Lost Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 2)

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Lost Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 2) Page 3

by Sheridan Anne

  If only time could speed up. It’s been a bit of a slow day, but in saying that, it’s also been one of the best days I’ve had since being here.

  I was so worried things would go right back to the way they were at school between Slade and me as if our perfect weekend had all been a dream. But by some strange miracle, I had his undivided attention. Unfortunately, that meant I also had the undivided attention of the rest of the school as well.

  I’m so used to being the topic of conversation that it hardly bothers me anymore. At least this time it’s not about my past or something that I should be ashamed of. The speculation over whether I screwed Slade or not is really nothing new.

  Damian’s elbow comes shooting into my rib as he grins at me with his boyish smirk and bouncing brows. “Did you seal the deal?”

  My mouth drops open and for a moment I wonder if he’s forgotten who I am and that I’m not one of his boys, but then I remember his declaration to be my new BFF. “Seal the deal with what?” I say, smiling innocently as though I don’t have the slightest clue what he’s talking about.

  “Nah,” he says, shaking his head. “Don’t play the ‘I’m too sweet and innocent to know what you’re talking about’ bullshit. You’re too nasty for that to work. You got jiggy with him, didn’t you?”

  “Shouldn’t you be talking to him about this?” I question, raising a brow suspiciously.

  “Well I would, but someone went and told the dude that I like you more and when I asked, he told me to go and talk to my new best friend.”

  I press my lips into a hard line, forcing myself not to smile. “Damn, that sounds like a real shame. I wonder who would have said something like that.” His eyes narrow at me and my control breaks. A wide grin spreads across my face and he rolls his eyes. “To be fair,” I tell him. “It’s your fault. You’re the one who barged into my place on Saturday to watch the game, declaring that you’re filling the role of my best friend.”

  He groans. “I knew that was going to bite me on the ass,” he mutters low. “But still, I stand by my claim. Consider us now tied at the hip. I’ll get one of Slade’s little sisters to make us friendship bracelets, but I swear, Skylah, if you ever take it off, we’re done.”

  “Holy shit,” I gasp. “What have I gotten myself into? You’re one of those stage-five clingers, aren’t you? I’m going to be with Slade one day and find you peeking through the window.”

  “Hold up,” he says, waving his hand around. “I’m no clinger, I’m just passionate and for the record, if I were ever watching your dirty asses through the window, it’ll be to give my boy some pointers.”

  “Trust me, Slade doesn’t need any pointers.”

  “UH-HUH,” he cheers, loud enough to get the whole classroom’s attention. “So, you did fuck him.”

  Aw, shit.

  My eyes close and take a calming breath as the laughter, whispers, and gasps are echoed around the room. The second I open my eyes and let the class see exactly how unimpressed I am by their noise, they instantly shut the fuck up while Damian laughs, loving nothing more than messing with me.

  Mr. Carver uses the room’s silence to start his lesson and I glance around. “Where’s Slade? Isn’t he in this class?” I question, lowering my voice to a whisper. After all, Mr. Carver and I didn’t start on a good foot considering I attempted to start a brawl in his classroom two weeks ago. We’re still mending that bridge and I don’t want to do anything to fuck that up.

  “Just watch,” Damian murmurs. “He’ll walk through that door in about thirty seconds. You’re not the only one who’s had run-ins with Carver. He’s made Slade’s life hell since the beginning of time because of his position in the school. Something about demanding the respect of Slade means the rest of the student body should follow. If he wasn't getting near-perfect grades and bringing the class average up, Carver would have kicked him out ages ago.”

  “That’s bullshit. He can’t do that.”

  Damian shrugs. “Yeah, well Slade kind of deserves it now. After Carver was an ass to him for so long, Slade took it into his own hands and now he does everything he can to get under his skin.”

  Just as those last few words pass Damian’s lips, the door swings wide, making sure to slam against the wall of the classroom, making everyone but me and Damian jump.

  A wicked grin spreads over my face as Slade saunters into the classroom, not a care in the world. His eyes come to mine but as Carver growls low in his chest, his eyes are shot across the room. “Find your seat,” Mr. Carver demands. “The next time you walk into my classroom after the warning bell, you’ll be rewarded with a lunchtime detention every day for the rest of your senior year.”

  Slade scoffs. Everyone knows his threat has no merit. The most damage Carver can do is give him either three lunchtime detentions or an after school one, and let’s be honest, Slade doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to attend any type of detention.

  His eyes swivel back to me with a grin as he starts making his way toward me. One step, then another. It won’t be long until his hands are on me and I know I only just saw him during lunch but this craving inside of me has been building ever since.

  What is going on here? I’ve become desperate for him. Before I looked at him as my drug to forget the world and I was terrified that if I wasn’t hating him and didn’t have that intense adrenalin running through my veins, I’d lose it, but it’s only gotten better. He still takes away the pain and he sure as hell keeps my mind occupied. The only time I think of Lucien is when someone brings it up. Now when I’m reminded of my mom, I see her smiling face, not the blood splattered across the floor.

  I don’t even know if he realizes it, but Slade Cruz is healing me. He’s taking away all the bullshit and replacing it with butterflies, laughter, and joy.

  He gets halfway down the row of desks when a scrawny kid raises his hand for a high-five as he passes. Slade scrunches his face and scoffs. High-fives aren’t exactly his thing. The only time I’ve ever seen him do it is during one of his basketball games when a team member scores and raises their hand to instigate it. Only then will Slade follow through and raise his hand and it’s purely out of support for his team.

  This guy though, he doesn’t stand a chance.

  Slade goes to walk right past him when the idiot stupidly opens his mouth. “Heard you nailed the new chick,” he congratulates as though I’m not sitting right behind him. “Was she good? Fucking wild, I bet.”

  My jaw clenches at the same time that Slade slams his palm down on the kid’s desk. The sound echoes through the room, ten times louder than when Slade had swung the door open. All eyes snap in their direction and even Damian is sitting up a little straighter. “The fuck did you just say?”

  The kid jumps and his eyes flick around, desperate for help. This really isn’t going down the way he had hoped but I really couldn’t give a shit. I made a promise to myself that I was through with people disrespecting me and if Slade hadn’t gotten to him first, it would have been me putting that dick in his place.

  Slade bears down on him, impatient for his answer. “I, um…”

  “Ten bucks he pisses his pants,” Damian murmurs in my ear.

  “You what?” Slade roars, making everyone in the room jump including Mr. Carver. Me though, I seemed to be oddly turned on.

  “CRUZ,” Carver yells.

  “She…well, you…I thought you hated her and Damian just told the whole class that you fucked her and well…”

  Slade’s eyes slice to Damian, making him swallow but as he glares back down at the kid, it’s clear that is something that will be discussed later, for now, Slade’s more than happy to deal with this guy.

  Damian grumbles again, getting his affairs in order. “Well, it was nice knowing you.”

  I laugh under my breath as the kid stupidly continues. “You hate her, right? You just fucked her to teach her a lesson, am I right? You were just making a point that you can get to her. And well, look at her,” Slade’s eyes cut to m
ine and there’s nothing but heat making me lick my lips and clench my thighs. I could watch this all day. “She looks like she’d be a demon between the sheets.”

  Slade narrows his eyes and leans in a little closer, making the guy shrink down in his chair. “Did you just disrespect my girl?”

  The kid blanches. “Your girl?”

  “My fucking girl.”

  Damn, that sounds good on his lips.

  “Oh, fuck,” he says, his eyes beginning to water. “I…I…I’m sorry. If I knew you were with her, I never would have-”

  “Disrespected her?” Slade throws out. “Let me get this right…”

  Mr. Carver bellows out his name. “SLADE. GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM.”

  Slade glances up but doesn’t move an inch. “Hold on a second,” he says sweetly. “I’m just trying to teach this little prick a lesson about being disrespectful to women. That’s what we do at school, right? We learn. I mean, unless you have an issue with the message I’m trying to get across?”

  Carver’s jaw clenches and Slade doesn’t waste a second before dropping his gaze back to the kid. “So, because you assumed that I didn’t like her, that makes it okay to disrespect her? To sexualize her, treat her as though she’s fucking invisible when she’s sitting right the fuck behind you?”

  “But…but you treat her like that.”

  “I’ve never treated her as though she’s invisible. I’ve never talked about what she’d be like in bed to anyone except to her, with her heart racing and her adrenalin pumping because she fucking loves and craves it. But you,” he spits, looking up and down his pathetic excuse of a body. “You think she likes this? Do you think hearing the bullshit that just came out of your mouth is going to get her hot? Do you think that bullshit would make her palms sweat and crave more? Fuck, no. If she wasn’t so fucking strong, if this was some other chick you were talking about, she’d be running out of here in tears wondering what the fuck she’ done to deserve that. Let this be a warning to you, don’t ever speak about my girl again, don’t fucking look at her, don’t fucking think about her, don’t even fucking breathe around her or you’re done. Got me?”

  He swallows back, his whole body shaking as he violently nods his head while the girls in the room swoon over how he didn’t just speak up for me, but for all of us.

  Slade pushes off his desk and turns his heated gaze on me. He starts making his way toward me and the second he moves away from the kid, Carver nods toward the door. The kid takes off like a bat out of hell straight through the door. From the direction that he’s running, I don’t doubt he’s heading for the front gates desperate to get as far away from Slade Cruz as possible.

  As Slade gets closer, Damian gets up with a guilty as shit expression and walks around to the vacated seat in front of us. I press my lips into a tight line, still learning so much about the dynamics between Slade and Damian. Right now, Slade is too important to spend time thinking about their friendship.

  He leans down and brushes his lips over mine. “Are you alright?”

  His worry has my heart thumping so damn loud that I swear he can hear it. “You know,” I whisper, wondering how he has such an overwhelming effect on me. “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen and just for that, I think I might just show you how fucking wild I can be.”

  He groans low and closes his eyes as the need takes over him. He drops back into Damian’s vacated seat and within seconds, his hand is on my thigh and the class is turning their attention back to Carver.

  We somehow get through the rest of biology and when the bell indicating the end of class sounds, I start packing up my things while Slade sits on the desk, waiting. “What have you got next?”

  I scrunch my face. “History.”

  “You’re not a fan of history?”

  I shake my head as I get up and start making my way toward the door. “Not in the least. It does my head in. I have trouble remembering timelines and dates. It all just blurs together. I’m probably the only person on the planet to get the dates of World War I and World War II mixed up.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  I groan. “I mean, it only happened once and it was a bad week for me.”

  Slade shakes his head while trying not to laugh. He throws his arm over my shoulder and I’m instantly reminded of our day together yesterday. We fucked around, doing absolutely nothing. He took me out and we were halfway to seeing a movie when I reconsidered and told him that if we were going to watch a movie, I’d prefer to do it at his place where we could fool around without the eyes of other people on us. I’ve never seen anyone turn around so fast.

  It was a great day. He made me lunch, we laughed, and what’s more, I didn’t once think about wanting to push him away. It was incredible.

  “I’ll walk you,” Slade says, bringing me back to the present. I smile up at him and as his hand drops from around my shoulder and finds my ass, I’m reminded of the way I’ve had to clench my thighs for the past hour. There’s still another hour of school and I’m pretty sure he has basketball training after that. What am I going to do? I don’t think I can wait that long.

  My brows pinch as the disappointment shoots through me. I’m going to have to wait until I get home and sort it out myself. “What’s wrong?” Slade questions, seeing the strain on my features.

  My eyes meet his and the words come shooting out before I even realize what I’m saying. “Want to fuck?”

  He grins. His eyes darken and before I’m able to get another word out, he tears open the door of a supply closet and pushes me in. My ass is grabbed and I’m placed upon a shelf as he steps in between my legs and crushes his lips to mine.

  Oh, holy hell, yes. This is exactly what I’ve been needing.

  The door is locked as I grab his belt buckle and start diving for the goods. Slade tears me out of my jeans, neither of us worrying about losing our shirts. We have about five minutes until we’re classified as late for our next classes, so this is going to be quick. Real fucking quick.

  He pulls a condom out as I fling my panties off my legs and open wide. He gets himself sheathed and by the time I reach for him, he’s ready to go.

  He buries himself deep inside me and I cry out as my hands fly around his back. My fingers dig in and I’m pretty damn sure that I’m going to leave ten little half-moons on his back from my nails but right now, neither of us could possibly care less.

  He works my body hard and fast and I clench my eyes, feeling my orgasm creeping up on me.

  “That’s right, Virago,” he says through his teeth. “Give it to me.”

  I groan, dropping my head to his shoulder and biting down on his skin to stop myself from screaming out. I don’t think I’ve ever felt something so quick and intense in my life.

  We both come and he instantly collapses against me. “Holy fuck, babe,” he pants, trying to catch his breath as I wonder if I’m even still alive. “Where the hell did you come from?”

  I smile against him and he’s quick to crush his lips against mine. “Come on,” he says with a laugh. “I think we have about thirty seconds to get to class.”

  “Shit,” I laugh, jumping down from the shelf and grabbing my clothes. Slade deals with his used condom and tucks himself back inside his jeans while I work on pulling these damn tight jeans back up my legs.

  I get presentable and Slade opens the door, leading me out with a hand at my back. I grin up at him until I sense a pair of disapproving eyes, zoning in on us. I look round and it takes me all of three seconds to find Rachel Carter.

  Her eyes narrow and she turns up her nose, instantly putting me on edge. I really don’t like that girl. She’s trouble, but the worst kind because she comes with a sickly-sweet smile. Except for right now of course.

  I ignore her and turn back to Slade, letting him pull me along before we both end up with detentions that neither of us has the intention of attending.

  Chapter 4

  I walk out of history class and start making my way
out of the school. I'm thinking that it’s going to be a boring as batshit kind of afternoon until Slade grabbed my hand and started pulling me along towards the parking lot. I realize as I'm struggling to keep up, maybe my afternoon won't be so bad after all.

  “Where are we going?” I laugh as he rushes past the students trying to make their way out of here.

  “Come on,” he calls, looking like an excited kid in a candy store. “We’ve got to do this quick.”

  “Do what?”

  He grins wickedly as he looks back at me. “You didn’t think I’d let Damian get away with outing you like that in the middle of biology, did you?”

  “Oh, no, no, no, no,” I say, putting on the brakes. “What are you doing? If you’re about to get into some ridiculous prank war with him, then I’m out. I don’t want anything to do with that.”

  “Come on,” he groans, pulling on my hand again, but the grin on his face tells me that I’m right and that I really don’t want anything to do with this. “I have to do this before training otherwise coach will have my ass and I’ll be doing suicides all fucking afternoon.”

  How am I supposed to say no to him?

  “Damn it, Cruz,” I grumble, letting him pull me along again.

  We get down to the parking lot and Slade goes over to his Dodge RAM before digging through the back and pulling out a jack. “What the hell do you need that for?”

  Slade doesn’t respond, just grins up at me and laughs to himself as he grabs a few tools. He hands them over while he fiddles with the jack and starts heading over to Damian’s Mustang.

  “You’re not fucking with his car, are you?” I question in horror, glancing over the old Mustang. Damian absolutely loves his car and if Slade is going to stoop that low, then I don’t doubt this is going to turn into something that I don’t want to be a part of, but damn, it would be so much fun. I’m sure being at war with Damian isn’t going to be easy. He’ll be the kind to commit 100%. He’d be absolutely brutal, but then, so would Slade.


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