Big Bad Professor: An Alpha and a Virgin Romance

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Big Bad Professor: An Alpha and a Virgin Romance Page 80

by Tia Siren


  ''Don't scream or I'll put an end to you,'' he said. ''I want you to stay calm and listen to what I tell you. Do you understand?'' the man said as he held his hand over Sophia's mouth.

  Sophia nodded. It was totally dark in her bedroom and she could not see her attacker. ''I will do as you say. Please don't hurt me.''

  ''Then do all I command and you will not be hurt.''

  Sophia had woken suddenly when she'd felt a cold hand on her. She was lying on her stomach and wasn't able to kick or punch him. She lay passively waiting for his next move.

  Sophia began to whimper and tremble when she felt his hands lifting her night dress. ''Please, sir. Do not....''

  He said nothing as he lifted her nightdress higher and higher. When it reached her buttocks he began to stroke her soft flesh. He leaned down and kissed her there. He placed a thousand tiny kisses on her and as he did so, he put a hand down between her closed legs and felt her warmth. Sophia was petrified, but she liked the feel of his hand wedged between her legs.

  ''Open your legs wider,'' he told her. She obeyed. As she did so, his hand began to move on to her vulva. Lying face down she involuntarily lifted her bottom and opened her legs wider still. He felt her sex beginning to warm to his movements.

  ''So tell me. How do you want me to take you? Do you want to lie on your back with your legs open or be up on your knees with me at your rear? How does madam like it?''

  ''I don't know, please stop.''

  ''I can feel that you do not want me to stop. Or is your body betraying you? If you cannot decide how you want me, I will decide for you. I will enter you from behind. I will caress your back and the cheeks of your delicate behind as I thrust into you. Do you like the sound of that?''

  Sophia didn't reply.

  ''First though, I will prepare you some more.'' He pulled Sophia up slightly, lowered himself and put his mouth onto her sex. She jolted and tried to slam her legs shut. He held them apart and massaged her opening with his tongue. He felt her getting wetter. When he'd first felt her, she was dry and closed, now she was moist and opening up like a flower in spring. ''Please, keep your legs open, it will be a tiresome evening if I have to hold them open all the time.''

  As his tongue continued to lick over her softness, he let a finger glide down between her buttocks. It was the most erotic feeling, and Sophia began to accept her fate. She actually wanted to enjoy it now. Her husband was dead. She would let the Duke do what he wanted with her, but she was quite unhappy he had chosen to come to her house in the middle of the night.

  Suddenly he pulled away from her and stood up. She heard the rustle of clothing and then she felt a hand on hers. He took her hand and placed it onto his manhood. Sophia marveled at the weight of it. His balls were hard and tight and his shaft was rock hard. She could feel his pulse.

  ''Do you like what you feel?'' he asked

  ''Yes. It is a beautiful feeling.''

  She let go as he bent down and continued licking her. When he felt her hips lowering to the bed again he lifted them up assertively. ''Madam will keep herself open for me,'' he commanded. ''I want to see how long it will be before you come.''

  His words were daring and Sophia began to get more and more excited. He felt it too. His tongue located her clitoris and suddenly Sophia was no longer scared. She lifted her bottom higher into the air and opened her legs more. When she reached round and pulled his shoulder to her, he knew she wanted him to put his face into her. He stretched her open with his hands and pushed his face into her warmth. Again he found her tiny bud and took it between his lips. His tongue flicker over it and it was more than Sophia could bear. The Duke had never done this to her before and it was fantastic. She loved the sheer animal nature of his approach. As he flicked her clitoris, he inserted two fingers into her and slowly began to massage her inside. This was more than Sophia could handle and she bellowed out into the night. As his fingers continued their work, she started to shake. When he felt her clitoris swelling between his lips and the flow of juices soaking his fingers he spoke to her.

  ''Now madam. Come for me.''

  He put his tongue back on her and as soon as he did, she arched her back and pushed her behind so hard against him, it threw him off her. She reached around and pulled his arm so that his fingers came out of her. She was on fire and it had made her so sensitive, she couldn't bear to be touched.

  He put his hand on her back as she shook. It went on for minutes. When he felt her slowly recovering, he knelt behind her and massaged her vulva with the head of his penis. When it stroked over her clitoris she gasped. She was still sensitive but just able to stand his soft tip. The more he massaged her with it, the less sensitive she became, and the more her next orgasm approached.

  His hand held his shaft steady against her clitoris as he felt her beginning to shake again. At the exact moment a giant wave of lust hit her, he pushed his length into her. She raised her head and cried out again with another huge orgasm.

  He kept his penis inside her and she pushed her night gown up and over her head. He leaned forward and felt for her breasts. As they hung down into his hands, he was turned on more by the feel of them.

  ''Please, move inside me, I want to feel more.''

  ''Ah, madam speaks. In the dark with a penis inside her, she finally speaks of her desires.'' He started to thrust into her with long hard strokes. As he did so, he caressed her breasts and felt as the muscles inside her responded to his hardness. He let go of her breasts and began to massage her back. Sophia was warm now and her muscles responded to his fingers. It was superbly erotic. A man taking her with the passion of a wild animal but at the same time being caring and considerate. Two completely different feelings engulfed her but both led to the same result, another massive orgasm.

  ''Please, I am tired now. Please finish and lie with me.''

  ''Finish madam? I have just started. Do you really want me to stop?''

  ''I want you to fill me with your seed and then stop. I am exhausted.''

  ''Very well,'' he said as he started to pump into her again. This time he pulled her hair and held onto it, as he thrust harder.

  ''Please, my Lord, it's too much, please finish now.'' When he heard these words, he pushed hard into her, and unleashed his semen.

  When Sophia collapsed, he collapsed on top of her. After a few minutes, he spoke.

  ''Have I satisfied you this evening?''

  ''Yes, you have.''

  ''I am sorry for my poor performance on our wedding night.''

  ''David? Oh my God, David, you have come back to me.'' Sophia rolled over and hugged him. ''I thought you were dead. What happened to you? How have you been?''

  ''It was terrible. I would rather not speak of it. I have seen things that no lady should ever see or hear about. Let’s just say, it was a terrible battle and I am lucky to be next to you now.''

  ''But....but. Alright. I understand. Are you injured in anyway?''

  ''No, I am not injured. I have been lucky. I am tired and thirsty now. Shall we drink some wine to celebrate my return?''

  ''Yes, let's celebrate your triumphant return.''

  They lay naked entwined in each other and sipped the finest red wine they possessed. ''You have done a splendid job of decorating our house. It is magnificent.''

  ''Thank you. Will you please tell me something?''

  ''Of course, anything you like.''

  ''It's delicate, but how is it possible that you couldn't make love to me on our wedding night but you have devoured me this night?''

  ''On the night of our wedding, I was petrified. I knew I had to go to France and that at some stage I would in all probability lose my life. I was scared. Very scared indeed. It would have been wrong of me to make love to you, and never return to you. It was better to leave you whole. When I didn't return, you could have started a new relationship, and given yourself to your new husband in the knowledge that he was the only one that had made love to you.''

  ''Why didn
't you talk to me, David. Why didn't you tell me you were scared? I would have understood. I could have comforted you instead of acting like a selfish schoolgirl. Of course, how ridiculous of me. Of course you were petrified, I can see that now. Oh David. Will you ever forgive me?”

  ''Yes. Of course. What do you know of war? You could never have known how I felt. To you I was just useless. A man who couldn't, get it up, shall we say?''

  ''Well, you certainly don't have that problem anymore. What you did to me was most......impressive.''

  ''Sophia, I love you. On the day of our marriage I fell in love with you. You looked so beautiful and you spoke so gently to me. I am sorry I treated you badly at the alter.''

  ''Oh, David, how happy I am to hear those words. I love you too. You are the most dashing man I have ever seen. And now, you are my lover, as well as my husband. It's perfect. Let life begin here and now.''

  As David slept, Sophia lay awake. She was wracked with guilt. She told herself she should have been a more understanding wife. Now, it was obvious to her why David had been like that on their wedding day. He was probably going to be killed a few days later. How mean she had been to him. Now she would end her ridiculous affair with the Duke and be faithful to her husband for the rest of her life.


  Sophia left David to rest at home and took the carriage to Alice's house. It was a manor house just three miles away. When the carriage stopped, Sophia jumped out, ran up the steps and rang the doorbell. Alice's parents were not as wealthy as her parents, and they could only afford two maids. It was Alice's father who opened the door, not a butler.

  ''Sophia, how pleasant to see you. I so enjoyed your wedding, it was splendid affair. And now you must be very proud of David. A war hero and no mistake.''

  ''War hero? He has returned, but he won't speak of what happened.''

  ''Then come in and I will show you what a brave man he is.'' They walked into the drawing room and Alice's father rummaged through some papers and handed her a newspaper cutting.

  Sophia read it eagerly.

  News has reached our correspondent of a deed of the utmost bravery by a Captain in the Coldstream Guards during the Battle of Waterloo.

  Captain David Marshall is to be decorated with the highest military honor after he single-handedly held onto a position whilst thirty of his men escaped certain death. He himself was captured but escaped.

  He is the only officer to be awarded an honor of the magnitude after this most difficult battle.

  ''What do you think of that, then?'' Alice's father asked her, when she'd finished reading.

  Sophia was too emotional to answer. ''Is Alice at home?'' she asked after a short time. I must speak to her.

  ''I believe she is. Alice,'' he shouted at the top of his voice.

  ''Father why do you have to shout so.....oh hello Sophia. What a hero David is. I am so pleased he has returned to you safely.''

  ''So am I. Alice can I please talk to you? I need your help most urgently.''

  The two ladies walked into the garden and sat under an apple tree.

  ''Alice, I have been most senseless and shortsighted. May the Lord strike me down for the injustices I have done to David. When he returned to me he was magnificent in bed and totally exhausted me.''

  ''Then why was he so pathetic on your wedding night?''

  ''He was afraid. He knew he would go to war and the poor man was frightened. It is totally understandable, if you give it some thought.''

  Alice looked at Sophia and nodded. ''Indeed it is. Oh, I have just realized your problem. You and the Duke.''

  ''Yes, precisely. I now have the most enormous problem. I do not want to be unfaithful to David. He is the most wonderful man. Sensitive and brave. But I know you told me how difficult the Duke can be. What am I to do?''

  ''Go to him and tell him. All you can do is throw yourself at his mercy. Your husband is a national hero, he may understand and let you go.''

  ''Very well, I agree. I have no choice but to ask for him to be sympathetic to my situation.''


  12 Greys Inn didn't look so inviting as it had when Sophia stood outside the door. She knocked and waited. After what seemed like an age, the Duke answered. His shirt was open and his hair disheveled. He had lip rouge on his neck.

  ''Sophia, it isn't' our day. Go away, I'm busy.''

  ''Please, my Lord. I need just the briefest moment of your time.''

  ''Then prey speak woman. I haven't got all day.''

  ''I am afraid I cannot see you any longer. My husband has returned home and it is my intention to remain faithful to him from now on. I am sorry. I ask you to accept my decision.''

  ''Madam, you are a disgrace. First you come to me because your husband can't get it up. You beg me to relieve you of your sexual burden, and now you are rejecting me for the very man that drove you to me.” The Duke grabbed Sophia’s arm. “Unfortunately for you, I will not be used in that way. You will uphold the arrangement we have. You will visit me, every three days or I will expose you and your husband. I don't think he would find it very amusing if society suddenly finds out he has problems satisfying his wife.''

  ''Is that your final word, my Lord? Can I not throw myself on your mercy? I have been foolish and feel punished enough. Please my Lord, don't make my suffering any greater.''

  ''You should have thought about that before you betrayed your husband. What kind of a woman are you?''

  ''The very worst kind, it seems.''

  ''Yes. And if you are not in my bed on Wednesday as we agreed, you will regret it for the rest of your life.''


  Sophia stood in front of the most imposing building she had ever seen. As she looked up she saw the words, 'War Office.' She held her breath for a second and pulled the giant oak door open. When she was inside, she saw the most beautiful staircase. It was a split staircase that joined on a platform halfway up. The hallway she was in echoed with footsteps, as civil servants walked to and fro about their business.

  She walked up to a desk behind which a bald man was sitting. He looked over his spectacles and said, ''Yes, madam. How may I help?''

  ''Good afternoon. I was wondering, if it might be possible to have a word with the Duke of Wellington?''

  The man looked her up and down and began to laugh. ''The Duke of Wellington? THE Duke of Wellington,'' he mocked. ''The Commander in Chief of all British Forces. The man who has just won our country its freedom at Waterloo. Do you mean that Duke of Wellington or is there someone else here with that name?''

  ''You mock me, sir. Perhaps I am deserving of it. However, I would kindly ask you if it is possible to make an appointment with the Duke?''

  ''Madam have you just lost your husband at the Battle? Because if you have, there is a building just down the road to which you can go for support.''

  ''No, I haven't just lost my husband, thank God. I need to see the Duke.''

  ''Really. There is no more I can do for you. The Duke of Wellington is a national hero, he doesn't have time to see people who just drop in off the street.''

  ''My husband is Captain David Marshall.''

  The man stood up suddenly and bowed. ''Please forgive my impertinence. We do however from time to time get some ridiculous requests. Now let me see. I have no idea whether the Duke is in the building or not. If you would kindly wait here, I will see.''

  ''Thank you,'' Sophia said gratefully.

  When the clerk returned, he just nodded and gestured. Sophia followed him up the spectacular staircase and down a wide corridor. They stopped outside a double door and the man knocked. He opened the door and gestured for her to go inside. It was a side office. A young man in uniform was sitting behind a desk. When he saw her, he stood up and bowed to her. ''Mrs. Marshall. It is an honor to meet you. Your husband is one of the bravest men to have served in the British Army. You must be very proud of him.''

  ''I am very proud of him.''

  ''The Duke has asked me to keep you here for
a few moments while he finishes his meeting. Would you be kind enough to take a seat?''

  Sophia sat down and watched the young officer continue writing. He was very young indeed. The sound of horses’ hooves rose from the street below as she looked out of the giant sash window up to the sky.

  When the double door to the main office opened, the young man sprang to attention. The man who left the office looked terribly important and vaguely familiar to her. When she realized it was the Earl of Liverpool, the Prime Minster, she felt out of her depth and suddenly very nervous.

  The young man came from behind his desk. ''Madam, please follow me.''

  ''My Lord, this is Mrs. Marshall.''

  Sophia curtsied as the Duke of Wellington got up from his chair, came round the table and took her hand.

  ''Madam. It is a pleasure to meet you,” the Duke said. “Your husband is a brave man. One of only a few it has been my pleasure to command. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?''

  Sophia studied the Duke of Wellington. He was tall and had dark hair, brushed forward. He was well over six feet and broader than any man she had ever seen. He looked like a Roman Emperor more than a British General.

  ''My Lord, it is kind of you to see me. I am humbled that you found the time. I will come to the point. I will only ever in my life ask you once for your help, and that day is today. While my husband was away defending his country, I was propositioned by a man of the most devious character. I flatly refused his advances. Since that time, he has threatened to make up a story about my husband that simply is not true. My husband has been through a lot, and I do not want to burden him.''

  The Duke studied Sophia now. He was charmed by her. After years of military service, it was always refreshing to see beautiful women in his office and not stuffy politicians. This was the country he fought for, a country that could produce magnificent women like Sophia.

  ''I see. And what, may I ask, is this man threatening to say about your husband?''

  ''My Lord. It is a very delicate matter and one a lady should in all probability not discuss outside the home. However, I feel I have no choice. In plain words this man has told me that if I don't lie with him, he will tell the world that my husband is impotent.''


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