The Tainted

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by Frost Kay

  The Tainted

  Frost Kay


  Also by Frost Kay



  1. Hazel

  2. The End

  3. Hazel

  4. Hazel

  5. Hazel

  6. Hazel

  7. Hazel

  8. Hazel

  9. Hazel

  10. Hazel

  11. Hazel

  12. Hazel

  13. Hazel

  14. Hazel

  15. Hazel

  16. Noah

  17. Hazel

  18. Hazel

  19. Noah

  20. Hazel

  21. Noah

  22. Hazel

  23. Hazel

  About the Author

  The Tainted

  Copyright © 2019 by Frost Kay.

  First Edition

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Created with Vellum

  Also by Frost Kay


  Rebel’s Blade

  Crown’s Shield

  Siren’s Lure

  Enemy’s Queen

  King’s Warrior


  The Strain

  The Tainted


  Amber Vial

  Emerald Bane

  Scarlet Venom

  Cyan Toxin

  Onyx Elixir

  How do you feel about free books? Personally, I love em. I collect books like dragons hoard gold. Feel free to grab at copy for FREE at your favorite retailer<3

  Happy reading,

  Frost Kay

  Janice Anderson warned those who would listen that their bio weaponry was too unpredictable. No one had absolute control over a virus. If they thought they did, well... they were stupid.

  Plans failed, colleagues died, and those that survived mutated into something other. No one knew what was worse, the virus or the monsters it created. YOUR FREE BOOK—>


  People were beasts underneath the surface.

  Take away their ability to reason and they were as feral as any creature roaming the Earth in search of prey. Hazel knew this for a fact and had seen men turn to monsters, and yet, she never saw it coming.

  Her death.



  “A kiss,” she repeated.

  “A press of the lips, really.”

  Hazel bit her lip and nodded. “I guess we should try. It’s better to know now if this will work.”

  She scooted a little closer, butterflies taking flight in her belly. Aaron shifted toward her, wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged her between his thighs. He brushed a blond strand away from her eyes and stared at her.

  A nervous giggle escaped her. “This is awkward. Do you feel awkward? ‘Cause I feel awkward.”

  “Take a deep breath. We can do this, Hazel.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, watching him.

  He kept his dark eyes open, slowly closed the distance between them, and touched his lips to hers. She watched him, noticing his dark lashes.

  Aaron pulled back. “Anything?”

  “It wasn’t awful,” she admitted. It wasn’t really a kiss, more of a press of skin to skin.

  “Let’s see if we can do a little better.”

  He slid his hands up her arms, cupped her cheeks and kissed her a little harder this time. She jerked when his tongue traced her bottom lip. Again, it wasn’t bad, but it was a little like kissing her brother. Ew. Her nose wrinkled. Now this was gross.

  Hazel began to pull away when one hand slid into her hair and massaged her scalp. She melted. There wasn’t anything she liked more than having her hair played with. He could kiss her as much as he wanted as long as he kept rubbing her scalp.

  The world upended, startling her out of her scalp massaging haze. She blinked up at the night sky and the surrounding forest. How in the world had he moved them so easily? He kissed down her neck and made a move to return to her mouth.

  “Aaron,” she said, pushing at his chest. “It’s not working.” Something dug into her spine as she wriggled beneath him. “There aren’t any butterflies or anything, but that’s okay. We don’t really need passion to have children.”

  He slowly lifted his head. His cheeks were flushed, and his gaze narrowed. “Don’t worry. I know all sorts of tricks. I’ll have you panting as hard as me in no time.”

  “What?” she gasped, right before he bore down on her.

  His teeth mashed against her lips brutally and he bit her, hard.

  A cry burst from her and her head spun. That hurt. This was not what she’d signed up for, not at all. She tried to push him off of her, but he was too heavy. A spark of panic lit inside her as his hips settled between her legs.

  “Stop!” she shouted, slapping at his shoulders. What was wrong with him?

  He jerked his head up and Hazel took her opening and slapped him as hard as she could. She panted as he glared down at her. The air in her lungs froze at the dangerous glint in his eyes. It was part rage, part heat. “You’re hurting me. Get off me!”

  “So, you like it rough?” he growled low as he caught her hands in one of his and held them tightly.

  “No,” she breathed, trying to wiggle out from underneath him. “That’s not what I meant. Let me go. Everything will be alright, but you have to let me go.”

  “I can do rough,” he said, ignoring her protest.

  “Get off me!” she yelled, kicking her legs.

  “I never imagined a girl like you would be into that sort of thing.” He smiled, but it held a dark edge. “But I’m willing to try anything.”

  Her heart pounded fiercely in her chest as she began to thrash beneath him. “Let me go! Help!” His grip tightened painfully on her wrists, but she gritted her teeth and tugged harder. “Help me!” she screamed. She stared toward the firelight, but no one burst through the trees. No one came.

  Aaron set his mouth near her ear. “It’s okay. No one can hear you out here. Just let go and surrender. We’ll figure this out together. Who knows? It might be fun. I’ve always wanted to try something like this. It will be sweeter knowing I’m your first.”

  She gagged and panted in fear. “Whatever this is, I don’t want it. Do you understand me? I don’t want it! Get the hell off of me!”

  “Your mouth is saying no, but…” He pulled on her arms, forcing her body to arch into him. “But your body is telling me something different. Tonight is about being honest with each other. Let me help you be honest.”

  Nausea and terror filled her. She continued to buck and tried to free her hands. A scream caught in her throat when his free hand slid up her thigh and wedged between them. Desperate, she turned her head as his lips descended, looking for something, anything, to help her. It was impossible to reach her weapons, and no branch lay nearby. Hazel wailed, a sound thick with despair before the sight of his ear entered her vision. She opened her mouth and b
ared her teeth. Her papa had taught her to never go down without a fight. She darted forward and clamped down on his ear. Copper filled her mouth, but she held tight as he grunted and then yelled.

  He stopped fumbling with her pants and tore free from her grasp. She never even saw the blow. Black dots danced across her eyes; pain radiated from the side of her face. Cold dirt pressed into her right cheek as she fought not to heave.

  “Damn it, Hazel. Look at what you made me do.”

  Tears squeezed out of the sides of her eyes as he leaned down to kiss the side of her throbbing face. Bile burned the back of her throat. “You’re a monster,” she muttered.

  “You started this and pushed me too far,” he murmured. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you that hard.” A finger traced her cheek, causing her to wince. “Why did you have to push me? I was trying to help you.”

  She cracked her watering eyes open and tried to focus on the wavering forest around her. “Get off of me,” she croaked.

  Large fingers grasped her chin and forced her to look up. His dark eyes had lost the crazy glint and now were unreadable. He scanned her face and tsked. “That’s going to leave a bruise,” he whispered. “It’s a good thing the blending’s tomorrow. We can figure this all out once we’re married.”

  He was crazy if he thought she’d marry him after this, but wisely, she kept her mouth shut. She was alone, and at his mercy in the forest. But some of her thoughts must have been visible in her eyes, because his expression hardened.

  “Now, listen here, Hazel. You’ve already accepted my proposal.” He glanced to the side and then pinned her with a look. “When we leave here, you’re going to act like your normal self.”

  “Like hell,” she hissed.

  Aaron cocked his head and leaned closer so that their noses touched. “Do you think they care about you? Those people at the party?”

  She knew the answer. Only Baz and Mesa. She had to get to Baz and Mesa.

  “No one will believe a word you say. Our peers like and trust me. When it comes down to both our stories tonight, who do you think they will believe?”

  Him. They would stand behind him, but her family wouldn’t. All she had to do was get home.

  “Answer me,” he whispered.

  Hazel swallowed past the bile. “You.”

  If she plied him with what he wanted, he would release her. He had to. They had to go home at some point, and when they did, he was a dead man. Her brothers would make sure of it.

  “That’s right.” He traced a finger over where he hit her. “Now, pull yourself together and we’ll head back.” She whimpered as he released her face and yanked her Glock from her thigh holster. “You can have this once we get back.” He released her hands and stood up.

  Hazel scrambled back, kicking, and lunged toward the bonfire. Her legs shook as leaves and branches slapped her in the face. She had to make it to Mesa and Baz. The fire was so close. She stumbled and cried out when a hand wrapped around her waist and yanked her back into a hard chest.

  “That is not pulling yourself together. You need to compose yourself.” He propelled her forward and tucked her into his side. “Calm down.”

  They pushed through the trees and back into the writhing mass. People noticed their appearance and began whispering to each other. She searched the group for her friends, but they were nowhere to be found.

  Jessy caught sight of them and swaggered to their side. “So, it’s official?”

  Aaron’s arm tightened around her. “We’re to be blended tomorrow.”

  Jessy whistled sharply, catching the attention of almost everyone. “Congratulations are in order. Our very own Aaron is to be blended with the founder’s daughter.”

  Cheers and whistles rang out around them, but Hazel barely heard any of it. Tonight had started out as a dream, but turned into a nightmare. Colton smiled as he sauntered up to them, one girl on each arm. He shrugged both girls off and swept her into a hug.

  “Congrats,” he said.

  “Where are my friends?” she whispered in his ear.

  He pulled back, frowning, and cast a glance between her and Aaron. “They went home already,” he said slowly.

  “They left without me?” Her voice cracked. How could they leave her here? She shivered as Aaron hugged her to his side. Just his hands touching her made her want to puke everywhere. Each part of her felt dirty, defiled. And now her only chance to get home was to ride with him.

  She sucked in a deep breath and pasted on a smile. All she had to do was fake it. Colton and Aaron were her ride home. She had to keep it together until she got home. Once she was home, she’d bring hell down on Aaron, but for now she needed to keep it together and let him assume he’d won.

  Hazel let herself go numb, nodding at Aaron’s friends when they came to congratulate them. The only thing memorable was the burning hate and jealousy on Gen’s face when they connected eyes.

  Aaron jiggled her, pulling her from her stare-off. She shuttered her gaze and peered up through her lashes. “What?”

  He stared at her and then glanced around the group. “It is well past my bride’s bedtime.” He spun them around and led her back toward the forest.

  She dug her heels in. Oh, God. She couldn’t go back

  “You ready to break the news to your old man?” Colton’s voice called from behind them.

  Some of her panic faded with his voice. Aaron couldn’t hurt her if there were witnesses. She curled her trembling fingers into fists and nodded her head yes. “He will be thrilled.” The words tasted like ash on her tongue. Before tonight, yes, he would have. But after tonight, there was nowhere Aaron could hide that her papa and brothers couldn’t find him. Perverse joy filled her. Justice would be served.

  “Shotgun,” she called when the Jeep came in view.

  “As if,” Jessy hollered, pushing past them and hopping into the front. “You get to sit with your betrothed.”

  She swallowed hard and forced herself not to look up at Aaron. At least Gen would sit between them. Her heart crashed to her feet when Gen took the outer right seat and Aaron tugged her toward the Jeep. He climbed in, pulling her with him.

  Deep breaths. All she had to do was breathe deeply. The night from hell was almost over. She winced as his arm draped behind her. Her breath hitched in her throat. The arm currently lying on her skin felt like a cage. Colton started the Jeep and began rolling forward when she noticed something missing. “My bow! I left my bow!”

  “I threw it in the back,” Colton called.

  Hazel nodded and kept her face averted from the monster at her side and stared out into the trees, watching them fade until their tires once again were on sand. This evening had taken a turn for the worst. She should’ve listened to her papa. Never again would she leave Harbor.

  “Hey, Colton, you mind taking the long route home?”


  She closed her eyes briefly, trying not to be sick. She could handle a ride.

  You can do this.

  “You’re starting to worry me, Hazel. I thought we had made up,” Aaron murmured near her ear. His hot breath caused a chill to run down her spine.

  “Get out of my space,” she muttered.

  “What is yours is mine. Don’t worry, everything will be better tomorrow. We’ll get through this.”

  Her stomach flipped. There would be no tomorrow for them. She scooted as far away from him as possible without falling out of the Jeep. He laid his hand on her thigh and squeezed. Hazel wanted to slap it away and run, but there was nowhere to go.

  Aaron sighed and leaned closer, his breath sweet and bitter. “You’re making this difficult. Don’t force my hand.”

  Heat built behind her eyes. He’d already forced too much.

  “You know, your father and I speak often. About you specifically. He’s raised concerns about you being fanciful and sometimes weak. I wonder what he will think when I bring you home high.”

  “What?” She whipped around and stared at
Aaron with wide eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  His face was a blank mask. “If you won’t be reasonable, I will have to take things into my own hands.”

  She jerked as something pricked her leg. “Ouch.” She hissed, swatting at his hand. He tossed something out of the Jeep as a little blood seeped out onto her jeans.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  “Something that will help you loosen up.”

  “You drugged me,” she said flatly.

  Jessy glanced between the two of them and then burst into laughter. “What a classic way to end the night. She’ll be so loose by the time we get home.”

  Hazel turned toward him and stared him down. “How does drugging you help me? My father will blame you for my condition, as will my brothers.”

  “No, they won’t,” Aaron said. “I’ll be the man who protected you at a party you had no business attending. I will be the one who brought you home safely to your family after you drank too much.”

  Disgust filled her. “That’s not true.”

  He shrugged. “That’s not how I remember it.” He turned to Gen. “Is that how you remember it?”



  “You’re the hero of this story.”


  Her gaze caught his in the rearview mirror. Guilt flashed through his gaze before he dropped his eyes. “You’ve been a perfect gentleman all evening from what I’ve seen.”

  Betrayal seared her gut. She stared daggers at the back of Colton’s head. Just when she thought he might be a normal human being. She knew better. “You coward,” she hissed as his head wavered a moment and the road ahead of them seemed to tilt. “What did you give me?” she asked, placing a hand to her forehead.


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