Stroke Of Fear

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Stroke Of Fear Page 14

by Alla Kar

  She giggles into my shoulder and raises her gaze to mine. “I’m really glad I met you, Tanner.”

  “Me, too.”

  She leans up and presses her lips against mine. “When’s our next swimming lesson?”

  She’s moving her mouth toward my ear now. Oh, fuck. She takes the flesh between her teeth and pulls.

  “Well,” I swallow. “I can’t answer if you keep doin’ that, darlin’.” She laughs and pulls away.

  “I’m guessin’ two days from now. I think we both have a free afternoon.”

  “You think we’ll get in trouble if we sleep out there?”

  “If we get up early enough to be back we won’t. Why?”

  The sexiest look crosses her face, and she tugs on her lip. “Because, I don’t think I can wait any longer. I want you.”

  Fuckin’ shit. Lowering my hand down her waist, I palm her ass. Her eyes widen, and she tugs on my shirt. “I’m guessing you can’t wait either?”

  “I wanted to take care of you in an actual bed. We don’t have to do it in my truck, or I’d already taken care of you by now.”

  Her eyes are excited. “Well, I’m not hard to please, Tanner. The truck is our best bet. I can’t wait anymore. Please.”

  Goddamn. She’s begging me. “Darlin’. There isn’t anything I want to do more. You don’t have to beg.”

  Smiling, she turns to walk back to her cabin. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to take a shower…and think about you.”

  Hot damn.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Damn it. My stupid nightstand light is out. Rolling over, I tug on an over shirt and some flip-flops. Cassie’s out with her group of kids on the trails. Which is a stupid idea. First, Cassie isn’t camper material. Second, there is a strange guy stalking the camp.

  Not smart.

  The wind is humid, and my hair instantly sticks to my neck. A few campers are playing baseball in a field close to the cabins. They’re screaming at each other like banshees.

  “Go, run,” some kid yells.

  I watch as Austin runs the bases, fist pumping the air. He does a back-flip and slides into home plate. It’s not fair; he’s older than all the other kids. But, whatever. He’s staying out of trouble.

  His eyes avert to mine, and he starts to jog over to me. He may act like a big player, but he’s sweet. He had seemed so worried. Not that I wasn’t—seeing Tanner drunk was terrible. It broke my heart to see him so sad. He always seemed so put together. I guess everyone deals with things their own way.

  “Hey, Blondie,” Austin says, slapping my shoulder. “Where ya headed?”

  “To see Mrs. Jones. My lamp went out in my room. What’s going on?”

  “Ya know, the norm. Hitting on girls. Making out behind the oak trees.” He winks, but I have a feeling he’s not joking.

  “Thank you for coming to get me the other night. Tanner needed some help. He’s hurting.”

  Austin nodded. “Yeah, I know. He’s been through so much. Don’t tell him this, but I look up to him. A lot. I know he’s hurting, but I also know you can save him. Save each other. I don’t know anything about you, but I see that look in my brother’s eyes. That lost look. You’re good for one another.”

  A tear threatens to fall down, but I push it away. “Thanks, Austin.”

  He winks and starts running toward a blonde wearing a tank top. And the sweetness is gone.

  Mrs. Jones is sitting behind her desk when I walk into the office. Her gray hair is everywhere, and dark bags are underneath each eye. “You okay?”

  She glances up and gives me a fake smile. “Fine, Aubrey. Just going over some bills for the month. Can I help you?”

  “My lamp on my nightstand went out. Do you have any spare bulbs?”

  She twists her mouth up and thumps her chin with her index finger. “Yes, in the extra cabin behind yours. If you don’t see any bulbs just get a lamp from there. Here’s the key.” She digs around in her desk and hands me a key.

  “Thanks.” I turn to leave but stop with my hand on the door. “Mrs. Jones. Do you think someone could be stalking the camp?”

  Her brown eyes soften, and she gives me a smile. “I hope not.”

  Wow, that’s really reassuring.

  The extra cabin is about one hundred yards from ours. Its dark, cobwebs hanging on the windows and doors. The key feels heavy in my pocket. I don’t want to go in by myself. I know I shouldn’t be afraid because Michael is locked up. But with this other guy hanging around, I don’t want to take too many chances.

  I dial Tanner’s number, but it goes straight to voicemail. He never charges it. Biting my lip, I unlock the door and push it open. It’s dark and smells like mildew. A few spiders crawl on the walls, and I don’t even want to think about the bedding. It’s packed full of junk. Boxes are overflowing with stuff, scattered all along the walls.

  The windows are covered with some kind of foil. It rattles a bit in the wind of the opened door. Shutting it slightly, I ease my way into the dungeon.

  The floorboards creak and a few bugs scatter across the floor. My hands are shaking against my hips, my lip trembling. Get it together, Aubrey.

  The few boxes shoved against the window in the far corner seem to be the easiest to get to. Cobwebs have formed over the top box, but I open it anyway. It looks like Fourth of July decorations. Which I’m sure Mrs. Jones will be digging out soon since the fourth is coming up.

  The bathroom door is opened a little, so I push it and walk in. It’s warm. Like a fresh shower warm. Small drops of water are scattered along the bottom, the wall. The mirror has fog on it.

  Someone has been in here. The feeling that someone is watching you is one of the most frightening feelings I’ve ever experienced. Jesus Christ, someone is in here. Turning, I ease my way through the cabin. No one is in plain sight, but I’ve found out that most of the time they won’t be.

  My entire body is shaking. Each movement sounds like I’m taking a hammer to the windows. When the exit is within my reach I bolt out and slam the door on the way.

  Who could have taken a shower in there? My mind drifts toward the guy Tanner saw. It has to be him. But, why? Why is he creeping around?

  Calm, Aubrey. Breathe. I start back to my cabin, which isn’t far. I wish it was. I wish it was ten miles away from the place. Camp is supposed to be fun, not scary. Even if I’m just a counselor, I shouldn’t be scared to sleep at night.

  The sun gets lower in the sky, but there is plenty sunlight to see. Tanner still hasn’t called me back. A limb snaps, and I whip my head around toward the side of the cabin.

  Fear grabs a hold of me and drags me under its depth. Someone is staring at me from around the building. As fast as lightening, he’s gone.

  No. God, what the hell do I do? Screwing my eyes closed, I exhale before walking to the back of the cabin. It feels like butterflies are having panic attacks in my stomach. I poke my head around the corner but no one is there.

  Jesus, maybe I am delusional.

  Sighing, I turn around and run into a wall of muscle. My eyes widen, and I start to bang my fists against the person in front of me.

  “Aubrey, Aubrey! It’s me, baby. It’s me.” Jake grips my wrists, making me look up at him. Oh, God. A soft cry escapes my lips, and I press my face into his chest. “Are you okay? What are you doing back here?”

  I’m crying like a baby. I can’t make myself stop. It’s hysterical all of the sudden. Tears and snot. The whole she-bang. Jake’s arms wrap around my back, then he cradles my head in his hands. “What’s wrong? Talk to me.”

  It’s a minute before I can stop my incoherent blabbering. “I was looking for a lamp. Someone has been using the extra cabin, and I saw someone.”

  Jake’s jaw tightens on one side and his widen. “Just now?”


  He gestures for me to follow him inside. The back of Jake’s shirt is in my grip. I don’t even care that I’m supposed
to be mad at him. I’m too scared to care. He stops at the bathroom and turns to look down at me. “You’re right. Someone is using this.”

  I check over my shoulder before speaking. “Do you think we should tell Mrs. Jones?”

  Jake grips my upper arm and slides his hand down to my wrist. “How about this. I’ll go get Tanner and we’ll go tell Mrs. Jones. You need to go back to your cabin. Here.” He walks over to the nightstand and grabs a lamp. “Take this. I’ll make sure Tanner comes over when we get back. Lock the doors and windows. Keep the blinds closed. You’ll be fine.”

  Jake walks me to my cabin, and he checks the place before he stops at the door. He smiles. Something in his demeanor changes. He’s actually being nice for me and not for him.

  He turns to leave. “Jake?” He glances over his shoulder. “Thank you for this. Thank you for accepting this.”

  A sad expression crosses his face but he covers it with a smile. “Baby, I want you to be happy. And as much as I want to make you happy, I don’t anymore. He does. I can only hope I’ll have another chance at another time.” He winks. “Lock the door.” And with that he leaves. I lock the door and got to sit on my bed. Even though there is a possible stalker at the camp, I can’t help but feel a small relief. A weight lifts off my shoulder. I want Jake to be happy, too. The happiness is short lived.

  Cassie’s gone. My back is against my headboard, my knees tucked underneath my chin. I’m not moving from this spot. I refuse.

  The air around me doesn’t seem to be enough. I take large breaths, gasping at it like I’ll never take another breath. My phone vibrates against my bed, and I fumble through my covers to get to it.

  The number on my screen makes my body heat. It was on my cell phone bill a thousand times one month. My parents had a hard time paying it off. Mrs. Powers. Michael’s Mom. I haven’t talked to her since the trial. I never had the heart. I sent her only son to prison. I was sure she’d never want to talk to me again. Not that it’s my fault. It’s not.

  I answer. “Hello.”

  “Aubrey? Is this Aubrey Depp’s phone?”

  “Yes,” I mumble.

  Silence. God, its torture. I want to scream at her. Say something! I want to tell her I’m sorry. I’m sorry her son went crazy. I’m sorry I didn’t save him in time. I’m sorry I didn’t see the signs and get him help. “It’s Mrs. Powers, Aubrey. How are you?”

  “Um, fine. How are you?”

  “Making it,” she says. Her voice is low. Down. Depressed. How could she not be? Her son is going to spend the next fifteen years of his life in jail. He’ll miss college. He’ll have a record. “Aubrey. I want to talk to you, sweetheart. I’m so sorry I haven’t called before now.”

  “It’s okay.” No it’s not.

  “Sweetie. I’m sorry this happened to you. I’ve had such a hard time accepting this. I—I’m sorry I was so angry at your for so long. But, it’s not your fault. It’s not. I know that, I always have.”

  I feel the heat travel up to my neck. My fault? How could she have thought it was my fault? “Okay.”

  She sighs and chuckles beneath her breath. It’s humorless. “I thought you two would get married. He loved you so much. He loved you too much. Do you understand?”

  I shrug one shoulder. Then I remember she can’t see me. “I don’t know. It was the scariest thing that’s happened to me. Mrs. Powers, my parents made me break up with him. You know that, right?”

  “Yes. And they were right to do that. He was becoming obsessed. I should have noticed the signs. He was so depressed after you two broke up. Then when he saw you with Jace, he went crazy. He tore his room to shreds.” She sniffles. “The reason I’m calling is because I know that you didn’t deserve this. I’m sorry he took what you loved away from you. I talked with your mother the other day. She says you’re not swimming anymore.”

  She talked to my mom? “I’m—I’m learning again. My friend is helping me out. I’m trying to live again.”

  A loud sob breaks from her throat. “There is nothing like a love for your child, Aubrey. I love Michael so much. He’s my son. Always will be. But, I know what he did was wrong. He scarred you, and I’m sorry. Please don’t let him control your life. He’s not worth giving your dream up, sweetheart. Don’t be scared because of him. He doesn’t have that control unless you give it to him.”

  “It’s okay, Mrs. Powers. Everything happens for a reason. And I’m pretty sure I know that reason now. I appreciate your call.”

  “Thank you for talking with me, Aubrey. We miss you. You should come down and visit soon. Your mother said you were working at a summer camp for the summer, right?”


  “Come and visit when you finish. I would love to see you again.”

  “I will, Mrs. Powers.”

  “Okay. I won’t hold you up any longer. Please, call me sometimes. I would love to keep up with you. You have a great day, sweetie.”

  “You, too.”

  Placing my phone on my bed, I stare at the comforter. I can’t imagine how hard that was for her. To call the woman that put her son behind bars. Even if he was wrong, a mother’s love is endless.

  I take a shower and get ready for bed. Cassie’s back and talking about her kids today. I don’t tell her I think someone is using the cabin next door. I don’t even mention it. Tanner comes in an hour later, doesn’t say anything as he crawls into bed with me and holds me tight to his chest. Like he’ll never get to see me again.

  “Any luck?” I whisper.

  He shakes his head against mine. “The police came and looked. They say it was no forced entry. They couldn’t find anything so they left.”

  Of course. Tanner tangles his legs with my own and cups my jaw with his palm. “Aubrey. You’re safe. I won’t let anybody hurt you.”

  I nod into my pillow and shut my eyes. I believe him.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “That’s it, darlin’. Come to me.”

  The sunlight is setting behind the trees, leaving a bright beam cascading across the water. Aubrey’s wading in the shallow end. Her arms hover over the surface on each side. The excitement on her face is contagious. “I’m in the water,” she whispers to herself.

  I take a step toward her. The water laps at her sides, covering her bellybutton. She’s made so much progress these last few weeks. We’ve actually had a great few weeks. We haven’t seen or heard anything from the creeper guy. Either he left or he’s staying low. I’m guessing the latter.

  Aubrey’s laugh brings me back. Lips curling slightly, she smiles to herself like she’s amused about something. “I’m in the water,” she breaths out. “I’m in the fucking water!”

  A flock of birds flutter from the tree hovering over the small lake. I laugh and signal for her to walk toward me. Carefully, she treads forward. She looks at the water like it may jump up and consume her, like it did before. Her fingers reach me first, twisting into the nape of my neck. “Darlin’, you’re in the fucking water.”

  She laughs loudly. It’s singsong like. I could definitely get used to it.

  “Thank you, Tanner. I could have never done this without you. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a really long time.”

  “Ditto, darlin’. But, you could have done this all along. You’re stronger than you look. You can’t blame yourself for being scared. Someone tried to kill you. Someone you thought loved you.”

  She bites her lip and stares down at the water around her. “His mother called me the other day.”

  “Really?” I lift a brow. “What did she say?”

  She shrugs and hangs on my shoulders tighter. “She told me she knew it wasn’t my fault. That she was mad at me for so long, but now she understands.”

  That’s good, right? Why is she frowning? Lifting her chin, I gaze into her hazel eyes. “Then why do you look so sad, Aubrey?”

  The sides of her lips turn down. “Is it really not my fault? I saw him starting to get clingy,
and I didn’t talk to him. I didn’t try to get him help. My parents broke any contact I had from him. I—I feel like I couldn’t have done something, Tanner. Why didn’t I?”

  “Aubrey,” I say carefully. “It’s not your job to take care of him. He could have gotten himself help. You were scared. You had every reason to be scared. This. Is. Not. Your. Fault. His mother is right. It’s his fault.”

  She nods. “Okay.”

  “Are we finished for today? Or do you want to swim more?”

  She swallows and the smile is back. “I think I’m good for today. You ready to go home?”

  I’ve been waiting on this day for weeks. Her eyes search mine, and I know she can see it. “Not yet,” I whisper.

  A slow smile crawls up her jaw. Before she can say anything, I reach underneath her and bring her up into my arms. She’s quiet as I carry her toward my truck. The back is already set up. I am not going to let this opportunity pass me by again. I need her.

  Her voice is so gentle against me. “Here. Please.”

  I nod and set her down in front of the tailgate. “Here, darlin’. Right here. No more waiting. There is a towel right there. Dry off and get in the truck. I’m gonna take care of you.”

  Smiling, she slowly dries herself off before she jumps into the back of the truck and slides underneath the mounds of blankets. My heart jack hammers in my chest. I dry myself off and crawl after her, sliding beside her, not touching. Not yet.

  * * *


  This is it. He’s finally going to take me. Take care of me. I’m holding back my nerves, looking over at him. His eyes scan my face, down my neck to the curve of my breast.

  He drags his thumb along my jaw like he wants to memorize every single inch of me. Nerves shoot down my body. He continues caressing my face, sending explosive heat through me. “When I pulled you out of the water, I knew I wanted you. I knew I’d have you, too. I wouldn’t stop until you were mine.”

  His words send tingles down to my toes. When he bends his head closer, he asks me permission with one gaze. “Yes,” I whisper. “I want it.” His woodsy scent mixes with his soap and it clings to my nose. My entire body aches for his touch. He presses his mouth to mine, slowly, but pulls away.


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