh grinned. “Why have you been avoiding me?”

  “I…I’ll get you your money, Mick. Ya know I’m good for it.”

  “Money? I didn’t even ask about money
and here you are raising it. That’s not the first thing mates talk about,” McHugh said, resting his beer on the window sill before clamping one hand over Johnny’s mouth and grasping his nuts with the other. “But now you’ve raised it you little fucker, did you really think ya were gonna do me outta five gorillas and still be capable of walking?”

  McHugh released his hand ever so slightly from the terrified man’s mouth and he whimpered. “I…I’ll ge…get it by thi…this Friday.”

  “Yeah, ya will, but it’s now ten with the late payment charges.”

  “Tha…that’s doub…double and I only borrowed three grand to start wi…with.”

  “You’re not objecting to my terms are ya?” McHugh snarled, tightening his grip.

  “No…no,” Johnny squealed, eyes rolling and sweat pouring from his forehead. “I’ll have your money this Friday. I promise.”

  “Now that wasn’t so hard was it?” McHugh smiled, tightening his hand over Johnny’s mouth while momentarily releasing his testicles and then with no warning crushing them with every ounce of his strength. As Johnny slumped to the floor unconscious, McHugh looked over to his men. “Get this piece of shit out of my sight,” and then then as if nothing had occurred said to Aspine, “Have ya decided what yar eating yet?”

  After they’d finished eating Aspine said, “You charged that poor bastard seven grand in interest on a three thousand loan. How long was it for?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business but it wasn’t seven! It was two in interest and a late payment penalty fee of five. The loan was for six weeks.”

  “I’m not ever borrowing money off you.” Aspine laughed.

  “Are you gonna keep talking about that fucking loser or do you wanna know what’s happening? I’ve only got so much time you know.”

  “Sorry. Tell me where we’re up to with that bitch, Jeczik, and the other whore’s son?”

  McHugh pushed himself back in his chair and put his feet up on the window ledge. “Those documents cost a bloody fortune and I gotta tell you they’re perfect.”

  Aspine hated the way McHugh talked about cost as if he were the one who was actually paying. McHugh also liked to claim credit for the plans much to Aspine’s annoyance when he was just a tool to put them into action. However, after seeing what had happened to Johnny, Aspine wasn’t about to complain.

  “How do you know that, Mick? We won’t know that until the bitch starts tearing Elmhurst apart on national television, and before that happens she’s going to have to take the bait.”

  “How do I know?” McHugh said. “Because I own a firm of accountants and a firm of lawyers and they’ve checked every document with a fine tooth comb. Christ, they even advised the forgers.”

  Aspine burst out in raucous laughter. “Mick, that’s crap and you know it. You’re not allowed to own firms of lawyers and accountants.”

  “For a guy who used to run a big public company you are one fucking dumbarse,” McHugh said, draining his beer and burping loudly. “Who do ya think the embezzlers, the fraudsters and the white collar crooks work for when they come out of prison? They’re debarred, and can’t get jobs other than flipping burgers, so they work for me.”

  “But they’re not allowed to practise.”

  “Yeah, but they can for me,” McHugh laughed. “You’re not the only client of mine who I’ve helped out with a bitta professional advice. These guys are brilliant and I’ve got ‘em working sixty hours a week. Occasionally I need a practising lawyer but when I do, I get these guys to complete the brief and then I take it along to one of the blue blood firms and pay ‘em a few grand to stick their name on it.”

  “Far out,” Aspine said. “You amaze me. You’re an underworld entrepreneur.”

  “You’d be staggered if ya knew the size of my empire.” McHugh beamed, beckoning the barman to bring him another beer. “Now let me tell ya about Candy and young Jack Bartlett.”

  “Go on.”

  “He’s head over heels in love with her. He’d never had sex before and now he’s fucking himself stupid. Candy’s got him on Ecstasy and she’s about to introduce him to ice.”

  “I hate drugs.” Aspine grimaced. “I actually feel for the kid, but his slut of a mum planted heroin on me, and she’s gonna pay for her treachery in spades.”

  McHugh passed Aspine a photo. “Good looking girl, ain’t she?”

  “She’s stunning and so young. Where’d you dig her up from?”

  “She’s actually twenty-four, though she could also pass for sixteen with a bit of makeup. That makes her very versatile, and I gotta tell ya, very expensive.”

  Aspine groaned.

  “What’d ya say?”

  “Nothing, I yawned.”

  “She’s the star property at my main escort agency, The Executive Suite.”

  “Fuck, you’re into brothels as well. What pie don’t you have a finger in?”

  “Not brothels.” McHugh growled. “Escort agencies and the girls are escorts. We never say brothel or prostitute. Candy’s very smart and in a good week she can earn twenty grand tax free and still take the weekend off. And get this, she wouldn’t see more than five clients. She’s the crème de le crème of her profession and that’s why I gotta charge ya so much. Speaking of charges, ya better transfer another two hundred big ones into my account.”

  “Jesus, that’s nearly a mil so far. When’s the meter going to stop ticking?”

  “If ya want the best ya gotta pay.” McHugh smirked, burping loudly. “When this is over I might even treat ya to a night with Candy and it’ll be on me.”

  “That’s real generous, Mick. What do I get if I spend another mil? A set of steak knives?”

  Chapter 31

  JACK HAD NEVER HAD dinner at the Hyatt before, let alone stayed there. “This must have cost you a fortune,” he said, picking at his steak. “What happened? Did you win the lottery or something?”

  “I saved up because tonight is special. It’s our three month anniversary and I wanted to do something special.” Anneka smiled, squeezing Jack’s hand. “Do you like it?”

  “The food’s great but I’m uncomfortable with you paying, and especially when it’s so expensive.”

  “Let’s not spoil it by talking about money, darling. Just relax and enjoy yourself.”

  “I wish I could. My mum’s been on my back about attending lectures and falling behind with my studies. Oh, and she’s becoming more insistent about meeting you,” Jack said, hanging his head.

  Anneka had known he would change, and hadn’t been surprised when he’d gone from being cheery and carefree to sullen and moody. Ecstasy does that. “I have something that will fix your university problems and put you right back on track.” she smiled. “And I’d love to meet your mum but I just need a little more time. You’re the first serious boyfriend I’ve had, and I’ve never done the meet-the-parents’ thing before. Come on, hon, cheer up. We’re going to have a great time tonight.”

  “Okay, I’ve just been stressed and falling further behind. I need another six hours in the day. Whatever you have isn’t going to give me that.”

  “You might be surprised. Come on, finish your wine. I’m dying to see what the rooms in this place are like.”

  The lift whooshed them to the fourteenth floor and Anneka swiped her key card in 1412 to reveal a double bed, a mini bar, a table, work desk and a television. “Hmmph, it’s no different to any other motel room,” she said, as she wandered around. “Ooh, the bathroom’s very nice though and there’s even a phone next to the loo.”

  “It’s fine,” Jack said, without enthusiasm.

  “Who talks on the phone when they’re sitting on the loo? Yuk.” Anneka giggled, flopping on the bed. “Come and give me a cuddle, darling.”

  “Give me a minute or two,” Jack said, sitting down at the desk. “I just feel so down and can’t snap out of it. I wonder if I’m coming down with something.”

  “I’ll fix that and your study problems,” Anneka said, jumping off t
he bed and taking a small phial from her handbag. She tipped some of its white powdery contents onto a magazine cover. “Sniff this.”

  “What is it? It’s not cocaine, is it? I’m not sniffing that shit.”

  “Of course it’s not cocaine, silly. Trust me, you’ll feel good and it will work wonders for your endurance.”

  Jack put his nose to the magazine cover, took a deep breath and recoiled at the burning sensation in his nostrils. “Fuck. What is that sh..?” Before he could finish he felt the rush and suddenly he was clear headed, sharp and had gone from feeling down to being on top of the world. His cock that had been limp only a minute before was throbbing and being strangled by his jeans and he tore them off. “Get on the bed,” he gasped.

  They never slept and for the first time Jack could control and delay his orgasms. Even after his orgasm, his penis remained rock hard. Sex with Anneka had always been mind-blowing, but the white powder she had fed him, took him to a new dimension. When they checked out in the morning he wasn’t tired in the slightest and was totally focused. He’d never been that confident with Anneka, mesmerized by her beauty and wondering what she saw in him. Now he was self-assured, assertive and in control – the world was a wonderful place.

  “What was that stuff you gave me last night?”

  “Crystal meth, it’s great for your stamina, clears your head and intensifies your focus. And best of all, you can control it.” She lied.

  “So it’s not addictive like cocaine?”

  “It can be, but not if you’re strong and only take it when you have to.”

  “Where’d you get it from?”

  “You can get anything on campus if you know the right people.” She laughed. “I’m sure you could get it at Melbourne.”


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