SEAL'd Trust (Brotherhood of SEAL'd Hearts)

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SEAL'd Trust (Brotherhood of SEAL'd Hearts) Page 137

by Gabi Moore


  THE COMPLETE BOXED SET (+ Exclusive Preview)


  You think that people like me can’t actually be real. You laugh nervously at the mention of my existence and quickly change the topic. That stuff’s just for other people, living other lives, right?

  But you’re wrong.

  I learned this lesson the hard way.

  You know all those things you think don’t apply to you? All those weirdos and perverts in the world doing shocking things you could never imagine yourself doing? Well, you’re more like them than you know. Believe me.

  The story I want to tell you is a story like all other good stories. It has good guys and bad guys, scary parts and naughty parts. And it has me, someone who thought they knew how the story would end, just like you think you do right now.

  This is a story about nakedness.

  As you read, I ask you to undress, with me. I’ll go first, if you like, but you must trust me and do as I say.

  Take everything off.

  Take off your clothing and your shoes and your underwear. Strip down to what you are underneath human decency. Underneath all your assumptions and habits. Come down deep with me, don’t be scared.

  Do you feel uncomfortable?


  Let’s take off more.

  I want you to peel off all your doubts, all your expectations. Forget about who you think you are and who you tell yourself I am. Let’s be naked together – we can always come back to our costumes later, can’t we?

  Look at yourself now.

  Look at your flesh, and the way it breathes and pulses with the waves of sensation that pass over it. It has memories and desires, this flesh, but try to forget those now. Isn’t it interesting, how it swells and responds to touch? To pleasure? To pain? But let’s not linger here. Your bare flesh is lovely but it’s also a barrier to me, to our connecting, to all the dark and exquisite things I want to show you. Where we’re going, you won’t need your flesh. So take it off, too.

  Our game is played deeper down still, underneath the flesh. Will you go there with me? Your bones and organs are not needed here either. I am interested in what lies underneath even that; I want to flirt a little with the being wrapped all the way at the very core. Do you remember that being?

  I hope you have listened closely.

  Have you taken it all off?

  Look with me now, at what remains.

  Can you see it? Can you feel how delicious it is, to behold this raw, hot seed at the very center of you? How delicate, how strange this little kernel. We can’t stay here for long, but be brave. Hold on with me. Do you see it?

  I see it.

  I didn’t used to, but now I do.

  This is the story of how I learned to peel everything away. To be more naked than I had ever been before. If you’re ready, if you can let go of your fear, then come with me now, and I’ll show you exactly how it all happened…

  Read it today!

  What are readers saying?

  “Ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be the next "Must Read" series that everyone will be talking about."

  - "This is, undoubtedly, one of the best series I have read. Gabi Moore is exceptionally talented in that she can turn darkness into something so uniquely intriguing and beautiful.”

  "This series is one of the best this year. A first book in a trilogy just does NOT get any better than this! Holy moly! I literally could not put this one down. The way Ms. Moore can make you love and hate at the same time is a talent a lot of authors just don't have. Just get this book right now. Right this minute. I swear, your mind will be completely blown."

  Read it today!

  Book 1 - MINDFUCK


  The love story I’m about to tell you is the purest and most beautiful thing I’ve ever done. But it all began in the darkest, ugliest way possible.

  Book 2 - MIND GAMES


  I could abandon her. Let her take the fall and walk away from all of this. Or I could run with her now and do my best to protect her...

  Book 3 - MINDGASM


  Happily ever afters?

  No such thing.

  Life isn’t a fairy tale.


  You think it’s all about love.

  You think it’s about kindness and truth and beauty.

  Pain is a gift.

  I love you.

  And I’m going to hurt you...

  BAD BOYS AFTER DARK - The Complete Boxed Set

  Are you ready for over half a MILLION words of panty-melting bad boys?

  With over half a million words of steamy, romantic fiction, and over 1000 five-star reviews across Amazon and Goodreads, this limited edition omnibus will provide over 100 hours of reading!

  With this boxed set comes, quite literally, two years of my writing, delivered straight to your reading device for your personal satisfaction only.

  What are readers saying?

  - “Gabi Moore is an auto read for me. You will need a few things; clean panties, a hot man/vibrator, and blocks of uninterrupted time.”

  - “A sinfully seductive, sensual, and highly delicious treat. Dark, like your favorite chocolate, slightly sweet, and just as decadent…”

  Bad Boys After Dark - The Complete Boxed Set

  Gabi’s Naughty Newsletter

  To join me on a more intimate level, I suggest joining my Naughty Newsletter.

  Brace yourself for bad sex puns, pervy observations about innocent strangers in my real life (and yes, I’m a real, living, breathing woman) and whatever other raunchy things pop up in my day-to-day life as a secret undercover smut writer.

  I can’t promise that everything you read will be tasteful, but I hope at the very least it will be entertaining! ;)

  Gabi’s Naughty Newsletter


  A Confession

  Sex and Guilt, or That Time I Slept with a Virgin

  He was the boy that taught me that no matter how awesome a person is, and no matter how much you adore them, that it simply won’t work out if you’re not sexually attracted to them.

  Maybe this is a lesson smarter woman than I have learned, but I was always the type to use boyfriend requirements that had “hot” right at the very bottom of the checklist.

  The guy in question was a scary smart math nerd, with a mature, sophisticated view on the world that made it feel like we were the only two sane people in the world when we got together and chatted. Which we could do for hours. We were both at the same university and did that thing that you do in your early twenties: stay up late into the night discussing life, the universe and everything with the kind of excitement only two people who are cursing on each other can muster.

  I was sexually inexperienced, but he was a stone-cold virgin. I was the slightly unhinged goofball and he was the very serious, very earnest young dreamer. He was very patient and non-threatening. He kind of stood on the sidelines, waiting for an invitation I suppose. We dated for a while, and he was gentlemanly and considerate. I’m sad to say, that was the first and only time I’ve attracted a guy who was that devoted to treating me well. But I guess that’s a confession for another time.

  In any case, I felt the pressure to take the lead sexually, and this I did, one evening when I came over to his place and we did the whole dinner with candles thing. I had a glimpse of what angsty young men must experience all the time: the pressure to perform, to take charge of things, to make sure that everyone is having a good time. I was going to be his first, and even though he wasn’t in the least bit upset buy this, I still felt a lot of responsibility.

  What if it went poorly? What if I gave him a weird complex or disappointed me or worse, what if he fell madly in love with him and then we broke up?

  He made me dinner and we did our usual thing of chatting incessantly for hours. But it became clear that if something was going to happen, it would have to come down to me.
So I suggested we take a bath together. In hindsight, it seems pretty weird that we didn’t kiss more, but I suppose we were both just two super cerebral people trying to navigate the crushing weirdness that first-time sex can be.

  We took our drinks to the bath and ran it full of bubbles and then got naked. He was well built, and I could tell that he liked my body, too. So far so good. He was unlike the few other guys I’d dated before him. He wasn’t pushy. He seemed genuinely respectful and cautious …looking back now I don’t think I realized then what an honor it was that he was sharing that moment with me. Don’t we all characterized the sweetness of virginity as an exclusively female thing? But men have it too. And it’s touching and sweet and lovely and actually pretty hot.

  We finished our bath and were both pretty tipsy. I suggested we make our way to the bedroom. He had a clean, simple house that just had that bachelor vibe written all over it. Are you imagining the kind of navy blue striped duvet cover that belongs in every single guy’s bedroom? That’s the kind he had. We kept the lights off and in the semi-darkness, we kissed a little more, me on top, still nervous as hell that he was expecting me to take the lead.

  We were both sweetly naked, hot from the bath and smelling soapy. He touched me very softly and gently, like he was afraid to hurt me. There wasn’t too much fanfare. When he was hard enough I slipped him inside and we looked at one another as I settled all the way down onto him. He had a nice sized dick and to my surprise, getting into the flow of things felt easy and intuitive.

  We were quiet and slow, and we both came together in just a few minutes. I lay on top of him for a while and distinctly remember looking down at him, maybe like I was trying to determine what, if anything, had changed. Had that been up to his expectations? Is that what he had wanted? I know the narrative is that young guys are just horny and happy to get it where they can, but I don’t think this is as common as we’d like think.

  We did that thing where he didn’t pull out, but we just sort of held one another closely for a while, waiting for our breathing to slow. He eventually got up to get rid of the condom, and I did that thing where you artfully arrange your limbs on the bed so that you look pretty lounging on the bed when he returns. I remember he gave me a sweet little kiss, right on my left bum cheek, and then we snuggled till we slept, both a little in our own heads.

  We eventually broke up. The chemistry just wasn’t there I suppose. In fact, for years afterwards he kept in touch, even after I tried to make a clean break. I felt guilty. Like I owed him more. It was a strange state of mind to be in. The other day, though, I saw his name in an article. Turns out he because a successful programmer and was now making apps and software in Berlin. And he had grown a beard.

  I was his first, and he was my first – virgin, that is.

  Okay, that’s all for now! My best kept secrets are all exposed in my naughty newsletter, so if you want to see me truly naked, feel free to sign up.

  You’ll have to brace yourself for bad sex puns, pervy observations about innocent strangers in my real life (and yes, I’m a real, living, breathing woman), and whatever other raunchy things pop up in my day-to-day life as a secret undercover smut writer.

  I can’t promise that everything you read will be tasteful, but I hope at the very least it will be entertaining! ;)

  Gabi’s Naughty Newsletter




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