Ok, I’d only been to the class twice, maybe I’d done it wrong?
‘We had more than a fucking one-night stand and you know it.’ His right hand moved off my arm and he tapped his index finger gently on my temple. ‘I felt it and so did you, that’s why you ran the fuck away yesterday morning… I’m not letting ya run away again.’
My body very mildly started to shake. But still he continued.
‘I found you by yourself and I didn’t like the state you were in, I was worried about you.’
‘Oh, right, yeah. So, you brought me up to your bed… so we could… well so you…’ My voice tailed off, no longer sure what I was accusing him of.
‘So, we could what, Amy?... Let’s hear it, what did I do?’ The corners of his mouth twitched with amusement at my words. Eventually the full lopsided grin took over his face, revealing his dimple. ‘Come on spill it. I brought you to my bed, so I could do what?’
‘So, you could have sex with me.’ I watched the grin on his face fall away.
‘Do you really fucking think that’s what I have to do, to get someone to fuck me?’ His head shook from side to side and I could hear him tutting at me in disapproval. ‘Do I really seem like the sort of man who has to get women drunk so they’ll fuck me? Let me assure you, I fucking don’t. I get enough women willing to share my bed or any other fucking surface available and they always moan their consent to me, usually several times over. The women I have sex with are coherent enough to know I’m not starring as part of their erotic drunken dream… your words not mine.’ Another flush went up my body and coloured every part of my face. ‘Believe me when I say, I don’t force women who have just thrown up all over me to suck my dick either, strange as that may seem.’ He watched my eyes open in horror before he carried on. ‘Neither do I balk at changing a woman out of her sick spattered dress and putting her into one of my T-shirts. Even though the whole of my fucking body was screaming at me to hold you in my arms with your bare skin against mine. It’s called looking after someone you care for… Hell, I even cleaned your teeth.’ He smiled at me.
I ran my tongue instinctively around my mouth, feeling the smooth, squeaky clean surface. Then I looked down at myself, taking in that I was indeed dressed in a very big, grey T-shirt with rolled up sleeves. ‘I threw up on you?’
He nodded.
I didn’t continue our conversation. I just looked up into his face. A strange compulsion came over me. I wanted to trust him, I wanted to fling my arms around him and hug him to me. But for now, I was scared. So, I took a deep breath and like every other feeling that had ever threatened to engulf me, I held it inside.
‘I’m sorry, I don’t make a habit of doing things like I’ve done in the last few days. I don’t crash cars. I rarely drink, and especially when I haven’t eaten since lunchtime. And I definitely don’t have one-night stands.’ I didn’t know him well or at all really, but I could have sworn that his face took on a sense of pride at my words. ‘The problem is you don’t know me and I don’t know you, do I, Daniel?’
I was sure he flinched slightly at my words, but it was momentary and then he was back, standing firm and resolute in front of me once again. ‘Then let’s spend some time together. Let me get to know you and you can get to know me, stop pushing me the fuck away.’
I shook my head at him.
‘Is this what you do, Amy? Do you push everyone away who threatens to come into your nicely compartmentalised life?’ He exhaled and pulled me just a little further into him, and I felt his warm breath on the top of my head. Then his hands gripped me just a little bit tighter. I didn’t know how, but it seemed he could identify my fear.
‘I recognise it in you, Amy. I’ve been there, hell I’m often still there teetering on the edge. I don’t know what bastard did a number on you, but that was their fucking loss and as far as I see it, my gain. I don’t see it as a problem, I see it as fun. I see it as something to look forward to. Let me in, let me get to know you.’ All I could do was nod my head at him as he continued. ‘Hell, it’s normal life, isn’t it, Amy? It’s what happens all over the world when people feel a connection.’ One hand found my chin and effectively forced my eyes back to his. I complied. I had been attempting to look away. I had been trying to find something else to concentrate on, something else to try to break the bond I already felt to a man I had only met a few days ago.
‘I don’t know about you, but I’d love a bit of normal in my life.’ He laughed. ‘We have a connection, Amy… Don’t we? You don’t have to own up to it, I can feel it when we’re near to each other and when we touch it’s like my skin catches alight.’
‘Yes… I feel it too,’ I answered, still trying to process through the words he had just spoken.
My body continued to shake in his arms. The stunning man in front of me, wanted to really get to know me. I was dazed.
‘Come on, get back into bed, you’re trembling.’ His voice was deep and low.
‘I can’t.’
A loud exhale left his mouth as he took in my reply.
‘Not taking no for an answer.’ His body began to stiffen up in front of mine, although his hold on me relaxed.
He stood to his full height. ‘You know you were almost right when you said I didn’t own you. I don’t own your mind, I’d never want to, either. I prefer a woman who can give as good as she gets. The sexiest women have minds of their own.’ He inhaled before he continued. ‘However, since the moment we met I have had a command over this gorgeous body of yours… you know it and I know it. Get back into bed.’ His voice had become quieter but firmer, as he stared down expectantly at me.
My whole body reacted to his words. Every single hair on my body stood on end, my breathing was laboured and my heart was nearly breaking out of my chest in response.
‘Don’t cross me, beautiful. I will, if I have to, pick you up and put you there.’ Finally, his hands left the tops of my arms and crossed over his chest. His fingers twitched as he fought to keep his hands to himself.
Slowly, I finally began to relax, his words were beginning to hit home. Feeling a little more confidant at the unusual circumstances I found myself in, I replied. ‘I have no problem with you picking me up, God knows you seem to have been doing it a lot in the last few days. But before you put me back into bed, could you carry me to the loo first?’ I smiled up as I teased him.
His eyes that had been dull and tortured before, sparked to life as he began to laugh at my words.
‘I’m sure I can do that. Is that whatcha were looking for earlier?’
‘Yes,’ I muttered with embarrassment.
He placed his hands under me and once again swung me up, in one very easy movement.
When we arrived at the bathroom door he gently lowered me down. I quickly ran into the room, making sure the door closed behind me. Pulling my knickers down I sat down on the chilly seat and to the absolute relief of my bladder, I began to wee. As I sat there, for the first time ever, I realised that my clit was throbbing, having received no foreplay whatsoever. It appeared he was right. He, his words and his body, seemed to be able to control the way I felt. I liked the thought that he owned my body. I was shocked to realise I felt safe and comfortable with the thought. I stood up, washed my hands and in somewhat of a hurry I took a quick look in the mirror. Luckily, I didn’t look like the sick mess I might have done. Apart from my eye make-up having made its way under my eyes, I was in quite a good state. I wiped a damp tissue under my eyes and then I pulled the door open quickly to find Daniel stood in exactly the same spot I had left him.
Not saying a word, he picked me up again. This time his front to mine. On instinct, my legs wrapped around his waist and he placed his hands on my bare bum cheeks. I gasped at how much I’d needed to feel his calloused fingers on my needy flesh. His hands were warm but some of his heavy rings were cold, and it felt exquisite. It appeared that he was as shocked as me that I’d deliberately left my knickers on the bathroom floor. I watched his eyebrows raise i
n surprise and question at the bare skin he found in his grip. I allowed my hands to find purchase on his shoulders and then, as our bodies crashed together, I accepted my body’s need to wrap my arms around his neck, effectively pulling him closer to me. As he walked, holding me tightly against his bare torso, I summoned up the courage to place a chaste kiss to his lips.
‘Thank you for looking after me.’
With as much care as he could, he gently lowered me onto the bed. By the light of the bedside lamp he had switched on earlier, I watched as his expression changed rapidly from tenderness to one of lust at the position we were now in. He had stayed in between my legs as we came down almost as one, to the soft bed now underneath my back. He kept his weight off me and on his forearms as he gazed down.
His eyes darkened as his pupils dilated.
‘Always.’ The one word he spoke resonated deep inside me.
My head was dazed with that one word, but my body expected something more, I wanted something more, and I could see that he was fighting with what he also needed.
‘Goddamn it… Do ya know how much I want you, Amy?’
I sucked in my bottom lip and shook my head shyly under his darkening perusal.
‘I find that weird, surely you can see how much you turn me on? If ya can’t, you should definitely be able to feel it.’ His hips thrust gently in between my legs, his rock-hard cock pushed into my mound, making me gasp. ‘I can smell how much you want me.’
Without one coherent thought in my head I allowed my mouth to say exactly what I wanted it to. ‘Then take me, just bloody take me. Please, my body feels like it’s on fire.’
In one quick movement, he rolled away. I heard him push his boxers quickly down his legs, the tell-tale crinkle of foil as he ripped open the condom and then he rolled back. With his eyes once again holding me captive he sunk himself inside me in one swift thrust and we both groaned at the immense feelings our connection created inside us. Then he froze and as his tense face relaxed he smiled his lopsided grin at me.
‘I thought we were going to get to know each other, Amy?’ he asked.
‘Tomorrow, Daniel. Please, tonight just fuck me.’
‘Hold on tight, because I damn well want this more than I need my next fucking breath… I wanna be as deep inside you as I can.’
I could already feel my eyes rolling up into my head with every single thrust he made into me.
‘Then do it,’ I whispered, knowing I would grant him permission to do anything to me.
He lifted my right leg, placing his hand under my thigh and then he pushed my leg closer towards my chest. I felt myself open wider to him.
‘Oh… I wasn’t asking, beautiful. I was always going to take exactly what I needed from you and give you. Exactly. What. I. Know. You. Need. From. Me.’ Every word he spoke to me came as he thrust deep inside me. The bundle of nerves that were screaming for attention felt the smooth crown of his large cock every single time. Within minutes I was falling apart in his arms.
‘Let go,’ he commanded and I came, shouting out words of encouragement to him.
‘FUCK!’ he roared, as his head convulsed forward in spasms and then it finally fell onto my T-shirt clad shoulder.
For a few seconds, I just held his body close to mine. My fingertips wandered over his muscular, sweat-covered back. He was beyond anything I could have ever dreamt about in my wildest dreams and now he was holding me close, like a lover. I had never experienced sex like I had now experienced the past two nights with him. I wanted more, so much more.
Suddenly he reawakened and pulling me to him, he rolled us both over so I could now collapse on top of his chest.
‘I’m so fucking happy you’re here, Amy. No more running away, promise me.’
I lifted my head away from the comfort of his heartbeat, to find him staring at me.
‘Just don’t give me any reason to run then.’ I smiled back at him.
His hand swiftly came down on one of my bare bum cheeks with a firm whack.
‘Hey!’ I exclaimed, feeling wetness hit the top of my thighs as he soothed my enraged skin with a circular motion with the palm of his hand.
‘I said, promise me.’
‘I don’t make promises, they’re just words, they mean nothing,’ I whispered.
‘Actions speak louder than words, is that what you mean?’
‘Mmmm… I suppose I do. I find it hard to trust people, when they find it so hard to keep their promises to me.’
‘I’ll remember that, I promise you.’ He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tightly to him.
Moving one arm from around me, he shifted us both around. Gradually, he helped me out of the T-shirt he had put on me earlier. Then in one decisive movement, he pulled me back down into his embrace and we connected, skin to skin. The touch of his flesh on mine ignited a deep want within me, but not just a sexual want. I realised I wanted to always feel this close to him. The thought was crazy, worrying and satisfying, all at the same time. But I couldn’t think on it now, and as my cheek laid on his chest I heard myself sigh. I was already starting to drift off. But as he began to speak again, I heard the words as they resonated deep inside me.
‘This reminds me of last night. I lay there holding you as you slept and I looked up through the skylights to see the stars twinkling above us. In that sky full of stars, all I could see was you.’
My heart leapt in panic and filled with something I’d never felt before. I spoke, trying to maintain a lightness to my voice to disguise my confused feelings.
‘That’s so romantic, maybe you should write songs,’ I muttered as my eyes struggled to remain open.
I felt his chest hitch underneath me. ‘Yeah, maybe I should...’
‘You are ridiculous,’ I muttered to myself as I walked down the driveway.
‘This whole situation is bloody ridiculous.’ If I hadn’t been holding my coat so tightly around myself, to keep out the freezing cold temperatures, I would have waved my arms around in indignation.
It was just before eight in the morning and I was walking down the long driveway between The Manor and the outbuildings containing The Fairy Garden. Although the drive had been cleared and salted several times over for the opening yesterday, we’d had another light dusting during the night and the driveway this morning was now once again covered in ice. I was walking on the grass verge to the side of the driveway in three-inch heels. The same three-inch heels that were undoubtedly either going to be the attributing factor to me breaking my neck or going to be ruined by my stupidity. Nearly every step I took resulted in my freezing cold, stocking-clad feet burning with pressure, as they were once again forced against the pointed toe of my shoes. I was fighting against my heels disappearing into the ice underneath my feet. What was worse was the fact I was causing myself the excruciating pain deliberately, as like a child I ran away again. I wasn’t proud of myself, in fact if I was my best friend I would be laying into me something awful over the way I was behaving.
‘WHY, AMY?’ I shouted into the stillness around me. As my voice disintegrated into the chill, the air around me changed suddenly. I could now hear the low purr of an engine behind me. A vehicle was coming down the drive. Without turning to look, I pulled the faux fur coat tighter around myself and made sure the collar was standing as tall as possible, so I could sink further into its covering depths. I was doing the walk of shame and it would be so bloody great if I could keep it to myself. I didn’t want to share my embarrassment with anyone else. It would be a profound relief if I could complete this expedition, into what felt like Antarctica, with no one recognising me.
The low purr got nearer and finally it slowed to the pace I was walking. I knew if I threw a look over my right shoulder the vehicle would be there just behind me, deliberately going at my pace. Realisation hit.
It was following me.
Oh, fuck my life.
I didn’t need to look.
I knew it was Daniel.
I could fee
l him, and now with every single painful step forward I could feel his anger ramping up. I was stupid. I knew I was stupid. Whatever had possessed me to leave his bed again this morning in the dark, was crazy.
I was certifiably crazy.
Deep down, I knew why the compulsion took over me.
I was scared, so scared of letting down my walls and letting him in.
What if he didn’t like what he found?
What if I found in time an even greater connection to him and he just simply upped and walked away?
‘Get in,’ I heard almost growled at me through the open passenger window.
At the very moment he chose to speak, my right heel did everything I had been trying so hard not to let it do, it sunk further into the soil and my foot rose up without it. I froze as I willed my body to balance precariously on the left one. The car next to me quietened as its engine stopped when it came to a standstill beside me. Looking down I could see my right shoe had now been filled with snow, in the wake of my foot. I now couldn’t put my foot back in.
Dear God, this could only happen to me.
Slowly, I glanced to the right.
Daniel was dressed in the same grey T-shirt he had put on and taken off me last night. The very same T-shirt that had been in between our bodies when we had once again given into the feelings of immense need that took over us whenever we were together. His muscular arms were fully exposed, showing me wonderful amounts of bare flesh and a myriad of tattoos on them both. Those same strong arms that I loved to feel wrapped around me. He was leant forward onto the steering wheel and I found it hard to tear my gaze away. Eventually, I composed myself enough and looked up to his face. At first glance his expression appeared stoic and unreadable, but on further inspection I appreciated it was more likely he was worried or even tired. The stubble on his face was the longest I’d seen it and I could see the salt and pepper effect over his jaw line. I watched as his eyebrows began to move in question at me.
Brody (Default Distraction Book 1) Page 13