Seal's Professor: A Military Roommate Romance

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Seal's Professor: A Military Roommate Romance Page 73

by Piper Sullivan

  I tapped my index finger against my lips and scanned the books before me. They may have had value in the old world, but here they were pretty useless. Then something caught my eye. A small insignia on one of the books at the bottom of the pile, that looked very familiar. I trawled through the recesses of my memory and I tried to recall where I saw this symbol before, but nothing came to mind.

  It was a combination of the symbol of the goddess, blood and death. It made no sense. The goddess was the giver of life, why would she be associated with blood and death?

  I rubbed my hands tiredly over my eyes and slumped down on the chair behind the desk and closed my eyes. I had to centre my thoughts, do some serious housekeeping and get back to the basics.

  I glanced around me and noticed that there was no one else left in the library, which was pretty convenient, but I also didn’t feel at ease here. Despite my earlier yearning to visit this room, the presence of an entity lingered here, and was most likely placed here by Maura. I quickly gathered a few of the books, including the one with the insignia and made my way back to my room, the only place I felt safe. Having cleansed it from all evil, it was my own space of solitude and peace.

  I locked the door behind me and went to pull the box that contained my magical arsenal out from under the bed. I was going to have to start with a locator spell, it was my only hope to find the protection spell I could cast to protect my clan. My clan – when did these creatures become a part of my life circle? A few weeks ago I was a mere semi-mortal. A witch, who only by the grace of magic and the gods, was able to defy time and live longer than the average human and now I was staring at eternity as if it was a life sentence. Chronos, the father of time, clearly had a few tricks up his sleeve.

  I emptied the satchel filled with white and black pebbles onto the ground and started to place them in a circle with the exact measure of distance between each one. This time instead of white candles I used the black ones and placed them in strategically, representing the elements. Once the circle was cast, I entered it and sat down with my legs crossed.

  “Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna,” I chanted over and over until the candles lit up one by one. The goddesses have heard my plea and I could feel their presence as they all formed an ethereal circle around me. Their ghostly whispers soothed my soul as I sat amongst them focusing on the peace that surrounded me.

  With my eyes still closed the room materialized in my minds-eye and I reached for the small cauldron filling it with the last of my rain water, then placed it on the altar in front of me. Next I took the rune with the eye of Horus, and dropped it in the cauldron.

  “Keeper of all that’s real, let all that is hidden be revealed. Far and wide, across the threshold, what my eyes cannot see, bring forth to me.”

  In my vision I saw the hem of a black cloak as it floated over the floor near the bed, and then I saw what I needed to see, a blue haze of smoke resonating from under the bed.

  “Thank you!” I cried out as I opened my eyes, and the magic around me vanished instantly.

  I jumped up and pushed the bed out of the way. Underneath the bed was a small opening carved into the carpet that covered the floor and as I waved my hand over it, I could feel the tingle of an ancient force traveling up from my finger tips to my shoulder.

  This was dark magic, I realized as I peeled the carpet away. But if dark magic was the only way to protect my clan I would do so willingly.

  I took out the small wooden box and slowly opened it, then took out the small scroll that was tied with a red ribbon.

  Reflectempra pestem, mystifendio celestiteus. This spell not only protects but it locates as well. With the right combination of blood from either source, the clan would not only have the protection of the gods, they would be able to locate Lucifer’s Hordes long before they could breach the compound. The only problem was that I don’t have a Vampire hanging around for local blood donations.

  This was quite the predicament. No wonder Maura could never apply this magic.

  Chapter 9


  I stood before The Elders to consult them on Arabella’s acceptance among us. It wasn’t every day that a hybrid was the one who would evidently save us from annihilation. And I knew had to do whatever it took to convince them that she was no threat.

  “She has to be banished,” the eldest stated gruffly, “Hybrids are not like us, and she does not fit in amongst us.”

  This was harder than I thought and with my hands behind my back I paced in front of them.

  “She’s our only solution, she was the one who managed to break Maura’s spell and ever since the spell was lifted we can shift in our compound. What more must I do to convince you?”

  One of the elders stood up and towered over me. He was much taller and his face bore the scars of many battles. He was also the only one who has ever survived the bite of a vampire – not without consequence though. Due to the poison that flooded his blood, he lost his sight. But despite his brutal attack, he miraculously survived against all odds.

  “What more does she have to offer other than mediocre spells that are of no relevance to us?” he asked pointedly, “As far as we are led to believe, she’s in the Alexandria room right this minute, trying to find the spell we need. Is she making headway?”

  His question was warranted, but I had faith that she would find the spell, I just didn’t know how long she would take.

  “I believe she is making headway, and she’s not giving up until she has found it.”

  For the life of me I could not fathom how The Elders had more say than I did, was I not their Prince?

  The eldest stood again, “She has until midnight to come up with a solution, if not, she will be banished and we will have to find an alternative way to secure our compound,”

  Finally! There was hope yet, now I only had to get Arabella to work relentlessly to get the spell. And if it meant that I needed to help her, I will do just that.

  “We’ll have the spell before midnight,” I said and then without wasting any more time, I bowed before the Elders and exited the council room.

  I headed straight for the Alexandria room, where I knew she was buried under a pile of books searching for the spell Maura used before she cursed us, but she wasn’t there. The only other place I might find her was in her room.

  As I turned the corner into the hallway where her room was located, she crashed into me and instinctively I caught her and steadied her.

  “Edmund, I’m so glad I found you,” she said and I noted her violet eyes sparkle. She was unto something, no doubt.

  “I was just looking for you. I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but we need this spell before midnight,” I hated having to put pressure on her, I know from my own experience, when under pressure most things go wrong.

  “Well that’s what I came to talk to you about, you see, I found Maura’s secret. It took me a while and I had to do a locator spell, but I managed just fine. Thank the gods,” she said excitedly and held out a small wooden box.

  As she held it in her palms, I lifted the lid and took out the small scroll, none of it made any sense. So she translated it to me and explained that the spell uses blood magic. Once it’s successfully cast, not only will our compound be secured and hidden from Lucifer’s Hordes. We will also be able to locate them long before they manage to find us.

  “There’s a slight problem though,” she said and lowered her eyes, “we need the blood of a Vampire.”

  Well that’s just bloody damn brilliant! The only vampires we have here are decapitated dead ones, and those are far and few in between.

  “Major Bernhard, we have a situation,” one of my guards appeared behind us, and by the sound of his voice, it didn’t sound like a good news.

  I turned to Arabella, “wait for me in my office, I’ll be there shortly,” and then turned my attention back to the guard, “What is the situation?”

  “A vampire managed to breach the compound. He cam
e in through the underground tunnels. He has already killed two of our men.”

  The solution to our problem literally fell into my lap and the grin on my face obviously confused the guard as he looked at me wide eyed.

  “Take me to the blood sucker,” I commanded. But as I was about to leave, Arabella grabbed my arm.

  “Let me come with, I can protect you.”

  “It’s too dangerous,” I said and rested my palm against the side of her face, “Go wait in my office.”

  “Please Edmund,” she pleaded, clutching the box in her hand, “A bite from a vampire is all it takes to kill a shifter. And even if you manage to capture him, you will need someone to draw his blood.”

  She had a point, but the thought of getting her involved didn’t sit well with me.

  “Are you sure you can use your magic to protect us both?” I asked, searching her eyes.

  “I swear on the blood of my ancestors,” she said determinedly.

  “Very well, come along then, and whatever you do. Stay behind me at all times until it’s safe for you to move in.”

  Chapter 10


  Surrounded by six of his strongest men the vampire stood hissing and snapping like a wild animal. No one could get close enough without being bitten.

  “Can you protect us both with your magic?” he asked me again as he started to remove his uniform.

  “Yes, but why are you getting undressed?” I asked curiously.

  “I can’t do this in my human form, if I shift I stand a better chance to overpower the filth and you will have enough time to draw blood before my men stake him,”

  “It’s too dangerous, I can’t let you do that,” I protested.

  “I have to do what is necessary Arabella, can you protect me or not?”

  I chewed my bottom lip and I saw his eyes shift from my eyes to my lips and back, then pursed my lips together.

  “Here,” I said and grabbed him by his shoulders brining his face down to mine. His lips parted and I had to smile for a second. It looked like he was about to kiss me. But I kept my composure and chanted, “Prontenta mobiaris,” then breathed my breath into his mouth. A white cloud with substance obscured my view for a second before it vanished, and then I released him.

  “That might help, but try not to get bitten,” I said and stepped away from him.

  He simply had no option but to trust me and believe that I was protecting him with my magic. And as his guards formed a barrier between the vampire and him, he bent over and dug his hands into the clay floor.

  I stood and watched in horror as his body contorted in agony. A strange sensation mixed with euphoria and pain streamed through my own body and I realized that I was connected to him. I willed the pain to subside and watch attentively as he body started to mutate. His bones thickened in certain places as his skin rippled and reformed. His entire body expanded and thick hair sprouted all over his body. And then his bear stood with his back against me.

  What a magnificent creature, but now was not the time to admire him. I had to remain focused and protect him.

  He lunged forward and everything was over almost in the blink of an eye. He had the vampire pinned to the ground. The moment the vampire was secured I ran to them and with my athame blade that was cast in gold I struck the leech’s throat. Black tar-like blood gushed from its neck and I quickly gathered it in a small vial.

  “Got it,” I cried out and ran back behind the guards. Then all I heard behind me were the wails and cries of the vampire.

  Chapter 11


  The spell was a success, and finally the clan was safe from Lucifer’s Hordes, for now at least. Arabella was still fast asleep in my bed, and I couldn’t help but admire her. She was one witch I wouldn’t want to mess with.

  “Good morning,” she said gruffly as she rubbed the tip of her nose against my shoulder.

  “Morning beautiful, did you sleep well?”

  She rolled unto her back and stretched out, feigning a yawn, “Sleep, what’s that? I had this hunk of a man that wouldn’t leave me alone for a single moment,” she said jokingly.

  “I’ll be sure to have a talk with him; we can’t have our witch sleeping all day just because he’s a selfish bastard who wants you all to himself.”

  Her laughter drifted through the room and she rolled over and straddled me, grinding against my already painful erection.

  “Now, now Mrs. Bernhard, if you keep that up, we’ll be late for your inaugural ceremony.” I said and gripped her hips firmly.

  “I suppose you have a point, it’s not every day a hybrid saves an entire species from extinction and on top of that marries their Prince,” she said smiling as she lowered her lips to mine.

  So far I’ve broken every possible law, breaking another one was just one less to worry about. She pressed her lips against mine and I pulled her hips forward and buried myself deep inside her. Her hips immediately started moving and throaty incoherent words poured from her lips.

  Some of the guard, as well as the elders accused her of bewitching me, but I called it falling in love, and even if what they said was true, I’d rather be bewitched by her than cursed.

  She bore down on me and every stroke brought me closer to my release. And I knew by the way her body shuddered each time I hit the bundle of nerves deep inside her, she was also heading for her own climax.

  “I love you Edmund,” she whispered breathlessly as she scored her nails across my bare chest, and that was all it took.

  “And I you,” I said strained as my body stiffened and my release flooded her.

  “For ever and always,” she whispered and she slumped against my chest, pressing her lips against mine.



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  Nanny’s Aussie Billionaire: A Single Dad Romance


  “Mr Ormond, call on line two, it’s your mother-in-law.”

  Damn! I looked at the phone, trying to decide whether to take the call or not. This was the third time this week that Jennifer had called, and it was beginning to grate. I got that she wanted to stay connected to Lilah, especially after what had happened to Erin, but I was a busy man. This was getting intrusive.

  I looked out of my office onto the Melbourne city streets. It was a view that I never tired of. An office on the thirteenth floor, with ceiling to floor windows. In between phone calls and appointments, I would often stare momentarily on that view, getting my thoughts together for the next round of negotiations.

  That’s how life played out, when you worked in one of the most prestigious finance centres in Australia. I worked long hours, rarely making it home before nine of an evening, and starting before seven. It was the only way to stay on top of the game. Sure, I was a very wealthy man, but I never wanted to rest on my laurels. Besides, work had helped ease the pain, after what had happened to Erin.

  The phone buzzed again, the red light flashing insistently. That’s right, the call. Sighing heavily, I picked up the receiver, pressing the button to connect it.

  “Jennifer.” I put my feet up on the desk. “Third time this week. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “Finn.” Jennifer’s voice sounded crackly, as if she was speaking through a tunnel. Well, she was calling from Washington, in the States. “Michael and I have been discussing things a bit further. I wanted to keep you abreast.” I frowned. What was she up to? Or rather, what were both of my in-laws up to?

  “Abreast of what, Jennifer?” I tapped my fingers impatiently on the desk. “I’ve told you everything about how Lilah is coping. I’ve said you are both welcome to come and visit any time you like.”

  “Yes, we realise that.” Jennifer paused. I strained to hear. “Only – and don’t
get mad at this, Finn – we think that perhaps it should be the other way around. Lilah should come to us.” A pause. “Permanently.”

  I swung my legs off the desk, sitting upright. “Permanently?”

  I could hear the sigh on the other end of the line. “We know you do the best you can, Finn. It’s been so hard for you, since Erin died. But you work so much. Lilah is left all alone, without her mother and her father. It can’t be good for her.”

  “Now, wait a goddamn minute.” I felt a fission of fear prickle down my spine. “You aren’t taking Lilah! She’s just lost her mother, for Christ’s sake. She can’t lose her father as well. She’s only four years old.”

  “That’s exactly the point, Finn.” Jennifer’s voice was rising. “She’s only four years old. She’s just lost her mother. She needs stability – which Michael and I can provide. We are both retired now, we have the time to devote to her. You don’t.”

  “I spend time with her…” I trailed off. I knew she was right. I didn’t spend nearly enough time with her. But I was a busy man, and she had a nanny, didn’t she?

  I thought of Amber, the nanny. Twenty-three years old. American. She had been in our employ for a year now, and was doing an excellent job. Very mature for her age, she had been wonderful with Lilah since Erin’s death.

  But she wasn’t her mother. And she would leave one day, like they always did. She would go back to the States to keep studying for her degree from Harvard Law School. She was only taking a break to save up more tuition fees.

  Amber. She was an attractive girl, I had always been aware of it. Tall and athletic, she had the most amazing legs. And then there was her hair, long and chocolate colored…

  I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. What on earth was I doing? Getting distracted by lustful thoughts of the nanny! I suppose it was inevitable, that the old stirrings would return one day. It had been six months since Erin’s death, after all. But it was neither the time or the place.


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