You're To Blame: A High School Bully Romance (Haven Saints High)

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You're To Blame: A High School Bully Romance (Haven Saints High) Page 4

by Brooke Jordan

“I hope to see you there. But I’d love to talk to you tonight.”

  “Sounds good.”

  We exchanged phone numbers.

  His vibrant blue eyes met mine. What is it with me and guys with blue eyes?

  His curly blond hair swept his broad shoulders as he stood. My eyes marveled the slight crook in his narrow nose and his tanned angular jaw.

  “I’ll text you later.”

  I slipped my hair behind my ear and my cheeks heated. “Ok.”

  He waved at my friends as he walked back to his table.

  “Confident, isn’t he? How did he know me or Trevor weren’t your boyfriend?” Rocco questioned.

  “Right.” Trevor bit into a fresh slice of cheese pizza.

  “Not like either one of you guys are sitting on this side of the table. It’s only me and Connie.”

  She chuckled.

  The next song played and everyone at the table sang along.

  Connie leaned into my ear. “Thought you had the hots for Tate?”

  My brows wrinkled. “What gave you that idea?”

  “The way you stared at him when he was holding Brittany in his arms yesterday. You wanted to strangle her. It was written all over your face. I swear you’d burst a blood vessel.”

  I swirled my straw in a fresh glass of cola. “Nope, I don’t like him. I loathe him.”

  “Ok, if you say so.” She shrugged.

  “Dating Ethan could be fun.”

  Megan filled the seat next to Connie, leaning in.

  “He’s the most popular guy at Haven River. He’s their star Quarterback. He doesn’t do girlfriends.”

  I smirked. “Good. Because I don’t do boyfriends either. What’s the harm in dating? I’m not trying to marry the guy.”

  “Just be careful.”

  “I will. Thanks, Megan.”

  I’d kept to myself for so long, I forgot what it was like to have friends. At my old school, I ate lunch with my friend Dana every day. Sometimes we hung out at the mall, but we didn’t talk on the phone every night and braid each other’s hair. She tried to help me become sociable. I wasn’t interested. What was different? Maybe returning to my hometown. Even though the only friend who remained in my corner from my past was Matt. He played a dangerous game being friends with me after Tate warned him. I couldn’t believe they fought because Matt spoke to me. Tate was such an asshole.


  Ethan and me talked about the classes we hated. We watched an episode of ‘Stranger Things’ on the phone together Thursday night.

  “Chelsea, you have company,” Nina yelled up the stairs.


  I strolled down the stairs. Ethan stood in the living room. “Hey, Chelsea. I brought your favorite caramel popcorn.”

  Nina winked at me before she disappeared to take care of the kids.

  “I’ll take that from you. Let’s grab our drinks.”

  He followed me into the kitchen. Ethan wore a light gray T-shirt, jeans, and black gray sneakers.

  “What would you like to drink?”

  “Do you have sports drinks?”

  “Yeah, grab one out of the fridge.”

  My cell buzzed. I retrieved it out of my back shorts pockets and placed it on the counter.

  “The door next to the fridge is loaded with snacks. Grab whatever you want.”

  He swung the door open. “Whoa, just like my pantry at home.”

  I laughed.

  I peeked at the message.

  Matt- Please tell me, Ethan is not at your house right now?

  Me- Mind your business, Matt.

  Matt- Tate hates him.

  Me- Not my problem. I like him.

  Ethan placed his hand on my waist. “Are you ready?”

  “I am.” He leaned over pressing his lips against mine.

  I pulled back. “Come on.”

  It was a good kiss. There weren’t any fireworks. When I kissed Tate by the lake under the stars, my heart almost leapt out of my chest.

  I flipped on the TV and placed our snacks on the coffee table.

  My cell buzzed again.

  Matt- I won’t be able to stop him from finding out.

  Me- You can tell him yourself. I don’t care. Bye Matt.

  Matt- I’m coming over there.

  Me- Don’t do it, Matt. I will never forgive you if you do.

  Matt- Fine. But I’m not leaving Tate’s house until Ethan leaves.

  I sighed.

  Matt- Again bye, Matt.

  “Everything all right?” Ethan’s golden brow rose.

  “My friends are just nosey.”

  He placed the bowl of popcorn in his lap and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

  We were sucked into our show. Two hours later, we couldn’t stop recapping the episode.

  Ethan was the perfect gentleman. I hadn’t noticed any red flags that Megan brought to my attention.

  “One of my buddies is having a party tonight. Would you like to go with me?”

  The doorbell rang. Shit!

  “Not tonight. I probably will become one with the sofa.”

  We laughed.

  “I’ll walk you out.”

  The second I opened the door, Matt stalked inside, bumping Ethan’s shoulder.

  “Matt, what the heck?” I bit out.

  Ethan stepped to Matt.

  “Dude what’s your deal?”

  “You.” He smirked. “Can’t wait until Friday, we will drag Haven River across the field.”

  “Won’t happen. But I’d love to see you assholes try.” Ethan chuckled.

  I pushed between them and placed my hands on Ethan’s solid chest.

  “Don’t make me call my dad down here.”

  Ethan backed down and his eyes fell on me. I tugged him by the hand out of the door. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  He leaned over and crushed my lips. I could feel the steam rolling off of Matt. I broke our kiss.

  “I’m sorry about my friend. Text me later.”

  He nodded and glared at Matt before hopping into his Porsche.

  I walked back into the house and shoved Matt deeper inside, slamming the door behind me.

  “I told you not to come here.”

  “And you know Tate and him don’t get along. Never have.”

  My arms crossed my chest. “How would I know that?” I played dumb.

  His eyes narrowed. “I don’t care what you two are going through you know everything about Tate. And he knows everything about you?”

  My brow arched. “Everything, Matt?”

  He sighed. “Almost everything.”

  My shoulders dropped.

  He swiped his fingers through his hair.

  “Is this payback because he outcast you?”

  “No. But I will date who I want,” I grimaced.

  “Anyone but that guy.” He pointed to the door.

  I held his gaze. “I will date him. Tate will have to deal with it.”

  He shook his head. “You’re going to get that guy killed.”

  “Both of you back off. I fucking mean it. Tate and I are non-existent. He doesn’t want to see my face anymore than I want to see his. Unfortunately, I have to see him at dinner tomorrow night.”

  I pulled my sleeve back. “You know why these are here right?”

  He stared at my arm.


  He leaned in. “You and I both know you’ll always belong to him.”

  My heart plummeted.

  “He’s sick and twisted.” I clenched my fists at my sides.

  “He does not own me, Matt.”

  Matt’s jaw twitched as he stood staring at me. “What was he supposed to do choose you over his brother?”

  He released the words I dreaded to hear.

  “So now he will make my life a living hell because he can’t have me and no one else can either?”

  I paced the floor. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be called a murderer at every turn. In your own home
town?” I yelled in a whisper.

  My hands shook. “I hate him for what he’s done to me. He’ll be lucky if I don’t reach across the table tomorrow night and choke him.” I swiped at a tear that broke free.

  I stood before him. “You’re my only friend left out of our circle. Please don’t make me push you away.”

  He sat on the back of the chair and pulled me into his arms. “You could never get rid of me. We are friends for life, Chelse.”

  I relaxed in his arms.

  “I need to get back over there before he destroys the house.”

  Stepping back, I tossed my hair over my shoulder.

  What was I supposed to say to that?

  “Bye, Matt.”

  After he left, I sat on the sofa. No one knew the real reason Tate could barely look at me. Every time he saw my face, he relived his brother’s accident all over again. It broke him. That’s why I planned to stay out of his way at school.

  Our families ate dinner together for years. Now our families have dinner together almost every Sunday. Tate stared at his plate or anything else in the room but me for almost two years. Over the summer he’d stare through me. I could feel his rage building. I’d ask to be excused halfway through dinner. I had to get out of there. The only time he spoke to me was to warn me to stay out of his way at school. Tomorrow night would be anything but easy.


  The moment we walked into Tate’s house, beads of sweat formed on my forehead. I didn’t want to be there.

  Dad announced we’d arrived.

  “We’re in the kitchen,” Melissa yelled.

  “Mom, I have a lot of homework can I be excused from dinner tonight,” I whispered in her ear as we strolled into the kitchen.

  She peeked at me. “Chelsea, no.”


  My sister and brother played on the floor.

  “Melissa, I can set the table.”

  She kissed the side of my head. “Thanks, Chelsea.”

  I stepped into the dining room and froze. Tate sat at the head of the table across the room. His angry gaze landed on me. I placed the first plate next to a gold napkin.

  “End it.”

  Did I hear him correctly?


  “End it,” he said on auto repeat.

  My brow wrinkled. “No.”

  He jumped out of his chair. “Outside.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.” I continued setting the table.

  “Now,” he growled.

  I placed the silverware on the table. Tate snatched my hand and led me outside by the pool.

  He towered over me. “End it with Ethan, Chelsea.”

  I folded my arms. “My love life is none of your business.”

  He ran his fingers through his disheveled black hair. He was a mess. Bags rested under his red eyes. He was losing it.

  “The kiss on the porch. What the fuck was that? You did that shit to piss me off,” he roared in a whisper.

  “I don’t care about you,” I growled.

  “You, outcast me. Now I am dating a guy from another school. What’s the problem?”

  “You of all people know why. Don’t play coy. He’s my fucking enemy. I hate the guy. He’s a fucking snake. You need to break it off.” His face turned beet red. He could explode any minute. I loved every second.

  “Sounds like a personal problem. He’s such a great kisser.” I poked out my lips, mimicking a kiss.

  Eyes bulged and chest heaving Tate gripped my face. His lips devoured mine. I moaned into his mouth, balling his T-shirt in my hand. Tate shoved his tongue past my lips. My greedy tongue attacked his. Slowly he broke our kiss.

  A devilish smile curled his lips. “Your cheeks are flush. I think that means that was one hell of a kiss.”

  Cocky bastard. I pushed him back. “It was ok.” I teetered my hand.

  He nodded. “Ok.” Tate brushed his thumb across his sexy lower lip. “You still taste like the same cherry lip balm.”

  I visibly swallowed. Fuck, I didn’t mean to.

  A slight vibration swept over my body.

  Take control of your body, Chelsea. “I won’t end it.”

  His smile dropped.

  I didn’t wait for the storm I knew was brewing in those blue eyes.


  Our parents asked Tate and me a slew of questions about our classes. My eyes were glued to my plate the entire time.

  “Tate, are you ready for the big game?”

  “You know it, Mr. Culver.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

  I stood. “Can I be excused? I finished eating.”

  Our parents faces fell around the table. Tate was sitting across from me. I refused to meet his gaze.

  Dads forehead creased. “Yeah.”

  “Chelsea.” I felt a tug at my hand.

  I glanced down at my little sister. “Can we go with you?”


  “Mom, Dad, enjoy the evening. The twins and I will hang in the family room, then I’ll get them ready for bed.”

  “Honey, that’s sweet.” Mom gushed.

  “Goodnight, Brian and Melissa.”

  “Goodnight, Chelsea,” Tate blurted out.

  I refused to look at him. I tossed my hand in the air and vacated.


  Nose buried in my chemistry text book, I snuggled into the comfy sofa in the library.

  “Chelsea, how are you doing over here?”

  I smiled bright. “Great, Mrs. Larkin.”

  “Looks like you came prepared with snacks this time.”

  “Oh yes, if you don’t mind, I’d like to store my insulated lunchbox in the refrigerator.”

  She sat in the chair across from me. “You’ve been here every day since Monday. Is everything all right? You aren’t being bullied, are you?”

  My eyes widened. “Um-”

  “Good morning, Mrs. Larkin.”

  His deep voice grated on my nerves.

  “Tate, so good to see you,” she blushed.

  I held a fake plastic smile. I wanted to choke Tate.

  “Mrs. Larkin, I can assure you no one is bullying our new student. If they were, I’d be the first to hear about it.”

  So, true since you are the one bullying me. Prick.

  Poised in his ritzy uniform and slick talk who wouldn’t believe Saint Tate. He could do no wrong. I peeked around for the nearest waste paper basket. I felt sick. His bullshit was too much.

  “If you don’t mind, Mrs. Larkin I needed to go over a few notes with Chelsea for Chemistry.”

  She hurried to her feet and brushed her hand across his arm. “I’ll leave you kids to study.”

  Eww, was she crushing on a student?

  His smile disappeared the second she stepped out of view. He sat beside me.

  “Trying to hide from me?”

  I arched a brow. “That obvious, huh?”

  He wore his hair curly today and swept off his forehead. Not a hair out of place. He stretched his arm across the sofa behind my head. He smelled so intoxicating.

  “You can’t hide from me, Chelse.”

  “Clearly. What do you want, Tate?”

  He swept my hair behind my ear. His nose grazed my earlobe. “I’ve strategized all week. I plan to break your boyfriend on the field, Friday. He’s going down.”

  The nerve endings pulsated through my body. He was trying to break me down.

  “Take your best shot. He can handle you,” I snarled scooting to the edge of the sofa. I gathered my belongings.

  “Does he know?” I could feel him staring.

  My forehead creased. “Know what?”

  “I’m the one you dream about. Not him. And if I slipped my finger inside those panties, they’d be soaked just for me.”

  I clenched my legs together. “Fuck off, perv.”

  The room was spinning. I had to get out of there. I shot out of the library. Never looking back. He was right. I did dream about him, too much.
/>   ∞

  Connie stood outside of my first hour class. “Everything ok, Chelsea?” I leaned against the wall.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Your text messages have been short lately.”

  We laughed.

  “Sorry, Tate’s been giving me shit about Ethan. He told me to break it off with him but I won’t. I’ve been hiding from him. He found me a moment ago. He’s acting bull headed. No matter what I will be at lunch today.”

  She threw her arms around me. I hugged her back.

  “You poor thing.” She stepped back. “Remember the party is Friday. The game will be over and Tate will be in a better mood.”

  “You know you’re right. We just need to get through the game,” I chuckled.

  The bell rang.

  “See you later.”

  Monday, I tried out for the track team. The coach said I made the team. After school, I’d burn off this unwanted energy Tate continued to inflict on me.


  Students and their parents stared at my family and whispered in passing as they searched for seats in the bleachers. The sun warmed my bare legs. It felt good not to wear that stupid uniform. My fingers traced over my covered arm. I owned a ton of breathable long sleeve shirts and blouses.

  My mom kissed my cheek. I smiled. She was the absolute best mother. She always told me I was special. Despite all the scrutiny I was under, I felt excited to be back in my hometown and face the problems in my life head on. Screw Tate.

  Ethan and I talked or texted every night. He didn’t let the disagreement between him and Matt damper our relationship. We weren’t a couple. We were just friends who enjoyed talking to each other. No need to put a label on it. Ethan asked to come over and spend time with me. I turned him down. The stunts Tate pulled at his house and at school made it difficult to see Ethan before the party.

  Our football Team the Cougars stormed the field in their navy and gray uniforms. We stood to our feet, cheering for the Cougars. Dad was in his element. He was the star quarterback in high school and college. I believe it brought him nostalgia. He and mom grinned at each other. She blushed. Eww, did they just share a dirty memory? They should’ve stood next to each other. I peeked down at my little sister and brother, remembering why they couldn’t. Dad kept the twins in line.

  The opposing team took the field. Tate and Ethan met in the middle, shaking hands. Ethan whispered something in his ear. Tate stepped back pointed his finger in Ethan’s face, returning words of detriment I was sure. Tate turned to the crowd. His eyes narrowed, honing in on me. Every nerve in my body tingled. Tate ran toward the bench. Fuck, I hoped no one noticed the effect Tate had on me. I hated how he unraveled me like a ball of yarn.


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