Just For Christmas (Just Us Series Book 5)

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Just For Christmas (Just Us Series Book 5) Page 6

by Roxanne Riley

  I rip one off the strip and tear it open, rolling the latex down Drew’s erection.

  Drew smirks, raising an eyebrow. “Someone’s eager.”

  “You started it,” I reply as I straddle his lap, his dick brushing my thigh, achingly close.

  I reach over and wrap my hand around Joel’s cock while my other dips between my legs to guide Drew’s into position.

  I’m so wet, it’s not hard for even his massive cock to plunge inside me with relative ease. “Oh, fuck,” I gasp as I slowly slide down onto him, feeling my pussy stretch to accommodate his girth.

  His head falls back against the couch and he groans. “Holy shit, Emilie.”

  Once he’s filling me to the hilt, I lean down so I can take Joel’s cock between my lips, exploring the sensitive flesh with my tongue as my head bobs along his length. It’s interesting to note how different they taste, Joel more salty and Drew more sweet, but both intoxicating and delicious.

  And I gyrate my hips, riding Drew in sync with the motions of my mouth. Both men gasp and groan, and it’s a heady rush of power to feel these two men helpless under my touch.

  “Fuck, Em,” Joel gasps, his hips bucking in stuttering thrusts.

  Drew’s hands clutch my hips and he thrusts up into me, driving deep, deep inside me and making the coil of pleasure build inside me. One of his hands moves between my thighs and he parts my folds with two fingers, finding my clit and stroking the delicate little bundle of nerves.

  It takes only seconds of this before I’m screaming and shuddering, forced to let go of Joel as the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever had rips through me. As I’m slowly coming down, Drew takes one of my nipples between my teeth and the sharp sensation triggers a wave of aftershocks that are so exquisitely intense it almost hurts.

  He slows the movement of his hips while I come down, letting me recover. I hear the tearing of a foil packet and glance to my side to see Joel pulling out a condom and rolling it down his hard length. “Ready to take a turn?” Drew asks him.

  He nods, and Drew starts to pull out, but I stop him. “Don’t,” I breathe, “I want to try and take you both.”

  Drew raises an eyebrow. “You sure?”

  I nod. “Definitely.”

  He looks at Joel, who grins. “Let’s give the lady what she wants.”

  We shift into a better position and Joel positions his cock next to Drew’s. “Ready?”

  I nod, nervous but eager. I want to feel them both inside me at once, I want to hear them both panting and groaning my name.

  Slowly, carefully, Joel pushes inside me, filling me tight. My body stretches and moves to adjust to them, and while it’s new and strange, I feel an inexplicable sense of rightness. It seems crazy, but this feels right, like I belong to them and them alone and I’ve simply been waiting for them to find me.

  I feel…whole.

  But I can’t filter through the emotion while I’m drowning in pleasure, so I push it from my head in favor of letting my thoughts melt into oblivion, focusing only on the bliss they’re pouring into my body with every thrust.

  “Fuck,” I whimper, “That feels so good, I think I’m going t-“

  The breath is ripped from my lungs and I can’t finish my sentence as anther climax overtakes me, every last inch of me lost in a sea of sensation.

  As I cum, my the walls of my pussy clench around them both and I feel Drew’s pace quicken and his breath hitch. Faster and harder, they pound into me, and I’m reeling. Before much longer, Drew tips over the edge into oblivion, letting out a feral growl as his hot load fills the thin latex between us.

  He pulls out carefully, chest heaving, and Joel grips my hips and slams into me again and again, wringing screams of pleasure from my throat and driving me towards yet another climax.

  When I topple over the edge, my orgasm seems to trigger his, and his hips snap into me in one final, rough thrust as his release pours out of him.

  Wrung out and spent, the last thing I remember is collapsing into Drew’s chest before exhaustion overtakes me and I sink into blackness.

  Chapter Twelve


  When I open my eyes, I’m in an unfamiliar bed. For a moment, I’m struck with the panic of not knowing where I am, until I look to my side and see Joel sleeping beside me and realize that I must be in their bed.

  But then I realize that I see sunlight streaming through the window and I scramble out of bed. Fuck, where is my phone? Panic seizes me until I see it, sitting on top of my clothes on the dresser. I snatch it and tap in my password, seeing, to my horror, that I’ve missed about a dozen calls and texts from Audrey, who was watching Danny for the evening.

  Before I call her back, I order an uber as I hurriedly shimmy into my clothes, moving as quietly as possible to keep from waking Drew and Joel. Fortunately, they seem to be dead to the world.

  I slip out of the room to call her, praying that everything is ok. How could I have been so stupid?


  “Audrey, it’s me, I’m so sorry, I’m on my way there right now, is everything ok?”

  “Everything’s fine, don’t worry,” Audrey says soothingly, “What about you, what happened? Are you ok?”

  “I’m fine, I’m fine, I just fell asleep, I’m so sorry, I can’t believe this…” I rake my fingers through my hair, tears welling in my eyes as guilt and shame roil in my gut.

  I’m so disgusted with myself, I can’t believe I could be such an irresponsible flake.

  “Hey, it’s ok, Danny’s fine, everything’s ok, Em, take a deep breath,” Audrey says.

  I inhale slowly through my nose, trying to calm down. “He had a great time playing superheroes with Eli and Leon, crashed early, and he’s still snoozing away,” Audrey continues.

  “Ok,” I let out my breath, feeling a little calmer, “But still, Audrey, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“

  “Emilie, stop,” she says firmly, “You fell asleep, it could have happened to anyone. It’s ok. Seriously. I’m just glad you’re all right, I don’t mind watching Danny overnight. You’re giving me good practice.”

  I chuckle. “Well, a two year old and a newborn are very different animals,” I warn her, “But thanks.”

  “No problem,” she says, “Just get here when you can, ok? No rush, just take it easy, all right?”

  “Thanks, Audrey,” I whisper.

  We hang up and I stare up at the ceiling for a moment, blinking fast against the tears threatening to spill over. Despite Audrey’s reassurances, I can’t shake the overwhelming guilt and embarrassment over what I’ve done.

  What was I thinking? I had let my hormones win out over my senses, and left my friend to worry about me and take responsibility for my child.

  I can’t let this happen again. I look down at my phone and see from the app that my ride is nearly here, so I slip back into the bedroom to retrieve my shoes and the rest of my things. I’m trying to move quietly so I don’t wake them and I can slip out unnoticed.

  But when I’m sliding on my coat, I accidentally knock a heavy bottle of cologne to the floor. Mercifully, it doesn’t break, but it still clatters to the floor loudly, the cap popping off and ricocheting across the room.

  Drew, startled, sits bolt upright, and Joel’s eyes fly open. When Drew realizes it’s just me, however, he relaxes. “Hey, you ok?” he asks with a yawn.

  “Um, yeah, I just, uh, I need to go,” I stammer.

  Drew tosses off the covers. “Hang on, we’ll take you.”

  “No, it’s ok, I have a ride coming.”

  He strides over to me and I stiffen. He’s wearing nothing but a dark pair of boxers, and his finely sculpted chest is almost enough to make me forget myself all over again.

  But that thought sets off a fresh wave of shame and I step back. He frowns. “Hey, are you sure you’re ok?”

  Joel sits up in bed, watching me, too. “I’m fine,” I insist, refusing to meet their gazes, but Drew catches my chin and turns me towards h

  “What’s wrong, Emilie?” he asks me matter-of-factly. “Is this about last night?”

  I press my lips together, unable to bring myself to speak past the lump forming in my throat. “Em?” Joel presses, trying to coax an answer from me.

  I swallow. I know I can’t speak without crying right now.

  “Was last night that bad or something?” Drew asks.

  It was amazing, I want to say. But I can’t. Last night had been incredible, but it had also been a colossal fuck-up.

  I can’t just give in to impulse like that. No matter how right it felt, it was a mistake. I have Danny to worry about, I can’t just do irresponsible shit like this.

  “I can’t do this,” I finally choke out, “I left Danny with my friend all night, I completely neglected my kid.”

  Drew’s face pales and Joel rakes his fingers through his hair. “Fuck, Em, we should have woken you up, I’m so sorry, is he ok?”

  “He’s fine,” I nod, “But I just-I need to go.”

  I turn to leave, but Drew catches my wrist. “Emilie, wait, are we-I mean,” he looks flustered, like he doesn’t know how to finish the question.

  That hesitance, and the hurt in his expression when he’s searching my face, feels like a hammer to my already breaking heart.

  But no matter how badly I want to give in, to tell him it’s all ok and that last night was incredible, I have to stop myself. I tear my gaze away from him, unable to meet his eyes. “Last night was a one-time thing,” I whisper, “I can’t afford to lose my head like that.”

  “Em, it was just an accident,” Joel says, “And it’s not like you left him at home alone or something, he was with someone you know and trust, right?”

  “That’s not the point,” I shake my head, “She tried to call me and I didn’t answer. What if he’d gotten hurt, or gotten sick? What if there was an emergency? I can’t just fuck off and abandon my son so I can get laid,” the words come out laced in bitterness and shame.

  “Emilie-“ Drew starts, but I stop him.

  “My ride’s here, I need to go,” I say.

  “I’m sorry I fucked things up with your family,” I say softly, “I promise, you’ll get your money back as soon as I can get it.”

  I had already spent some of my “earnings” to buy Danny’s present, and while I can’t wait to see him open it on Christmas morning, I just know that every single time I look at that stupid toy, it’s going to serve as a reminder of all my mistakes.

  “Emilie, please-“

  I want nothing more than to turn around, to take it all back. I want to give in, to lose myself in them and feel that sense of completeness, that pure happiness. I want it so much it hurts. But I ignore Drew and I force myself to flee before I lose my nerve.

  Outside the gate, a blue sedan awaits me and I slip into the backseat. A college-aged boy greets me cheerfully, but after getting a better look at my face in the rearview mirror, he picks up on my mood and simply asks me where I’m heading. I give him Audrey’s address and lean back against the seat as he pulls away from the house.

  And the young man politely pretends not to notice me crying softly in the backseat the whole way there.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Christmas Eve

  “Need another drink?”

  “Or five.”

  Drew passes me a fresh glass and I toss back a mouthful without looking. The scotch hits my throat and makes me wheeze a little.

  I can’t believe we actually got talked into coming back to the Bennetts’ for their Christmas Eve party, but Andi had begged us, not wanting to be stuck with her parents alone. And admittedly, this party isn’t like the others.

  Unlike the smaller little holiday dinners, their Christmas Eve party is massive, with dozens of their upper-crust types mingling and buzzing around. Every conversation is punctuated with the clinking of ice in cocktail glasses and fake polite laughter.

  So, mercifully, we haven’t been forced to interact with Drew’s parents yet tonight. Even so, the tedium of pretending to smile and sound interested when some investment banker is babbling away about interest rates is draining.

  And on top of that, Emilie hasn’t talked to us since last weekend, when we’d finally gotten to take that perfect little body of hers for a test drive.

  I’d been with a lot of girls before Drew and I got together, but none of them held a candle to this one. Emilie’s lush figure was even hotter than I’d imagined, and the way she took us both on…

  But it was more than that. Maybe it’s stupid, but it felt like more than just pleasure. There was something deeper. And when I’d brought that up to Drew, he’d confessed to feeling much the same.

  Yes, the three of us had enjoyed a fucking explosive physical connection, but underneath that, there was the throbbing heartbeat of something more. But it had flatlined when Emilie ran out, and our attempts to reach out to her and bring it back had been ignored.

  All our calls, straight to voicemail, texts unanswered. We even tried going by her apartment, but to no avail. She had done her best to disappear from our lives.

  And both of us have been fucking miserable.

  I hadn’t realized just how deeply Emilie had become ingrained into our lives until suddenly, she was gone. She’d become more than just our hired cover, she’d become a friend, and the loss of her aches like a missing limb, like something critical is gone.

  I down the rest of my drink, the whiskey burning a path down my throat, and compulsively, I check my phone for what must be the millionth time that evening.

  “Anything?” Drew asks, the tiniest grain of hope in his voice.

  I shake my head and he sighs. “Wish she was here.”

  “Me too.”

  I look over at my partner and see the strain in his face. I want to reach out and rub his neck, offer some comfort, but I can’t. And unfortunately, it only gets worse when his mother approaches. “Andrew. I do hope you had the good sense to come alone?” she asks immediately, her eyes scanning the room.

  Drew’s fingers tighten around his glass and I see the muscles in his jaw clench. “Just me and Joel tonight,” he says tightly, with a hint of forced cheer.

  “Good. I’m glad to see you’ve come around and seen reason,” she says with a smug little smile before turning on her heel and marching back out into the party.

  Drew takes a step after her and I grab him. His face is turning red and I can see that he’s on the verge of losing his shit, so I drag him out into the hall by the arm. “Just leave it,” I tell him, “It’s not worth the drama. We get through tonight and it’s done, we can put all of this behind us.”

  “Is that actually what you want? To put it behind us?” he asks, and I catch the meaning of his words.

  “No. Not that, at least.”

  He scrubs a hand over his face and sighs. “I feel like I’m going crazy.”

  I know what he means. It’s like we’ve gotten a taste and now we’re hooked, but she’s just out of reach, and it feels like torture.

  A quick glance around reveals that the coast is clear, so I lean in and brush my mouth over Drew’s. When we part, I lean my head against his forehead. “What should we do?”

  “I don’t know,” he sounds so defeated.

  “There has to be a way to reach her,” I muse.

  “Should we, though?” Drew asks, “I mean, she’s making it pretty clear she wants us to leave her alone.”

  “Are you really ok with the idea of giving up on her?” I ask, calling his bluff.

  He lets out a heavy sigh of frustration. “Not even a little bit,” he admits.

  I smile. “So we don’t give up yet. We’ll figure something out.”

  He nods, and I lean in again to kiss him. He cups the back of my head, his other arm around my waist, keeping my body pressed against his.

  I hear a loud feminine gasp behind us and the two of us spring apart as if we’ve been burned.

  Standing there, in
the hallway behind us, jaw slack in shock, is Gabrielle Bennett.



  She ignores her son and turns and hurries back into the party. “Shit, shit, shit,” Drew groans, then bolts after her.

  I’m hot on his heels, but I lose him momentarily in the crowd until I hear a loud sob and a wail of “How could you?”

  A hush falls over the party and everyone turns to look. Drew’s mother is red-faced, tears trickling down her cheeks. Drew’s dad hovers nearby, looking confused and shocked by his wife’s outburst.

  “Mom, please, can we just go talk about this?” Drew asks, “We don’t have to make this a big scene.”

  “A big scene!” she throws her hands in the air, “Heaven forbid I make a scene when I find out my only son is a queer!”

  A shocked gasp ripples through the room and Drew looks like he’s just been slapped across the face. I rush to stand next to him while he tries to talk to her. “Mom-“

  Apparently all of Gabrielle’s concerns about reputation and decorum have been cast aside in the shock, and she only gets more furious. “How long have you been lying to us? Sneaking around like some kind of filthy degenerate? And that awful woman you brought here, was she-“

  “Stop it,” Drew’s voice is so sharp that Gabrielle flinches, “I’ve told you before that I won’t tolerate you talking about her like that.”

  “What difference does it make?” she snaps, “Since clearly you lied about her, too.”

  “Look, I’m sorry I lied, Mom, but obviously you can’t fucking handle this information, so of course I’ve been hiding it. I’ve been hiding it for almost ten fucking years, Mother. And you know what? I’m fucking sick of it.”

  Drew turns to address the entire room. “Don’t you dare,” his mother hisses, but he ignores her, slipping his hand into mine.

  “I’m in love with a man!” he shouts, “I am in love with Joel fucking Klein, and I’m done giving a shit what anyone else has to say about it.”

  I feel a surge of love and pride, watching him. His expression is blazing as he continues, “And that “awful woman” is an incredible human being. She is full of pure, unconditional love, and she was willing to put herself through putting up with your venom to help me,” he directs this comment at his mother, “And you know what? Joel and I are both in love with her, too, and I don’t fucking care who knows.”


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