Lost Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 2)

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Lost Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 2) Page 19

by Sheridan Anne

  He pulls his impressive length out and my mouth waters, but right now, he’s got other plans. He grabs hold of me and turns me around before bending me over the back seat. My ass is out and proud, on display and ready for whatever he wants.

  I hear as he tears the foil packaging open with his teeth and slides the condom into place.

  Shivers take over as the anticipation gets me. This is going to be hard and fast. I’m most likely going to scream until my lungs give out and damn it, I know I’m going to have his red handprint against my ass for days, but I know without a doubt that he’s going to fuck me with everything that he’s got.

  Slade grabs my hips and lines himself up with my entrance before teasing me with his fingers. “Fucking do it,” I groan, needing him more than I possibly realized.

  His hand slaps down over my ass and we both groan. “What did I tell you?”

  “It’ll be as fast as you tell me.”

  “That’s right, Virago,” he says, pushing into me, painfully slow until he’s seated deep inside me. I push back against him and his fingers tighten on my hips.

  His tough-guy act slips for just a moment as he leans over me and kisses the back of my neck. “Fuck, babe. Are you ready for this?”

  I curl my hand around the center seat belt and hold on for dear life. “Give it to me, Slade. Everything you’ve got.”

  He groans low and straightens up behind me, adjusting his hold on my hips to keep me still. I can’t help but turn back and meet his eyes as he draws back. They flutter closed with need before completely clenching as he slams back inside of me.

  “Fuck, yes,” he groans as I tighten my hold on the seatbelt.

  He pulls back and repeats the process, then does it again and again, hitting me in all the right spots. It gets faster and with his hands occupied on my hips and a need pulsing within me, I slip my hand down between me and the seat until I feel his dick as it slides in and out of me.

  I press down on my clit and he groans as he watches me.

  I’ve never had it like this. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve definitely had it in every position I could possibly think of but there’s something so damn erotic about this. Something so much more.

  Slade grunts and pulls me back just a bit, sending him so much deeper. I scream out his name and his fingers bite down into my skin. He’s so close. I want him to come so badly. I want to watch that euphoria come across his face and know that it was my body that made him feel so good.

  He slams into me three more times when I feel my orgasm building. “I’m going to come,” I cry out.

  “Fuck, Virago, I’m right there with you.”

  I apply more pressure to my clit and as he slams into me one more time, we both go flying off the edge.

  Slade collapses down on top of me as we both struggle to catch our breath. “Holy shit,” I tell him. “You can fuck me in public any time you want.”

  “Good,” he groans, rubbing his hand over my ass, right in the place where he spanked it. “I plan to.”

  I somehow manage to roll beneath him so I can look up and meet his warm eyes. “Do we really have to go to this party?” I ask, “I think I’d prefer to go home and do that all over again.”

  Slade grins wide before dropping his lips to mine. “Where the fuck did you come from, Skylah Daniels?”

  “Where else?” I murmur against his lips, curling my legs around his waist and holding him to me. “Your wildest dreams.”

  “Damn fucking straight you did.”

  Chapter 23


  She’s so fucking gorgeous. I hit the jackpot when it comes to Skylah Daniels. I don’t know how I ever got so lucky. She’s fucking beautiful and despite the hell she’s been through, she was strong enough to love me. She’s one in a million. I doubt any other chick would let me fuck her up against the side of my car as she did.

  That woman would have let me wrap my fingers around her throat and fuck her into next week had I asked. That’s just the way she trusts me, but I’d never do anything to break that. She’s a fucking diamond among the trash and she deserves to be loved in the way that’s going to make her feel like the most desired woman on this green earth.

  I’m not going to lie, I was nervous about being so rough with her. I thought about it throughout the whole fucking game. Had that scout not been there, I know I would have fucked up and run with her out the door. After that bullshit Lucien pulled on her, I was afraid that I was pushing the boundaries too far, but she needed to know that I’ll never hold back from her. I knew that it was either going to go really bad or really good. I was either going to have to chase after her and apologize profusely or we were going to screw wildly in the backseat. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that she’d rise to the occasion and meet me thrust for thrust, begging for more.

  Fuck, I’ve never been so turned on in my life.

  Skylah’s past doesn’t scare me and it sure as hell doesn’t make me think any less of her. If anything, tonight has just proven how far she’s come. I’ve told her before and I’m sure that I’ll tell her a million more times throughout our lives; she’s the strongest fucking woman I have ever met.

  I hate that she’s suffered in life and I hate that the threat of Lucien still hangs over her head. She tries her hardest not to let it show, but I know she’s scared. I made a vow to myself that I would do anything humanly possible to help take that pain away and I could be wrong, but something tells me that it’s working.

  Skylah isn’t the same closed-off girl who first walked through the doors of Aston Creek High. Don’t get me wrong, she was a badass then and she’s a badass now, but her soul doesn’t seem so dark. It was once completely black but now it just seems covered by shadows.

  The colored lights of the party flash and shoot around the room, every now and then lighting up my girl and showcasing that dazzling smile that’s always pointed right at me. I fucking love that about her. How is it possible for one human to have this profound effect over another?

  I want to be with her every fucking second of every day. I’ve never experienced that before with anyone. I don’t doubt that this shit is real. I tell her every fucking day that I love her and I know for a damn fact that one day, she’s going to be my wife. You know, if she’s not too stubborn to actually say yes. I might have to tackle her down the aisle but it’ll be worth it.

  The music blasts and I watch as Skylah dances with Nessa. I don’t really get their friendship but I’m glad they’ve got it. At first, it kind of freaked me out. Nessa has been known to be a pain in the ass. She’s demanding and bitchy, but what’s more important is that she’s loyal as fuck which is exactly what Skylah needs in a friend. It took me a while, but I’ve finally come around to the idea.

  I lift my beer to my lips and have a quick swig. I’m not really one for drinking unless something has happened to fuck up my mood. My boys won a big fucking game tonight and we did it without any fuck ups, making each and every one of us look like fucking legends. This beer right now is for them.

  When Skylah first got here, I was drinking more than I ever had before, trying to forget the way she made my heart race. She was so fiery. That very first day I wanted to bend her over and show her exactly who’s boss around here, but she showed me. She said that there was a new boss bitch in town and I should have listened. Hell, it would have made both of our lives a shitload easier.

  I place the half-empty bottle down on the counter, not really feeling it as I watch Damian shuffle across the dancefloor and squeeze himself between the girls. All three of them are fucking drunk but I’m not surprised. It’s been an incredible night and they deserve a night to let loose and celebrate.

  It’s well past one in the morning and from the way Damian’s been getting closer and closer to Nessa, I’d dare say I won’t be dropping him home tonight. I think Skylah’s insane for trying to set them up but I can’t deny her reasoning. They both have itches to scratch and the other would do a good job at satisfyi
ng that itch, but they drive each other crazy. Come to think about it, Skylah drives me crazy and I’ve never been happier.

  I squeeze my way through the bodies and ignore the way that random girls reach out and graze their nails over my chest. They all know I’m with Skylah and if they want to risk an ass-whooping then that’s their business. I may be ridiculously possessive and protective of my girl, but she’s the same with me. She doesn’t get jealous but she sure as hell would put a bitch in her place if she tried to take what belongs to her.

  I step into Sky’s back and take her waist, loving the way she moves her body against mine. She looks up at me and smiles one of those beautiful smiles that make my chest ache. “I love you,” she beams.

  “I fucking love you too.”

  She turns in my arms and grabs hold of my shoulders before launching herself up into my arms. She wraps her legs around my waist as her arms slip behind my neck, holding herself up. “You know, I wish you were just a little bit shorter.” I raise a brow and wait for whatever bullshit is about to come pouring out of her mouth. “When I’m ninety and have just gone for my third hip replacement, jumping all the way up here isn’t going to be that easy.”

  I shake my head. Where the fuck does she come up with this shit?

  I hardly get a second to think about it before her lips are on mine. I taste the fruity punch on her tongue and briefly wonder how much of that she’s drunk. She’s no stranger to writing herself off and I don’t doubt tonight is going to be one of those nights. She’s not one to wear her hair back but I’ve been practicing tying up my sisters’ hair knowing that one day I’ll have to do it for Sky to avoid it being painted in vomit. Tonight though, I think we’re going to be just fine.

  “Are you nearly ready to go?” I murmur against her lips.

  She shakes her head. “One more dance and I promise, you can take me home and do all sorts of nasty things to me.”


  “Oh, yeah.”

  As she pulls back, she uncurls her legs and slowly slides down to the ground, knowing damn well that she’s being a tease, but I’m sure I can control myself long enough to wait until we get back to my place. Though maybe with Blake most likely passed out and Shay up all night drinking, it’s probably best to spend the night in my bed.

  Our bodies sway to the music and I kiss her neck as she grinds back into me. These are the moments I live for. It’s so perfect. Nothing can ruin this.

  Movement beside Sky catches my attention and I glance over to find Nessa curling into Damian’s chest. She’s been dancing up on him all night and the more each of them drink, the looser they’ve been getting. It was only a matter of time.

  His hands are all over her and when Nessa raises her chin and finally gives in, letting him kiss her, Skylah laughs and pumps her tiny fist into the sky. “I fucking knew it. They’re going to make sexy babies.”

  I can’t help but laugh at how damn happy she is only as their kisses become more urgent after weeks of sexual tension, both the smiles fall off our faces. This is dangerous territory, not just for me and Sky but for everyone at this damn party. These two are just moments from screwing on the dancefloor.

  “Okay,” Sky says, turning to look up at me again. “Maybe it is time to go.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Skylah taps Nessa’s shoulder to let her know we’re leaving but she shoos her away, not willing to interrupt her moment with Damian so I pull out my phone and text him, knowing he’ll check it at some point during the night.

  I take her hand and lead her out of the party only some fucker thinks it’s a good idea to grab her ass. He gets shoved back into a wall and creates a nice hole in the drywall before I force an apology out of him for my girl and keep walking.

  Skylah jumps up onto my back and I give her a piggyback ride down to my Dodge. She throws her hands up and laughs as though she’s on some kind of roller coaster, only putting her hands down when she wobbles.

  I get her safely in the car and make sure she’s buckled as I have a feeling doing it herself would be a bit of a challenge, one I’d love to sit back and watch but a frustrated Skylah isn’t fun for anybody.

  I get in the car and start heading home. We’re a good fifteen minutes away from home and I don’t doubt she’ll be passed out by the time we get back.

  Skylah chats all about Nessa and Damian’s babies while I drive and we get at least halfway home before a car pulls out behind me and speeds up until the fucker is riding right on my ass.

  This guy is a fucking idiot. Who drives like this in the middle of the night? It’s not as though I’m driving slowly. Me and the speed limit have never seen eye to eye. I’m already doing enough to guarantee a speeding ticket if I were to get pulled over.

  Skylah notices me glancing up in the mirror and she twists around in her seat to see the headlights shining right through the back window. She holds up both hands, flipping the bird, knowing the guy would see it perfectly well. “FUCK YOU, MOTHER FUCKER,” she yells at the top of her voice, making herself crack into a wild fit of laughter.

  Realizing this guy is probably just trying to get home and intimidate me to move, I hold my ground. No one gets the best of me. I don’t care if he goes around, in fact, he can be my fucking guest, but I refuse to move.

  The guy finally gets the picture and pulls out onto the other side of the road and just when I think he’s about to pass, his SUV swerves into mine, attempting to run us off the road.

  “What the fuck?” Skylah screeches as I swerve to avoid being hit, suddenly not finding a damn thing funny as her hands fly out and latch onto anything she can reach.

  I slam on my brakes, letting the guy fly past me. If my girl wasn’t sitting beside me, I’d be going after him but her safety comes first. I’m not going to risk her life by playing some stupid game of chicken.

  With the guy now up ahead, I hit the gas and glance over at Sky. “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah,” she whispers, putting her hand against her heart. “That kind of fucked me up. Who does that shit?”

  “I know, babe. Don’t worry, he’s gone.”

  She nods and I reach over and take her hand, realizing that she’s a little more freaked out than she’s letting on. My thumb rubs back and forth over her knuckles and suddenly the chatty girl from earlier is completely gone.

  As I keep driving, the guy in front begins to slow right down until the point that I’m now riding up his ass. “Seriously, what is this guy’s deal?” Skylah demands as my hand comes out of hers and I take the wheel. I have a bad feeling about this. Why is this guy fucking around with us?

  Skylah’s eyes are wide as she watches everything happening out the front windshield. She slips her phone out of her pocket, ready to call the cops if need be and just as she goes to dial 911, the fucker hits the brakes.

  Instead of stopping and allowing myself to ram up his ass, I peel over to the side with my tires screeching in protest. “SHIT,” Skylah screeches as she’s thrown to the side, desperately scrambling to right herself.

  I take off like a bat out of hell, more than ready to get away from this guy as Skylah hastily dials 911.

  The SUV comes barreling after me and I clench my jaw, realizing this must be some kind of psychopath intent on hurting us, but that shit ain’t going to happen. Not tonight and certainly not with my girl in the car.

  I hear Skylah talking with the cops but I don’t really take in a damn word she’s saying as my knuckles begin turning white on the steering wheel. I need to concentrate. I know these roads like the back of my hand. There’s got to be some way that I can lose this fucker, but on this stretch of road, it could be a while.

  I keep my eyes trained on the road and on every single one of my mirrors. I have a bad habit of speeding but I know for damn sure that I’ve never pushed my Dodge this fast before, I’ve never had a need to.

  Sky panics. She doesn’t like this at all. There’s no sign of excitement from the adrenaline pulsing
through her veins and as she pulls on her seatbelt, locking it into place, I know she’s thinking the worst. She gives our exact location to the cops but it’s not like they can magically appear. For now, we’re on our own.

  Sky keeps talking, explaining to the cops every single turn we take, trying her hardest to keep herself calm as she’s thrown from side to side with each corner I speed around.

  I speed through a red light, thanking God that there are no cars on the road to cause an accident. I fly past our street and back toward the highway. There’s no way in hell I’m about to lead this dick to either of our homes.

  He stays right on my ass and my gut tells me that I already know who it is, but I refuse to believe it. I’ve only ever seen one other blacked out SUV in Aston Creek and that was the night Lucien came for Skylah.

  This SUV is different, but not by much. Saying it out loud and being wrong is only going to terrify Skylah. It’ll set her back from all the progress she’s been making. Her hope of making it out of this alive will dwindle down to nothing and if shit goes south, I need her to fight.

  The SUV sits heavily on my ass. If I nudge the brake even a little bit, he’s going to slam into the back of my truck. His headlights sit right in my rearview mirror, blinding me every time he flies over a bump.

  Skylah goes into full-on panic mode and I glance over to see her watching the SUV heavily in the side mirror, struggling to calm her rapid breaths.

  “We’re going to get out of this,” I promise her, wishing I could reach over and take her into my arms while wondering where the fuck the cops are to stop this guy.

  I don’t want to risk pulling over as if it is Lucien, I can guarantee that this time he’s come a little more prepared.

  We head towards the very creek which gave this town its name, though ‘creek’ is a massive understatement, it’s more like a river. I hit the beginning of the bridge and fly over it. I hate this damn bridge. It was due for renovations at least five years ago and the city just keeps putting it off.


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