Caribbean Threesome Part 1

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Caribbean Threesome Part 1 Page 5

by Lance Greencastle

  Liz took a sip from her straw. "That's gorgeous," she declared.

  Beth sipped her's and said, "Cool."

  Jim sipped his. His eyes opened wide at the kick of three measures of rum hitting the back of his throat.

  "Wow," Jim said. "Do you girls normally drink such strong drinks?"

  Liz and Beth just laughed.

  "Let's find a table before they're all gone," Beth said.

  "Yeah." Liz picked up her drink and headed towards the back of the bar where an open veranda overlooked the moonlit sea.

  "It's nice the feel the cool sea breeze after the heat of the day," Jim said.

  "Said the guy who lives in an air conditioned hotel room," Liz said.

  "Yes, well I guess I don't like the heat so much."

  They sat at a table overlooking the beach, gentle waves lapping at the sand and the moonlight glistening on the waves.

  Beth looked around at the other pardons of the bar. "Do you know you're the only white boy in this place, Jim?" Beth said.

  "Em." Jim looked around. "Really?"

  "Well, if you want a slice of island culture you have to go where the locals hang out," Liz said.

  "Well, at least you could pass for a local," Jim said to Liz. Then froze thinking he might have said something racist.

  "What? With my South London Peckham accent?" Liz said in her best south London accent.

  "Em," Jim said.

  "Now whitey here," Liz jerked her thumb at Beth, "she's got tourist stamped on her forehead."

  "It's my Scottish ancestry," Beth explained. "I've never got a tan in my life. Just sunburn."

  "So how do two girls with Scottish and Caribbean ancestry become friends?" Jim asked.

  "South London is a multi-cultural melting pot, man," Liz turned on a Caribbean rhythm.

  "You're very good." Jim smiled.

  "I can also talk like this, old chap," Liz said in an impeccable BBC accent.

  "Oh, don't get her started," Beth interrupted. "Or she'll go through every Z-list celebrity doing all their voices and catch phases."

  "Hey, that's my party piece," Liz laughed.

  "Really?" Jim asked.

  "Yes," Liz nodded."But you have to get me very drunk before I'll perform it for you."

  "Normally when you get very drunk there are a lot of other party tricks that you like to perform," Beth laughed.

  "Yes." Liz looked at Jim. "But I guess that Jim has a couple party tricks of his own as well."

  "I'll say," Beth said.

  Jim blushed and took a long sip of his drink. Before coughing as the rum hit the back of his throat again.

  "Easy there, tiger." Liz laughed.

  Beth handed Jim a napkin.

  "Thanks," Jim said as he wiped himself.

  "Anyway, it's nice to be somewhere that's not infested with cosmetic sales girls," Beth said.

  "Yes," Jim agreed.

  "Sure is." Liz looked around as the front door swung open. "But speak of the devil." And in traipsed a bunch of ladies who could only be cosmetics sales girls.

  "Oh, God," Beth said," they're all over the place. Like a bad rash."

  "Now, it's not their fault that there are more of them than there are of us," Jim said.

  Liz and Beth exchanged glances.

  "Yeah, we know," Beth said. "It's just kind of a hassle to have them all over the place."

  "Yeah, I suppose," Jim agreed.

  "But they're not all bad," Liz said.

  "You and your bi-sexual tendencies." Beth shook her head.

  "Speaking of tendencies." Liz nodded towards the door.

  Beth turned to look just as a bunch of local guys came in.

  "What? Are they following the sales girls around?" Jim asked.

  "Of course." Liz shrugged.

  "Like hungry dogs," Beth said.

  Someone turned up the volume on the sound system and switched the music to a faster beat.

  "Now we're talking," Liz said.

  "Drink up, Jim," Beth said.


  "You're going to need all the juice you can get to keep up with Liz once she gets in the party mood."

  "And why not?" Liz asked. "We work all year so we party once a year."

  "You've been to Ibiza twice since Christmas," Beth said.

  "Oh." Liz waved her hand in dismissal. "They were just weekend breaks, not real holidays."

  Three of the cosmetics sales girls walked over to their table.

  "Hey, remember us," the first girl said. "We met at breakfast."

  "Oh, yes," Liz smiled at her. "We remember."

  "We never got introduced," the girl continued. "I'm Sally." She pointed at the other two girls. "This is Jane and this is Gaby."

  Everyone smiled and said, "Hi."

  "So did you guys make it to the old colonial forth today?" Gaby asked.

  "No," Beth replied. "We just hung out at the hotel."

  "Hung out?" Jane smiled at Jim. "Is that what we're calling it now days?"

  Jim smiled sheepishly.

  "So what are you drinking?" Sally asked.

  "Caribbean threesomes," Liz replied.

  Jim blushed. As did Gaby.

  "What's in that?" Jane asked.

  "Three different rums and pineapple juice," Beth said.

  "Sounds good," Sally said, turning to her friends. "I could certainly do with a Caribbean threesome."

  "Me too," Jane said.

  Gabby's blush just deepened.

  "Why don't we all have one?" Sally said.

  "Jim is paying," Liz said.

  Jim looked at her. She shrugged back at him.

  "Even better," Sally smiled.

  "Come on, Jim," Beth stood up. "I'll help you carry the drinks."

  "Sure." Jim followed.

  "I'll help too." Gaby turned to walk with them.

  "OK," Beth said and headed for the bar.

  Jim let Gaby walk in front of him and brought up the rear arriving at the bar just as the barman started mixing up their drinks.

  "So why are you drinking Caribbean threesomes?" Gaby asked

  "It seemed appropriate," Beth smiled.

  "Appropriate?" Gaby asked.

  Liz counted one, two, three on her fingers. "Me, Liz and Jim," she said.

  "Oh, right." Gaby blushed again.

  "We'd never heard of the drink before tonight," Jim said. "Well, at least I hadn't."

  "It's an educational holiday, Jim," Beth smiled.

  Jim blushed.

  Gaby smiled.

  "So what brings you to this place?" Beth asked.

  "We were just looking for some local colour," Gaby said.

  "It looks like you're in luck," Beth nodded down the bar to where a group of local boys were drinking bottles of beers.

  Gabby said, "Well, I mean...I didn't mean..."

  Beth laughed. "It's OK. I'm sure they'll have plenty of company." Beth nodded once more as a group of sales girls came up to the bar and started conversations with the local boys.

  "Oh, they're fast workers," Gaby said.

  "You have to be fast around here," Beth said. "The girl still outnumber the boys two to one."

  Gaby blushed yet again.

  They collected their drinks and head back to the table to dispense them.



  "So things are hotting up nicely," Sally said, as another batch of local boys came into the club.

  "Oh, yes," Jane smiled. "Someone must have sent for reinforcements."

  "Yes," Sally said. "But while there's plenty of local colour to choose from, we'd better start staking our claim if we're not going to be left out of the fun." And she turned towards the dance floor.

  "I right behind you, sister," Jane said. "See you later," she called to Liz and Beth as she followed her friend.

  Gaby smiled sheepishly and followed the two other girls.

  "It's like we don't exist any more," Liz said, as the girls departed.

  "Don't worry, Liz," B
eth said. "I'm sure Gaby will be available later."

  "Gaby?" Liz asked.

  Beth laughed. "I know you. You can never assist the blushing virgins."

  "Virgin?" Jim asked. "Why do you think she's a virgin?"

  "One can always tell, my boy," Beth said.


  "The same way we know you're a virgin," Liz teased.

  "A virgin?" Jim said. "But I've had girlfriends and we've done stuff all day long."

  "We've done 'stuff' but we've not done 'it'," Liz said.

  "Well, I guess," Jim said. "But I like 'stuff'."

  "And I'm sure Gaby likes 'stuff' as well," Beth said.

  "Anyway, I'm sure some well-hung island boy with show her what she's been missing," Liz said. "Though with all these sales girls buzzing abound like flies I'm not sure if there's going to be enough boys to go around."

  "Don't worry, Liz," Beth patted Jim's knee, "we have our backup plan to fall back on."

  "Yes." Liz smiled at Jim. "Bring you own, it's always more reliable."

  "Thanks. I think," Jim said.

  "Drink up, Jim." Beth raised her glass. "You're going to need it."

  Jim took a long sip from his drink while he watched the sales girls and local boys mingle. Someone turned the music up even louder.

  "So, why are we here again?" Jim raised his voice to speak over the music.

  "Because this is a busy club with great music," Beth replied.

  "Yes, but it's very loud," Jim said.

  "What?" Beth leaned in close.

  "I said, it's very loud." Jim raised his voice again. "Making it very hard to talk with each other."

  "We're not here to talk," Liz said.

  "We're not?" Jim looked at her.

  "No. We're here to dance," Beth said.

  "Oh." Jim glanced at the crowd on the dance floor.

  "And fuck," Liz added.

  "What!" Jim looked at her.

  "Dancing and fucking," Liz shrugged. "Why else would you go to a club?"

  "She's right," Beth nodded.

  "Well, I guess I wouldn't know," Jim said. "I don't go to many clubs."

  "Clubbing," Beth said.

  "What?" Jim asked.

  "You don't 'go to a club'," Beth explained. "You go 'clubbing'."

  "Oh, right," Jim nodded.

  "So where did you go with your girlfriend?" Liz asked.

  "Dinner, Movies, the Theatre," Jim said.

  "And afterwards?" Beth asked.

  Jim shrugged. "Mostly we'd go back to my place," he said.

  "Mostly?" Beth asked.

  "Well, often," Jim replied.

  "Often?" Liz asked.

  "OK, every time." Jim took a sip of his drink.

  "So you never went clubbing?" Liz asked.

  Jim shook his head.

  "Or to a rave?" Beth asked.

  Jim shook his head again.

  "Or a strip club?" Liz asked.

  "What?" Jim's mouth fell open.

  Liz and Beth laughed.

  "Why would I take my girlfriend to a strip club?" Jim asked.

  "Well, some girls like it," Liz said.

  "Some bisexual girls, perhaps," Beth suggested.

  "I can appreciate the beauty of the female form," Liz said. "And the male form."

  "The male form?" Jim asked. "You go to male strip clubs?"

  "Of course." Liz shrugged.

  "Where men takeoff their clothes?"

  "Yes," Liz said. "Where men get naked and dance for our pleasure."

  "And do more." Beth smiled.

  "Like an orgy?" Jim asked.

  "Well, it's not normally like those CFNM stripper videos you have obviously been watching on the internet," Beth said.

  "Yes," Liz agreed. "It's usually a lot wilder."

  Jim's jaw dropped.

  "Have you ever been to an orgy, Jim?" Liz asked.

  "Does this afternoon count?" Jim tried to recover his composure.

  "Hardly, there were only us three there," Beth said.

  "Well, I have to admit that I'd never been with two girls together before," Jim said. "So I guess this really is an educational holiday for me."

  "It'll be on the national curriculum next year, I'm sure," Liz said.

  "Sure." Jim laughed.

  Everyone took a drink.

  "So are you are still hard from earlier?" Beth asked as she reached down to Jim's crotch to check.

  "Hey." Jim sat upright in his chair. "You can't do that here."

  "Sure I can." Beth found his hard cock and squeezed.

  "Hard?" Liz asked. "Didn't you fuck Jim while I was in the shower."

  "No," Beth said to her. "I made him eat me out, but I didn't let him cum."

  "Why not?"

  "Because I wanted him to be hard for me all night long."

  "Yes! That's the way to keep your boy." Liz raised her glass in a toast. "Hard and horny all night long."

  "Hey!" Jim said again.

  "It's the way you love it, too," Liz said to him.

  "Well," Jim said and took another drink.

  "Let's dance." Beth took her hand from Jim's cock and grabbed his arm as she stood.

  "Oh, no, here comes the 'Dancing Queen'," Liz laughed.

  "Dance?" Jim just looked up at her.

  "Yes, dance." Beth pulled his arm.

  "Dance?" Jim repeated.

  Beth stood. "You know, to move rhythmically to music."

  "I know what dancing is," Jim said. "I'm just not too sure I'm any good at it."

  "Oh, you'll be fine." Beth pulled him to his feet and pushed him towards the dance floor. "Just follow my lead."

  "How can I follow your lead when you're behind me?"

  But he ended up on the dance floor anyway.

  Beth slipped her arms around him from behind and pulled him close. Starting immediately to grind her hips against his bottom.

  "That is not helping me get my rhythm," Jim called over his shoulder to her.

  "Here, let me help you." Beth put her hands on his hips and moved him back and forth in time to the music.

  "Oh, OK." Jim did his best to move to the music.

  "That's it." Beth pushed him from side to side in time to the music. "Now you've gotten the hang of it."

  Sally came over and danced in front of him. Jim didn't know where to look. Her tight dress had spaghetti straps and she wore no bra letting her hard nipples be clearly seen through the thin dress. She held her cocktail in one hand and ran the other across her body as she undulated to the music. Slowly she ruined showing Jim the deep cut back to the dress that pulled so tight across her bottom that Jim wondered if she had any underwear on.

  Before he tore his eyes away and tried to turn to face Beth.

  But Beth wouldn't let him turn away. "You're allowed look," Beth spoke into his ear. "That's why she's dancing in front of you."

  "Em, OK," Jim replied. But he is still embarrassed at openly staring at a girl as she gyrates in front of him.

  "I think she's hot," Beth said.

  "Don't tell me you like girls too."

  "Don't be silly. But I do think it's hot that you are getting hard looking at her, but that I'm the one you're going to be fucking later."

  Jim stumbled and nearly fell over.

  "Here let me give you a hand," Sally said, as she reached out and took Jim's elbow.

  Beth came back up behind as Sally shimmied close in front of him. Both girls were still moving to the music and Jim tried his best to sway in time. But with Beth pressing in from behind and Sally twirling around in front of him he was much too distracted to worry about his dancing.

  But nobody was worried bout his dance technique anymore.

  Beth had her arms around him and was running here hands up and down his body. Sally danced in front of him, alternatively pressing her breasts against his chest and her bottom into his crotch as she turned and swayed to the rhythm. Jim's head was spinning as hormones surged through his system.

  A big local guy mo
ved on over to dance beside Sally. "Hey, Baby," he said.

  "Hey, yourself," Sally replied, as she slipped her arms around his neck and tilted her head up to lock lips with him.

  His well muscled arms wrapped around her and they drifted off into the crowd, not really paying much attention to the music anymore.

  "Hell," Jim stared open mouthed at them, "she's a quick worker."

  "You've got to know what you like and go get while it's hot."

  "Hay, guys." A voice called from behind him. Jim turned and saw Jane swaying through the crowd towards them.

  "I never got a chance to thank you for the cocktail," Jane said.

  "No problem," replied Jim.

  Beth slipped her arms around his waist once more.

  "I was going to pay you with a kiss, but..." she glanced at Beth.

  "Kiss away." Beth smiled. "I dint mind."

  "Are you sure?"


  "OK then." And Jane leaned in to touch her lips to Jim's.

  Jim pursed his lips. But Jane opened hers and pushed her tongue into his mouth. Jim's jaw opened in shock allowing Jane to probe deep.

  He's usually much beater, but he has trouble dancing and kissing at the same time," Beth said.

  Jane broke the kiss. "He's till cute, she said, then looked at Beth. "Tell Liz I was asking for her." And she turned and slipped into the crowd.

  "Can anyone join this party?" a voice asked from behind them.

  They turned to find it was Gaby.

  "Hi, again," she said. But looked down as she swayed in front of Jim.

  "Hi to you," Jim replied.

  "Having fun?" Beth asked.

  "Oh, yes," Gaby said. "What the hell is in these cocktails?"

  "It's the hot Caribbean air," Beth smiled. "It goes straight to you head."

  "I bet," Gaby said, as she slipped her hands under Jim's shirt and ran her palms up his body. "You're not too bad for a geeky looking Irish boy."

  "Em, thanks." Jim hesitated, firstly because he wasn't too sure it was a complement and secondly because he was not used to girls rubbing his body on the dance floor.

  "Hey, baby." One of the local guys swung around and joined their little group.

  "Hi," Gabby looked up at him.

  "You look hot." The buy smiled back at her.

  "Oh, I am," Gaby fanned herself with her hand. "If only there was somewhere I could go to cool down."

  The local guy laughed. "Come with me babe," he said. "I know someplace cool."

  "OK," Gaby turned as guy guided her away. She looked over her shoulder at Jim and Beth and smiled at them.


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