Sheer: A Hollywood Romance (Exposed Book 3)

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Sheer: A Hollywood Romance (Exposed Book 3) Page 3

by Sarah Robinson

  Grant stayed stoically still, listening to her admissions. He was surprised to hear her opening up about her life to a near stranger, but it was almost like she wasn't talking to him. She was thinking out loud, and he just happened to be around to witness it. There was something haunted about the way she spoke, and for the first time in over a year, he had the urge to wrap his arms around this woman and kiss her.

  It caught him off guard, so he stayed silent. His hand clutched the door handle as he contemplated her life, and how much she'd experienced at such a young age. He'd only just turned thirty-one years old, and yet, up until the last few years, his life had been smooth sailing. He'd never experienced a close death, massive heart break, or any sort of dramatic trauma.

  Until now.

  Every fiber of his being felt like it was falling apart in the wake of his own circumstances, but here was this young woman rising above all of it. She took everything in stride, taking care of those around her, while still managing to final in singing competitions and make a name for herself in the music industry.

  "Sorry," she finally finished. "That's probably way more information than you wanted."

  "It's okay." Grant reached one hand over and squeezed her forearm. Her skin seared him at the touch, but he didn't pull back.

  She glanced down briefly at his hand on her arm, then her eyes flickered up to find his. The smallest hint of a smile passed her bright pink lips, and it warmed him.

  Chapter Four

  Simone parked at the top of the driveway beside a line of other expensive-as-hell cars in front of a giant house that had to have been in the many millions of dollars range.

  "This house is gorgeous," he said, his eyes widening as he took in the sight.

  Simone nodded. "Aria fell in love with it the moment she saw it. She and Ben have been living here about five years now. We used to do family dinners at my parents’ house, but…with everything…"

  She trailed off, and Grant didn't push her further. "Do you live around here?" he asked, changing the subject.

  "I have a condo downtown," she replied with a shrug. "I'm more of a city gal."

  He was, too, truthfully, though his house in New Zealand was on a cliff in the middle of nowhere. It hadn't been his choice to move there, but he loved the house none the same. Now in Los Angeles, he was staying at a fancy hotel downtown and enjoyed the view of the city below.

  They climbed out of the car and she escorted him inside where they found a group of people drinking cocktails in a gorgeous living room clearly designed by decorators.

  Grant was beginning to feel like he didn't really fit into this lifestyle—luxury and glamor were not his foray. Especially now when he literally had nothing.

  "Grant, this is Steele and her husband Xavier," Simone introduced him to a tall, heavily tattooed couple that looked perfect for one another. Xavier looked like he'd come right out of a boxing ring, and Steele looked like an older version of Simone. "They're long-time friends of the family."

  "Good to meet you," he replied, shaking their hands.

  "Grant is working on all the music for Kiss Me, Kate," Simone explained to them. "He just got here from New Zealand."

  "Ah, that's where that accent is from," Steele replied. "It's good to meet you."

  His accent wasn't particularly strong since he'd spent so much of his life traveling somewhere new every month, but admittedly he definitely had a light twang at the end that was all New Zealand. He rarely noticed it himself, but women loved to point it out.

  Simone introduced him to the rest of the attendees, including her two sisters, their children, and a few other family friends who were also attending. Ben eventually joined them, apologizing for being late.

  When they all sat down to dinner, the conversation went surprisingly well. As upscale as their lives seemed, the Reynoldses were genuinely down to earth and friendly people. Even if it was only for an hour or two, he was enjoying the escape from his problems back home and the constant worrying. Even more than that, though, he was enjoying getting to know Simone better.

  He couldn't even remember the last time he'd really paid attention to a woman or found himself constantly thinking of how beautiful she was. When she looked up from her plate and caught him watching her, her cheeks stained a gentle pink and he would have given anything to get a peek into her mind right then.

  It was a mistake. He knew it was. Not only did he not have the time or space in his life for a romantic distraction right now, but the lead singer in the movie he was working on? She should be off limits. If something went wrong…

  But despite the alarm bells in the back of his mind, he couldn't deny that he was attracted to Simone—the way her hair bounced when she moved, as if dancing alongside her laughter, or the way her brown eyes seemed to shine when she smiled. But as captivating as her beauty was, that wasn't the thing about her that snagged him and kept him from looking away.

  It was the way the edges of her eyes didn't smile alongside her lips, like it was forced and for show. The way her fingers fidgeted in her lap, somehow restless and tired all at once. It was the way sadness seeped through every move she made and no one seemed to notice.

  But he noticed. He noticed because that same sadness had taken up residence in his heart for months, and he knew the feeling better than any unwelcome guest.

  Simone lifted her gaze to his from across the table, catching his attention for a moment longer than was necessary.

  Grant smiled, and she responded in kind. Something told him that there might be a solution to both of their problems that was closer than they thought.

  "When were you last in America, Grant?" Aria asked from across the table, clearly trying to draw him into the conversation.

  He'd been keeping quiet, observing and listening to everyone else. "Last year, actually. I did a few months in New York collaborating on a new show's soundtrack."

  "Oh, that's where I live!" Teagan spoke up from a few seats down. "Simone was back east staying with us last summer. I wonder if you two ever crossed paths."

  Grant smiled, training his gaze on Simone. A blush crept up her cheeks, and it looked like she had just kicked Teagan under the table.

  "I think I'd remember meeting her if we had," he replied. "Simone seems the type that's hard to forget."

  Both Teagan and Aria looked at their youngest sister, huge smiles on their faces.

  "You hear that, Simmy? You're hard to forget," Teagan teased.

  "He's not wrong," Aria added.

  "I-I definitely enjoyed New York," Simone said, stammering over her words a bit. "It's a great city."

  Grant nodded. "I agree. It's on my list of places to live one day."

  "You want to leave New Zealand?" Aria asked. "I've only ever heard amazing things about that country."

  "I'm never home for more than a few weeks at a time, so it only makes sense that I move out this way. Most of my work is here in Los Angeles or New York or London." Grant pushed the food around his plate as he tried to consider where he actually thought of as home. New Zealand had his parents and a few friends, but still…it wasn't home. Home was a feeling—one he hadn't experienced in quite some time.

  "I've potentially got a project in London later this year," Simone mused. "I might be doing a collaboration with Lily Allen on this new record she's working on. Still waiting to see if that actually happens."

  Grant lifted his brows. "Wow…she's amazing. That would be an incredible opportunity."

  Simone's eyes lit up for the first time since they'd met, passion flowing through her irises as she continued to talk about the opportunity and more. The sadness that normally dwelled in her expression was completely gone as he listened to her, and he recognized that artistic excitement.

  He wanted to feel that again—that strength and vigor that came with a project he couldn't wait to get his hands on. Kiss Me, Kate was fun, but it was a reprisal. It wasn't new, it wasn't him. He needed to find his excitement again, and something told him that t
his woman was just the person to inspire him.

  Chapter Five

  Simone stared in the bathroom mirror, her hands firmly planted on the counter as she leaned closer to the glass. She didn't know what she was looking for, but hell…the way Grant had stared at her during dinner had made her entire body ignite in flames.

  Gazing at her reflection now, she couldn't pinpoint what he had seen. She couldn't see what made him not turn away from her nearly once for the entire hour-long meal. At first, she'd felt flattered by the attention, but there was something about his eyes that didn't brag or praise. There was a kinship, and somehow his very eyes alone seemed to see right through her, as if her defenses were sheer.

  She sighed, finally washing her hands and shaking the thoughts from her head. She shouldn't have opened up to him as much as she had on the drive over. It was unusual for her to share so much of herself with anyone, let alone someone who was mostly a stranger. He didn't know her life. No one did. Her family kept secrets tighter than a military fort, and being the youngest child, she was always the 'good' one. She never caused waves, she always took care of her parents, and she never got in anyone's way.

  It was probably why she dressed the way she did or covered her body in ink. They were small rebellions that made her unique—gave her a voice.

  Simone dried her hands on the soft towel next to the sink, then fluffed her fingers through her hair. She didn't want to think about all of this today, and she didn't want to dwell on the handsome foreigner who made her body tighten with just a look.

  Clearly, it had been too long since she'd had sex and it was wreaking havoc on her judgment.

  Swinging open the bathroom door, she stepped out into the hallway and almost slammed right into a tall, broad chest. "Oh!" she startled, her hands against his muscled pecs to catch herself. "Sorry. I…um…sorry."

  The edges of Grant's lips turned north, but it wasn't a full smile. Closer to a smirk, almost, but somehow just as warm. "I was just looking for you," he replied. "Would you mind giving me a ride back to my hotel?"

  "Of course not. I’m the one who brought you here, so it's only right. Right for me to go home with you, I mean. Wait, no, I mean, to take you home." She wanted to die, but she couldn't stop from rambling. "Let's…let's go. My car's out front. Well, you know where it is since I drove you here."

  Grant placed his hands on her upper arms and held her still. "Breathe."

  Nerves jittered across her skin, but she did as he instructed and took a deep breath. Her body instantly seemed to relax under his hold, and the need to ramble dissipated. However, another need quickly took its place. The way he stood so close to her, his face inches from hers and his hands gripping her arms…she was reminded for the second time of just how long it'd been since she'd been in such close proximity to a man.

  "Better," he replied, smiling wider this time. "Come on. Traffic should be lighter by now."

  She chuckled, still trying to ignore her previous line of thinking. "There's no such thing in Los Angeles."

  Sure enough, thirty minutes later and they were sitting in nearly standstill traffic into downtown. They inched along in silence, and Simone tried to think of something to say, but nothing came to mind. Every thought she had was leading back to one thing, and she suddenly felt like a teenager in heat.

  Her eyes flickered sideways to him for a moment. Maybe she should just put the car into park, crawl into his lap, and fuck his brains out. Get it entirely out of her system.

  The idea was too insane, even for her.

  But still…there was something to be said for giving in for a brief moment. Maybe then they could actually work together without her body internally combusting every time he was near her. She barely knew him at all, and yet her body seemed to have already made its decision.

  Simone took a deep breath. "So, are you planning on doing any sightseeing while you're here?" she broke the silence with a rudimentary question. Anything to get them talking about something other than how badly she wanted to taste his lips or feel his hands on her again.

  "I haven't really thought about it," he replied. "I've been to America dozens of times before. Seen quite a lot. Really, I'm just here for the job."

  "Right. Focus on work." she replied awkwardly, her hands gripping the steering wheel as she pulled them off the highway and toward his hotel. "Always a good thing."

  "I don't know if I agree with that." Grant shifted in his seat so that he was facing her more. "There's something to be said for…distractions."

  "Is there?" She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, but it promptly fell out again.

  Grant reached over and tucked the same strand of hair behind her ear, and this time it stayed. "There is. Distractions are good for the soul. Good for one's sanity."

  She wanted to turn to look at him, but she kept her gaze to the street. "I…I don't feel very sane," she admitted, a slight tease in her voice.

  Am I flirting? If so, she was sure doing a terrible job.

  He smiled at her then pointed to a building on their right. "That's my hotel. You can pull into the garage right there and find a parking spot."

  "I could just drop you off at the front."

  "You could," he replied. "But if you parked, then you could come up and be distracted for a little while."

  Simone's eyes cut sideways to look at him. His face was completely serious, his eyes practically boring holes into her. "Distractions are good for the soul," she repeated his earlier words.

  Grant smiled. "There's a fully stocked minibar…"

  "Ah, the key to a woman's heart," she kidded, pulling the car into the parking garage and searching for a spot. "I guess I could be tempted with one drink. Just to relax."

  "Sure. Just to relax."

  Or something like that…

  Chapter Six

  Simone parked, and the duo climbed out of the car and headed for the garage elevators up into the hotel. Grant pressed the button and they stood side by side, waiting for the doors to open.

  In that moment, the garage was so hushed Simone would probably have heard a pin drop. She wasn't sure what to say…hell, she wasn't sure what she had agreed to. All she knew was that her entire body was tense and pulsing and she wanted him to be the one to put out the fire he'd sparked.

  The doors finally slid open, and they stepped onto the elevator car. He pressed another button for the very top floor, swiping a hotel card past the security light.

  "Penthouse?" Simone turned to him, one brow raised. "You didn't mention you had the entire top floor."

  "Ben's studio is very generous," he replied, shrugging his shoulders like it was nothing.

  She doubted that it was all the studio, but she didn't ask further. The elevator doors slowly slid closed, the parking garage disappearing from view behind them.

  "Simone?" Grant turned to face her, taking a step closer.

  She lifted her eyes to him, angling her body to face his. "Yes?"

  He moved even closer, barely inches from her now. Her chest rose and fell faster with each breath at his proximity. "I've been thinking about kissing you all night."

  She swallowed hard but didn't respond. Yes, please.

  "I don't think I can wait much longer," he continued, his voice lower and raspier now, like gravel scraping against her in a way that made her entire body shiver.

  She breathed out in one long exhale. "Don't wait…"

  His lips were on hers immediately, as he stepped into her body so she had to back up against the elevator wall. He placed a hand on the surface of the wall on either side of her, pinning her between his arms as his lips slid over hers.

  Frenzied, tugging—his mouth smashed against hers until she lost every breath in her lungs. Gasping, she parted for him and his tongue quickly found hers. It was the most hurried, need-filled kiss she'd ever experienced in her life. Like they couldn't get enough of each other. Couldn't stop—didn't want to stop. He tasted her like he wanted to devour her, and her body ignited beneath hi

  Her hips arched towards his, pressing against him as he pushed her farther back against the elevator wall. She could already feel his length between them, startlingly large and hard against her belly.

  A dinging sound caught her attention, her eyes opening to see the elevator doors sliding apart. "We're here," she mumbled against his lips.

  He growled, gripping her hips with both hands and lifting her against him. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist as he held her and walked them off the elevator. His mouth was on her neck, sucking and nibbling, and all she wanted to do was throw her head back and give him every inch of herself.

  The room came into perspective around her—a large hotel living room with impeccable modern furniture in front of entire walls of glass windows that looked out onto Los Angeles below. There was a kitchen to one side, but they bypassed it entirely as he headed for a back hallway.

  Simone's skin danced with nerves as he carried her, presumably, to the bedroom. She wanted to find a reason not to do this—to run out of here right now and not let her body call the shots.

  But it was too late.

  Excitement tore through every cell in her body as she writhed against him, wanting more…wanting him.

  "Oh, God…" She gasped as he found the perfect spot right below her ear that always made her shiver.

  His knees hit the edge of the giant king-sized bed first, but he crawled onto the mattress and laid her back against the comforter. Her knees were still locked around his waist as he pressed down against her, kissing her once more.

  "Fuck…I love kissing you," he groaned against her mouth, his hands roaming the rest of her body below. He gripped the bottom hem of her dress and began pushing it up the length of her body.


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