by CJ Adler
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Copyright © 2018 by CJ ADLER
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This book is a work of FICTION. It is fiction and not to be confused with reality. Neither the author nor the publisher or its associates assume any responsibility for any loss, injury, death or legal consequences resulting from acting on the contents in this book. The author’s opinions are not to be construed as the opinions of the publisher. The material in this book is for entertainment purposes ONLY. Cover image from Shutterstock com.
Praise for Pause
This book is the true definition of the phrase “emotional rollercoaster.” I've never, in my life, cried tears of laughter and tears of sadness just because of one book. Scratch that, one chapter. CJ outdid herself with how much emotion is in her writing. Pause is simply the best book I've ever read.
-Sana H., Goodreads
Pause is one of most well written books I've read and is definitely one of my favourites. It is guaranteed to leave a smile on your face, maybe even cry a little with the shocking plot twists. The character development is so good, every single character having their own individuality yet being so relatable. Reading this book will leave you laughing so hard as well as feeling so many emotions at once. CJ is a master storyteller introducing a fresh voice to fiction. Reading Pause will affect your life for the good, it's a bery good indulging book. You can trust me when I say it's worth your time.
-Aisha Ali, Goodreads
A soul-immersing adventure that allows you to enjoy the whole journey through the very experience of Aqueela Lawson - an upbeat girl, a strong leader, a brave fighter, 'sunshine' itself, an optimist at heart, a legend at soul. This book has changed my perspective of life drastically. Don't miss out on the heart touching journey in the thrilling, challenging, humorous and above all, happy world of Aqueela and her friends and family.
-Madline Jemimah, Goodreads
The author portrays the difficulties of life perfectly.She shows the ups and downs of friendship and relationships so well ,making the reader connect with the characters easily. The book also puts readers through a whirlwind of emotions, one minute your laughing so hard you've fallen off of the chair and the next your crying at the struggles, hardships and pain the character is going through. While laughing at the ridiculous yet hilarious situations in the book you learn more about yourself and life, the author silently teaches us through each chapter of the book.
-Kathryn Maria, Goodreads
It's those rare gems that's found in a mine of unpolished jewels. A true beauty of its kind.It'll keep you on your tippy toes and won't let you feel content unless you're done reading.And the best part? One of those books you wanna keep reading over and over again without getting tired.
By CJ Adler
ISBN: 978-1-68030-961-4
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
This book is dedicated to all of my hilarious cousins who inspired this story with their crazy senses of humour.
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Chapter 1
Brink of Insanity
It started in January 2014...
“Just give it to me,” I demand in frustration. “No!” the kid shouts directly into my face.
“Please!” I try to reason with him, my temper about to get the best of me. I only have so much patience.
“No!” he repeats in the same tone and pitch as if he's enjoying the banter, whereas I'm not.
“How much do you want for it?” I question, willing to bribe the conniving child for it.
“How much you got?” he asks me, his interest spiking at the mention of money.
I think I just found what makes this kid tick. I may just speak his language yet.
“Only got one dollar on me,” I lie, taking my chances. I have nothing on me.
“Still no,” he answers in ease, stringing me along for the ride.
“That's it!” I crouch down to his level and try to grab the bubblegum ice cream out of his short stubby arms. “You've clearly had too much anyway!” “Aqueela! What the hell are you doing?” a familiar voice calls out to me as to if to reprimand me.
I groan at the sound and ignore her as I turn back to the midget before me. “Listen, kid, if I make a trade will you give it to me then?” I ask politely, trying to get into his good books. It might just be too late for that. I've blown all my shots to hell.
When he stubbornly shakes his head at me, all that was left of my self- control flies out the window . I grit my teet
h together and leap forward to attack , but a sudden tight grip on my wrist tugs me back.
I spin around to see who is proving to be an obstacle in my path of destruction. When my eyes meet her blue-green ones, I sink my head in submission and turn away in shame. “Why hello there, Bells,” I mumble sheepishly. “How nice of you to finally join us. Maybe you can help me kill Pork Chop over here?” I huff in defeat as the boy snickers, finding all of this to be in his full entertainment.
Bells gasps at my rudeness and turns to the little boy apologetically, still holding me tightly in place. “Forgive my friend, she's an idiot.”
“I noticed.” The boy grins evilly, smirking at me before taking a long lick of his ice cream, clearly antagonizing me.
“Can you please be so kind as to tell me where you got that ice cream?” Bells asks him.
I scoff to myself. “Been there, done that.” I've already spent an hour trying to find out where he bought it. The kid is headstrong and persistent in not telling me.
“Niceness will get you far in life,” Bell insists.
“Whatever you say.” I fake a yawn as I squirm in her grip, trying to break
free, but she's stronger than she looks—or maybe I'm just weaker than I look.
My first attempt was asking the kid where he bought that magnificent bubblegum ice cream, but he blatantly refused to tell me. Thus, I tried to get my hands on his ice cream. I would have succeeded had Bell not been meddling in my business like the pesky kid she is.
“Down the street, on the corner, pretty lady,” he answers her politely, my mouth falling agape in shock. He decides to comply now?
Bell grins at me in victory as she begins to drag me away, but I keep my eyes firmly trained on the kid. He licks his ice cream agonizingly slow and sends me a cheeky wink when Bells isn't looking. I glare at him profusely in turn, but he merely shrugs it off and gives me the 'call me' gesture.
My eyes widen in horror, my jaw just about dropping to the floor. “Bells, how are you not seeing this right now?!” I ask in fury. “The little monster is taunting me behind your back,” I tell her, hoping she'll side with me and jump aboard the'Aqueela train.'
Bella turns around quickly, only to find the very same boy smiling shyly at her and waving as if entirely innocent and not capable of being a devil in disguise. She scolds at me as a result, not believing me. “Aqueela, shut up. He's like five years younger than you.”
“That sly little—”
“Aqueela, do you want a bubblegum ice cream or not? Because if you do, then you better stop harassing a twelve-year-old,” Bell lectures me as if I'm the one in the wrong.
Annoyed, I roll my eyes and mimic her behind her back rather childishly. I'm stooping to the kid's level, and I blame him for it.
“As long as you're paying,” I mumble fiercely, beyond irritated. “Don't I always?” She shoots back a rhetorical question.
I stop short when we round the corner and a new store comes into view.
With a sudden burst of strength, I yank free from Bella's vise-like grip as the wafting aromas of dairy fill all my senses, the smell of all the different flavors lingering in the air.
“Wow!” I shout in awe. I can practically taste the ice cream on my tongue due to the tantalizing scents floating through the air. I'm difficult to please, but even I'm already impressed.
Bella rolls her eyes at my exaggerated enthusiasm. “You're so dramatic when it comes to ice cream.”
I brush her compliment aside as my legs take over. I absent-mindedly begin walking in the direction of the very building where dreams come true. I hesitate but then finally take my first step into the store. I close my eyes and suck in a deep breath, preparing for my life to change forever.
“Go in already!” Bell yells and shoves me inside, pulling me away from my wonderful reverie. I almost lose my balance and collapse under the force behind her unexpected push.
I recover and grin, overjoyed, as I take in the interior of the store. The bright colors and smells of dairy attack me more powerfully than ever before, now tempting me to buy something. I'd go bankrupt in a magical place like this.
Still in awe, I throw my hands in the air before spinning around in slow dramatic circles as I take in all the details of the majestic store. “This place is so heavenly, I can kiss the floors,” I say aloud to no one in particular, amazed by it all.
My fantasy comes crashing down at the sound of Bell's pessimistic voice.
“Looks like they don't have any bubblegum ice cream left in stock.”
I stop rotating to shoot her a flat look. I quickly rush over to her, taking a stand beside her as I survey the different flavors behind the glass. I hiss in irritation when I see that she is right. Just my luck. I walk up to the manager on duty in spite of Bell's protests.
I glance up and face the enormous Asian manager, who is smiling creepily at me. “Tell me, sir, is this a cult? A heresy?” I begin my severe interrogation.
He shakes his head nervously. “N-no.”
“Why is there no bubblegum ice cream left in stock, huh? Huh, huh, huh?” I lean over the counter and narrow my eyes at his own beady pair in a threatening manner before slamming my fist down on the counter. It's enough to whip some fear into him. In reality, I'm about as intimidating as a guppy fish.
“Miss, bubblegum ice cream just finish,” he says slowly as if talking to a toddler, his smile remaining intact. However, I'm pretty sure he's only recently learned some English, and that seems to soften me up a bit.
“Aww, man.” I sigh and turn away from him with a dejected expression.
He's quick to stop me. “But for lady...” He points at me. “I quick make you bubblegum ice cream.”
I nod, relieved, as a small smile takes over my features. “Yes. You make. I
wait. Thank you,” I say, expressing my gratitude as he disappears into the back room.
I turn around to face Bells, an enormous grin bracing my features, but it quickly falls when I see her disapproving stare of solemness. I shrug my shoulders innocently. “What?” I ask.
She gives me a deadpanned glare in return, signaling that I know 'what'.
“Aqueela,” she says flatly.
I give in and cave to her silent demand. “Oh, come on, I really wanted a bubblegum ice cream. I didn't ask him to go out of his way for me. He volunteered and I have trouble saying 'no',” I complain, trying to defend my actions as best I can. “You could have opted for a different flavor for once. It doesn't have to be bubblegum all the time,” she states in return, carelessly forgetting the meaning behind her words. My eyes blaze up, my temper flaring. She realizes her slip-up and quickly holds her hands up in surrender , pretending to be remorseful . “I'm just saying.” She justifies.
I scoff in disbelief at her casualness on the very significant matter. “Well, go and just say it somewhere else, like in hell,” I tease.
She falls quiet with a small smile intact as she shakes her head at me in pure amusement. If anyone gets me, she does. We've known each other for years. We've both lived in Burnsville, Minnesota, since teeny tots.
I stare out at the window at the light snow falling. I love winter but, unfortunately, it's not the best season for ice cream. Then again, in my books, ice cream is good at all times. It's the exception to everything.
“You know...” Bell trails off, breaking our silence. “I hope you're aware of who's paying for your ice cream.” She smirks, rubbing it in my face further.
I'm about to reply when another voice halts me in my place. “Lookie here, for lady, special.” The manager returns with a stunning blue, bubblegum ice cream in all its glorious delight.
I'm taken aback by its absolute beauty. I'm in awe but freeze when I notice it: sprinkles. The colorful, stale sugar is plastered all over my precious ice cream. My happy-go-lucky expression drops at the sight.
“Aqueela, calm down. Think this through,” Bell advises, worried about my reaction. This would not be the first time I've blown things
right out of proportion. “But I didn't ask for sprinkles.” I pout childishly at Bells, restraining myself from lashing out at the incompetent manager.
His grin stays in place upon overhearing my words with Bells. He beams at me proudly. “Special.”
“I demand you make another one without sprinkles. That, or I sue you for all you're worth. I hate sprinkles,” I order, well aware that I'm pushing it. His smile is unwavering—I am beginning to think that it's permanent.
“I make new,” he says with laughter as if finding me to be amusing. He quickly vanishes into his backroom yet again to do the task right this time.
“High maintenance,” Bells coughs mockingly. She's the one to talk.
I huff and roll my eyes at her before having my say. “This place needs a new manager,” I joke for the sake of humoring Bells.
“And why is that?” a smooth, silky voice asks from behind me.
I turn around slowly, only to come into contact with gorgeous blue eyes, high cheekbones and the most pronounced jaw I've ever seen. Light brown hair falls over his eyes, and I'm stunned that such a good-looking specimen even exists.
“H-hi,” I stutter in embarrassment, averting my eyes from his blue ones.
He chuckles and offers me a smile. “Hey.”
“Hi.” I repeat like an idiot and mentally facepalm myself. There's so much wrong with me.
He shakes his head at me with a cute grin on his face before clarifying the obvious. “I'm the manager here. Is there a problem?” he asks gently, concerned.
“You?” I ask. “Oh,” I say stupidly. “Aren't you too young?” I ask impulsively. “Not that you look young or anything, but that doesn't mean that I think you look too old,” I ramble on. “I mean, you're perfect the way you are. I love you,” I blurt out.
I hear snickering from somewhere behind me as Bella drowns herself in giggles at my words.