Stroke Of Fear

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Stroke Of Fear Page 6

by Alla Kar

  Aubrey nods, kicking her foot against the edge of my bed post. “So, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow? I’m horseback riding with Heath.”

  A sting of jealously hits my chest. No, don’t even fuckin’ go there, Tanner. “I’ll definitely see you tomorrow.” I walk her over to my cabin door and lean against the frame. She waits on the steps for a few seconds like she did last night. I see the devastation in her eyes. She wants me to kiss her. I want to kiss her. But not now. Not here. It has to be the right time. I’m going to make her wait—until she can’t take it anymore—and fuck her mouth with my own. Show her how a real man kisses, makes love and touches. She’ll never want to let go.

  Defeated, she gives me a small smile and walks into the night. I watch her hips sway the entire time. Slamming the back of my head against the door, I groan. This is going to be one tempting summer.

  Chapter Seven


  “So, you want him to kiss you? That’s what you’re saying?”

  Flopping back against my pillow, I scream to the ceiling. “I don’t know! I just…I figured he was a little attracted to me. He’s had three chances and nada. Nothing. I’m getting no clues from him.”

  Cassie jumps onto her bed and taps the end of her pencil against her mouth. “Well, you did slap him in the face, Aubrey.”

  “I know. I wish I hadn’t. He is so…aggravating, but so sexy at the same time. It’s driving me insane.”

  “Hmmm, well, maybe you should make the first move. Just grab him and kiss him.” She gives me a sly smile.

  “No,” I groan into my pillow. “He is old school. He has to ask me out, I’m not going to come off as some pushy Yank to him.”

  Cassie sighs. “Well, just see if it happens. Oh, how did horseback riding go today? I saw you with Heath earlier.”

  I shrug and flip over to stare at the ceiling. “Fine. Heath is nice. He talks a little too much for my taste. Especially about himself.”

  “Blah,” Cassie says. “I thought girls were supposed to do the talking. Some guys just don’t get it.” Cassie gets up and starts changing into her bikini.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, sitting up on my elbows.

  A sad look crosses her face. “All the counselors are going to the cliff to swim. I would have invited you but…”

  I take my lip between my teeth. “I totally get it. You go have fun. I have a thousand books on my Kindle to read.”

  I screw my eyes closed when I feel Cassie sit on my bed beside me. “Do you want to talk about it? I mean…you’re obviously afraid of the water, Aubrey. Why?”

  Why? God, I want to tell her. More than anything in my life. To just say it. Get it off my chest, but I don’t. Instead I shrug one shoulder. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  She presses her pink lips together and pats my leg. “Call me if you want me to come back. I promise I will.”

  I nod and turn to bury my head in the side of my pillow. I listen as Cassie gets her things together and leaves. An ache in my stomach starts to burn. I want to go with them. I want to go so badly it hurts, but I can’t.

  I don’t know how long I’m asleep for. Three loud bangs against our door wakes me up. Sleepy-eyed, I tip-toe toward the door.

  Tanner is standing on the other side, leaning against the frame. His white T-shirt hugs his upper body, not to mention his holey jeans that hang just right on his slender hips. It brings things to mind that aren’t exactly chaste.

  “Hey,” he says. “I figured you would be here. I’m heading into town to get a new phone. Mine broke. Want to come with me?”

  Yes! I gesture for him to come in. The door clicks behind him. “Let me get into some jeans and then we can go. I’m really glad you came by.” Heat rushes toward my cheeks. Way to sound desperate, Aubrey.

  “I figured you didn’t want to be by yourself.”

  “I don’t.” I change into my jeans in our bathroom, and Tanner leads me outside.

  I follow him to an old, blue pickup truck. It’s rusted, but looks like it can go if needs to. Tanner reaches for my door before I can touch the handle and opens it for me.

  “Thank you,” I mumble, sliding into the truck. It’s neat, leather and it smells nice.

  Tanner gets behind the wheel and his truck roars to life. He glances over and lifts an eyebrow. “What?”

  “Your truck is clean.”

  A smile tries to form on his lips, and he tries to hide it. “Did you expect it to be messy?”

  I nod. “Actually, yes. I just figured it would be dirty like other guys, I guess.”

  Tanner snorts. “I can assure you dirty things are allowed to happen in here, but no trash.”

  I laugh, it feels good coming through my throat. This guy is the biggest flirt.

  “You obviously don’t know guys very well. A real man loves his truck.” He slaps the steering wheel. “A real man takes care of his truck like he takes care of his woman. That’s why most men call their trucks ‘she.’”

  I don’t know why, but that turns me on. Tanner stretches his arm over the back of the seat as he leans back. I watch as his muscles move underneath his tanned skin.

  “What kind of music do you like?” he asks, reaching for his radio. He flicks through a few channels until he lands on a country station.

  Country isn’t my first choice but I do like a lot of the songs. “Anything, really,” I say, shrugging. “I just like music. I used to blast the radio at the pool while I pract—” I snap my lips together. Fuck. I haven’t told anyone I use to swim in competitions. Why did I tell him that?

  Tanner gives me a few minutes of silence. “You used to swim in high school.” It’s more of a statement than a question.

  I glance out the window. “Yeah.”

  “Why don’t you anymore?”

  “I just don’t,” I lie.

  Tanner clears his throat. “Okay.” Then he turns the radio up and hums along to a Jason Aldean song until we reach the city.

  * * *

  I point to the latest 4G phone sitting on the display shelf. “You have to get this one.”

  He crinkles his nose and picks it up to examine it. “I doubt I’ll be able to work it. You know I am from the south; we don’t even wear shoes.”

  I bark out a laugh. “I’ll teach you how to use it. You won’t regret it.”

  He grabs the phone and takes it up to the counter to check out. “You hungry? I think we missed supper.”

  My stomach growls in protest. “I am. Want some Chick-Fil-A?”


  Tanner pays for our food and insists we get it to go. I don’t ask any questions, I’m just glad to eat. I pig out while Tanner drives. When we pull into a vacant field, I sit up in my seat.

  “Is this where you kill me and we end up on the ID channel?”

  Tanner shifts the truck into park and grabs his chicken sandwich from the sack. “No, I want to get in your pants before I kill you.”

  Heat rushes toward my cheeks. He just put an image in my head that will never leave. I’ve been avoiding thinking about him on top of me. But, now all I can think about is his naked ass. “Ha. Ha.”

  He winks. “This is just a place I like to go sometimes. You want to leave?”

  I step out into the field, shaking my head. “No,” I say over my shoulder. Tanner basically inhales his sandwich, and I feel his presence behind me only a few minutes later. “It’s so peaceful. I think it’s better than the woods.”

  Tanner’s breath is hot on my neck, causing all of my nerves to stand on end. “Want to see something amazin’?”


  Tanner interlaces his fingers with mine. That sense of safety and comfort rushes over my body, leaving me shivering.

  “Are you cold?” he whispers.

  No, I’m fucking burning up. Everywhere. “No,” I say. He pulls us toward the trees to the left, maneuvering our way through the thick branches. He gives me a gentle squeeze.

  “We’re almost there, hol
d on.”

  Tanner holds each branch back for me, so they don’t slap me in the face. When the trees thin, I can see the sun glistening off the water. My throat starts to burn, my chest feels heavy.

  Tanner moves the last branch, and I see the lake in front of me. It has a dock, a fishing boat and is in the middle of nowhere.

  “My brother showed me this last month. He said it helped his homesickness when he first moved out here. It’s like a paradise no one has found yet.”

  “It’s really beautiful.”

  He gives my hand another squeeze. “Do you miss it?”

  My eyes avert toward the ground, but I feel Tanner’s calloused finger lift my chin up to meet his eyes. “Do you miss it?” he repeats, his lips forming the words so smoothly. I watch his face, the thin coat of hair covering his strong jaw. His dark, heavy eyebrows hang so perfectly right over his gray eyes. How can he be this gorgeous and normal? No scars? No emotional damage. I must look like a train wreck in comparison.

  “No,” I lie. “I can’t make myself miss it. I don’t even think about it. That was a part of the old me. I’m new. Fresh. The water isn’t part of my life anymore.”

  Why is it so hard to breathe now? I take a few large inhales to show myself I can breathe normally. I can’t. It hurts.

  Pressing my free hand against my chest, I bend at my knees. Breathe, Aubrey. Just fucking breathe.

  “Lay down,” Tanner says. I do it, because I desperately want something that’s right in front of me. Air. He grabs my hands like he did when he pulled me from the water and brings them above my head. “Breathe, darlin’. You’re fine. Just breathe.”

  Time slows down; all I can see is two gray eyes staring down at me. The blue specks look great against the sky behind him. Slowly my focus starts to come back. Tanner runs his fingers against my arm. The sensation sends chills against me again. “You there, Aubrey?”

  I nod, running my tongue over my teeth. “I think I can stand now,” I say. Tanner wraps me in his arms and pulls me from the ground. The minute my feet touch I feel my weight carrying me back toward the soggy soil.

  Then I’m in Tanner’s arms. The hardness of his muscles mesh into my softness. One arm is underneath my thighs, burning all the way up between my legs. The other is keeping my back straight, my head lying in the crook of his neck.

  Somehow he gets the passenger side door open, and he slides me onto the leather. I let my head fall against the seat while something cool rests against my lips. “Take a drink of my water,” he urges.

  Swallowing the cool liquid, I think about this touching his lips. Now it’s touching mine. I know it’s childish, but the feeling between my legs is anything but childish.

  I don’t remember closing my eyes, but everything goes black.

  * * *

  “Aubrey, wake up. We’re back at the camp.”

  A deep, rough voice travels along my skin, sparking all of my nerves. Slightly opening one eye, I glance up at Tanner.

  “Hmmm…” I moan softly. Tanner lets out a deep exhale before grabbing the back of my neck and slowly moving my head back and forth.

  “You have to wake up. I don’t think it’s a good idea to carry you into your cabin. They’ll think you passed out just by looking at my sexy as hell face.”

  Sighing, I lift my head and look around. We’re in the employee lot. “I’m up, I think.”

  “Can you walk?”

  “I think so. My body feels normal now.” I press my toes into the ground and slide to a standing position. Tanner’s arm won’t leave my waist.

  I flick my eyes to his. “I’m fine.”

  Tanner keeps hold of me, anyway. When we get close to my cabin, I stop in my tracks. Jake is sitting on the steps, head in his hands.

  “Fuck,” Tanner says beneath his breath. “Come on, we need to lay you down.” Tanner starts walking, and I’m not sure how I’m moving, because I’d rather by anywhere than near Jake at this moment.

  Our feet crunching the rock under us makes Jake look up. His eyes widen at first, then I watch as his eyes follow Tanner’s arm around my waist. “What the fuck is going on?” he snaps, jumping to his feet.

  “I was about to ask you the same damn question,” I snap back. “Why are you in front of my cabin? I told you to stay away from me.”

  Jake runs one hand through his blond hair and the other one clenches at his side. “Why are you walking so slowly? What did you do to her?” Jake is screaming now. A few campers have stopped on their paths to their cabins to stare at us.

  “She went with me into town. Not that it’s any of your damn business.”

  Jake takes a step toward us. “Let her go. I’m going to beat your ass.”

  “No,” I screech out. “Do you not see the kids standing around? Go to your room and don’t come back over here.”

  He isn’t listening; he hasn’t since he saw Tanner’s arm around my waist. “Let her go.”

  Tanner’s chest vibrates with a growl, he and steadies me. “Go sit down. This won’t take long.”

  “No,” I beg, then turn to Jake. “Please, just go!”

  Tanner drops his grip on me, and I grab for his arms. Jake doesn’t waste any time, pushing Tanner’s chest. Tanner’s jaw clenches, and he throws the first punch. It’s loud. A crack echoes from Jake’s jaw. Then Jake throws himself at Tanner. They roll on the ground and throw a few punches each other’s way.

  I hadn’t even realized that I’m screaming until Cassie’s hand wraps around my mouth. “Shh, it’s fine.” Eric comes out of nowhere and pulls Tanner off Jake.

  “Get the fuck up. The campers are watching. Fucking calm down, Tanner,” Eric says, grabbing his arms and pinning them behind his back.

  His face is sweaty, dirt smeared against his cheek. If it were any other situation I’d be completely turned on. His chest rises in powerful gasp as he tries to pull away from Eric. His eyes are dark; he’s ready to fight—ready to protect me.

  Heath has Jake in a deadlock, pulling him the opposite direction. Eric doesn’t let go of Tanner until Jake is clear out of sight. He snatches away, his finger running through his messy hair.

  “What the fuck was that about?” Eric asks.

  “He pushed me,” Tanner says.

  Eric raises an eyebrow and purses his lips. I just now notice that they’re still in their swimming suits. “Really? That’s it? He just pushed you?” He glances back and forth between the two of us. “Where were you two today?”

  Tanner swallows and glances over at me. A small drop of blood falls from his lip, and he spits a mouthful onto the ground. “That fuckin’ bastard got my lip.”

  Eric snorts. “Well, you got his entire face. So, I think you’re good. Can we please go to our cabins now? Before some campers go to get Mrs. Jones.”

  I nod frantically. Cassie pats my back and drags Eric the opposite direction. Tanner sighs and shoots his gaze to me. “Sorry. I don’t take too kindly to being pushed.”

  I lift an eyebrow and hold back a laugh. “Really? You can’t tell at all.”

  * * *

  Tanner helps me inside and excuses himself after apologizing a thousand times. I lock the door behind him and press my back against the wall. He fought without an inch of hesitation. He seemed so powerful and strong.

  God, I’m head over heels for a guy that won’t even fucking kiss me. Just my luck.

  I crawl to my bed. It’s never looked so comfortable before. Just as I grab my covers, a movement from the window across from me catches my eye.

  I’m suddenly paralyzed—struck with a feeling of the purest terror. I can’t move. Breathe. Act. I’m just stuck in the moment—stuck staring. He was there; I saw him. The brim of his white polo almost covered his blue eyes, but I’d know those eyes anywhere. They haunt my dreams every night.

  Dreaming. That’s exactly what I’m doing. No, I’m hallucinating like I did before the doctor prescribed me the crazy pills. I blink several times. When I look back he’s gone, leaving no indicatio
n he was ever there. My eyes shoot toward the door, and it’s both deadbolts are locked. I slide onto my bed, clenching my covers.

  He can’t come back. He’s in prison—a facility meant to keep him in. I’m dreaming. Dreaming my bad past into reality.

  Slowly, I get up and close the blinds. I won’t see him again. It was only my imagination.

  * * *

  I was running. Fast. Thick branches slapped against my face, but I didn’t stop. I could feel the blood dripping down my forehead, but something was behind me. I don’t remember, but I know I was running from it. It was getting closer. I was pushing through the burn in my throat, pushing through the ache in my body.

  Water crashed against the rocks below and stopped me in my tracks. I was at the cliff, just like last time. But I wasn’t being thrown over…not yet at least. Frantically, I searched my surroundings. There wasn’t anywhere to go. I led myself there. To the one place I dreaded the most. The one place that haunted me.

  Thunder roared across the sky overhead. He was coming. Tugging my hands through my hair, I peeked over the cliff. The water was racing quickly from the wind carrying it. It looked so terrifying, so consuming. I screwed my eyes shut and prayed I was dreaming, that the horror in front of me was just a dream passing through.

  I felt him. His stare. His presence. I’ll never forget his face, the calm look that was plastered there. I turned and saw him. From a distance he looked normal. Like a normal guy walking through the woods. But, I knew better. I knew what lies beneath that white polo hat was a monster dug from the depths of Hell and placed in front of me.

  His fingers twitched. He wanted to touch me. Choke me. Watch the life leave my body. Not. This. Time. Turning around, I raised my arms above my head. A scream ripped through the air, and it took me a minute to realize it was my own. I plunged forward, the wind whipping my hair around my head. The dark water consumed me, pulling me under so far I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get up.

  My sheets are sweaty when I sit up in bed. Cassie’s alarm clock reads 3:34am. Shit. Cassie is tangled up in her covers when I glance over. All the blinds are closed and the door tightly locked.


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