Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3)

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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3) Page 20

by G. Bailey

  There's a massive queue when I turn up, making me smile knowing how happy this will make my Elliot. I know my name is on the VIP list and huge bouncer just smiles as he lets me in.

  The blast of loud music hits me when I walk in, as well as the heat from the amount of people in here. I can see the bar, which is lit up from some cool lights Elliot had fitted into the glass. It changes colour from red to green as I look around.

  I know the dance floor is behind the bar and there are people littered on tables with stools in front of me. I spot the staircase in the corner with a bouncer at the bottom, so I know that's the VIP lounge where everyone else is. The bouncer checks me off his list before letting me past and I walk up the spiral staircase. The room upstairs has a bar on the one side and black leather sofas facing over the glass partition, which looks over the dancers on the dance floor.

  I see Luke and Emilia talking near the end of the bar. I nearly don't recognise Emilia in a sweet little pink dress; it's not too tight but shows how amazing she looks under those hoodies she always wears. I walk over stopping when I realise Emilia is shouting.

  "No! You don't understand anything, Luke," she says while Luke leans into her, so they are only a breath away.

  "I know you felt, what I did. So why didn't you tell them that? Why the hell won’t you talk to me?" He shouts back, gaining a little attention from people around them.

  "I didn't feel anything. It was just one night, get over it Luke." She replies loudly, her teeth gritted together in anger.

  "I want to help you and don't lie to me," Luke says loudly but more gently. Emilia storms off, not even seeing me as Luke watches her go.

  Luke smiles at me before walking away, leaving me wondering what the hell happened then. I look around finally spotting the man I came to see.

  Elliot is standing at the bar chatting to some man in a suit and hasn't noticed me yet, giving me time to look him over. He looks so hot in black chinos and a simple black shirt. I watch as he plays with his cuff links before picking up his drink, nodding at the man talking to him. His green eyes look around until they land on me and even in the dark room, with the music blasting, everything goes still. Elliot's lips go into a smirk before he speaks the man in front of him quickly and leaving his drink to walk over to me. I lean my head up at the same time he gets to me and his large hands wind into my hair, pulling my face into a smouldering kiss. When we finally break away, our bodies are pushed against each other and I can feel he wants me as much as I want him.

  "Allie, you look beautiful," he says like a secret whisper.

  "Thank you," I reply, with a blush that I'm sure he can see, even in the dark.

  "It makes me want to bend you over one of those sofa’s and fuck you in front of everyone, so they know who you belong to," he whispers in my ear.

  "I might let you, Cookie," I say back, running my hands up his chest.

  "You two should get a room," Blake says interrupting whatever Elliot was going to say back to me. I turn smiling at Izzy and Blake who have just arrived.

  "We will," Elliot all but growls making me chuckle.

  "Izzy your boobs look great in that dress," I say with a whistle. Izzy is wearing a tight red dress with a bow in the middle pushing up her breasts making them look huge. Her hair is up in a bun with curls hanging out.

  Eliot coughs hiding a laugh and Izzy just winks at me.

  "I agree," Blake says pulling Izzy into his arms. They start kissing, so I turn around as Elliot pulls me to him.

  "I have something to show you, let's go," he winks and walks us out down the stairs. When we get to the front door, Elliot whispers something to the bouncer who nods and then we are walking across the empty street.

  "Where are we going? It's your opening night," I say pulling on his hand. I'm glad it's not too cold out, even this time of year.

  "It's a surprise and we will go back," he says, letting go of my hand to put his arm around my waist and pull him me to his side. I'm a little surprised when we get to his apartment and I wait as he unlocks the door. Elliot switches the lights on, tugging on my hand so I follow him into the bedroom.

  "If the surprise is your cock, well I've seen that before," I joke making Elliot laugh.

  "No but we will be seeing to my cock issues before we leave," he says winking at me. I laugh surprised by his joke.

  "I think I'm rubbing off on you," I say while Elliot opens one of the very large wardrobes at the side of his bed.

  "Come here," he says and I move in front of him, wondering what the hell he is doing. My mouth literally drops open at the sight of all my clothes in his wardrobe. My shoes are lined up at the bottom too.

  "Elliot, why did you?" I say stopping when he turns me to look at him.

  "Your moving in with me, well I've moved you in already," he says with a cheeky grin.

  "You didn't want to ask me first?" I ask him, tilting my head to the side.

  "I knew the answer," he answers, moving forward so out bodies are almost touching.

  "You’re a cocky man, Elliot King" I say through a smile, loving the fact that I now live with the man I love but I won't tell him that straight away.

  "But you love me," he whispers before kissing me. My dress is soon removed as well as Elliot's clothes before I'm standing in front of him in only my heels.

  "Those fucking sexy shoes stay on while I fuck you," Elliot tells me before picking me up and pushing me against the wall. I gasp in pleasure as he picks me up. His lips push into mine as he enters me quickly, making me moan out with the feeling of him.

  We don't go back to his club that night because we both don’t leave our bedroom.

  Chapter Thirty


  "Want some help with that?" Harley asks while sitting in the kitchen, as I tape up the last box.

  "Nah, I can carry two at a time old man," I joke while Harley gently punches me on the arm.

  "Go on then you cheeky shit," he laughs going back to his paperwork. There are only four boxes left of my clothes and general stuff I haven't had time to collect before. I smile remembering Allie leaving my bed this morning, to pack some more stuff at her old apartment. I go to open the door at a weird angle and managing not to drop a box. I walk out and to my surprise there's a hand in the air that narrowly misses my face.

  "Shit," I say as one of the boxes drops to the floor.

  "I'm so sorry," A girl says, causing me to finally look at her. I don't recognise her; she has light red hair that looks long, up in a ponytail. She is wearing a black coat and dark jeans; she has a light tan which doesn't look fake. She is pretty and I fucking hope she isn’t a one night stand that’s came back for one of my brothers.

  "Who are you?" I ask bluntly, causing her to straighten up a little.

  "I'm looking for Izzy," she asks looking behind me. Izzy is actually here for once. She stayed over last night with Blake but I'm not sure if I should call her before I know who this is.

  "Who's that?" Izzy says behind me and I move aside so she can see. The next thing that happens is I'm pushed out the way by my little sister causing me to drop the other box this time, I hear a loud smash.

  For fuck’s sake.

  Izzy is hugging this girl, while the girl has a big smile on her face that I can see.

  "Tilly, what the hell are you doing here so early?" Izzy asks pulling back to look at her friend.

  "Long story," Tilly mutters.

  "I knew you would drop one," Harley says with a laugh as he comes in the now getting cramped hallway.

  "Who's this?" He asks looking at Tilly, with a look I haven’t seen before. Tilly looks star struck as she stares back at Harley before Izzy clears her throat making everyone look at her.

  "I kind of need a place to stay. Just for a few weeks until I find somewhere. My family aren't moving here for two months," she says to Izzy who smiles widely.

  "You can stay with me," she says.

  "Sorry beauty, she can't. Allie’s room is already rented out just yes
terday. I forgot to tell you," Blake says coming to stand next to Izzy, while Tilly looks him up and down.

  "Good choice," she whispers to Izzy, making her laugh.

  "She can stay here, Elliot's room is empty now and we have others," Harley says making everyone look toward him but his gaze never leaves Tilly.

  "I can stay in a hotel. I don't want to put any of you out," she says looking very nervous.

  "I insist," Harley says and I see Tilly nod.

  "Well thanks, I will pay you rent of course," she says.

  "No, you won't. Izzy can sort out bed sheets for you," Harley says with one more look at Tilly before walking away.

  "Hey big man, I will," Tilly shouts and I hear a chuckle from Harley in the kitchen.

  "Well, it's nice to meet you’ Tilly. Izzy had told me about you since she came here," I say holding out a hand for her to shake.

  "You must be, Elliot," she smiles shaking my hand.

  "I'm Blake but you've guessed that," Blake smiles.

  "Yeah and the fact that missy over here has sent me pictures of everyone, that was Harley right?" She says gesturing the kitchen area.

  "Yes but tell me all about France and why you’re here early," Izzy is practically bouncing up and down in excitement now.

  "Come on then," Tilly smiles but it looks a little forced.

  "I will help you," Blake laughs coming over to pick a box up while I get the other one.

  "I think something is broke," Blake says as he puts the box in my boot.

  "Ah well," I mutter pushing my own box in and heading back for the other two.

  "Want to come to the gym with me? I don't think I will be spending the day with Izzy like planned," Blake says with a smirk.

  "Sure. Meet you there in an hour?"

  "Later man," Blake says before walking back inside. I get the other two boxes before driving back to our apartment. I find Allie in the kitchen, singing to the radio while stirring something in a pot on the cooker. She is just wearing one of my shirts, that falls to her knees and she looks way too hot in my clothes.

  "Hey you," she says looking over her shoulder at me as I put my keys on the side.

  "Hey," I say wrapping my arms around her from behind and kissing her cheek.

  "Get everything you needed?" She asks.

  "Yeah. Izzy’s friend Tilly just turned up and is staying in my room for a bit," I tell her.

  "Wow, Tilly is here already? I can't wait to meet her," Allie says turning off the cooker and turning to face me.

  "She seems nice," I say thinking about how Harley looked at her. If I didn't know my brother better I would say he was interested but I know Harley doesn't date.

  "Hmm well Luke invited himself over to watch a movie tonight," Allie says making me chuckle.

  "Let me guess, he knows you’re cooking,"

  "Yeah, he does. Sebastian has found out too. and is coming over with Maisy and Jake," she laughs.

  "I can help you cook if you want,"

  "I don't want anything burnt, thank you, Cookie,"

  "We really need to get you a new nickname for me," I growl picking her up and she wraps her legs around my waist.

  "I like Cookie, one taste of a cookie and you know it tastes as delicious as it looks," she licks her lips and I grin at her.

  "Uh-huh," I say undoing the buttons on her shirt.

  "I have to finish cooking," she wriggles in my arms, trying to get down.

  "I have to persuade you to call me, Elliot. I think making you scream my name a few times might help," I say kissing her strongly and pushing her back onto the couch.

  It doesn't take long till Allie screams my name and I know she won't give up my annoying nickname because in a way I like it. I won't admit that to her, I will never hear the end of it.



  "What do you think?" Tilly asks Izzy when she walks into the kitchen, where I'm sitting holding a beer. I don't hear Izzy’s response as I can't stop staring at Tilly. Her shiny red hair is half up with the rest in spirals down her open back. She is wearing a green dress that makes her green eyes shine. Her eyes look over at me with the same interest, that I can't help but notice how fucking hot she looks.

  What the hell was I thinking inviting a very hot girl to live with me?

  I don't do relationships or anything other than one night with girls. I haven't since I was eighteen and I don't plan to change my life for this pretty siren in front of me.

  "Come on we are leaving, man," Luke pats me on the back knocking me from my gaze on Tilly. I really haven’t got a clue how long I just stared at her.

  We all get in the mini-bus that takes us to my brothers Elliot's club in town. The club has only been open two weeks and is a massive success for Elliot. I'm not surprised seeing how it’s the only nightclub in this small town and it's a bit of a drive to the main city.

  I look over at Tilly, who is sitting in front of me gazing out the window. Izzy and Blake are sat behind me and I don't want to look back to see them kissing.

  I pull my gaze away from Tilly, even if it's damn hard to. Luke clears his throat and looks at me with a clear question on his face.

  "What?" I say.

  "She is hot," Luke whispers nodding to Tilly. I love my brother but the urge to punch him is high right now. My fists tighten and I have to force my breathing to slow. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  I can't be jealous.

  "Dude, it's you she has been looking at since she moved in. I don't have a chance but you do," Luke whispers. I don't reply to him but my eyes look back at Tilly for a moment too long and she catches my eyes when she turns. We both stare at each other and it's broken by the cab stopping. Luke opens the door and everyone gets out. I hand a load of cash to the driver, who smiles saying thanks as he takes it.

  We head straight in, thanks to the bouncer who recognises us. I go straight to the bar needing a drink and maybe some random girl for the night to get thoughts of Tilly out of my god damn mind. I can’t date my little sister’s best friend, not without her attempting to plan a wedding or trying to kill me. It doesn’t matter anyway, Tilly clearly is hiding something, I’ve hid many secrets from everyone for years and its written all over her face that she has secrets.

  My brothers leave me alone after I ignore them to have more drinks. I don’t even like to drink much, it’s better to be on guard all the time.

  Losing count of how many beers I have been drinking, I look around the dance floor before my eyes spot a flash of red hair. My feet are moving before I can stop myself and I stop just next to Tilly as she dances. Her hips are swaying side to side looking unbelievably sexy and she seems in her own world as my hands wrap around her tiny waist, pulling her back to my chest. She stiffens instantly and I whisper in her ear,

  "Only me siren. I couldn't help but want a dance," I feel her shiver at my voice before she turns around and we start dancing to the music.

  Everything fades away as we stare at each other; our bodies are pulled close together forcing me to feel her soft curves.

  I'm taken back when she leans up and kisses me. Our lips meet and I groan at how sweet she tastes. As quick as it started, she pulls away and then leans up to whisper in my ear.

  "Thanks for a memory I won't forget. I needed an escape, even for just a second,"

  When I look down at her, she is gone and I am stood in the middle of the dance floor wondering what the hell happened and why it feels like I'm not going be able to escape her ever again.


  Thank you for reading my book and I want to thank every single person that reads any of my books. I wouldn’t have got this far if it wasn’t for your amazing support. I’m just a person who loves reading and hoped that someone would like the stories in her head.

  So thank you!

  Harley’s Fall (The King Brother’s Series book four) doesn’t have a release date yet but I’m hoping for early 2018.

  If you could leave a review, I would love you for it.
Reviews are amazing!

  Come and say hello on my Facebook page, Twitter or my website listed below. I post teasers, new covers and some giveaways on my Facebook group, Bailey’s Pack.

  I also have a newsletter, an easy way to keep up with new releases- http://eepurl.com/cV3BBb




  Check out my other series and the first book, Winter’s Guardian, which I have added to end of this book.

  Thank you!


  The blue sided human will choose a side.

  When four princes are born, on the same day, they will rule true.

  Her saviour will die when the choice is made.

  If she chooses wrong, she will fall.

  If she chooses right, then she will rule.

  Only her mates can stop her from the destruction of all.

  If the fates allow, no one need fall.

  For the true kings only hold her fate, and they will be her mates.

  “The prophecy has come true. I found out that the vampire, angel and witches’ royal sons were born yesterday.” My sister says to me, a look of worry on her faultless face as I hold my little baby closer to me.

  I look down at the sweet little boy, the new shifter prince, my son. His green eyes are glowing as he looks up at me like he holds the entire earth in his sweet eyes.

  “Then it’s true. The goddess planned this all.” I say in a whisper.

  “We must make sure they are close. Despite our wars and disagreements, the children should grow up together.” She tells me.

  “We have a lot of planning to do sister. You are right, if they have any chance of winning the human’s heart. They must be united.” I reply staring down at my little boy.

  “Yes, my queen.” My sister bows her head at me and leaves the room. If only I could protect my child from the responsibility he now has on his tiny shoulders.


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