Six Naughty Nights

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Six Naughty Nights Page 12

by Serenity Woods

Her fingers itched to touch his skin, so she began to undo the buttons of his shirt, gradually revealing his wide, bronzed chest, shaped with firm muscles. He went to slip the shirt off, but she shook her head. “No,” she whispered, “keep your fuck-me shirt on.”

  His eyes widened with amusement. “My what?”

  “You heard me. That shirt wants only one thing. You look so damn sexy dressed like that.”

  He grinned. “Fine.” He held the bottom of her dress. “But I want you naked.”

  Instinctively, she grasped his wrists, stopping him. A skintight dress was one thing. Being completely naked and not in utter darkness was another.

  He wrested his hands free, and gently but firmly moved hers away. “My check is now in your purse,” he reminded her. “I seem to remember offering you an amount that would cover pretty much whatever I wanted.” He let go of her hands and held the hem of the dress again. “Arms up.” His voice was firm.

  Her cheeks grew warm at the desire in his eyes. Closing her own, she lifted her arms.

  He peeled the dress up her body and over her head. The fabric whispered to the floor. Fighting the urge to cover herself, she stood for a moment biting her lip. Even though her eyes were shut, she was sure she could feel his gaze burning through her.

  Then his hand cupped her cheek, and she opened her eyes to see him smiling. “Hey, beautiful,” he said.

  She looked down at herself, finding it difficult to see anything but the stretch marks and the way her muscles had loosened since childbirth. “You want your money back?”

  In reply, he kissed her, drawing her to him. He wrapped her in his arms tightly, one hand slipping down to squeeze her butt and pull her against him, the other cupping her head so she couldn’t escape. Not that she wanted to. Her body was on fire, aching for him, even though the thought that she was standing in his kitchen stark naked made her hands itch to cover her breasts.

  He lifted his head and studied her, obviously seeing her red face, her nervousness. Smiling, he kissed first one hot cheek, then the other, and then proceeded to kiss down her throat, touching his tongue to her skin, tasting as he went. He cupped her breasts, and then his mouth was on her nipple, and she gasped as he sucked, her body filling with erotic tingles as he stroked the sensitive skin with his tongue.

  He did the same to her other breast, giving the other nipple the same attention while she sank her hands into his hair. When his hand trailed down her body to between her legs, she closed her eyes, tipping back her head when he slid his fingers into her. “God, Toby…” She clutched her fingers in his hair as he began to stroke her. “Oh…”

  He aroused her slowly, moving his fingers through her so easily she knew she must be slippery with desire. He lifted his head and kissed her hard, desire making him rough and demanding. “I want to taste you,” he told her, standing for a moment to tower over her, and her heart pounded at his height and strength.

  “Oh, no, I—”

  He kissed her on the mouth, cutting off her words as he pushed her back against the dining table. Then he trailed his lips down her neck and lower, dropping to his knees in front of her.

  Here? In the middle of the dining room? She placed her hands on his shoulders, ready to push him away. “Toby…”

  He ignored her and placed his hands on her butt, holding her tightly as he buried his mouth in her and slid his tongue into her folds.

  “Oh… Fuck,” she said vehemently. And then she lost all power of speech as he sucked right where heaven was located.

  He’d taken minutes to make her come the first time he went down on her in Fiji, and it was going to be no different tonight. She’d been close to an orgasm anyway just from the stroke of his skilful fingers and the touch of his mouth on her breast—the warmth and softness of his tongue on her most sensitive parts was too much for her to hold back for long.

  Everything tightened, and as she clenched her hands into fists on his shoulders, he slid his fingers deep inside her and sucked firmly. She came hard, unable to stop herself crying out with the joy of it, pulsing around his fingers for what seemed like forever.

  Finally she finally pushed him away, exhausted and shaking from the strength of the sensations.

  He stood, and before she could say or do anything, picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him, tasting her arousal on his lips and sighing while he carried her through into the bedroom.

  “Sorry that was so quick,” he said, walking to the bed. “I meant to make it last, but you took me by surprise.” He smiled and kissed her.

  Gosh, he was so sweet. She wanted to eat him up. “Jeez, don’t apologise. I’m sorry I couldn’t hold on, but it was too goddamn wonderful.”

  “I’m glad.” He switched on the lamp, climbed onto the bed and lay back with her on top.

  She sat astride him and moved her hips, enjoying his hard length against the part of her that was now all soft and swollen, thanks to him. “Mm… Orgasms should be made one of the Seven Wonders of the World.”

  He stretched out, pulling a pillow behind his head, and drew her into his arms. “Better than the Pyramids,” he agreed. “Fuck, you feel good.” He ran his hands up her body and cupped her breasts.

  She sighed and kissed him again, sliding her hands beneath his shirt to feel his warm skin. “You have such a fantastic body.” She ran her fingers over his muscles. “Like a Greek god.”

  He stroked her breasts. “And you’re like Aphrodite. Made for love.”

  “Well, that is kind of my job.” Desire for this gorgeous man overwhelmed her, banishing her nerves, and she pushed herself upright and started unbuttoning his jeans.

  He lay back with his hands behind his head and let her, grinning as she struggled with the button. “Come on, wench, I expect better service than this.”

  She tried to pop it through the buttonhole and failed. “It’s too hard.”

  “That’s not a complaint I’ve had before.”

  Giggling, she finally managed it and pulled down the zipper to reveal the erection that strained against the silky fabric of his boxers. Meeting his hot gaze, she moved up a little until the silky hardness pressed against her soft, damp skin. Moving her hips up and down, she coated him with her moisture, enjoying the way his eyelids slid to half mast as she aroused herself on him.

  “Remember, it’s been a while for me too,” he told her huskily, holding her by the upper arms to still her movement. “I’m only human, sweetheart.”

  Thrilled that she was obviously turning him on, she lifted herself off so he could remove his clothes. Standing, he slipped off his shirt, laughing as she tutted with disappointment.

  He removed his jeans and boxers, and she watched wide eyed, unable to believe her luck. He was toned all over from his bulging biceps to his muscular thighs and tight butt, like a male model for some famous underwear company. His erection was beautifully impressive. How had she managed to score with such a magnificent specimen of the male species? She wasn’t sure, but she wasn’t going to pass up on the chance to make the most of him while she had him.

  He retrieved a condom from the bedside table and lay back down. “For all the fucking good they do,” he mumbled as he went to tear the packet open.

  “My thoughts exactly.” She put a hand over his, stopping him. “Which is why I’m on the pill, if you want to leave it.” It was a half truth—the doctor had placed her on it to regulate her cycle after Charlie was weaned, but she had to admit she was scared that condoms would fail her again. She wouldn’t be able to cope with two children, not alone.

  He met her gaze thoughtfully. “Aren’t you worried about disease in your line of work?”

  Her lips curved, but she knew what he was saying. “Do you usually wear a condom?”

  “Never had sex without one.”

  “I thought as much. Me neither. So I guess we’re both clean.”

  He looked at the packet for a moment and then threw it onto the table. “Can’t
say I hold much faith in them now either. Not that I’m complaining.” He touched her cheek. “Charlie is the best mistake I’ve ever made.”

  As seemed to keep happening over the past few days, his words made both pleasure and wariness rise inside her. The thought that he wasn’t angry at what had happened made her so relieved she could cry.

  Equally, at that moment she didn’t want to think about what had happened after their holiday, about their past and Charlie and where they were going. That wasn’t what this was about. She’d suggested the Naughty Nights because she hadn’t had sex for three years, and because he was gorgeous and pretty good in bed. Not because of Charlie, or anything to do with what had happened before. This was purely physical.

  She raised herself up and straddled him, easing down until the tip of his erection pressed against her. Then she bent over him, brushing his lips with hers. “I want to give you good value for your money,” she whispered. “What would you like, sir?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “You’re already worth every cent,” he said huskily. He held her hips and pushed up, sliding into her in one smooth movement.

  “Oh!” She closed her eyes, gasping at the feeling of him inside her, thick and hard, all the way. Sitting up, she tipped back her head, spread her thighs and let him push deeper. “Oh Jesus…”

  She’d been worried it might feel different after childbirth. That maybe she’d have lost sensation, or the inevitable loosening of her muscles would mean it wouldn’t be as pleasurable for the guy. Judging by Toby’s groan of approval, though, not a lot had changed.

  Dropping her head to look at him, she rocked her hips and let him slide in and out. His hands fell to her hips, and he held her tightly as he pushed up into her. “God, that feels good,” he said, fanning his hands across her ribs before returning them to her breasts.

  “Oh yeah.” How had she gone so long without this? For months after having Charlie, she’d been too tired to even think about sex. When he finally began to sleep through the night in his own room, she’d resorted to pleasuring herself if she felt the physical need. But nothing compared to this feeling of having a man inside, of having his hands on her, warming her skin.

  She moved on top of him slowly, wanting the time to last. He’d forgotten to put the air conditioning on, and it was deliciously hot in the bedroom. Just as in Fiji, their skin grew warm and glistened with sweat, and when she bent and touched her tongue to the pulse in his neck, he tasted of salty sweetness. She grazed her teeth on him and sucked there, and he slipped his hand into her hair and pulled her head up to kiss her.

  He plunged his tongue into her mouth, and she began to spiral out of control again as if he was weaving some kind of spell around her, separating them from reality. Hot skin slid over hot skin, and his gentle fingers played with her nipples until she teetered on the edge of bliss.

  At that moment, he surprised her by rolling her over so she lay under him, his weight pinning her down into the bed.

  “Ooh,” she said, impressed by the expert move. “That’ll be another hundred dollars.”

  He chuckled and kissed her. “You can itemise the bill later.”

  She wrapped her legs around him as he moved inside her. “Jeez, I’m melting. You forgot to put on the air con.”

  “Didn’t forget.” He bent his head and licked between her breasts. “Wanted you like this.”

  “Gross, Wilkinson. I forgot how disgusting you are.”

  He laughed and pushed himself up so he could look down at her, continuing to thrust deeply inside her. “Good sex isn’t about being clean and tidy. It’s about being hot and sweaty and sticking to each other.”

  “This must be very good sex then,” she said, breathless, her skin peeling away from his as he moved. She knew she was pushing for a compliment. How many women had he had since Fiji? Faith had said he liked big boobs and a pretty face. Well, she kind of had the former, even if they had dropped a few inches. A pretty face not so much.

  He caught her hands in his and pinned them above her head. “This is excellent sex.” He met her gaze and his eyes gleamed. “I like having my own personal whore.”

  In spite of how hot she was, her cheeks grew warm. “Toby!”

  He moved inside her, his lips brushing hers. “Slut, then.”

  “I’m not a slut,” she protested, but was unable to stop herself writhing in ecstasy beneath him as he ground against her, arousing her most sensitive spot.

  “Could have fooled me.” He thrust harder, even as he bent to nibble her earlobe. “You were a slut three years ago, and you’re even more of a slut now.”

  “You’re so rude.”

  “You betcha.”

  “Nobody’s ever called me a slut before.”

  He gave a sexy laugh. “Ah, but I know the real you.” Pinning both of her hands with one of his, he rolled a nipple between thumb and finger. “Come for me. I want to watch you.”

  She was inches away from an orgasm, but his intense, amused gaze made her try to hold back. “I can’t while you’re watching. Kiss me.”

  He kissed her and then raised his head again, sliding in and out of her. “Now, Roxie.”

  She gave a little laugh at his use of her made-up name, but shook her head. “Please, Toby…”

  “I’m waiting.” He ran his tongue lightly along her bottom lip.

  “Turn off the lamp,” she demanded.

  “No.” He shifted and changed angle, pushing up her knees and tilting up her hips, and she gasped as he sank deeper inside her.

  “Oh God.” She was losing it.

  His bright eyes wouldn’t release her. Intense and unrelenting, they held her captive, until her whole world consisted of this room, the rumpled bed, his hot skin sticking to hers.

  “I told you I’d fuck you senseless,” he murmured. “You’re going to come for me now.”

  She shivered at his demanding tone and the thought of climaxing in front of him again, this man who was somehow both a stranger and comfortingly familiar. “No…” But they both knew she was lying. There was no way she could resist the sensations he was arousing in her.

  She closed her eyes as the ecstatic feeling began low in her belly and thighs, long and drawn out. She gave repeated, oh, oh, oh’s, the pleasure focusing on the pulses that seemed to go on forever and left her exhausted and limp in his arms. Only as she opened her eyes did he shudder and come, spilling inside her. She clutched her fingers in his hair and brought his head down to capture his groans, loving the way his whole body tightened, his muscular arms taut where he’d braced himself over her.

  The blissful feeling died away gradually, like the last remnants of a storm. He rested his head on her shoulder, and she revelled in his heavy weight and the way his skin gleamed damply in the moonlight that fell across the bed.

  Eventually, he raised his head and studied her with a smile. “Am I squishing you?”

  “Yes, but I like it.”

  He chuckled and withdrew, lifting off her to the side, but immediately pulled her into his arms.

  “It’s so hot in here,” she protested, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “That’s your fault.” He kissed her hair. “You’re hotter than nuclear fission. If scientists could harness the heat you produce, they’d be able to run a small country for a fortnight.”

  She pushed herself up to look at him, puzzled by his words. “It’s a lovely thing to say, but I don’t get it. You’ve had so many women, and I’m so inexperienced, I know it can’t be true.”

  He looked affronted. “Well, firstly, I haven’t had that many women.” He rolled his eyes as she raised her eyebrows. “I swear. You make me sound like a right tart.”

  “If the cap fits.”

  “You’re the whore here, remember?”

  She smacked him on the shoulder, and he grinned.

  “I think we can end that little charade,” she said.

  He studied her affectionately and with more than a little warmth in his gaze. �
�Honey, I will forever think of you as a whore in the bedroom. It doesn’t matter that you haven’t been with many guys. You are naturally slutty.”

  Her cheeks burned. “Toby!”

  “I meant that in a nice way.”

  She sat up, hugging her knees to her chest, and studied him with a frown. “Why do you like shocking me so much?”

  He rolled onto his side to face her, propping his head on a hand. “Dunno.”

  “You admit you do, though?”

  “Oh yeah.” He laughed at her glare. “You’re fun to tease. You blush so easily. It’s fascinating. I like to make you blush. It amuses me.”

  “I’m glad I can be such a great source of entertainment for you.”

  He smiled and reached out a hand, tracing a finger up her arm. “Thank you for today. It was great fun.”

  She met his brown eyes, her indignation melting at his gentle appreciation. “Yes, it was.”

  Her heart began to beat faster at the heat in his eyes, and she moved her gaze to the window. Outside, cicadas sang loudly in the bush. Moths fluttered at the window, attracted by the lamplight, and a morepork gave a low, mournful hoot.

  “I wonder if Charlie’s asleep yet,” he said.

  She looked back at him, touched that his thoughts had turned to their son. “I expect so. He usually crashes by seven and it’s nearly nine thirty now. It was good of Faith and Rusty to have him tonight.”

  “Do them good,” he grunted. “Make them realise even perfect people can’t control a two-year-old.”

  She rested her cheek on her knees, studying him. “‘Perfect people’? Why did you say that? Is that how they make you feel?”

  He sighed and lowered his gaze, brushing at a mark on the duvet cover. “No, not really. That was unfair. I mean, now they seem like the perfect married couple, but they had a hard time of it at the beginning. Rusty didn’t want to settle down—he thought the alcoholism that runs in his family meant he was a bastard deep down, even though it’s like he was adopted at birth, you know? He’s completely different from his brother. But he thought it ran in the blood, and he didn’t want to pass it on to his kids. He seems to have got over that.”


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