Dancing With A Stranger (Londyn Carter Book 1)

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Dancing With A Stranger (Londyn Carter Book 1) Page 17

by A. L. Martin

  Kristen typed in my order, then walked back to get a pitcher of sweet tea to refill our glasses.

  I turned to look at Wyatt, who was sitting there smiling at me, no evidence left of what had happened a few minutes ago when he found out Hunter’s name.

  “She go to school with us?” Wyatt asked.

  “Yeah. Her name is Kristen. She’s a junior. A lot of the kids in school make fun of her for having to work. Her parents aren’t as rich and made her get a job to help pay for a lot of the things she wants. They are really mean to her a lot of the time. She never says a mean thing to them in return. I don’t see how she does it. Our ex-friend Jayde used to make fun of her too. That was until I made her stop.”

  Wyatt leaned closer to me when Gavin and Sam weren’t paying attention because they were talking about an assignment in their biology class. He looked over at them, leaning a little closer and whispered. “What are you doing later?”

  “I actually have some homework to make up in classes from the other day. Why?” I asked, searching his face for the answer.

  “I was going to see if you wanted to do something, or maybe see a movie.”

  “I wish I could, but I really need to get my homework done. Maybe another time?”

  “Yes. Soon.”

  I blushed from the desire I saw in his eyes. I knew I was getting myself into a situation that was going to cause me more heartache than I would be able to handle. I wanted to be with Hunter, but he was showing obvious signs that he didn’t feel the same by not getting in touch with me after he promised he would. Then again, I was debating on whether I should take Gavin’s advice and go out with Wyatt. Wyatt was hot, nice, and showed interest in me, unlike Hunter at the present time. I sat there listening to the three of them talk about various things, from school to the hottest songs out on the radio and about catching some concerts here soon.

  “Everything okay, Londyn?” Wyatt asked.

  “Huh? Yeah. Just thinking. Sorry, if I’m quiet.”

  “No need to apologize. Making sure you’re okay.”

  “Yeah.” I said, trying to sound convincing. The real question was who was I trying to convince. Wyatt or myself.

  I looked over at Jules and Asher in the booth across from us, enjoying each other’s company without a care in the world. Talking and laughing like they are the only ones around, not caring what is going on around them at the moment. I so envied them. Jules happened to catch me watching them, smiling over at me briefly before going back to talk to Asher.

  We got our food, which helped alleviate some of the stress. I engaged in some of the conversation a little more, and ended up enjoying myself without feeling guilty.

  Wyatt walked me to the car while Jules was saying goodbye to Asher over at his car.

  “Londyn, I had a great time with everyone. I was wondering if I could have your number?” He smiled.

  “Okay. You ready?”

  He had his contacts popped up and ready for information to be added. “Yes.” He handed me his phone for me to type in my number.

  Chapter 15

  Thursday morning brought added confusion to the situation that was already complicated enough. Wyatt had texted me on and off most of the evening after we got home from PJ’s. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand, and there was a text from Wyatt already, telling me good morning and that he couldn’t wait to see my pretty face at school.

  I slid out from under my warm comforter and went to get a shower in hopes it would wash away the guilt that had crept up on me. I picked out a pair of ripped jeans, a light-weight sweater, and threw my hair up in a bun.

  “Morning, Valerie,” I said, walking into the kitchen.

  “Good morning.” She handed me a glass from the cabinet, then walked back over to the stove.

  I didn’t even have to ask what she was baking. I could tell from the sweet aroma exactly what was in the oven, and I couldn’t wait until they were done.

  About ten minutes later, Jules came down and yelled “Muffins”, then got her a glass out of the cabinet. I don’t think there was anyone that loved Valerie’s muffins more than Jules.

  Jules hopped up on the stool next to mine, sipping her juice while she waited on muffins.

  “Good morning, Jules.” Dad said, walking into the kitchen, ignoring me completely.

  Guess he’s back to not talking to me after our argument yesterday in his office. I didn’t care if he was at me.

  Valerie asked him if he wanted a muffin for breakfast. He told her to save him one for later. He told her he wouldn’t be home until late because of meetings and asked if she could stay a little later tonight. She told him she would only be able to stay long enough to get dinner going for me and Jules. She had to get home to celebrate with her family. He reached inside his suit jacket, and pulled out his wallet, handing her a crisp one hundred dollar bill. He told her to go by her daughter something special for her birthday. I didn’t understand how he could be a great boss but a horrible father. He walked past me without saying a word on his way out of the kitchen. I know I shouldn’t be upset that he doesn’t talk to me because it saves me from listening to his asinine comments about how I shouldn’t socialize with certain people. It still hurts though, that he can ignore me so easily.

  Valerie placed two plates in front of us, then put the basket of muffins in front of us. Jules immediately grabbed a muffin and held it up to her nose, closing her eyes smiling.

  “Londyn, you just have to hold out until Saturday morning.” Valerie smiled.

  “Saturday? I thought we were going over there tomorrow after school again?” I took a bite of my muffin.

  “Dad told Mom we would be there Saturday morning.” Jules rolled her eyes.

  Even in the midst of disappointment, I could feel a smile start to spread across y face when I thought about the last time I was at Mom’s house. Hunter was over there pretty much every day, wanting to spend time with me. For the first time since Sunday evening I had a glimmer of hope that maybe Hunter was waiting until I was at mom’s to get a hold of me. He knew I alternated weeks between my parents.


  Gavin was in his usual spot next to my locker when I turned the corner. He was busy on his phone, talking to a few random kids that passed by. I knew he was going to start in about Wyatt the minute he saw me.

  “Morning, Sunshine.” He smiled, not taking his eyes off his phone. “So, did Wyatt blow up your phone last night when you got home?”

  “Gavin, we are just friends,” I said, trying to sound convincing.

  “Friends? Yeah, right.” He laughed. “That boy has more than just friends on his mind. I don’t care what anyone says.”

  “You are wrong.” I leaned back, glaring at him around my locker door.

  “You can glare at me all you want. You know deep down I’m right.” He put his phone in his cargo pocket of his shorts. “Come on before we are late to class.”

  “I was going to tell you something, but I don’t know if I should seeing how you are being towards me this morning,” I tilted my head to the side.

  “Tell me what?”

  “I don’t know if I should ask you to come over later after school. I might keep them all for myself.” I smirked.

  “Valerie made muffins! Bitch, you know better than to tease me like that.” He playfully smacked me on the arm.

  “She made a huge batch of them this morning. Dad isn’t going to be home until late tonight, and Valerie is leaving after she gets dinner started. It’s her daughter’s birthday today. Oh, and get this. Dad gave her money to go get her daughter something special, but ignores his own daughter.” I slammed my locker door.

  Gavin didn’t have a response to what I had told him. He put his arm around me as we walked down the hall to our classes. He reminded me that in a couple of days I would be back at my mom’s house and I will get a break from my dad and his constant badgering about how I should only associate with people of the same social status. I told him Valerie had reminde
d me of the same thing right after my dad left for work. He told me Valerie was a great lady, and I couldn’t have agreed more with him. I told him he should stay for dinner with me and Jules tonight. He said he would be over for muffins right after school and would let him mom know he was going to stay and have dinner with us.

  English was pretty much the same as Math class, reviewing for exams that were starting next week before Spring break. We went over Shakespeare and a few other things that would for sure be on the exam. Even though Gavin and Sam weren’t in class with me, they were each taking turns blowing up my phone about talking to Wyatt and giving him a chance. I ignored their texts after about the tenth one. I was starting to get dirty looks from the teacher. I put my phone up, so I wouldn’t be tempted to text them back. I knew I was going to see them in about an hour at lunch.

  “You guys almost got me in a lot of trouble during English with your never-ending texting about Wyatt,” I grumbled.

  “Sorry, Londyn,” Gavin said, opening the door for me.

  “It’s okay. I know you guys want me to be happy, but I have a feeling Hunter might get a hold of me once I’m at my mom’s house this weekend.”

  Gavin turned his head slightly towards me not saying a word. His look told me more than he could’ve ever said.

  We glanced at the food and salad bar on the way to our table. I hadn’t paid much attention to who was sitting with Sam until we got closer to her. Wyatt was sitting across from her at the table and we all knew why.

  “Hi, Londyn,” Wyatt said, smiling up at me.

  “Hi,” I said, placing my phone on the table.

  “Hey, Londyn. You look great,” Sam smiled.

  “Thanks. Did you get your hair done last night? It looks really good,” I touched Sam’s hair.

  “Yeah. I wasn’t sure about getting it cut, but I figured what the hell. It’s only hair. If I don’t like it, it will grow back.” She held up a section of her hair to her face, looking down at it.

  “I really like it!” I smiled.

  “I thought there was something different about you, but I couldn’t figure it out. Now, that Londyn pointed it out. I like it too.” Wyatt smiled at Sam, then over at me.

  “Thanks, Wyatt,” Sam said, with a huge smile on her face.

  I sat there for a few more minutes listening to the conversation before getting up to go look at the salad bar. Wyatt joined me on my stroll to look it over and if there was anything worth eating. The lettuce looked pretty fresh compared to the last few days. The must have gotten a complaint about the brown spotted lettuce they were trying to serve to us earlier in the week. There was always a complaint at least once a week or every couple weeks about the appearance of the food. I had to admit, brown lettuce was definitely a complaint worth yelling about.

  “What are you going to get, Londyn?” Wyatt asked, walking up next to me after getting himself something to eat. He had gotten what looked like a turkey sub, chips, and a bottle of water.

  “I’m thinking about getting a salad since the lettuce looks pretty good today,” I said, grabbing a bowl.

  Against my better judgment I invited Wyatt along with Sam after school for muffins and dinner. I hurried up and texted Valerie asking her what she was making for dinner and if there would be enough for extra people. She asked me if Gavin and Sam were coming over for dinner and I told her Wyatt too. All she replied with was a smiley emoji, nothing else.

  We were eating and making plans for this weekend since I was going to be at my mom’s house for a week. Gavin kept telling Wyatt how great my mom was compared to my dad.

  “Wow, cheating on your new boyfriend already?”

  I sat there clenching my teeth together, glancing over at Gavin, who looked disgusted.

  “What the hell do you want, Jayde?” I asked annoyed.

  “Who is your new boyfriend?” She asked, with a sardonic smile.

  “Hi, Wyatt Butler.” He said looking up at her.

  “You might want to rethink who you make friends with.”

  “Why’s that?” He asked, gazing at each of us for a few seconds.

  “They aren’t people you want to be friends with. Gavin there will hit on you, Sam is too much of a teacher’s pet, and well, Londyn cheats on guys.” She sneered.

  “Really? Wow…Thanks for letting me know that.” He raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like my kind of friends.” He said in the most sarcastic way possible.

  I looked over at Gavin who was trying not to spit his drink all over the table. Sam turned towards Jayde and gave her the finger with a huge smile. As for me, I sat there enjoying my friends letting Jayde know what they thought of her rather pathetic analysis of us. She stood there glaring in disbelief that what she said had no effect on Wyatt whatsoever. In fact, it had the opposite effect of what was intended.

  “Jayde, you had your little fun. Why don’t you run back over to your ever-perfect ass of a boyfriend. He needs you to worship the quicksand he walks on.” I beamed with sarcasm.

  “Does he know you have a new boyfriend?”

  “Yes, I do. Again, thanks for clarity,” Wyatt said, moving closer to me. “You might want to do what Londyn says and head back over there to your boyfriend. He looks like he’s about to go face first into the table.” Wyatt motioned his head in the direction of Lucas.

  “I looked at Wyatt then over towards Lucas who went to walk away from the table but landed in his buddy’s tray of food. I let out a loud snort. When I started laughing, Sam spit her drink all over her food, laughing. I watched Gavin fall out of his chair in slow motion, laughing. He was laughing so hard, tears were rolling down the sides of his face onto the tile floor. Jayde ran over to grab some towels from the lunch ladies to go help clean up his face and top of his shirt. I sat there in complete amazement at what had just happened, giggling while I looked back and forth between all of them. Wyatt sat there with a devilish grin on his face. I wanted to ask how he knew that was going to happen, but I wanted to enjoy the moment a little longer.

  I told Jules about the awesome thing that happened during lunch on the way home from school. She busted out in laughter kept saying she wished she could’ve been there to see it. I told her it was the greatest thing ever. I didn’t mention anything about Wyatt saying it was going to happen before it did. She would have thought I was making it up or didn’t hear Wyatt correctly. I knew exactly what I heard, and then saw it happen afterward. The only thing better would’ve been if someone had managed to catch it on their phone and posted it on the internet. That would be the ultimate revenge.

  The minute I pulled into my parking spot, I had my stuff in hand, flying through the front door and up to my room. I opened my door so fast that it hit my closet door. I tossed my stuff onto my bed, searching for my phone in the bottom of my bag. I flipped through the chat app looking for the possible video in case someone had recorded it. I slumped back onto my bed, letting my phone flop down next to me. Not one single video of Lucas falling onto the tray. I was sure there would have been at least one video, but then again, it happened so fast.

  I laid there thinking about how Wyatt had said it was going to happen, then it did in fact happen. There was no possible excuse or explanation for what had happened. I sat up leaving my phone there on the bed. I glanced across over at my vanity mirror, where I found my eye liner was a little smudged and my nose was shining like a cautionary sign. I did a quick fix on my makeup before Gavin got here with Wyatt and Sam. I decided to not change my clothes, but I did put on some fuzzy socks. I took one last look in the mirror and headed down to the kitchen to talk to Valerie before everyone arrived.

  I walked into the kitchen to find Valerie slicing vegetables to be roasted for dinner.

  “Hi, Valerie. Do you need any help?” I asked, walking up beside her.

  “I’m almost done, but thank you for offering.” She smiled. “How was your day?”

  “It started out kinda slow until lunch, then it got really great.” I giggled.

  “You ar
e in a little bit better mood. It must have be something pretty great.” She sliced up a couple more vegetables.

  “Valerie, it was the greatest thing ever. I just wish someone could have gotten it on video. That would’ve mad my year.”

  “What happened that was so great?”

  “Lunch started out okay, and almost became a complete shit show, thanks to Jayde and her stupidity. She had to make a scene at our table, telling Wyatt stupid shit about us like Gavin would hit on him, Sam is a teacher’s pet, and I cheat on my boyfriends. I told her she needed to hurry back over to Lucas to worship him some more.”

  Valerie was trying hard to be a good adult and not laugh at what I was telling her, but I hated to tell her that she was failing at it. “Londyn! You didn’t?” She finally couldn’t hold it any longer and let out a bellowing laugh.

  “Oh, that’s not the best part. Wyatt started in on her. I don’t know how he did it, but he told her she needed to go help Lucas because he was about to fall over the table. And that is exactly what he did! He fell face first into a tray of food. Oh. My. God, it was the best thing ever!” I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air. I looked over at Valerie standing there with her mouth open, then busted out into hysterical laughter.

  “I bet that did make your day,” she managed to get out between bouts of laughter. She had tears trickling down her cheeks.

  “You have no idea. It was the greatest thing. But…”

  “But what?” Valerie said, reaching for a paper towel to wipe her face.

  “I can’t stop thinking about how Wyatt knew Lucas was going to fall over the table before it happened.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Wyatt told her she needed to help Lucas because he was about to fall over the table, and then a few minutes later, he fell in the tray of food. How did he know that was going to happen?”

  “Maybe he saw him start to fall?” she said, putting the vegetables on a pan to be roasted.

  I nodded my head in agreement, not believing it for a minute. I knew what happened and that it happened a few minutes after he said it. I also knew if I asked him, he wouldn’t tell me the truth either. The one thing I knew for sure was that I wouldn’t be able to let it go for long before I had to know the truth. The truth of how he knew that was going to happen, or did he actually make it happen? I shook my head in disbelief. How had I let that crazy thought pop in my mind?


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