by Martin Kihn
71 Harold J. Leavitt, “Why Hierarchies Thrive,” Harvard Business Review (March 2003): 102.
72 These acknowledgments, while true to their time of writing—when the author was an aging hack with nothing but a pipeful of dreams and a mailbox stuffed with despair—are no longer real: To Marty’s surprise, he was rescued from the slush pits by the great Dan Lazar at Writers House; taken on out of more than just pity by Dan’s brilliant boss, Simon Lipskar; noticed by the perceptive Dan Ambrosio at Warner Books; championed by the monumental Rick Wolff; and shepherded to the finish line by the eventful Ivan Held, also at Warner. Additionally, his friend Jim Meddick, his long-suffering parents, Ron and Patty, and his delightful wife and companion, respectively, Julia, and Hola the Baby Bernese, deserve love and gratitude.
Front Cover Image
Author’s Note
Prologue: My Story: Your Story: Her Story: History
Part I: Top-Tier Management Consulting for Absolute Blithering Idiots
1: The Rainmaker & the Perfect Storm
2: Consultant, Heal Thyself
3: The McKinsey Problem—or, the Mind of Machiavelli
4: An Analytical Digression: “On the Means by Which the Prince Maintains His Power”
Part II: Consulting Craft Skills for a Well-Stocked Tool Kit
5: The Gentle Art of Feeding Back—or, a New Way to Grow & Hate Yourself
6: The Complete Consultant’s Dictionary
7: The Good Partner
8: Basic Math for Regular Einsteins
Part III: In the Client’s Own Godforsaken Town
9: Welcome to the Working Weekend
10: Things to Do in Cleveland When You’re Dead
Part IV: Analyze This: A Minute History of Classic Consulting Texts
11: Strategy Is a Contact Sport
12: Tinybizbooks—A $48.99 Value ($68.44 Canadian)
13: Case Study—Reengineering for Nonengineers
Epilogue—or, “Is Consulting for Me?”
Appendix A
Acclaim for House of Lies
Grateful acknowledgment is given for permission to reprint from the following: Leadership in Administration: A Sociological Interpretation by Philip Selznick, copyright © 1957 by Philip Selznick, published by University of California Press, Berkeley, CA; and Competing by Design: The Power of Organizational Architecture by David Nadler, Michael Tushman, and Mark Nadler, copyright 1997, published by Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, NY.
Copyright © 2005 by Martin Kihn
All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.
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ISBN 978-0-446-56246-1