by Scott Allan
A constant and never-ending commitment to self-development is the foundation of successful people.
How can you make improvements to your life starting today? Could you acquire a new skill? Listen to a weekly podcast from a top-notch motivational speaker? Read new material on character development?
There are literally hundreds of ways you can make small improvements to your life that would have a major impact if you are committed.
Set a goal to focus on one area of your life you can develop for both your mindset and your business. Commit to developing this principle or value by focusing on the one thing that can make a difference in your life tomorrow.
For more on continuous self-improvement, I recommend you read The Success Principles by Jack Canfield.
Focused Concentration on Priority Tasks
Purpose-driven individuals are focused on the tasks at hand. They do not waver or become consumed by daily trivial activities. They don’t allow themselves to be pulled down by a negative attitude, griping, harsh criticisms, or undirected thinking that leads to the loss of self-control. They are focused on important matters that make a difference.
Do you find yourself lost in complaints about small things that don’t matter? If so, how can you direct your thoughts and emotions toward more important issues?
What are the daily gripes you are consumed by? How can you stop engaging in trivial matters that don’t contribute to your overall self-improvement?
By recognizing the one thing we shouldn’t be focusing on, we free up more space and energy to stay fixed on the tasks that really matter.
To read more about creating fewer distractions, I recommend The One Thing by Gary Keller.
Do the Things Most People Avoid
Albert Gray said, “Successful people are successful because they form the habits of doing those things that failures don’t like to do.” This is the most defining characteristic that separates people who do what they love to do from those who do what they are made to do by others.
People live life as an expression of the choices they have made when they do what others are afraid to. Your actions define you. Do what needs to be done, for as long as it takes, and you will have very little competition.
Is there an action you have been avoiding because you’re afraid of failing? Are you procrastinating?
Remember, you will have a much better chance to live life your way when you do the work most people turn away from.
Make a short list of five actions you can take this week that will have a major impact on your performance. Then, from that list, choose only one task and focus on it for ninety days. Make this action key to pushing your momentum to its peak.
For more on achieving greater success, read The Common Denominator of Success by Albert Gray.
Create the Circumstances You Want
Purpose-driven people can adapt to sudden changes in the economy, environment, or circumstances. They are not overcome by changes beyond their control. Instead, they adapt to shifting situations.
Many people just go with the flow whereas purpose-driven people create the flow they desire. They create the changes they want to see happen instead of just letting it happen to them. They adapt and change course when needed. It is an inevitable part of the process.
Do you like change, or are you afraid of it? How do you adapt to sudden changes in the workplace or at home? Always keep this one truth in mind: Change is inevitable.
Everything you are experiencing today will be completely different ten years from now. It may be completely different tomorrow. But you don’t have to wait for things to change. You can take control today and create the changes you want instead of waiting for them to happen.
For more on learning to implement change, I recommend Switch by Chip Heath and Dan Heath.
Execute the Strategies
You now have sixteen strategies you can start working on right now. I would suggest you focus on just one at a time. Once you have mastered each one, go back to the beginning and start again.
People who live their dreams have defined their purpose and are living out their greatest passions. For them, success comes through living the life they were meant to live by making the necessary choices that are in alignment with the fulfillment of goals, principles, and values. They spend their days creating, building and living their dreams, not just dreaming of an illusory life that could be.
You must pursue this path if you are to develop your connected purpose.
Mission Statement: Building a Deeper Meaning into Your Life
“Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.”
― W. Clement Stone
Once you are clear about what brings you the greatest joy and fulfillment, your purpose will be defined through the everyday actions organized around your life’s purpose and mission. The surest way to bring your life’s path into alignment with your purpose is by creating a personal mission statement—a concise statement that defines your focus.
At the top of a piece of paper, write out the following: The Purpose of My Life.
Next, write down what you believe the purpose of your life is, in as many words as it takes. Ask yourself specific questions to get things started. Below is a list of twenty questions for you to think about that can generate powerful ideas leading to the answers you seek.
Now, take the time to write out your answers. There is a lot of work involved here, so you should give yourself two to three days to finish this.
Once complete, think carefully about what you have written down, and then create a clear, concise statement that defines the nature of your life’s purpose and mission.
What are my strongest areas of interest? If I had to commit to mastering just one area of my life, what would it be?
What coincidences have occurred in my life that might be trying to tell me something?
How would I spend the rest of my days if I could do absolutely anything I wanted? If making money wasn’t important, what is the one thing I would do for free if I could?
What is a particular field of interest that I feel drawn to? Do I think often about this interest, even when I’m engaged in other work?
As a child, what were the creative activities I enjoyed most? Do I still feel drawn to these things?
What kind of person would I like to emulate in regard to talent, inspiration, or social impact? Is it an artist, writer, global leader, or business entrepreneur? What is it about this person that I admire most?
How would I define the nature of my personality? Am I intuitive, creative, humorous, or a serious thinker?
What are three things I like about my personality? What are three things I don’t like and would like to change?
What is the one thing in my life that, if I changed it, would have a significant impact on the quality of my life?
What is the one thing I would like to contribute to the world? How would this contribution add value to the lives of others?
Is there a person whom I could help to achieve success, or to somehow better themselves? If so, who is it, and what could I do for that person?
If I were to accomplish my life’s pursuit, how would it benefit the world, my community, and my friends and family?
What are the values I hold most sacred? What new values would I have to adopt in order to live in alignment with my life’s purpose?
How do I feel about myself in terms of self-worth, confidence, and quality of character?
Following up on the previous question, how can I make improvements to my self-worth, confidence, and the quality of my character?
Do I experience long periods of emptiness, numbness, or absolute hopelessness? If so, how often does this occur? What do I think are the causes for these dark emotions? Is it a lack of purpose, a loss of faith, or the feeling that my life has no meaning?
What are five things I am most grateful for? How would I feel if these things were taken from me? What would I be willing to do to keep these gifts
of gratitude in my life?
What are three things I regret not doing in my life? What is the one thing I would regret not accomplishing if I don’t take action today?
Am I happy where I am in my life today? Is there anything I can change so that I can enjoy a better quality of life?
Putting the Plan Together
The next step is to clearly define, in writing, your living purpose statement. This expresses what you are going to do with your life on a larger scale.
Read through each of the following sections and answer the questions as best you can.
Define the kind of person you want to become
You are defined by the difference you make in the lives of the people around you. You further define yourself through self-expression and your attitude toward people and events. Now, take a moment to answer the following questions in your notebook. When you have finished, read over and reflect on what you have written.
What ideas or thoughts do you have about yourself?
What do others think of you? Is their assessment of you accurate? How do you see yourself?
What would someone say about you if they were speaking about you to other people?
In what ways do you contribute to the happiness and well-being of others?
What kind of person do you see yourself evolving into over the next decade?
How would you define yourself in terms of character traits, personal values, beliefs, and ambitions?
What are the most important things in your life today?
Who is it that contributes to your joy and well-being?
If you could change just one thing about yourself, what would it be?
If you could change just one thing in this world, what would it be?
Define the Work You Want to Do
Meaningful work contributes to the joy and happiness of others, while also contributing to the world in ways that greatly influence growth and change. There is an ocean of unlimited opportunities available to you.
Many paths are presented to each of us every day. However, they are often unseen because we are so wrapped up in performing the tasks that others have set out for us. Your inherent talent that has yet to be discovered is one of the key elements that could potentially unlock your success.
Discover the work that drives you, fills you with enthusiasm, and infuses passion into every action you take.
What kind of work do you enjoy doing? Is it something creative, mechanical, or educational?
Is there any kind of work that makes you completely forget about the clock? In other words, have you ever become so absorbed in some kind of work that you completely lost track of time?
Can you see yourself becoming successful in this line of work? If not, why?
What area of expertise would put you on a direct course with your ultimate goals and sense of purpose?
Do you have any talents that could develop into a joyful and fulfilling career if you applied yourself to exercising this talent in a way that generated income?
What could you do today to start developing these talents?
Define Your Master Talent
Like an abundant treasure just waiting to be discovered, everybody has at least one special talent they could master and contribute to the world. The first sight of a piano attracts a would-be musician; an artist, upon seeing paint and color for the first time, instantly perceives an image that must be canvassed; and a builder wants to create a beautiful structure.
If you want to attain a level of happiness and satisfaction beyond your wildest dreams, do whatever prompts your interest. Follow your passion and that is where you will discover your greatest joy.
What talent or skill do you feel a strong attraction to? Is it in the field of writing, business, education, or art?
Is there something that beckons you to take action, something that urges you to pick up a hobby or study something new? Do you have a keen interest in something profound, but you don’t yet know or understand why?
Is there something you have always had a high aptitude for?
Are you drawn toward certain activities you feel compelled to pursue?
What activities or work do you engage in that make you completely lose all track of time?
Is there something that you were always better at than everybody else? If so, what is it?
Define Your Greatest Passion
Passion is key! Do what keeps you energized, enthusiastic, and motivated. Passion is the main element in constructing a life with great purpose.
Passion involves doing something with a strong sense of self-love. Your great purpose should be linked to your passions. Without passion, there can be no purpose.
The purpose of your life and the reasons for your existence breathe energy into everything you do. Do the things you love and do them as often as you can.
Write it! The Great Purpose Statement
The final stage has come for you to put your great purpose into words. Once you have determined your purpose by defining your greatest passions, intuitions, and natural talents, you will begin attracting all the valuable resources, people, and rich ideas that you need for fulfilling your dreams.
A great purpose, once defined, begins to work right away in fulfilling your needs and providing you with the support required to make it happen. You will experience great changes and an absolute sense of belonging—a connection to something more profound than anything you have ever felt before.
Referring to the questions you answered above about your great purpose, put everything together into a working purpose statement.
Take a few moments of quiet time to reflect on the importance of your purpose. Seek answers to questions deep within yourself. Look for the inner truth that has yet to reveal itself. Meditate or take a long walk and think clearly with a peaceful mind about the purpose of everything you are destined to do and be.
When you are ready, write down your great purpose in your notebook. Write only as much as is necessary. Then, read over it again and delete what you don’t need. Your goal is to create a concise, snappy statement that is easy to remember. It should also be inspiring and lift you up every time you read it.
Once your great purpose statement is finalized, read it at least twice every day. Doing so will feed your conscious and subconscious mind with powerful words, thoughts, and visions that build the foundations of your life purpose.
Everyone has creative gifts and deep passions lying dormant within just waiting to be discovered. Once discovered, these special gifts will be shared with the world in the form of art, music, business, literature, speeches and more.
Rise to the Challenge: Your Call to Action!
Now, how can you develop a purpose-driven mindset to unveil what remains to be discovered within yourself? How can you, from this moment on, start building your dreams and living the life you were meant to live? How can you gain mastery over your thoughts and actions to steer your life in the direction it is intended to take?
Now is the time to get serious about the things you’re passionate about. Search with a clear mind to reignite the dreams that you have long since buried and forgotten. Bring back to life the part of you that has been abandoned.
Plan for attaining the goals you once considered impossible and get to work immediately to make them real. Adopting just one of the strategies from the list already presented will make a dramatic difference in the quality of your success.
By developing a purpose-driven mindset, you will steer a course of action that generates the positive energy necessary for beginning the greatest journey of your life. Work to discover what you have a natural talent for and concentrate to master your greatest passion.
Know precisely what you want and discard what no longer holds any value for you. Establish your desired outcome with absolute clarity and then commit all of your available resources to pursuing the life you yearn to live. Put your purpose-driven mindset into full throttle and turn your passions into your greatest quest.
nbsp; Accept nothing but the best for yourself and raise personal expectations to exceed all false limitations and beliefs. Hold yourself accountable. Make a promise to yourself to live each day with a greater purpose in all your thoughts, intentions and actions.
Self-Discipline and
Building Better Habits
“In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves…self-discipline with all of them came first.”
— Harry S. Truman
When you build self-discipline, you are training the mind, body, and spirit. This builds a solid foundation for maximum performance, setting the stage for greater success.
Apply self-discipline to master key areas of your business or develop stronger family relationships. With discipline, you can boost earning power, design a new product, or lift your career to a new level.
With the application of the correct tools, techniques, and skills, everything you desire is attracted to you. The highest vision you hold for yourself becomes your reality when you apply a set of specific and concrete actions geared toward living life in a disciplined manner.
Commitment by Choice
To be disciplined in your daily activities is to be trained in the art of doing what matters most first, in order to accomplish your primary goals and objectives.
Those who have learned to direct mental power in a disciplined way will surpass their expectations and overcome all self-imposed limitations. These people are in tune with the diligence needed to overcome all obstacles and persevere.
By forming positive habits, you set the course to find fulfillment. This means being in control, taking charge, and making choices that lead to significant changes in thoughts, actions, and behavior.
By making the decision, you can do what most people refuse to do, and that gives you the necessary edge. When you are committed to going that extra mile, you no longer crave the easy way. You accept the difficulties that lie ahead, you are open to the truth that nothing comes for free, and that anything worth attaining is going to require sacrifice and a conscious effort to maintain this diligence.