Jack of Hearts (Aces & Eights Book 1)

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Jack of Hearts (Aces & Eights Book 1) Page 9

by Sandra Owens

  “And what about you? You’re just going to sacrifice your happiness because your cousin’s a prick?” There was more to it than that. Had to be. What wasn’t she telling him?

  “I didn’t say I liked it, and it’s only until she gets stronger.”

  He stood, offering his hand. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. It sounds like she needs help, a professional to talk to.”

  “I’ve tried, but my uncle convinced her that she just needs time to get over her grief. He’s a man, so his word carries more weight in my mother’s mind than mine. You’d have to be a Cuban woman, especially one from her era, to understand.”

  “I guess I’ll have to take your word for it because I agree with your father. And you’re letting them do the same thing to you.” She cringed, and he regretted that that had come out harsher than he’d meant it to.

  “Please don’t be mad, Alex.”

  She took his hand, and he pulled her up. “It’s not you I’m angry with.” More than anything, it was the situation he found himself in and the truth he had to hide from her, but her cousin and uncle were on that list, too.

  But maybe her unwillingness to stand up to her family partly fueled his fire because he’d stood up to his brothers for her. And maybe that was why he slammed his mouth down on hers as she looked up at him with those big green eyes that begged him to understand. Because he didn’t.

  Nothing about the kiss was gentle. It was raw and hungry. He wanted to claim every part of her. When she wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned into his mouth, he pulled her against him, needing her to feel what she did to him. Her lips were soft and warm, and he slid his tongue into her mouth. Sweet, so damn sweet.

  How could she deny them this? He trailed a path of kisses down to her neck, finding the soft spot behind her ear. Her hair whipped around them, and he combed his fingers into the long strands as the lemony scent of her shampoo filled his head and lungs.

  Before he lost total control and took her with him down to the sand, he closed his eyes and held her close for a moment before pushing away. “Let’s go get that dessert I promised you,” he said roughly, taking her by the hand and heading back to his car.


  He knew what she was asking, and he had no answers for her. Where did they go from here? He wanted her to stand up to her family, but she was doing her best to keep everyone happy. Whether she realized it or not, she was falling into a role similar to what she’d described as her mother’s. It pissed him off that she didn’t see that, and he’d never been good at hiding his feelings.

  The whole situation sucked, and he needed to go to the gym and kill whoever was dumb enough to get in the ring with him. Even as a child, he’d been the brother with a temper, and when he had gone into law enforcement, he’d worked hard to control the rages that would come when he got angry. The first time he could remember losing his cool, he’d been eight years old.

  His father had knocked him across the room because he’d been too slow in bringing the old man a beer. It hadn’t been the first time he’d been hit, but it was the first time that he’d tried to strike back. If not for Nate pulling him away, he would have gone to his grave that night or at the very least suffered some serious brain damage from his father’s fists.

  “Alex!” She pulled away. “You’re scaring me.”

  Fuck. He took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her knuckles. “Never be afraid of me, Mad. I’ll never hurt you.” The lie tasted sour on his lips.

  Madison dipped her spoon into the hot fudge sundae with mint sprinkles that she and Alex were sharing as they sat at a pub table outside the ice cream shop. “So good. I can’t remember the last time I had one of these.”

  “I can. Never.”

  She glanced at him in surprise. “Seriously?” He shrugged, and she had the feeling he hadn’t meant to admit that. “Why not?”

  “Too much of a luxury growing up. Then once I was a big boy . . .” He grinned. “Real men don’t go around eating ice cream sundaes.”

  Alex could put on a pink tutu and a sparkly tiara and he’d still be all man. She giggled at the image.

  “Wanna share?”

  “Nope.” No way she was going to share that with him.

  His eyes danced with mischief as he leaned his head close to hers. “Bet I can make you.”

  She slapped a hand over her mouth and shook her head.

  “Tell me what amused you.”

  When he sucked on her earlobe, she almost fell off the stool. If he kept doing that, she would tell him anything he wanted to know. She turned her face toward his, and their lips brushed. That hadn’t been intentional, but his gaze locked on hers, and the mischief that had been in his eyes moments before faded. As they stared at each other, his black eyes shimmered, hot with desire.

  “Alex,” she whispered.

  “I know.”

  She wasn’t sure what he knew, but his mouth covered hers, and she tasted vanilla and chocolate and mint. Forgetting they were sitting on the sidewalk with people walking by, she slipped her hand around his neck, wanting more. As if she’d unleashed a tiger, he growled, shifted on the stool so that his legs were encasing hers, and pressed his thighs against hers.

  Suddenly, a hand wrapped around her hair and yanked her head back. “What the hell’s going on?”

  Oh God, Ramon. “Let go of me!” She tried to pull her hair away, letting out a cry of pain, tears stinging her eyes when Ramon yanked harder.

  Like a striking snake, Alex exploded from his chair and squeezed his fingers around Ramon’s neck. “Let. Her. Go.”

  She’d never heard Alex sound so dangerous, and although his anger was directed toward her cousin, he scared her. It was the second time tonight she’d seen him lose his temper, and all the questions she had about him surfaced. Who was he? Because he’d just proven he wasn’t afraid to take her cousin on. If he was one of Ramon’s minions, would he stand up to Ramon like that? She didn’t think so.

  When Ramon let go of her hair, she exhaled, reached up, and massaged the back of her head. She’d been so stupid to sit out where anyone could catch sight of her and Alex and call her cousin, ratting them out. It wasn’t like she didn’t know Ramon had spies all over the place. So stupid.

  A taxi pulled up, and a couple got out. Ignoring the two men staring daggers at each other, she grabbed her purse and slid into the backseat of the cab. She gave the driver her home address, refusing to look back as he pulled into traffic.

  Tears burned her eyes, and she willed them away. A beautiful night had been ruined, and she didn’t know whether to blame Alex for luring her into forgetting how vindictive her cousin could be, herself for being lured, or Ramon for being a controlling ass. One thing she did know, she would hear from Ramon.

  Every time the door to the bookshop opened, she was sure it would be Ramon. So far there’d been no sign of him. It was unnerving. She’d just as soon get the conversation over and done with.

  What she’d told Alex was true. She was worried about her mother’s well-being and the control Uncle Jose had over her. But she hadn’t been able to bring herself to tell Alex about the loan from her uncle and how Ramon was holding that over her head. It was humiliating that a member of her family thought he had the right to treat her like a prized possession, and was threatening to close the bookstore if she didn’t march to his tune simply because she’d borrowed money. Families were supposed to take care of each other, not make them live in fear.

  After tossing and turning most of the night, Alex’s questions resonating in her mind, she’d decided he was right about one thing. She needed to stop coddling her mother. It was time for some tough love.

  “I did it!” Angelina clapped her hands after the customer she rang up had left.

  “See. Easy.” Another customer approached the counter, and Madison stepped back, letting her mother handle the transaction on her own.

  “She’s a natural,” Lauren said quietly, coming next to Madison.
  It was true. Angelina was chatting with the customer, completely at ease as she finished the sale. Since she’d come to work for them, there was a new bounce in her step, and her eyes were brighter. Maybe having a purpose to her days was bringing her out of her depression. Madison sure hoped so.

  “HGA! To your three o’clock,” Lauren exclaimed, grabbing Madison’s arm.

  HGA was their code for hot guy alert, and Madison sucked in a breath at seeing Alex heading straight for her, his eyes locked on her.

  Lauren took a step toward Alex. “I got this.”

  “He’s off-limits,” Madison said, stopping Lauren in her tracks.

  “You know him?”

  “Oh yeah.” She headed for the man who’d kept her from sleeping last night. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Angelina’s gaze darting from her to Alex and back. This was going to be interesting.

  “Hello, Madison.”

  “Alex?” That smile of his should be bottled, a patent slapped on it, and sold to women across the country who would pay top dollar to have it bestowed on them.

  “You’re wondering why I’m here?” He glanced behind her—to where she knew without looking that her mother and Lauren stared at them—before taking her hand and pulling her toward the bookcases.

  “That would be a good place to start.” She eyed the sign above her, almost laughing at realizing they were in the romance section. That was appropriate, or maybe even better would be the mystery aisle. Still holding her hand, he faced her, and she saw uncertainty in his eyes.

  “Or you could start with what happened between you and Ramon after I left.” She pulled her hand away from his. “The thing is, I’m not sure we should see each other at all.” Had she really said that? Today he wore jeans and a white button-down, the sleeves rolled up, which looked just as hot as his biker leathers or clubbing clothes. He was like a chameleon, one that looked beautiful no matter what color he chose.

  He put his hands on the bookshelf behind her, caging her between his arms. “Is that what you think?”

  No. She nodded. “I think things between us are too complicated.” Don’t listen to a word I say. Why she was giving him a hard time, she wasn’t sure. Maybe she wanted to know if he thought she was worth fighting for.

  “Complicated, huh?”

  She nodded again. His warm breath brushed across her cheek, and she slid her eyes closed as she breathed in his scent.

  “Madison,” he said, putting his mouth next to her ear. “Open your eyes.”

  She opened them. If he knew what that low, sexy voice and wicked smile did to her, he’d use them whenever he wanted her to do something. She’d never been with a man who had the kind of commanding presence that Alex possessed. It was both exciting and scary.

  “Much better.” He trailed a finger down her cheek. “So beautiful. I lie in my bed at night, fantasizing about the things I’d do to you if you were there with me.”

  Her bones had surely turned into marshmallows. “I think about you, too.”

  “Do you?” At her nod—he’d turned her into a nodding fool—he gave what seemed to be a satisfied grunt. “I want to hear more about that, but over dinner. The reason I stopped by was to tell you that Ramon and I came to an understanding. He won’t cause trouble, so no more sneaking around.”

  “How’d you manage that?” Ramon not cause her trouble? She found that impossible to believe. But oh, she wanted to. To be able to see Alex without worrying what her cousin would do? That would be a dream come true. She pushed away the guilt for not being honest with Alex, for not telling him about the hold Ramon had over her. A loan from her family was none of his business.

  “I’m a persuasive man.”

  There was a truth. “So what’s next?” Until Ramon proved Alex wrong, she was going to grab this chance to explore a side of her that no other man before him had discovered. Hell, she hadn’t even suspected she had a wild side, but now that she knew it was there, she found it impossible to ignore. This thing with Alex might not last long, but before it was over, she was going to experience firsthand dirty monkey sex, not that she knew exactly what that was, but she was sure Alex did.

  “Want to share why you’re licking your lips, Mad?”

  “For some strange reason, I was thinking of dirty monkey sex.” Wow, had she said that out loud? Was this the new her? Apparently she had, because his eyes widened, followed by an ear-to-ear grin.

  “Were you? Come to my place tonight, and we’ll see about making that happen.”

  “I can’t. I’m having dinner with my mom.” The mom who was headed their way that very moment with Lauren at her side.

  “Tomorrow then,” he said. He put his mouth next to her ear. “Dirty monkey sex will be on the menu.”

  She exhaled a long breath. “Okay.” What else was she supposed to say to that offer? No? Not possible to even contemplate. He chuckled, breathing into her hair, and she squeezed her eyes shut against the heat racing through her bloodstream that she wasn’t sure what to do with.

  “Okay is good.” Without glancing behind him, he stepped back, putting a respectable distance between them. Did he have eyes in the back of his head?

  “Madison, there you are,” Angelina said, eyeing Alex with interest. “It’s time to close. Do you want Lauren and me to take care of everything?”

  Standing a little behind Alex and Angelina, Lauren fanned her face, and at the same time, lifted a brow. Madison got the message. She was going to be grilled as soon as Lauren could get her alone.

  “Alex, this is my mother, Angelina Parker, and my best friend and partner, Lauren Montgomery. Ladies, Alex Gentry.”

  “I saw you at my birthday party,” Angelina said. “Is that where you met my daughter?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I came by to ask her to have dinner with me tomorrow night. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Parker.”

  He flashed that killer smile, and Madison thought both her mother and Lauren were going to hyperventilate.

  “Oh, call me Angelina, please. What do you do, Alex?”


  Alex winked at her. “It’s a fair question.” He met her mother’s gaze. “I own a bar with my brothers.”

  The frown on her mother’s face didn’t bode well, but at least he hadn’t mentioned that it was a biker bar.

  “What time should I pick you up tomorrow?” Alex asked.

  “I’m still not sure—”

  “She’ll be done here by six,” Lauren said.

  Madison glared at her friend, getting a not-so-innocent shrug back.

  “I’ll be counting the minutes.” Alex leaned toward her, mischief in his eyes. “Have a nice night, Madison.”

  Heat warmed her cheeks. She knew exactly what he meant, and yeah, she’d be fantasizing about him. Because she didn’t want to be an open book, too easily read, she said, “I plan to. Dinner with my mom, followed by a hot bath, then a few chapters of the book I’m reading, and then eight hours of dreamless sleep.”

  Did he just snort? And she’d really like to wipe that smirk off Lauren’s face. As for her mom, Angelina glanced between her and Alex, concern clearly showing.

  “Mrs. Parker . . . Angelina, Lauren, it’s been my pleasure to meet two such charming ladies,” Alex said. He subtly moved so that he was facing only her mother. “Your daughter is a treasure, which I’m sure you already know.” He stepped back. “Good night, ladies.”

  “Wow,” Lauren said after he walked away.

  “A bar owner?” Her mother frowned. “He seems nice, but I’d hoped for better for you, Madison.”

  “It’s not like I’m sending out wedding announcements,” Madison snapped. She took a deep breath, and then gave her mother a hug. “I’m sorry. He is really nice, and we’re just dating, okay?”

  “I’ll take him if you don’t want him,” Lauren said.

  He’s mine. “Let’s get closed up.” The sooner she got dinner with her mother over with, the sooner she’d get to fantasizing abo
ut Alex.


  “I told him the money-laundering deal was off if he gave me any trouble about seeing Madison,” Alex said, answering Nate’s question. “That shut him up real fast.” It was early, and the bikers were just starting to trickle in.

  They were in the office—Nate stretched out on the couch, Court sitting behind the desk, and Alex slouched in a leather recliner, one leg dangling over the arm—watching the monitor as they discussed Alex’s love life. He didn’t much like it. There weren’t two men on the planet nosier than his brothers. They still weren’t happy with him, and he tried not to let it bother him.

  “You ever wonder if our mother’s still alive?” Where the hell had that come from?

  “Sometimes,” Court said.

  “Never,” Nate said at the same time.

  At the bitterness in Nate’s voice, Alex eyed his older brother. From the time their mother had walked away, anytime he or Court mentioned her, Nate would shut down the conversation. Why was that? Alex had never questioned it before, but something in Nate’s tone made him wonder if his brother was keeping secrets.

  “You know something we don’t, big brother?”

  Nate swung his feet to the floor. “I don’t know shit, okay? She left us. End of story.”

  Nate had never lied to them about anything before, but Alex knew deep in his bones that he was lying now. His oldest brother’s face was a slab of granite with no emotion carved into the stone. Nate knew something. That was for damn sure. Did he know why their mother had left or where she’d gone? Alex had a sinking feeling that whatever secret Nate was hiding was a big one.

  He exchanged a glance with Court, who shrugged, seemingly oblivious that the rug had just been pulled from under Alex’s feet. It was unsettling to learn that Nate would outright lie, but as tempted as he was to call his brother out, it wouldn’t get him anywhere. Nate was a stubborn SOB and would simply dig in his heels. Might be time to do a little investigating, see if he could find out where their mother had ended up.

  Back to the question of what happened to Madison’s father, though, and his brothers could help look into that. “Madison’s father was Michael Parker.”


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