Dancing With A Stranger (Londyn Carter Book 1)

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Dancing With A Stranger (Londyn Carter Book 1) Page 15

by A. L. Martin

“No. I should probably resign to the fact he doesn’t want to be with me.” I sighed.

  “You don’t know that. Give him a few days.” He put his arm around me, walking through the doors with me. We slowly made our way over to Sam, with her nose in her phone. She said hello to us without raising her head away from her phone.

  “Everything okay, Sam?” I said, sitting in the chair to the left of her. “Sam?” I said again, glancing over at Gavin, who was busy staring at some new guy at school. I had to stop for a few minutes to stare at him too. He was remarkably good looking with short dark blonde hair, a muscular build and piercing blue eyes.

  I leaned over the table and whispered to Gavin. “Do you think he’s available?”

  “What? What happened to Hunter?” He glanced at me, his mouth open.

  “I meant for you.”

  “Oh… He turned to his right again, watching the guy walk towards the rows of tables.

  “Do you know anything about him?” I asked, trying to get Gavin’s attention. “Gavin?”

  “Huh? Sorry. No, I don’t know anything about him.”

  I was about to say something to Gavin when the guy walked up to our table.

  “Do you care if I sit here with you?” He smiled.

  Gavin sat there, smiling at him, not saying a word. I nudged him with my elbow, and all he did was turn to look at me.

  “Yes. Sorry about my rude friend.” I glanced over at Gavin. “I’m Londyn, this is Gavin and Sam.”

  “Hi,” Gavin said, holding out his hand.

  “Hi,” Sam said, raising her head up from her phone. Her eyes widened when she saw the guy sitting across the table from her. She turned to look at me, then back over at the new guy.

  “I’m sorry. My name is Wyatt Butler. I just moved her a few days ago, and this is my first day here. Again, thanks for letting me sit with you. I get the feeling a lot of kids don’t take to new kids that well.”

  “You’re right about that, Wyatt. Most of them are too far up each other’s asses, and don’t want to take the time to get to know new kids. Some of them think the rest of us are beneath them and can’t be bothered by us. To be honest, you aren’t missing much,” Gavin said, sitting his phone on the table.

  “Gavin’s right. We aren’t like the rest of the snobs around this school. They refuse to associate with people they haven’t known most of their lives. Their parents are the same way. They won’t talk to you if they know you aren’t in the same social status as them,” I said, watching Gavin get up and walk toward the lunch line. Sometimes, he liked waiting a few minutes for the lines to die down before going up there to see if there was anything worth eating. Most of the time, there wasn’t anything good. He spent most of the time going back and forth, looking at everything as if it had somehow changed the second or third time he looked at it. Gavin was back in record time, and I knew what was bringing him back to the table so quickly.

  “Nothing looked good today,” he said, handing me a bottle of water the cup of strawberries, honeydew melon, and watermelon.


  “Have you known each other long?” Wyatt asked, picking up his water bottle.

  “Since middle school, but here recently our group has gotten smaller,” I said, taking a bite of watermelon.

  “Group?” Wyatt asked, his eyes narrowed.

  “Yeah. There used to be four of us, but we had a falling out with her a few weeks ago.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Are you from Maryland?” I asked.

  “No. We moved here for my dad’s new job. He transferred here from Quincy, Illinois. You know, higher position, more money. He didn’t want to live directly in Baltimore but wanted a city close enough to it.”

  “What do you think about Columbia so far?”

  “I like it. We are close to a bigger city, which is nice too. Do you ever go to Baltimore much on the weekends?”

  “Sometimes we do. We should take you to the new night club that just opened up a few months ago for 18 to 20-year-olds.” Gavin smiled.

  “That would be great.”

  The more we sat there talking to Wyatt, I knew he was going to become a permanent part of our small group. We talked so much, not paying attention to the rest of the cafeteria, that most everyone had already left. We hurried up and gathered up our things, racing out the doors to our next classes before the bell rang. I continued to text Gavin about Wyatt and what he thought about him. I didn’t want to come out and ask him if he thought he was gay, but I went against my better judgment and asked him. He thought so, but he wasn’t sure. He was going to have to try and find out for sure some way. I managed to keep my mind busy the rest of the day, which made it go by a little faster than it would had I spent it thinking about Hunter the whole time. If he didn’t want to be with me anymore, I had a right to know.

  Jules was talking to Asher by my car when I walked out the doors of the school. I was within a few feet of my car when I heard someone honking off in the distance. It was a dark blue sports car, driving toward me, not slowing down. I jumped out of the way, flinging my book bag onto my car.

  “Londyn, are you okay?”

  “Um. Yeah,” I said, picking up my book bag. I turned around to find Wyatt standing to the left of me. I glanced over in front of me, where Jules and Asher had moved closer with a befuddled look on their faces. They kept glancing back and forth between me and Wyatt. I knew once he walked away, Jules was going to bombard me with questions about Wyatt and how I knew him. Wyatt was good looking, but I still wanted Hunter.

  “You sure you’re okay, Londyn?” Wyatt asked, stepping closer to me.

  “Yeah. Thanks for coming over to check on me. Are you parked close by?” I asked, looking around to see where he could have parked because there weren’t many vehicles left in the parking lot.

  “I’m parked right over there by the football field,” he said, pointing to the cherry red sports car. “Well, I should get going. I’ll see you later, Londyn.” He smiled, walking past me across the parking lot over to his car.

  I turned back around to find Jules and Asher still standing there staring at me. “What?”

  “Who is that? What about Hunter? Londyn, what the hell are you doing?” Jules yelled.

  For a second, I felt like the little sister that had been caught going through her older sister’s room. “What do you mean, what am I doing? I’m not doing anything. He walked up to our table and lunch today, asking if he could sit with us. Besides, Gavin thinks he’s gay. I hope he is for Gavin’s sake.” I walked around, putting my stuff in the backseat.

  Asher laughed. “He’s not gay. Trust me.”

  I looked over the roof of my car at him. “How do you know he’s not?”

  “Londyn, he’s not. Even I know he’s not, and he likes you. He had just walked out the door when the car came flying toward you, and was over here within minutes.”

  “He doesn’t like me. He was being nice is all.”

  Jules looked at me, raising her right eyebrow. “He. Likes. You.” She turned to kiss Asher goodbye, then got in the car.

  “Bye, Londyn. I have to agree with Jules on this one.”

  I glared at him across the car, not saying a word in response to his comment.

  “Sorry.” He laughed, raising his hands up in a surrender motion.

  I got in the car, trying to ignore Jules staring at me from the passenger seat. I knew she was wanting to start in about Wyatt. I didn’t want to hear any more about him. He was a friend and nothing more.

  “I still say you should ask him out, Londyn,” Jules said, following me into the kitchen.

  “Ask who out?” Valerie said, turning away from the stove.

  “No one,” I said, walking over to the refrigerator.

  “This new guy at school. He likes Londyn. His name is Wyatt. She didn’t tell me his last name though.” She stepped up, sitting on the middle stool.

  “New guy? What about Hunter?” Valerie asked, turning ba
ck around to face the stove.

  “There is no new guy. Hunter still hasn’t called or texted me yet. He will though.”

  Londyn, there is a chance he might not though. You could go out with Wyatt in the meantime, while Hunter is trying to make up his mind if he wants to be with you or not. You can’t sit around waiting for him to decide.”

  “Jules, why do you want me to go out with Wyatt so bad? I thought you liked Hunter,” I said, walking around to sit next to her.

  “I do like Hunter. But, I don’t like how he’s leaving you wondering if he’s going to call you or not. That’s not right, and you know it.”

  “I have to agree with Jules, Londyn,” Valerie said, putting a plate full of warm chocolate chip cookies in front of us. She knew we couldn’t resist her cookies.

  We stopped talking long enough to enjoy a few cookies. I was trying to cut down on the carbs, but who was I kidding? It was virtually impossible to cut out carbs in this house.

  “Well, I need to go do homework before Asher comes over later. I will tell him to lay off you about Wyatt.” Jules smiled, walking out of the kitchen.


  I sat there and watched Valerie put the remaining cookies in a container, and then she got dinner out of the refrigerator. I watched her carefully place the roast in a big roaster pan, then place potatoes, and carrots around it. I couldn’t remember the last time she had fixed a roast for us. After she placed the pan in the oven, it hit me that Dad wasn’t going to be home tonight. Dad didn’t like roast, but Jules and I did. Valerie would only make it for us when she knew without a doubt he wasn’t going to be home for dinner.

  “So, what does this guy look like?” Valerie asked, drying her hands.

  “Wyatt?” I asked. “He’s actually good looking. He’s muscular with dark blonde hair and gorgeous ice blue eyes.”

  “He must be good looking judging by the smile on your face.” Valerie smiled.

  “He is definitely good looking, but it doesn’t matter. I like Hunter,” I said, hopping down off the stool. I put my glass in the sink, then washed and dried my hands. I grabbed the cookie container and put the rest of the cookies up. I knew Valerie was wanting to say more to me about Hunter, but I didn’t give her the chance. I had put all the cookies away, I was out of the kitchen in a flash and up the stairs before she could say anything else. I closed my door, changing into a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. I tossed my book bag onto my bed, so I could get going on my homework from yesterday.

  Asher came over a little bit before dinner was done. I couldn’t help but feel jealous that Jules was allowed to have him over without any problems. Hunter barely walked in the door and Dad was demanding that he leave without any explanation at all. I told Valerie she didn’t have to stay with us, that I would take care of getting the roast out of the oven. I felt guilty that she stayed with us instead of going home earlier to be with her own family.

  I had Jules and Asher help me get stuff ready for dinner. I had Asher set the table, while Jules helped me get the rolls ready to put in the minute I pulled the roast out of the oven. I stood close to the stove because I knew the rolls wouldn’t take long to bake, and I didn’t want to risk burning them either.

  I put the potatoes and carrots in bowls and the roast on a meat platter, and handed them to Jules to carry over to the table. The doorbell rang right as I was trying to put the hot rolls in the breadbasket, and I asked them if they could go see who was at the door.

  “What smells so good?”

  “Gavin!” I smiled. Stay for dinner. Valerie made pot roast, potatoes, and carrots before she left.”

  “Do you have enough?” He smiled, taking a step to the side.

  “Hi, Londyn.”

  “Wyatt?” I said, quickly glancing over at Gavin.

  “Hope you don’t mind me coming over with him.” Wyatt smiled.

  “No, I don’t mind at all. There is plenty of food. Jules can grab a couple more plates,” I said, picking up the breadbasket.

  “I can take that for you,” Wyatt said, taking the basket out of my hands with ease.

  I turned to look over at Gavin, smiling from ear to ear. I motioned my head towards the kitchen table. He shrugged his shoulders, giggling back at me. I went to mouth something to him, when his eyes shifted to the left.

  “Smells really good, Londyn.” Wyatt smiled, walking back over to the island.

  “Thanks. Our housekeeper Valerie made dinner before she left for the night,” I said, looking out in the hall trying to locate Jules and Asher. There were over on the stairs, kissing. I coughed to get their attention. Jules jumped, which landed her on the step below where she was sitting. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “What?” Jules snapped.

  “When you are done kissing Asher’s lips off his face, it’s time for dinner.” I giggled.

  After dinner, Jules and Asher loaded the dishwasher, while me, Gavin, and Wyatt went into the family room to talk and maybe watch a movie.

  “Your house is amazing!” Wyatt said, looking around at the priceless pieces of art hanging up on the walls.

  “Thanks. This is my dad’s house. My mom lives across town. Jules and I go over there every other week.”

  “Her mom is an amazing cook too.” Gavin smiled, shifting movies around on the shelf.

  “Maybe one day, I will be able to see for myself.” Wyatt smiled.

  I didn’t know what to say in response to his comment, so I sat there looking like a complete idiot, barely shaking my head yes.

  “What are you in the mood to watch?” Gavin asked.

  “How about a funny comedy? Help take my mind off things.” I sat down in my big oversized chair.

  “Comedy is a great idea.” Wyatt sat down on the couch to the left of me.

  “Comedy it is!” Gavin hopped up, holding the winning DVD case above his head. He walked over and put the movie in the player, then sat down on the couch across from Wyatt.

  I yelled for Gavin to pause the movie and help me get drinks. I waited until we were down the hall and halfway to the kitchen before asking him what the hell he thought he was doing bringing Wyatt over to the house. I didn’t have a problem with Wyatt, but how was I going to explain him if by some wild chance Hunter would happen to stop by. Then again, I knew deep down, I didn’t have to worry about explaining anything to him. I walked around the island, glaring at Gavin.

  He leaned over the island, whispering. “Why are you upset?” He’s good looking and he likes you.”

  I whispered louder than I meant too. “How many times do I have to say that I like Hunter? He just needs a few more days is all.”

  “A few more days for what? If he truly wanted to be with you, then he would have texted you yesterday.”

  An incredible sense of sadness swept over me. My shoulders slumped down, as I lowered my head. “I know.”

  “I’m sorry, Londyn. I didn’t mean to be so bold. I just don’t want you to waste your time on him, especially if he can’t let you know if he wants to be with you or not. And Wyatt seems like a great guy, and he obviously likes you. It was his idea to come over here tonight.” He walked around the island, pulling me in for a big “Gavin Hug”, those kinds of hugs where your face is buried into part of their chest and you can’t breathe for a few seconds.

  Chapter 14

  I woke up Wednesday morning with a smile on my face for a change. I had to admit it was nice to be able to look in the mirror and not see a haggard version of myself. I went into my bathroom to get a shower, then went through my closet in search of something cute to wear.

  Wyatt kept popping up in my mind while I was getting ready and was the main reason why I picked out what I did to wear to school. I picked a pair of skinny jeans, a pale pink sweater, and a pair of black flats. I had extra time to curl my hair, since I woke up almost an hour early. I fluffed my hair, making sure to not pull the curls out at the ends. My makeup was natural because I didn’t want to make it too obvious as to what I was doi
ng. I did feel guilty, but then again, Hunter hadn’t talked to me since he left Sunday evening.

  “Good morning, Londyn.” Valerie sat a plate of cinnamon rolls down on the counter.

  “You look pretty this morning.”

  “Thanks, Valerie.”

  “I’m guess Hunter finally talked to you after I left last night?” She smiled, handing me a glass.

  “Look at you!” Jules hollered, walking into the kitchen. She had a reason to dress up for school. She saw Asher a lot throughout the school day.

  “What about me?” I asked, looking down at my clothes.

  “I think she looks beautiful.” Valerie smiled.

  “She does. Did you ask her why she looks this way?” Jules winked.

  “Hunter talked to her last night, finally.”

  “No. It’s not Hunter.” Jules tilted her head, looking over at me with a smirk on her face.

  “Not Hunter?”


  Valerie stood there looking swapping glances between us as if she were watching a tennis match. “Someone tell me something;” she blurted out.

  “I will since Londyn is still in denial. Wyatt came over last night. He really likes her.”

  “Jules, he’s just a friend,” I snapped.

  “Yeah. Keep telling yourself that.” She pointed her finger at me, moving it up and down.

  “Did you ever think maybe I did this for myself?”

  “Sure, you did.” She laughed.

  “Wow, you look great, Londyn,” Gavin said, moving away from my locker. “I haven’t seen Wyatt this morning yet.”

  “This isn’t for Wyatt!” I yelled.

  “Yeah. Sure.”

  “Can’t a girl dress up without having a motive behind it?”

  “Umm. No.” He laughed.

  I could never lie to Gavin no matter how hard I tried he would always know I was lying. The real question to be asked was…Am I lying to myself about Wyatt?

  “Is it obvious?” I asked, looking into a little mirror hanging up on the inside of my locker door.

  “Not to those that don’t know you that well.” He nudged me with his elbow. “I’m rather jealous myself. I was really hoping to be with him. All he talked about was you before we got to your house. No offense, he was starting to annoy me. That is how much he was talking about you.”


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