Dark Matter

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Dark Matter Page 2

by Christie Rich

  Cassie took my hands into hers. “Come on, Rayla. When are you ever going to have a chance to go to a real live masquerade ball again?”

  A slow smile curved my lips. This was just the sort of thing we used to dream up as kids. My heart beat faster as I thought about being swept across a crowded floor in the arms of prince charming. Two faces fought for dominance in my mind, and I found myself floating wistfully into the daydream. Even if Zach and Luke couldn’t be here tonight, I would pretend they were.

  I barely noticed Cassie stand up. But it wasn’t until she touched my leg that I came back to reality.

  “Will you help me decide which dress to wear?” she asked softly. “I want to look pretty for Finn.”

  I snorted, thinking of the way Finn always stared at her with puppy-dog eyes. He was all-out gone over her. “You could wear a garbage bag and he wouldn’t notice, but I’m in.”

  She grinned radiantly and headed for the bath. My thoughts strayed to what I was going to wear. I had an entire closet full of enviable fashions, but what was the point? Who did I have to impress? I gritted my teeth. The sentiment of a ball was nice, but reality was much different.

  I’d thought I had it bad back at college. If I had known just how awful this could get I would have insisted on choosing a bondmate before I came here.

  I had expected Zach and Luke five days ago, but no one other than me seemed to notice their absence. I kept telling myself that it was a good thing that they hadn’t returned because I needed the time to decide. I figured that distance would help me to see who was best for me, but the longer they were gone the more confused I became. My heart was a tangled mess of uncontrolled emotional strings. I would follow a line thinking it would lead to a choice only to end up at the beginning again.

  To make matters worse, every underlord here had decided that now was the time to move up in the ranks by conquering me for their queen. Fighting back the onslaught of constant compulsion attempts was not my idea of fun. I didn’t have a clue why they were even bothering. What made them think they could do better than Luke had? He was an actual lord for heaven’s sake.

  I had to get out of here before one of these weasels found a way to really compel me and there was only one fae I could trust to help me do it.

  I found Finn in the Great Hall. The room was bursting with the stale stench of crowded bodies. Our gazes touched briefly, but he looked away faster than I could pin him down. He started for the foyer at a brisk pace. I called after him, pushing past a couple of guys that were trying to penetrate my mind. I had no idea who they were, but the attempt was subpar at best.

  I didn’t have time for this. I threw up walls so thick an atomic blast couldn’t bring them down. Each man clutched his skull, groaning as though their brains had just exploded.

  Served them right. I skirted around them, trying to keep Finn in sight. He wasn’t ditching me this time.

  I followed him out of the castle and into the frozen tundra that makes up the majority of the fire realm. The most I could hope for was that he would agree to help me, but the least I would accept from him was an explanation for why he was avoiding me all of the sudden. He was looking straight forward, his long auburn braid swaying in the wind.

  I had to jog to even have a chance to reach him. The air was crisp from the scent of ice mixed with pine. I inhaled deeply trying to capture the freshness.

  “Hey, Finn,” I yelled. “Wait up!” He hadn’t slowed down at all. In fact, it looked as if he had sped up. The worst part was he hadn’t even bothered to hide the fact he was trying to get away from me.

  I kicked into a full run, pulling my fur jacket tighter around my neck. My breath swirled around me in a chilly fog.

  His sigh echoed off the frosty cliffs looming above us. He had attempted to explain why a people who control fire had to live in a frigid environment, but it was still a little odd to me. He said it had to do with balance. If his people occupied a more temperate clime, they would most likely destroy it from how they use their power.

  I loved being around Finn. He was the only male I had met lately that hadn’t tried to seduce me. Somehow, fae males have a way of amplifying their charm based on reactions from their prey. I saw Zach do it in my dorm-room at St. Mary’s and the effects were earth-shattering for me. He could have had me then if he had only asked. Sometimes, I wish he had.

  Being here was much worse than I had ever thought it could be. For the most part, I have been able to overcome the feelings the lordlings constantly inflict on me, but it has gotten rather tiring.

  I’ve realized something that I hadn’t before, though. These men have the ability to make me feel as if I am in love with them without much of a problem. Unfortunately for them, my mind can still see through their guise even if my heart can’t. They had a disadvantage where I was concerned because they couldn’t make the connection with me they enjoy with normal Elementals.

  Finn was different. He had never tried to compel me, and I found it rejuvenating to be around him. I just wished I had the same effect on him. He always seemed uncomfortable whenever he was anywhere near me, which over the past few days had been not at all. I needed to find out why.

  He glanced at me then grimaced. “It is not wise for you to seek me out like this.” His sultry voice always made my insides tighten slightly, but I had learned to ignore the feeling.

  I gave him a big sloppy grin and chuckled. “Being with you is the safest place I can be right now.”

  He stopped cold and faced me. His chest heaved rapidly; his fists clenched at his sides. “You take much for granted. Have you forgotten I was sent by my people to claim you?”

  Hadn’t he told Tabitha he didn’t want me? He had said it was only a formality. I shook off the thought then punched his arm lightly to emphasize the fact that I was trying to be his buddy. “You could never do that to Cassie. Besides, Luke already tried to hijack my mind, and I’m still here. Your people will have to understand that I’m not going to bond with just anyone.” After realizing I had insulted him, I added, “No offense.”

  He smiled crookedly, his straight white teeth gleaming in the morning sun, and coughed as though he was fighting back an ironic laugh. I could see why Cassie liked him so much. He seemed gruff on the exterior, but, really, he was just a big teddy-bear.

  He leaned nearer. “If I do not fulfill my calling soon, another will be chosen. Then where will you be, little miss smug attitude? You think just because you escaped Luke’s paltry attempt you will be able to escape all? I would not be so naïve, Rayla.”

  My muscles tensed when he said my name, but as usual he wasn’t trying to compel me. I trusted him—well, as much as I could trust a fae. He was the only royal fae that hadn’t once tried to use me, and that included Luke and Zach. I didn’t care if it was because he was tired of living under the dictates of the courts. I found his rebellious streak refreshing.

  Finn was determined to choose his own mate. He had made it clear he wanted that person to be Cassie.

  She wanted the same thing. I did too. So what was the problem? “You and I can help each other,” I blurted enthusiastically.

  He folded his big arms across his bigger chest. “Is that so?”

  I gave him a vigorous nod. “You don’t want to claim me, and I don’t want to be claimed.” I lowered my voice as if the cliffs had ears. “No one besides Cassie has to know that though.”

  A confused expression settled on his face. “What do you mean?”

  I leaned conspiratorially toward him. “You can act, can’t you?”

  He grunted, waiving a dismissive hand in front of his nose as if I were a pesky fly. “That would never work.”

  My face screwed up in confusion. I shoved my hands at my hips. I had spent a lot of time considering the pro’s and con’s of my plan, and I hadn’t been able to come up with a single reason why it wouldn’t work. “How come?”

  He avoided looking at me even though I was staring straight into his tawny eyes. He clenched his
jaw a couple times before he said, “This whole thing is much more complicated than you want to know.”

  I felt the corners of my eyes narrow in concern. “I doubt that.”

  He scrubbed his hand down his stubbly jaw. “I know it seems as if you have found a simple solution to our rather large problem, but…” He hesitated a little too long for my liking before he blurted, “I am not immune to you. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  Chapter Two

  Had I understood Finn correctly? Was he really implying that he felt drawn to me like the other lords? I shook my head and placed my hand lightly on his arm. He yanked it away.

  Despite the gloves I was wearing, I cradled my hand against my chest as if I had touched a hot pan. I stared up at him not believing what I was seeing. Behind the fury reflecting in his eyes was unmistakable heat—for me. “You can’t be serious.”

  He looked away again. “It takes all my will to avoid you. Since you have come into my realm, your call has…intensified. I am doing my best, but I won’t be held accountable for my actions if you continue to pursue me.”

  I let out a disgusted huff. “What about Cassie?”

  He set his jaw tighter then sighed. “She is your best friend. I advise you to keep away from me…for all our sakes.”

  I matched his stance, folding my arms across my chest. “You’re telling me you would actually bond with me—right now—if I was game?” A dark expression crossed his amber eyes killing the hope I still had.

  “Do not tempt me, girl.”

  I frowned at him, backing away. I thought I had an ally in Finn. How could I have been so wrong about him? “Zach said you would protect me.”

  He moistened his bottom lip and stared at my mouth distractedly as though he was imagining how I would taste. He pulled his gaze away from me but not soon enough to give me any comfort. His voice was gruff when he spoke. “He was aware of the dangers when he left you here with me.”

  I was losing the only hope I had of leaving this place to find Zach and Luke. I couldn’t understand why nobody but me was worried that they hadn’t returned as planned. I kept my voice solid trying my best not to let the insecurity I felt seep into my words. “Zach and Luke are in trouble. I can feel it. They need your help!”

  Finn opened his mouth as though he was about to speak then closed it tightly. He shook his head warily. “Zach is fully capable of taking care of himself, as is Luke. I suggest you do the same.”


  “Leave!” His bellow echoed off the cliffs in a thunderous roar loud enough to startle wildlife miles away. The sharp reverberation of cracking ice mirrored the rents spreading through my heart.

  I felt shock inch across my face before I narrowed my eyes at him. It was more out of hurt than anger, but he didn’t need to know that.

  He just glared back. His expression held no amount of compromise.

  I turned and ran toward safety, as if there was such a place here. The castle loomed in front of me like a haunting figure in a ghostly dream.

  The whole structure was made from giant slabs of grey stone. The battlements rose high above the portcullis, the picture of intimidation. It even had a drawbridge and a bright mote of swirling lava that singed my nostrils like a blazing inferno. The place held an eerie, ancient quality that was at the same time breathtaking and horrifying. It looked absolutely medieval, making me wonder how long it had been here.

  I ignored the temptation to stop and gawk at it again. I hadn’t been able to really explore the castle because every time I had dared come out of my room, someone had tried to compel me.

  People stared as I passed through the enormous double doors and into the spacious foyer. Tears streamed down my cheeks unguarded. I no longer cared what any of these people thought of me.

  I raced through the great hall toward the stairs that led to my room. Sweat trickled down my back and beaded on my forehead. I longed to shed the heavy coat I was wearing, but I had learned not to take it off until I was within my chamber. Every time I had given into my discomfort and removed my coat in public, I had gotten unwanted attention from whatever male was around me. It was as though the strange dappled fur protected me somehow. I pulled it tighter. I could use all the protection I could get at the moment.

  My feet wouldn’t move fast enough. I took the stairs two at a time and jogged down the hall wishing I could just poof myself into my room like Professor Dumbledore. I sped around the corner, lungs heaving in protest. I was almost there.

  A groan escaped my mouth before I could stop it.

  Two men blocked the passageway to my rooms. These two in particular were trouble on steroids. I let out a sigh that could have crumbled Alcatraz and bit back a curse. I didn’t need this right now.

  Levi was bad enough to ignore with his solid physique and light honey eyes, but he wasn’t as big of a threat to me as Heath who epitomized tall, dark, and lethal. His deep eyes could pin me in a trance that was nearly impossible to escape.

  He was slightly shorter than Finn, yet every bit as muscular. His hair was a deep chestnut that looked walnut unless the light caught it just so. He had a small dimple high on his right cheek, but only when he smiled broadly. His lips were a little too thin for my liking, so why did I find myself staring at them whenever he was near? Although I had tried several times, I couldn’t deny that even among the fae he was a beautiful man.

  The worst part was he made me nervous. I kept telling myself it wasn’t in a good way hoping one of these days my body was going to believe me. One look from him, and I felt myself align with him as though no other man existed in his universe. I didn’t care what my traitorous body wanted. I had other ideas.

  “Hello, Rayla,” the men said in unison. A vague compulsion slid up against the barriers in my mind. How two hopeful underlords thought they could control me when the champion of their realm hadn’t been able to do it was beyond me?

  Well, to be fair, Finn hadn’t actually tried to compel me. I prayed he never would.

  I gave a half nod, pushing back with my mind. I felt Levi withdraw immediately, but Heath was still lurking somewhere. “Excuse me, please.” I moved forward a step. Levi didn’t even look at me before he set off down the hall. His shoulders were slumped as if in defeat with his head hung between them.

  When I spun back around Heath was firmly planted in front of me. A single dark brow rose as if to say just try to go around me. I leveled a steely expression at him. My voice came out ragged. “Move out of my way.” I was in no mood to deal with amateur flirtation of any level.

  Who was I kidding? He had flirtation down to an art-form.

  He gave me an exaggerated frown before he came within inches of my face. “Why are you so grumpy all the time?”

  My heart set into a jig at his nearness. I felt the need to move back a step but I didn’t want to encourage him into thinking all he had to do was look at me in order to control me. I cocked my head to the side and leaned against the wall. It was not because he made my knees weak with just a glance. I studied the hard lines of his face. Every angle led me to the next and soon I was back to those lips I could munch on for hours.

  I was still trying to decide if this was really how he looked or if it was an enhanced version. I stared at him a little too long, feeling a slight blush rise up my neck when he did the same. Definitely amped up. With a great amount of effort I managed to straighten my spine. “Maybe it’s because every time I turn around I have to see your ugly face.”

  He let out a gusty laugh, not even acknowledging my absurd insult. The heat coming off him overwhelmed my senses. He inched nearer before he placed a hand on the wall next to my face. Waves of his scent hit me like an inferno. Images of dark, hidden places invaded my mind. A lazy grin slid onto his lips before he spoke. “If you’re so eager to get rid of me, why don’t you compel me to leave, Rayla?” My name came out a mere whisper but the soft sound held the strings to my will.

  I pulled at my collar, wishing I had a bucket of
slush handy. I needed to cool off and it wasn’t because I was sweltering in my coat anymore.

  My insides tingled from having him this close. Even though I would never admit it to him, I was straddling the sharp edge of surrender. If I didn’t get away from him soon I was bound to give in.

  Thank the heavens and the stars Finn had come for me instead of Heath. I wasn’t sure how things would have turned out if he had.

  I willed myself to step closer to him even though I needed to get away. He had the audacity to grin at me as if he had won.

  The strength of the elements seeped into my skin. “What a great idea, Heath.” Merely saying his name like that made my head soar on a cloud of dizziness. I put what I hoped was a little compulsion into my words to get him to move away from me. I didn’t dare do much more than that because I was still pretty new at this. With my luck my compulsion would rebound on me and I would be stuck with him forever.

  I still had no clue what I could do with my power. Neither did this moron. The unknown seemed to scare off most of the hopefuls after one failed attempt, but the idea that I just might be an imminent supernova apparently didn’t bother him.

  A confused expression crossed his features briefly before he stepped aside. With an exaggerated flourish, he swept his arm toward my door. “I am at your service, my lady.”

  I hadn’t missed the possessive inflection he’d used in addressing me, but I made myself ignore it. I was so sick of people calling me that. My lady, as if they owned me. Cassie told me they only did it out of respect for me. Supposedly, the use of a generic term meant the speaker was in no way trying to compel me.

  Well, I had endured other kinds of compulsion within the last few days, and I would take the blatant attempts over the concealed anytime. Some of these people were pretty adept at mind penetration and a subliminal compulsion was harder to identify than an outright attack.


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