Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3)

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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3) Page 12

by G. Bailey

  "I won't," she winks and I pull her to me, giving her a deep kiss.

  "That's one way to keep you quiet," I whisper in her ear and I enjoy feeling her shiver.

  She clears her throat making me chuckle before saying,

  "Let's get some food and I promise not to brag about beating you," she says but I know she will. I nod, keeping my arm around her waist as we sit in the eating area. We both order a hamburger and chips.

  "I love the chips here," she sighs around one.

  My phone rings as I'm about to answer and I frown seeing who it is. I told Luke about tonight, so I have no idea why he would call and it worries me.

  "Hey Luke."

  "Hey listen Arthur called and the fight tomorrow is going to be a double, so I'm with you. I thought you should know he called. It's weird even for him," Luke mutters.

  "Thanks, I'll speak to you later about this and get in the gym," I tell him. We usually spend days before the fight preparing in the gym. Working out as much as possible and I don’t like that he has dropped Luke into this.

  "Cool, will do. Have fun," Luke says and I end the call.

  "What was that about?" Allie asks and thankfully, the food comes so I have time to think if I want to tell her I'm fighting tomorrow. I don't want to lie to her, so I'm not left with much choice.

  "Well, I have a fight tomorrow; your dad just made it a double. So Luke is fighting with me," I tell her.

  She doesn't say anything, just goes pale before looking up at me across the table.

  "You don't have a choice, do you?" She asks and I nod at her taking her hand in mine.

  "I want to help but I can’t. My dad would kill you," she says shakily.

  "He would try," I reply with my words taking a more threatening tone.

  "I'm sorry," she says looking away from me. I get up from my chair, not caring who sees and turn her chin so she is looking at me.

  "None of this is your fault. I was stupid when I was younger; blaming you when I knew it had nothing to do with you. I don't want to hear you say sorry to me, again." I tell her, my tone not leaving her any chance to argue with me.

  I kiss her gently before releasing her chin and sitting back down, while she stares at me in shock.

  "Okay," she says with a small smile.

  We eat in a comfortable silence before getting in my truck.

  "So where are we going now?" she asks.

  "I'm taking you somewhere I've never taken anyone, or even told anyone about," I say being vague because I want to surprise her.

  "Thank you for trusting me," she says smiling at me and trusting me completely.

  I kiss her hand before driving again, it takes an hour before we arrive at the start of the woods and Allie frowns at me. I drive up the empty road, thankful for the large truck when we go over the massive bumps.

  "The woods? This seems like the start of a horror movie to me," she grins, she isn’t really scared. I can see it.

  "Do you trust me?" I ask her.

  "Yes," she says firmly, keeping eye contact with me.

  "Well get your fine little ass out of the car," I say handing her a big coat I had packed and a hat. She smiles sweetly, making me wonder how much trouble I'm in with this girl if a smile alone makes me happy. I put my own coat on getting out the truck and grabbing the rucksack with stuff in. I switch on the big flashlight I've brought with me, as I wait for Allie. I lock the door and put my keys in my rucksack.

  I take Allie’s hand as she comes to me and we walk slowly together into the woods. It takes about ten minutes before we get to the entrance to the cave.

  "A cave?" Allie questions. I chuckle walking in the cave with her and then I stop her near the entrance to the room I want.

  "Close your eyes," I whisper to her.

  "Fine," she mutters in stubbornness, that I like. I move away from her and switch on the fairy lights I have placed around the room. I quickly lay down the blanket and pillows from my rucksack. I go back to see her standing there and I can't help but kiss her. She gasps into my mouth and I pull away before it can go any further.

  I walk with her hand in mine, into the room and then I whisper after moving to stand behind her,

  "Open your eyes."

  I hear her gasp as she looks around at the cave. The walls seem to shine but it’s the opening above the cave is the reason we are here. It's amazing with a clear view of all the stars making the cave seem magical. I lead her to the middle of the room and we both lie down, looking up.

  "Elliot this place, it’s so beautiful," she sighs leaning back into me looking up.

  "Let's lie down," I say and we do, with her head lying on my shoulder.

  "You can see all the stars here. How did you find it?"

  "Sometimes I liked to get away when I was younger. This cave is only about an hour’s walk from the house and we own the land it’s on. I found it one day and then I used to come here all the time. I like looking at the stars, no matter how bad things were at home I knew the stars would be waiting for me here." I say trying to shake away the reason for looking for an escape in the first place.

  "I used to cook. My mum left and dad was never around. We had a nanny but she was never around and would make us horrible microwave meals. So I decided at six, I was going to learn. Cooking eventually became something I did to relax and an escape from life sometimes. Tristan is only ten months younger than me and he tried to help look after me even when it wasn’t his job. It was hard to always be alone." I take this in, I guess I never really thought what that it was like for her. I can never say I was alone, sure my mother wasn’t around and our father didn’t give a shit but I always had my brothers. They were always there for me, Harley watching over me, Seb making me laugh when I needed it and Luke reminding me what it’s like to be innocent and free. I needed that when the days were bad, and they were fucking bad at times.

  "Where is your mum?" I ask her.

  "Somewhere in Paris, I think. She doesn't care and won't see us. Tristan saw her last when he was fourteen, she came for a day but he said she left before I came back from my day out. I've wondered if it was something to do with my dad, did he scare her? I don’t know." She says in a whisper, it still echoes around the cave like all our words. I look at Allie; she is so strong and beautiful. I could lie here all night with her, just being with her gives me a peace I didn’t know I could ever have. Allie challenges me with every word out of her mouth but at the same time, she can calm me. She may not know it but I do. Allie has me, she always did and she always will.

  "Maybe but I know you’re nothing like either of them," I say gently and rolling over her so my body is pressed into hers and my arms are holding my weight up.

  "I think I can be a bitch some of the time but yeah I'm not evil, and I couldn't kill," she says.

  "I know." I say kissing her, showing her how much I care with just my mouth. She moans as I run my hand over her body covered by her coat.

  "I don't want you to catch a cold," I say stopping her hands undoing my jeans.

  "I won't," she winks pushing me onto my back. I look up as she undoes my jeans and pulls me out. I was hard the minute I kissed her earlier but this wasn't about sex for me.

  "Allie," I say when she kisses the top of my dick and making my fists clench.

  I groan as she suddenly takes me in her mouth and I run my hand through her hair as she moves up and down. Fuck she is good at this and there's no way I can hold off coming right now. I just don’t have the control when it comes to Allie, and the little minx knows it.

  As if she knows how close I am, she sucks me tighter and moves faster, as I feel my balls tighten and I throw my head back as I come hard. I'm dazed as she slides up to me licking her red lips and resting her head on my shoulder. I roll her into her back and kiss her hard, loving how she tastes like me. We are broken apart as her phone buzzes three times.

  "I should check that," she says with a grin.

  "Go on then," I say nipping her ear and rolling on my
back, looking at the stars. I used to think they were the most beautiful thing about this cave but with Allie in here it's not, she is.

  "I'm going to kill your twin," she announces, making me look back at her.

  "Should I ask why?" I laugh; I don’t want to know the answer.

  She shows me her phone which has three messages from Sebastian.

  Sebastian: I'm back tomorrow and I want chocolate cake first. Then this strawberry one I found online (I sent links).

  Sebastian: Wait make this Malteaser cake instead, that shit looks awesome.

  Sebastian Wait, hell, it doesn't matter. I can make a list on the plane. Oh, Maisy cut her foot in the pool today, thought you should know she has four stitches and antibiotics. She isn’t happy her pool time is cancelled but she told me to tell you.

  I laugh with Allie as I read them wondering about the mental state of my brother. I’m sure Maisy is fine but I know Allie likes to know she is okay.

  "I best get you back home so you can make the cakes," I say with a grin.

  "Oh, no you’re helping me; you can stay at my apartment if you want. I want to call Maisy when we are back anyway. I know I’m being silly but I worry." She says looking shy, surprising me.

  "I would love to stay and you’re not silly. With everything that happened to Izzy and Maisy, even I am feeling protective of them. Maisy is like a sister to you, I get it, “I say honestly, I was so fucking worried about Izzy when everything happened to her, I struggled with accepting my new sister until I realise how much I love her. I’m actually looking forward to watching Allie cook, now I think about it and getting to stay over at hers is a bonus. I’m glad she moved out of her father’s home. Not that he ever stays there. That’s why none of us were worried when Izzy became friends with Allie and Started staying over. Arthur was never home and if he was, Allie wouldn’t have let Izzy come over.

  "Thank you for this, I’ll never forget a third date like this and you get your reward when we are home," she says in a seductive tone and gently kisses me.

  "I will never forget it because it's with you," I tell her against her lips.

  "You always had me, Cookie," she laughs when I pull her to the ground and tickle her for using that fucking nickname. I laugh myself and I can't remember the last time I was ever this happy.

  Chapter Eighteen


  All the things I've heard about The Cage in town run through my mind as Tristan drives me there. I've heard about the deadly fights, that it looks like a big nightclub with rooms in the back to have sex in. I've heard about the amount of drugs that you can find there and the kind of people who go there to fuck or fight. None of it scares me more than the fact Elliot is the one fighting tonight with his brother at his side. It took me half-an-hour to convince Tristan to take me and he only did because he knew I would go alone if he didn't. Elliot doesn't know I'm going to be here tonight and I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with seeing him hurt but I can't sit at home and pretend it isn't happening. I care too much now.

  "Please change your mind," Tris begs me, pulling my attention to him.

  "No, I have to be there and I’m sure my dad will like the idea of me seeing more of his Cage. He isn’t in the country so I won’t see him there and if he asks, I will tell him I wanted to see who Elliot really was. I'll tell him Elliot scared me and hopefully, he should leave Elliot alone," I say while he is shaking his head at me, muttering about stubborn women.

  I snort to myself because Tris is just as stubborn as I am.

  It's not long before we pull into a long dirt road, which leads to a car park with a massive warehouse behind it. Looking at the worn down warehouse, you wouldn’t ever think what lies underneath it. It’s the perfect hiding place.

  "It's so quiet," I say but Tris ignores me by getting out the car. I walk next to him through the parked cars and I see how tense he is. He stops suddenly and turns to me.

  "Stay close and don't do anything stupid. Fuck this reminds me of that blonde friend of yours. No wonder you two are friends," he says and I scowl at him, wondering what the hell he is speaking about. I don't get time to ask before he is walking again and I follow.

  Tris says nothing to the massive man standing by the big door, who just glances at us before looking away quickly. I stay close to Tris as he opens a door to a small corridor and there is a large metal door at the end. I can hear a slight bit of music as we get near; Tris opens the door and waves me in. The loud music blasts in my ears as soon as the door is opened, it’s worse than any club I’ve been too. The heat from the room makes me feel sick but I look around anyway. There’s a massive metal cage in the middle of the room that you can't miss and my heart screams then I see Elliot on the floor with a giant of a man straddling him. I rush forward through the crowd, shoving people out the way, forgetting about everything until I hit the metal barrier, with screaming girls either side of me. I can reach out to grab the bars but Elliot is still so far away.

  Elliot gets hit in the face twice, while I want to scream but I stand in shock. Luke suddenly appears next to him and kicks the giant dude in the head and he falls off Elliot with a snack on the floor. I was hopeful that's the end of the fight but it looks like the giant has a bigger brother who looks pissed off and is walking slowly over to the boys. Elliot glances at Luke, who nods backing away and I watch as Elliot smirks and gestures for the giant to come here. The giant charges and Elliot pulls back with one large punch into the giants face's that makes him stagger a little but Elliot doesn't waste time and kicks him hard on his right knee. I hear the bone snap as he cries out in pain. Luke comes next kicking the other leg just as hard and he collapses. Elliot kicks him one more time in the face and it's clear who the winners are. The crowd around me goes wild, screaming Elliot's and Luke’s name. I watch as they both walk out the back just as Tris finds me and drags me back to a nearby bar.

  "I told you not to go far, that meant not running into a fucking crowd," he says tensely and then orders himself a beer. I order a large vodka and tell them to hold the ice. As I down my drink for courage, I text Elliot, knowing he is going to go ape but I need to see him.

  Me: I'm at The Cage, at one of the bars. I'm going to dance, find me x

  My phone buzzes a little bit later after my second vodka,

  Elliot: Be there soon. You have a lot to explain before I take your ass home, angel x

  I tell Tris I'm going to dance and he nods, understanding that in the middle of the dance floor is the only place it's safe for Elliot to talk to me in here. Tris said earlier that he doesn't have cameras on the dance floor and my dad is away anyway but I don't want to take the chance. I start dancing, enjoying the music and moving my hips slowly, hoping Elliot will get here soon. I need to feel him and know for myself that he is okay. Arms wrap around my waist from behind and I go to push them away when I realise it's Elliot's big chest pushed against my back and I'd recognise him anywhere. We don't say anything as we dance and he turns me so I'm looking up at him and kisses me till I'm breathless. His hands stay on my hips, despite my desperation to feel them roam all over me.

  "You’re coming home with me, I will meet you outside. Don't worry; I will be in the car, so your dad won't know it’s me because I usually bring my bike. Tell Tris," he says before he leaves me confused and needy on the dance floor. I sigh walking over to Tris,

  "I'm leaving with Elliot so I will call you, thanks for tonight," I say loud enough for him to hear.

  "Sure be careful, I will walk you out," he says, following me to the car park. I see Elliot straight away in Luke’s jeep, so I guess Luke must have given him a lift.

  "Be careful," Tris says before leaving and I open the door getting in.

  "Hey," I say as I put on my seatbelt but Elliot only nods and drives fast away from the Cage. I glance at him, seeing the bruises on his cheek but overall he doesn't look too bad. I never really noticed but he has a little dip on the side of his nose, where I guess it must have been broken at some point.

  "You okay?" I ask but he doesn't reply, he does eventually just nod at me.

  I'm worried now, as he seems tense and I would be an idiot not to realise why he is mad.

  "I was safe, Tris was there."

  "I know," he says tensely but still doesn't look at me. We pull up at his house and he opens my door for me and takes my hand leading me into the house.

  "Hey, Harley, I bet you will be glad when Seb and Maisy are back tonight," I say as Elliot drags me gently behind him up the stairs. Harley is walking down looking tired with a sleepy Jake on his shoulder. I know their flight was at eleven, so they should be back in a few hours.

  "Hey Allie, babies don't sleep do they?" He jokes while I laugh a little, thankful that Elliot has stopped.

  "Sorry Harley," Elliot says before he lifts me over his shoulder and continues walking.

  "Bye," I mutter to Harley who laughs walking back down the stairs.

  "I can walk," I say loudly and smacking Elliot’s ass. Holy cows, it only hurts my hand with how firm his ass is. Elliot doesn't respond but throws me onto his bed.

  Elliot pushes himself over me grabbing my wrists and I hear the clink of handcuffs snap. He leans back with a frown.

  "Right, now you can't move, want to tell me why the hell you came to the fucking Cage tonight?" he asks, glaring at me.

  "Why do you think?" I ask, avoiding looking at him. The bastard tied me up and I’m not answering his questions.

  "Honestly, I think it was a crazy fucking move. Anyone of your dad’s friends could have seen you and told him. He isn't a stupid man, Allie. He would put two and two together, and work out you were there to see me,"

  I glare right back at him hating how he knows he is right.

  "I couldn't stand the thought of you hurt. I had to see what happened," I say. I watch as he moves off the bed and stands at the end looking at me. I try not to wriggle under his intense gaze.

  “Do you think I want you to see me like that? In that place where I have killed men. I have killed people Allie, sometimes because I didn’t have a choice or sometimes because I hit them too hard. What if I lost that fight? What if you had to watch that?” he rants on, pacing like a caged animal at the end of his bed.


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