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Psyche Moon

Page 2

by Chrissie Buhr

  She grabbed my hand, and the contact of her skin on mine left me breathless. “Let’s go hiking tomorrow. Drive up towards Idaho City, park somewhere and take off.” The excitement shone in her eyes so that I didn’t have to read her emotions. I did anyway just to be sure, and my breath quickened.

  “Deal.” My smile precipitated hers, and the date was made before I knew what had happened.

  “Do you want to dance?”

  I cringed. “I’m horrible, and next to you I’ll look like an idiot.”

  “I don’t care. Do you really care what they think?” She challenged me, her eyes intense and defiant. I appreciated that she didn’t argue about my dancing ability.

  “Let’s go.” It wasn’t an answer to her question, but I didn’t want to admit that I did care. Besides, the fact that this woman approached me out of the crowd was something to show off. An unusual thought, but it emboldened me.

  She slid easily out of her chair, every movement fluid and efficient. Still holding my hand, she led me to the dance floor, beginning to get into the music as she walked. And we danced. God did she dance, and I did my best to keep up with her. At first I felt shy, knowing how many of the crowd watched us – I could sense it without even trying. And then she touched me. Her hands on my waist sent tingling throughout my body, and when she pulled me towards her I finally let go. The crowd disappeared, and I let the music penetrate my soul and flow out of my body. My mind merged naturally with hers, and I anticipated her movements and responded. I’d never danced like that in my life.

  Her hips against mine, her breasts grazing my own, I was drowning or floating, I couldn’t decide. Her body was the most exquisite one I’d ever seen, and mine fit into hers perfectly, moved with hers perfectly. I caught myself wondering if that would happen in bed. Or on the couch, or in the kitchen – anywhere I could get her clothes off. She whispered into my ear after a while, her voice low and inviting, “You said you couldn’t dance. You’re amazing.”

  I glowed as I met her eyes. “With you I am.” Wow that sounded corny, but it was perfectly true. In some strange way I didn’t dance with her but through her, as if my body read hers the way my mind did. That was new.

  We danced without pausing until last call, stopping to order one last drink. A different waitress served us this time. When she came with our drinks, Billie gave her an extra $15. “We ordered earlier and hit the floor before they came. This is for the drinks and Callie.”

  She looked more than a little surprised but took the money without hesitation. “Thanks. I’ll give it to her.”

  I looked closely at her and wondered briefly if she was for real. “That was very honest. Not that I expected you to be dishonest. It didn’t even cross my mind.” Everything this woman did impressed me.

  She waved her hand as if it was nothing, and to her it wasn’t a big deal. “I do it all the time – order a drink and then disappear before it comes. It’s only fair. They poured the drinks, and the waitress tried to serve them but we were gone.”

  “How do you know Callie?”

  “I don’t. Those guys at the table did, and I heard one of them say her name.”

  “You actually heard them over all this noise?” And she was paying attention? She must have been doing it automatically, because her mind hadn’t strayed from me for a second.

  She laughed. “I’m very aware of my surroundings. Did you drive?”

  “No. I wanted to drink, so I walked.”

  She nodded. “Me too. A friend dropped me off. Where do you live?” I told her. “That’s not far. Can I walk you home?”

  This night was only getting better. I’d planned on another cab ride, since the streets weren’t the safest place to roam on a Friday night. Overall Boise was okay, better than most cities, but it seemed nowhere was safe anymore. With Billie I needn’t worry. “Great.” We finished our drinks and left arm in arm, my body buzzing from the contact. I felt a few jealous stares as we passed through the crowd.

  The first block we didn’t speak, just enjoyed the night air and the feel of each other’s closeness. The thought of bringing her home … I shuddered. She unlinked her arm from mine, and I caught myself before I whimpered. But then she slipped it around my waist and my world felt right again. That’s exactly what it was. It felt right, being beside her. I’d never felt that way about someone before, not even with Annie who I’d loved deeply.

  I wanted to know everything about this woman. “Tell me about your family.” I asked.

  “My blood family lives in Nevada. They’re good people, I just don’t get down there to see them as often as I’d like. My dad’s retired and my sister’s going to college there. She’s studying architecture, which really suits her. My mom died a few years ago. The family that I have here is not my blood family. But I’m even closer to them than to my own sister.” I paused and felt the void in my own life. “What happened with your family?” She asked gently.

  I took a moment before I answered, composing myself. It still hurt, and I refused to break down. “When I was 17, my mom caught me making out with my girlfriend. They’re pretty closed minded. They kicked me out.” I told the story as if it was ancient history.

  “At 17? What did you do?” She sounded horrified.

  “My girlfriend, Lisa, her parents were awesome. They took me in until I graduated high school. They made me sleep in the guest bedroom, which drove us nuts. We had to sneak around if we wanted to do more than kiss. Which we thought was just ridiculous. I mean, what was I going to do get her pregnant?” Amusement crept into my voice at the memory.

  She laughed, a deep sound that came from her throat. “I’m sure. Have you had any luck with your parents since?”

  Humor left my voice, and I couldn’t help but sound bitter. “They came to Lisa’s house a week later with their pastor and begged me to come back. The thing was, I had to be straight. I told them I couldn’t change who I was. It got pretty ugly. We didn’t speak for three years. They didn’t even come to my graduation. When I came back from California, I went to their house, but they hadn’t changed. They told me if I wanted to come back to God – to be straight – then I could come back. I haven’t spoken with them since.” I could feel the anger rise in her.

  “No siblings? Grandparents?”

  “No siblings, and my grandparents sided with my parents. The thing is, I’m adopted, and when I didn’t turn out the way they wanted, it was easy to discard me.” I could hear the resentment in my own voice, no matter how I tried to hide it.

  She whistled. “I can’t imagine losing my family like that. I’ve always been close to them, and we’ve always looked out for each other. My parents had a hard time with me being a lesbian, but only at first. It wasn’t the easiest thing for them to wrap their brains around. But in the end I was still their daughter and they will support me to their last breath.”

  We reached an intersection, and I looked at the sign. “We passed my street.”

  “I know. I wanted to keep you a little longer.” Coy humor returned to her eyes.

  I brushed her arm and felt the hairs rise. “We could have talked at my place.” Or not talked.

  “But it’s so nice here, outside, with you.” She stopped me on the sidewalk and placed her hand behind my neck, the other still on my waist. As our lips brushed then parted, I knew I couldn’t let this woman go. “Besides if I walk through your front door, I won’t be able to leave.” Desire showed clearly in her eyes, voice and emotions.

  “That would be a bad thing?” I whispered invitingly. I wasn’t sure who was seducing who at that point. I decided it didn’t matter.

  “Not bad, just not perfect.” She purred.

  “And what would be perfect?” Feeling my pulse rise, I desperately wanted to know.

  “You’ll see.” She was definitely evil. I liked it.

  We reached my front door, and she kissed me again, soft and passionate. Her tongue flicked against mine. I wondered briefly if the creep across the street was getting
off on it, but Billie’s touch banished those thoughts quickly. Her hand moved down my side and rested on my hip. I urged it to shift further to the front, but it stayed where it was, the thumb caressing over the jeans. Damn jeans.

  She pulled away and fire burned in her eyes. “Come in.” I pleaded.

  She plucked at my shirt, barely brushing the skin between my breasts, and for a moment I thought she would take me right there. “Sweet dreams.” Billie turned and walked away, swinging her hips provocatively. Unable to pull my eyes away, I let out a deep breath. She knew what she was doing to me, and I did the same to her. When she rounded the corner, I closed my eyes momentarily, willing my legs to work properly.

  I almost couldn’t operate the lock I was so woozy. Normally coming home from a bar, I showered away the smoke immediately. But I didn’t want to lose the remnants her touch left behind. I slept almost instantly, wondering one last thought before drifting into dreams featuring a sexy redhead.

  What time tomorrow?

  Chapter 2

  The doorbell interrupted a pleasant dream, jarring me awake. The clock said a few minutes past nine – late for me, but then I don’t usually stay up until 3 AM. Groggy from sleep, I wondered who would be calling on me this early on a Saturday morning. Sending out my senses, I knew who waited at my door before opening it.

  Billie stood on my porch, sexy and smiling, holding a bag of croissants and a latte. They smelled divine, especially the latte which promised caffeine. “Good morning Sadie.” She sounded amazingly chipper considering she’d slept even less than I did. She wore faded and well-worn jeans and a simple T-shirt that clung in all the right places. She hadn’t bothered with makeup and her hair hung in a low loose ponytail. Simplicity for a hike scored her a few more points.

  I, however, had crawled right out of bed and hadn’t even brushed my teeth, let alone my hair. I knew I looked a mess and probably smelled worse. Wishing I’d showered the night before, I cocked my hand on my hip in protest. “Not fair.” I complained as soon as I could work my mouth.

  “What’s not fair?” She knew exactly what I was talking about but enjoyed teasing me. She’d come early just so she could catch me in bed.

  Trying to sound offended, I pursed my lips. “You don’t get to see me look like crap in the morning until I’ve shown you it’s worth getting there.” I moved to the side and waved her in, perplexed at how forward I sounded.

  “Oh, I know it’ll be worth it. Don’t worry about that.” Her eyes raked over me approvingly. “And I kind of like you in your pajamas.” Realizing I’d only thrown on a halter top and boy shorts, she had a full view and it pleased her greatly. I tried to cover my embarrassment without covering my body. If she liked the view, that was a good thing. “I didn’t know what you liked for breakfast, so I took a chance: croissants and a caramel latte.”

  “Oh, that’ll be good for my waistline.” Sarcasm was a personality flaw that surfaced most before the first cup of coffee. I cringed as I heard how I sounded, and softened it with a smile. “It looks great, and I definitely need caffeine. But I’ve got to clean up first and reclaim my dignity. Make yourself comfortable, it won’t take me long.”

  Without waiting for a response, I turned my back on her and she followed me further into my home, her eyes watching my ass until I disappeared from sight. I could sense her appraising her surroundings but caught no expectations, only curiosity. My place was far from luxurious, but she didn’t seem to care either way.

  As promised, it didn’t take me long to get ready. A quick shower later, I pulled my brown hair into two side braids and brushed the grime from my teeth. I chose a lavender scented lotion before donning jeans and a button-down light shirt. Over my best matching bra and underwear, of course. My heart raced faster every time I thought about the sexy redhead waiting in the other room. After a short but desperate search for my hiking boots, I found them in the back of the closet, still in good shape. A brief glance in the mirror, a few mumbled words of encouragement, and I emerged ready.

  Billie waited patiently at my kitchen table, sitting backwards on a chair like a cowboy. It showed another side to her than the dancing vixen I met last night. “Sixteen minutes. I like a woman who can walk out her front door in under twenty. Eat up. I’m ready to get out of town.”

  “It would have been fourteen, but I couldn’t find my boots.” I sat across from her at my second-hand table and reached for the offered meal. “Thank you. This was really sweet.” Despite the audience and the lump in my throat from meeting her gaze, I devoured two croissants. The latte was a little on the sweet side, but it perked me right up. I didn’t often splurge on fancy coffee – it seemed like an unnecessary luxury on my wage – and the smooth rich drink was a nice treat over my usual generic brand brew.

  Billie obviously wasn’t one of those women who need to fill the silence. She let me eat in peace, though her eyes didn’t remain on my face the whole time. A tingle passed through me as she checked me out, and the warmth between my legs left no question about how I felt about her roaming eyes. She obviously found me attractive – ok, she thought I was sexy as hell – but I didn’t feel like a piece of meat under her gaze. She liked the whole package and was barely able to contain herself.

  I, on the other hand, kept my eyes away from the more enticing parts of her body. I didn’t trust myself. Something about her held more allure than anyone I’d ever met. The impulse to shove her against the wall and rub her clit until she moaned nearly overwhelmed me. I wanted to touch her so badly my breath deepened. Unsolicited images crossed my mind, images of tying her to my bed and finding out just how much she liked her nipples pinched and where that perfect spot inside of her was. I wanted to bury my face between her legs and feel the squeeze of her thighs as she came.

  Sensing her internal satisfaction, I realized she somehow knew what I was thinking, or at least the general idea if not the details. Turnabout is not fair. Pushing the erotic thoughts away from the forefront of my mind, I popped the last piece of croissant into my mouth.

  Breakfast over and down to the business of hiking necessities, I grabbed my jacket and a few granola bars out of the cupboard. “I don’t have any bottled water, and I lost my canteen last year. Could we stop somewhere and I’ll get a few things?”

  She swiveled out of her chair and placed it neatly under the table, her dancer’s grace emerging. “All taken care of.”

  “What about lunch?”

  She repeated with an adorable twitch of her nose. “All taken care of. But there’s something I want.” The tone of her voice deepened and she moved toward me, her muscular hips giving her a predatory look. My heart raced. She didn’t give me a chance to respond verbally, but my body said it all.

  She reached a hand around to the small of my back, pulling me towards her. The other hand fingered my neck below my ear, and an electrical sensation crossed my skin wherever she touched. Last night had been a teaser, I decided. This kiss blew me away. Automatically, I tilted my hips into her while my hands brushed over her sides. My left thumb grazed her right breast and I could feel her arousal in mind and body. I couldn’t wait to get her shirt off.

  “Are you sure you want to go out?” I was sure I wanted to spend the day with her in my bed. Or on my couch, or anywhere for that matter. I didn’t care, so long as I could feel her skin against mine.

  She released me slowly, though not reluctantly. “Absolutely. Let’s go.” She had something in mind. I decided to be a good girl and not peek.

  In front of my modest home, her pristine black jeep stood out, and I got the sudden impression that she had money. Not that I should have thought otherwise – last night’s outfit had to have cost a fair amount. But this morning she was simple and casual. I hopped into the passenger seat and snuggled into the comfort. The first thing I noticed inside was the lack of radio or CD player. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a car without a radio unless it had been stolen.”

  She glanced at me and I felt the amusement behind th
e sparkling green eyes even before I saw the grin. “I don’t like music much. It’s great to dance to, but I never listen to it outside the bars. I like to hear the world, not drown it out. I gave the radio to my sister.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, but it didn’t seem to need a response, so I just buckled up and we took off. I realized then that I’d naturally connected with her when she appeared on my doorstep. It was more than just sensing her thoughts. This was new, instinctive, and automatic. One of several new experiences since I met her.

  “The weather should be perfect today. Slight wind, warm, but not too hot. Perfect hiking weather.”

  I hadn’t had the chance to check the weather, and that was good news. “Great. God, I haven’t been out of Boise for months. I’m glad we’re doing this.”

  “If I don’t get out at least once a week, I start going mad.” Her tone was completely serious, and I wasn’t sure what to make of her comment.

  “What’s your favorite spot?”

  She grinned slightly, hearing a double entendre in the innocent question. “I don’t have one. I pick a new route every time. There’s too much to see before seeing one place twice.” I conceded the sense in that on both levels. “I thought we’d go a little beyond Idaho City and find a turnoff.”

  “Sounds good to me. I usually head toward Mountain Home and up from there, but I’ve hiked near Lowman a few times, too. Nice hot springs in that area.” I enjoyed the thought that came to mind: Billie and I naked in a natural pool.

  “I scouted above Mountain Home after I first got here. I didn’t like it – too many ranchers, and too many guns. I haven’t found any of the more private hot springs yet. Do you know any?”

  Pleased that she had the same thought as me, I replied. “Yes. I know a great one. You have to hike five or six miles to reach it. The trail isn’t much more than a deer trail, and if you don’t know where you’re going, you might not find it. Not many people try. You’re likely to be alone there. About twelve years ago a bunch of kids got drunk and went skinny dipping in the middle of the winter. Almost froze to death. It was quite a scandal. Made the papers and everything.”


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