The Design

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The Design Page 24

by R.S. Grey

  He laughed, but when my hand didn’t budge, he stuck his out to join mine.

  “I do solemnly pinky swear,” he said with a sincere tone.

  “Cammie!” Brooklyn yelled from her bathroom. “Jesus, stop scaring off my fiancé and come get dressed!”

  “I’m watching you, Monroe,” I teased, as I pointed the same pinky from my eye to his, then moved to step past him.

  He laughed. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  After that, Brooklyn and her makeup artist rushed to help me change into my dress and touch up my makeup and hair. I was wearing my favorite color: a deep royal blue. The dress was stretchy and easy to move in. The hem cut off at mid-thigh and the strapless bodice was fitted with a hidden corset so that I didn’t have to worry about pulling it up all night. I was borrowing some of Brooklyn’s cream-colored Louboutin heels that I’d worn dozens of times before. I mean, they were basically mine at this point.

  Since the hairstylist had curled my hair earlier, I left off a necklace in favor of layering gold bangles on my wrist. It offered a little bohemian touch to an otherwise fancy outfit.

  “You look gorgeous!” Brooklyn said, meeting my eye in the mirror.

  I laughed, unable to fully look at her without going blind. Literally. She looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing an ivory Grecian-inspired dress that was belted around her waist with embroidered crystals. Her hair was down, just like mine, and the only accessory she needed was the giant rock sitting on her left ring finger: a princess cut stone that was big enough to knock someone out. Good work, Monroe.

  “Ready?” I asked, taking her hand in mine.

  She smiled and nodded. “Let’s go.”


  I stood in the corner of the room, sipping on a glass of champagne and watching as Brooklyn and Jason moved around the room and greeted guests. I smiled at the way Jason looked at Brooklyn with stars in his eyes. He was completely enamored and I knew that my sister was in good hands.

  A waiter circled by me with a tray of delicious smelling hors d’oeuvres and I shook my head, knowing that I couldn’t stomach any food until I saw Grayson. He was due to arrive any minute, but every time the door opened, I’d feel a pang of disappointment as another one of Brooklyn or Jason’s friends stepped inside instead of him.

  “Have you tried the salmon balls yet? They are fucking amazing,” Summer said, joining me in the corner with two champagne flutes.

  “Not yet. But, oh, I already have a drink,” I said, holding up my champagne.

  She laughed. “Don't flatter yourself little C, these are both for me.”

  I laughed and shook my head. Summer had worked for Brooklyn for years but her shock factor had yet to wear off for me.

  “There aren't many eligible guys here tonight. I mean, that waiter is pretty hot, but I gave up waiters for Lent,” she said, waggling her eyebrows at the young waiter across the room.

  I thought about her comment for a second. “Summer… Lent isn’t going on right now. What are you talking about?”

  Her eyes lit up and a slow smile broke out across her lips. “If you’ll just excuse me then,” she said, all but bee lining for the spiky haired waiter she’d been ogling for the last few minutes. Just as she reached him, the door to Brooklyn’s apartment opened and more guests flooded in.

  There was an older couple that walked in first, leaning on one another for support. After them, I recognized Brooklyn’s manager, strolling in on his cell phone, probably trying to cram in five more minutes of work. He continued on the phone while reaching for a glass of champagne as it passed by him on a tray. Impressive. I watched him for another second before a glimpse of dark brown hair pulled my attention back to the open door.


  I froze and stared as he walked through the door. It’d been over two months since I’d last seen him but it felt like no time had passed at all. He looked just as handsome as he had when I’d left him at the airport. He was wearing a navy suit with polished brown shoes. A crisp white shirt lay beneath a fitted jacket that he filled out oh so well. His lips were spread into a wide, easy smile, and his dimples were just as appealing as they’d been two months ago.

  I took a step forward to greet him, and then my eyes finally fell to his side, to the petite redhead touching his arm.

  He brought a date to Brooklyn’s engagement party?

  He brought a freaking date?!

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  I managed to pull it together as best as I could as Grayson strolled around the party with his date, introducing her to anyone he could find. I stood against the wall, watching them and trying to recall whether or not I knew any spells or hexes off the top of my head, before remembering I wasn't a witch. How hard could it be? Surely Brooklyn had a voodoo doll or some eye of newt lying around somewhere.

  He finally looked my way and I froze. The petite redhead was trying to get his attention, pulling hard on his arm, but he held my gaze for a moment. I recognized the cool indifference in his eyes from my days at Cole Designs, but I wasn’t prepared to see it aimed at me.

  I cocked a brow and raised my glass in a silent salute. Well played, asshole. He narrowed his eyes and turned back to his date. Adrenaline had flushed through me when our eyes locked, but when he turned away, I was left with the aftereffects. My hands were shaking and my mouth felt dry. If my champagne flute had been cheaper, I would have already shattered it into a million pieces.

  “Cammie, are you almost ready to give your speech?” Brooklyn asked, coming to stand beside me. “I think most everyone is here, so we should get started.”

  “Yes. Perfect. Great. Let’s do that speech now,” I said, scanning the room for any eligible bachelors I could pay to be my date for the night. There was a fourteen-year-old kid playing Nintendo DS on Brooklyn’s couch. Hmm… I could tell Grayson he’s a prodigy with that Benjamin Button disease so he ages backwards. Yeah, that could work.

  “Cammie? Are you good? I saw that Grayson brought a date, and if you don’t want to do the speech, you can just—”

  I laughed a twisted sort of laugh and then waved her off. “Oh, please. I totally have this,” I said, whipping out the folded piece of paper I’d used to jot down the important points of the speech. It’d been wedged between my boobs and was now a little damp, thanks to Grayson’s holy hotness making me sweat.

  “Oh, um, alright then,” Brooklyn said, trying to decipher my erratic mood.

  I ignored her and made eye contact with Summer so that I could give her the go-ahead to get started. Why not give the speech now? The sooner I said my spiel, the sooner I could get the hell out of there.

  “Ladies, and gentlemen,” Summer yelled, clanking her champagne flute a little too hard. “If you’ll give us your attention, the maid of honor and the best man would each like to give a short speech in honor of the bride and groom to start off tonight’s party.”

  Best man? I hadn’t realized he was giving a speech as well. I scanned the room, wondering which one of Jason’s friends he’d chosen for the coveted spot. Maybe Derek or another friend from Montana?

  When Grayson stepped forward through the crowd, beelining in my direction, I had to force myself to close my gaping mouth.

  Oh, hell freaking no. Jason made Grayson his best man? Bastard.

  “Cammie?” Brooklyn murmured beneath her breath. “Say something.”

  Everyone’s eyes had turned to me after Summer’s introduction and I’d yet to make a move. I cleared my throat and stared down at my sweaty notecards just as Grayson fell into place beside me. His suit jacket brushed my skin as he spun around to face the crowd and I almost reached out to push him two feet away from me. The scent of his aftershave hit me and I closed my eyes, trying to compose myself as best as possible.

  “Right, so, hello,” I stammered, forcing my gaze up to meet the crowd. “I’m Cameron Heart, Brooklyn’s sister and I’ll be giving a speech… um, right now.”

  My palms were sweating so badly that I
was forced to wipe them on my dress.

  “They know you’re giving a speech,” Grayson whispered.

  I shot him a death stare, but he shrugged it off, offering a diplomatic smile to the crowd. Asshole. Asshole. Asshole.

  “As some of you may know, Brooklyn and Jason had quite the whirlwind romance,” I began, smiling over to where Brooklyn and Jason were wrapped around one another, listening intently. “They were both content to work on their solo careers. They weren’t looking for someone to stand next to on stage, but their record label had a different plan for them.

  “You see, I spoke with Brooklyn just after she and Jason met for the first time. It was an awkward encounter to say the least, but I knew she was enamored by him. Jason was a challenge for Brooklyn, something she wasn’t used to. As many of you know, she’s good at getting what she wants.”

  I paused while the crowd laughed.

  “Sounds like someone else I know,” Grayson whispered just loud enough for me to hear over the laughter. I tried to ignore him.

  “In the beginning, I was worried that Jason would break my sister’s heart. All signs pointed to him being a musician with a big following and an even bigger ego, but Jason took me by surprise. He loved my sister fiercely, despite their rocky start. And in the end, he showed her just how loyal, passionate, and long-lasting his love for her was.”

  Grayson cut in, “And she was smart enough to give him a second chance when she knew he deserved it.”

  I shot him a glance while trying to keep my cool. A few guests laughed, but most of them were too confused to do anything but stare at us. I will not let Grayson ruin my speech.

  “Pardon the interruption. Anyway, I brought a little something to read for you all. It’s a letter Jason gave to me on the day I graduated from college. He’d shown up at the ceremony to surprise my sister and at that point, I was still doing my best to protect her from him. This letter was his way of letting me know I could trust him. So, here goes:

  “‘Dear Cammie,

  I propose an alliance.

  You care for your sister, you stick up for her through thick and thin, and you always want what’s best for her, but now you aren’t alone. I’m going to love Brooklyn every second of every day. Every time you think she needs someone in her corner, I’ll be there, standing by her side and putting her needs before my own.

  I plan on asking your sister to marry me soon, but by asking for her hand in marriage, I’m also asking for your approval. I’ve never had a little sister and I’m sure it’ll take some time for me to get it right, but I’m prepared to put in the work. The Heart sisters are more than worth it.

  Let me know if you accept my proposal. We’d make a pretty great team. We could even have nicknames. How about C-Stacks and J-Money?

  PS. Don’t tell your sister. I want the proposal to be a surprise.’”

  I folded the note back up and glanced at Jason. He had tears in the corner of his eyes and a giant smile on his lips. I knew I’d made the right decision in reading the letter.

  “Obviously, I accept your alliance,” I told him. The room erupted in laughter and I held up my glass of champagne. “Jason, welcome to the family. I’m so happy you found my sister. Cheers!”

  All the guests clinked their champagne flutes together and took little sips. My nerves were shot and I’d kept in my tears as best as I could. The worst part was over… and then Grayson stepped forward and I realized that I wasn't out of the clear just yet.

  “The thing that I admire about Brooklyn and Jason is that they both fought for their love,” he began, his deep voice commanding the room. “Some of you may not know, but the two of them faced quite a few obstacles in the beginning of their relationship. They had more than enough opportunities to walk away when the going got tough, but they stayed and fought for their relationship. Not everyone chooses to do that,” he said, his gaze cutting over to me. I get it, Grayson. I hear you loud and clear.

  “Yes. But luckily, Jason and Brooklyn didn't have any truly divisive problems,” I clarified, smiling out toward the crowd. Had I really just said that out loud?

  There was a moment of silence and then he spoke up again.

  “No,” Grayson argued. “When you love someone you don’t flee the country. You stay and you fight.”

  By this point, the crowd was starting to get confused.

  “Is this still part of the toast?” an elderly woman whispered to her friend beside me. A few other guests cleared their throats or coughed, proving that we were straying a little too far off topic.

  “Yes, but Jason didn’t just let her go. He flew all the way to LA to get Brooklyn back,” I retorted with a giant fake smile. The crowd sighed at the sweet gesture.

  “Yes and what a way to show his devotion to her,” Grayson agreed, before veering off topic again. “But maybe if Brooklyn had flown halfway across the world without so much as a courtesy call to let Jason know she’d arrived safely, he would have thought twice about following her.”

  “Jason loved Brooklyn enough to follow her anywhere,” I argued, turning to face him so he could see my built up fury.

  “Yes, but I doubt Brooklyn told Jason that their love was just a game,” he answered, taking a step toward me so that his fiery blue eyes were only a few inches away from mine.

  “Well, I bet Jason would have been smart enough not to bring a date with him. I mean, seriously Grayson, what the hell—

  “Alright, well,” Summer yelled over me, panic written across her face. “Wow! I don’t know about you guys, but I have never heard such sweet toasts before. I mean, wow, so much love. So let’s just, everyone, raise your glasses to the bride and groom!”

  Half of the room raised their glasses to Summer’s toast, and the other half continued to gape at Grayson and me, confused about what the hell had just happened.

  I felt my cheeks redden with the embarrassment of ruining Brooklyn and Jason’s night. I should have kept my mouth shut, but Grayson had a way of bringing out my passionate side. Without a word, I moved toward the door of Brooklyn’s condo and dropped my champagne glass on a table on the way out. I needed to leave. Brooklyn would understand. She’d probably even feel better once I was gone.

  The night should have been completely about her and I’d just nearly ruined the whole thing. What had I been thinking? Did I honestly think Grayson was going to waltz into the party and beg to get back together with me? Had I thought he’d welcome me back to the states with open arms? I’d left him at the airport and he had every right to hate me for it.

  I flew down the stairs, skipping the elevator in favor of a quicker, more private getaway. Once I hit the bottom level, I pushed through the exit door, wrapped my arms around my chest, and inhaled the chilly night air.

  It’s done.

  He’s with a new girl.

  Drop it.

  Fuck. He’s with a new girl.

  “I have to admit, that was an all-time low, even for me,” a voice spoke behind me.

  I spun around to see Grayson standing in the open doorway, his mouth hitched up in a half-smile. He must have followed me down the stairs, but I hadn’t noticed his footsteps.

  “I can’t believe we just did that,” I replied. “I mean, of all the times to get into a fight.”

  “It needed to happen,” he said, stepping out of the doorway and letting the heavy metal door shut behind him. “But that wasn’t how I had it planned.”

  I nodded. The blame was definitely a burden we’d have to share.

  I took a seat on the edge of an abandoned wooden palette near the backdoor. We were alone in the small alley next to Brooklyn’s condominium building. A lone streetlamp afforded us a gentle layer of light, just enough so that when Grayson took a seat beside me, I could see his subtle frown.

  “I wasn’t prepared to see you with another girl,” I admitted, keeping my gaze on the layers of brick across the alley. “I could have handled it better.”

  He nodded, taking a while to respond. “That wa
s a dumb move on my part.”

  “Does she mean something to you?” I asked, peering over at him from the corner of my eye.

  “The girl? No,” he answered, picking up a stray rock from the ground and tossing it along the concrete as if he were skipping it on water. “I met her in the elevator on the way up and just stuck by her after we walked in just in case you had a date. I think she’s Jason’s cousin or something.”

  “Are you serious?” I asked.

  He laughed and nodded, staring down at the ground in shame.

  I nodded slowly, processing his message at the same time that my brain bombarded me with questions. I had so much I wanted to know and yet, it felt good to just sit beside him in silence. I knew the moment was fleeting. As soon as we began to talk, I’d inevitably ruin whatever peace temporarily hung over us. He must have felt the same way because for the next few minutes, the two of us just sat on that palette and stared out into the alley. I listened to the passing cars, the chattering groups of people as they walked by, and the way the wood creaked whenever we shifted our weight. It was a moment I’d be able to hang on to when I was alone later, one last moment of peace with Grayson by my side.

  I dropped a finger to the dirt and made circles, realizing it was time to tell him the truth.

  “I think a part of me thought you’d come to Paris. I even waited by the Eiffel Tower thinking that if I went there every day at the same time, eventually one day you would be there,” I admitted, feeling tears burning the corners of my eyes.

  “I wanted to be there, Cammie. I bought three tickets, but each one inevitably went unused,” he replied with defeat.

  “Why didn’t you come?” I asked, watching my finger creating circles in the dirt.

  “There were a lot of reasons, but most of all there was the fear that you’d reject me once I arrived. You didn’t exactly leave me much hope at the end.”

  I cringed at the memory of walking away from him at the airport.

  “Anyway, did you like it? Paris?” he asked.

  I wanted to tell him the truth, but instead a lie came out.


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