Agent Eve

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Agent Eve Page 3

by Julie Huleux

  “He’s going to like this,” she smiled ironically.

  The black van stopped soundlessly in a street close to the small courtyard with the trash cans, and the sliding door opened without anymore fuss.

  With a gaping shirt and a man’s jacket that was much too big on her frail shoulders, Eve started crying again as soon as her naked feet touched the ground of the palace. By logical instinct, her bodyguard picked her up in his arms. He took her off the ground and held her against himself as if she were hurt and incapable of walking.

  Eve let herself be taken and curled up closer to his skin. He ensured his part as saviour, and she played the victim, crying her eyes out. She did not admit it, but being wrapped in the arms of that man was insanely comforting. Her surprise at feeling so good there was hidden in her gaze, shining with tears.

  Hotel kitchens, backstage of the show, main exit, crowds.

  The police were on the scene. The journalists too. To protect herself from the immodest cameras, the beauty gripped Number Six, hiding her face against his naked torso. Although she took advantage of the opportunity to breathe in his skin, he perfected his interpretation of considerate protector by putting a shielding arm around her back, his long fingers on her shoulder. She sniffed a fake tear and secretly tried to identify his cologne, while he spoke to the detectives in English to let them out of the perimeter. The name Il-Sung Jang was uttered and the barriers gave way like magic…

  The pair regained the big white sedan in which they had arrived several hours earlier. The car left the scene of the bomb alert and Eve, on the backseat, rolled her eyes, exasperated by the deception.

  She cried again, shaken by violent and resounding spasms, her face smeared with makeup that had ran when her driver told the misadventure - completely invented - to the big boss.

  The Asian man had her lay on a handsome sofa when she arrived, worried to death. Was she okay? Had she been assaulted? Raped? Then a few suspicions… Where had the henchman found her? Naked, or practically?

  Il-Sung squinted to gauge his employee. The sniffles and cries of his ladylove quietened little by little, like background noise going out softly. Sat on the edge of the sofa, level with the lady’s face, he took a quick look over her, hunched up as she was, and stroked her hair distractedly.

  The bodyguard, stoic and disciplined, answered all his questions without blinking. He stood, still bare-chested, with his hands joined behind his back.

  “This may have nothing to do with a theft,” the Korean expressed in a thoughtful tone.


  “It’s the company that is targeted,” he clarified, loud enough for the six security men present in the sitting room with them to hear. “Or simply, me.”

  Silence fell, heavy and dense. The tearful woman had fallen asleep under the cosseting, and Il-Sung frowned, admiring her in her sleep. A cat, she was just a cat. A very handsome cat, noble and proud, but vulnerable. And through her, it was him, the tiger, who was being attacked. The competitors would stop at nothing to thwart his new product. The race to the new generation cellphones, connected to the internet and with functionalities close to those of a miniaturised computer, was on. And his prototype was even more complete than the smartphone launched in December by the brand with the apple. Seuta Electronics would launch “Star” in a week.

  “It’s Eric, right?”

  “Yes, Sir,” the man with the shaved head assented. He had not moved an inch during his boss’s reflexions.

  “You have my thanks for bringing her back safe and sound.”

  “I was only doing my job, Sir.”

  “And you will continue to do so… I’m assigning you to her close protection, day and night. You will be relieved of your duties when the tension drops a little.”

  “Very well, Sir.”

  “Go shower and change. She does not fear anything while she is at my side,” the Asian man ordered calmly, lowering his eyes to the sleeping young woman.

  His little black feline pleased him. And he realised with a touch of surprise and anguish that he would have been pained to see her disappear. This bomb alert had worried him to death, but to see her there at his house, breathing peacefully under the caresses of his adoring fingers, forced him to admit the obvious: for the first time in years, he had fallen in love.


  She only had six days left to act. Six short days before the launch of “Star”, the high-tech cellphone Seuta Electronics was secretly designing.

  Eve pondered.

  Il-Sung had cancelled all her participations in fashion shows, which suited her in a way so she could fulfil her secret missions. But he did not cancel his own trips and meetings, which was suited her much less! If he locked her up in her room, it would be complicated to play spy. Especially with her handsome watchdog of a bodyguard on the other side of the door…

  Although she appreciated having him there, Six and his large stature, she was not planning on following DGSE’s orders to the letter. Providing the laptop was no easy task, but she would find a way. However, she had no intention whatsoever of abandoning her initial mission. She was paid generously to find out about this upcoming smartphone. And so she only had six days left.

  She had already been able to find a lot of information since she had been there. Men confide so much more easily after an orgasm… Not straight after, no. But in the long-run, after. The pleasure reassured them, made them more susceptible to opening up to the other, made them get attached. And a man that got attached to his partner or even who fell in love, was a man with his guard down.

  There, the task had been laborious as Il-Sung was a mistrustful person. The warm tiger was fearful of cold water, and several young beauties had slipped into his sheets before Eve. But little by little, week after week and pleasurable experience after frenzied spanking, (yes, the Tiger was a little ferocious), she managed to clear a path to the most intimate. And so, to conversations that were finally interesting for her business. He spoke to her of sales figures for the product, of innovations that were being tested… and as she knew to act simple when necessary, he was not suspicious when she went to embrace him tenderly one night while he was admiring the detailed plans of the device on his desk in the large bedroom. Although she did not have a photographic memory, which would have been useful at that moment, she did pay special attention to certain details. Redrawing the plans afterward, Korean ideograms included, was not difficult. She only had a few elements to clarify, at the request of her clients. And the computer, for the French…

  Exiting her perfumed bath, still covered in white flower foam, she tried to come up with a way to steal the laptop.

  The object had its own secretary, as crazy as that may sound. Although… Was that not logical for such a primordial work tool? Nonetheless, Eve had quickly understood that she should not speak of the laptop as a collaborator. It would only be missing a name. In fact, it adopted that of its carrier. Kwang-Ho was a rather passionate young man, completely devoted to his boss. He had been the laptop’s companion for two years and was as invested in this work as he would be in a divine mission. The black beauty sniggered as she dried off with a bath towel, thinking about the meaning of his name: celestial light.

  But she suspected the boy was loyal to the boss for reasons other than professional. The young man with short hair, sharp gestures and slender body, admired the boss’s ample shoulder breadth despite his slender waits and the displayed virility of Mister President-General-Director, whether he was in a tailor-made suit for a meeting or in a kimono first thing in the morning. Whether he was an idolised mentor or a suppressed homosexual fantasy, Eve saw no other lead to try to get close to the computer.

  It was vexing! Her round breasts, curves and feminine delicacies would be of no help to her. To use Il-Sung himself would obviously not be possible. She needed another man. Logically, and this made her smile, she could use Six. Like a cat licking its moustaches at the idea of getting the milk pot, the young lady was overjoyed.

  It was 8 in the morning. Il-Sung was about to go to his Taekwondo with a martial arts master. After a shower he would go to a work meeting with those from marketing, before going to one of the company’s factories. The carrier, as usual, was already calmly on his way to the car with a chauffeur, ready to regain the offices of Seuta Electronics’ headquarters for the marketing briefing. And the carrier lived here, close to his master…

  Eve, professionally, had memorised the rituals and routes of her target on the first days, as well as those of his closest employees. So she knew that Kwang-Ho, the laptop attendant, passed through this corridor everyday while his boss finished his exercise. He walked past the guard in front of her door everyday… And the guard, previously interchangeable, was now always the same.

  She opened her door, naked other than her towel. Just enough to put her face in the corridor and have a quick look. Number Six, at his post, arched an eyebrow in her direction. Eve hardly needed anymore to attract his attention and winked at him cheekily. If a camera was on her, the viewer would simply think she were a bodyguard tease.

  The man flashed a smile, understanding the message and entering her bedroom discreetly. He closed the door without a sound.

  He barely had time to turn towards the young woman before she glued her body against his.

  “How far are you willing to go for a mission?” she whispered.


  “As far as killing?”

  “If I must,” Six answered quietly.

  “And beyond that?”

  Eve lifted her face up to his, she breathed in his skin and the vibrations of his deep voice. Her two hands were flat on his shirt. She let a minute space creep in between their bodies, and fixed her gaze on the shy morning light. He had pale eyes, a watery green of a rare intensity, which, however, he knew how to make look average by simply frowning seriously. There was nothing ordinary or common about him with his tall height and harmoniously developed muscles. He bore a tanned complexion, shaved head, distinguished features and thin lips that veiled a smile. Yet, he was able to make himself forgotten, to blend in with a crowd and pass for an ordinary man. He was the most unlikely of chameleons.

  He examined her with a serious gaze, no doubt looking to read between her lines. He kept his hands to himself although he could have undone her simple towel and had her completely naked in his arms. But he contented himself with brushing the length of beautiful Eve's arm with the back of his fingers, with extreme gentleness.

  “You will have to kiss me,” she announced quietly.

  “I have to? You have a plan?”

  The distance in his speech had disappeared. Eve kept herself from smiling again. The spy’s hand stopped its caress and placed itself in the small of her back, holding their bodies together.

  “A lead, let’s say. But I need to know what side you are on, sexually I mean.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” Six emphasised. “I’m on the side needed for the mission. In the secret services, we are trained to use everything in our possession to carry out an operation successfully. You do it yourself very naturally…”

  “You’re taught to pretend?” she asked with an innocent bat of her eyelashes. “Do you know how to force yourself?”

  “I rarely need to use those skills for my job. And even less to force myself. But it has happened.”

  She smiled at him more frankly with the smile of a young girl, showing her white teeth and her gums. A smile that threw him off as much as the sight of her, when she stepped back and let her towel slip to the floor. The man’s pale gaze could not help but look her up and down, completely naked. He barely stopped himself from lingering on the details that thrilled him.

  That gaze filed with respect and enchanted surprise electrified the young woman. She wanted to be sure of his dependability and to tease him a little while she did so, but she felt the pit of her stomach burn in the purest expression of desire. Like a lava flow moving from her kidneys and radiating through to the rest of her body.

  The man’s hand came back to her back. Incandescent contact that brought her back against him, naked breasts pressed against his white shirt. The other hand cupped her face on one side, the tip of his fingers in the roots of her wet hair. Then Number Six claimed her mouth.

  Eve responded to the kiss without letting her surprise show, her skin melting into his, her full lips tasting his and the tip of her joyful tongue inviting itself inside them. There was no feverish eagerness nor shy restraint in that kiss, but an intense obviousness. It was the proof of an attraction well hidden until that point. And even if publicly she would deny it, the beauty had to admit it was reciprocal.

  She let her fingers run along his broad shoulders and intertwined on his nape. Soon, their lips left each other, their breathing halting and their blood boiling, Six kissed the perfect line of the young woman’s neck, and nibbled the soft skin near her collar bone with joy. Knocked over and her head back, she let him do so with an exquisite shiver, while undoing the buttons of his shirt that remained between them with an experienced hand. Soon the clothing gave way and Eve straightened up to admire the powerful torso of the French spy. She remembered spotting it in the half-light of the van and her quick mind had recorded the contours in some detail. But under her fingers, while she greedily stroked the blond veil of hair that covered the henchman’s impeccably drawn muscles, the effect on her was even stronger.

  Their mouths found each other again with doubled intensity. The smell of that male skin, the cologne she could not identify and the heat of their embrace made Eve animal. In a new game of biting, her desire unfurled. Six responded passionately, grabbing her mouth and sucking her tongue in the most sexual assumption.

  She sighed, not managing to take back control of her hands. Imperious, hungry to conquer all of this burning man at reach, they completely removed the white cotton of the mistreated shirt and once again frayed a path past his imposing biceps, his salient pecs and down to his abs, to quickly press against the lump of an obvious erection. Eve, panting, meowed in satisfaction against Number Six’s mouth. The palm of her hand rubbed languished against the fabric of his trousers. She knew she was wet with excitation, felt like she was on the edge of spontaneous combustion, and yowled to express her fever. She gasped in pleasure when Six grabbed her bottom. She moaned when their pelvis met and demanding hands slid to one of her thighs to lift it up. A languid sigh escaped from her mouth, she closed her eyes and knowing fingers came to brush against her perfectly waxed intimacy, before introducing themselves between her labia to explore her.

  Six moaned when he found her to be soft and moist. Liquid and incandescent of desire towards him. This stormy situation is after all not surprising to him. He had been fascinated for months by this young woman who was ready to everything to obtain information. Perhaps she was still lying, even now. Perhaps she was pretending, panting in his arms. He sucked her neck that was offered to him, and lowered his face down to a large brown nipple that he sucked with delight. The beauty twisted under his fingers and mouth, her breath halting. He told himself, with certain pride, that no one could fake such desire.

  He let go of her breast, leaving her stunned, and removed his hand from between her legs to grab her waist and inverse their position in the same momentum, pressing her against the wall. A firm hand on her hip, the other climbed up her chest to hold her graceful neck. He panted in her ear and licked its ravishing curve, rousing another delicious shiver.

  Eve felt his chest pressed up against the skin of her naked back and the bump in his trousers slid between the spheres of her bottom. His arms around her, his fingers curled around her breath. She placed her forehead and her palms of the silkiness of the wall. She was submitted to the abruptness of this turn-around and to the expression of virile desire she was witnessing. The short back-and-forths he mimed with his hips, pushing the bulk of his erection against her, made her genitals contract with desire that was almost beast-like. She yowled again, her voice husky and begging. S
he would pay dearly to feel him penetrate her, so dearly to welcome him fully into her body…

  “Does that answer your question,” he whispered with his deep voice on the skin of her shoulder blade.


  “That’s all you’ll get.”

  He then moved his burning body away and put the shirt back on his shoulders with a single movement. He buttoned it conscientiously, not letting Eve out of his sight. His pale gaze unscrupulously faced the black and ardent irises of the young woman. She did not move, naked, plastered against the wall as if the position were natural to her and perfectly voluntary. There was only her face turned towards him, staring at him without letting a shadow of the incensed smile he deserved appear.

  He finished tucking in his shirt in his trouser belt to erase every visible trace of this embrace, while she slid her eyes over him. The bump at his crotch had not faded. That delighted her.

  When he left her room the way he entered, the black beauty finally unstuck herself from the cool wall and lay on the ground. Her zeal was intact and her legs were not reliable, due to the violence of her desire. She would have to touch herself until she came, half frustrated and half dreaming, before being able to pick herself back up and carry on with her day. And she told herself, in a displeased but ecstatic grunt, that Number Six was not wasting any time.


  Two hours later, Eve gave herself the luxury of a late breakfast. Gracious in a long negligé made of pale silk, she took her time to butter her toasts. Each of her gestures was so slow it became sensual. And it was a sweet revenge.

  Her hair was untamed, a curly and moussed mess that made her look like a magnificent dark lion. She knew it troubled men to see her so naturally, with little makeup and artifice, in all her glorious femininity. And her hair, like that, inspired a furious desire to feel its softness. The velvet of her skin too…


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