Across The Divide

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Across The Divide Page 26

by Stacey Marie Brown

  Emotion took hold and I rushed to his side, my fingers finding his face. Tears filled my eyes as I touched him, my heart slipping into my gut, thrashing around like a wounded bird. “Please be all right.” What if we went too far? What if today was simply too much, and I had killed the man I loved?

  By having his powers you already have, Zoey, I thought.

  “Ryker, open your eyes.” My hands slid along his jaw, cupping his face. His grown-out stubble scratched my palms. Touching him now was different. Before, I had only been a husk, not letting myself truly experience what it felt like to have him near again.

  He stirred under my hand, a slight moan coming from his throat. I leaned in closer and saw his lids blinking, trying to open.

  “Ryker, wake up. We need to get out of here.” Not thinking, I unhooked the cuffs on his arms. Freeing him. His eyes opened, his white eyes glowing in the darkness. Absent eyes landed on me like we were strangers.

  He sat abruptly. My arms dropped, and I took a step back. He still only wore the gray scrub pants, and his chest continued to leak blood and pus from both new and old gashes. Wounds I gave him.

  “You come back for more, human?” Disgust twisted the words, his eyes cold and remote. “Carving me up in the day isn’t enough for you?”

  “Ryker, it’s me.”

  “I know who you are.” He swung his legs down and stood up, his body moved like a coiling snake. “I’ve been waiting to be alone with you for a while.”

  This man wasn’t Ryker. A shiver ran down my back. Shit.

  “Ryker. It’s me, Zoey.” I focused on linking our names, making a connection. Deep down, I believed in those rare moments we had shared, the times his eyes cleared. I felt if he really saw me, he would be able to override the promise.

  I was extremely wrong.

  “Your name will mean the same to me dead or alive.” His voice was void of feeling. “Nothing.” He fisted his hands, taking a step.

  “Fight it, Ryker. I know you are under there somewhere.” I backed up, while out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sprig peek through the gaps of the blinds, tapping the window.

  Ryker didn’t even flinch. “All that’s in here.” He pointed to himself. “Is a demon. Well, half—on my father’s side.” He took a step, drawing my attention back to him. For every step he took, I took two back.

  Father? Demon? What was he talking about? He didn’t know who his father...

  Oh no. No. No. No. An image of two blond men came into my mind. How did I not see it before? The similarities between them became glaringly obvious. The body frames, strong jaw lines, the Nordic likenesses.

  “Vadik?” My mouth dipped open.

  A gruesome smirk turned up Ryker’s mouth. “And this half-demon has made a promise to kill you, human.”

  We moved at the same time. I went for the door. He bolted for me, reaching me as the door handle rolled in my hand, slipping through my fingers. His hand wrapped around my throat, and he threw me back against the wall next to the door.

  “Ryk—” My mouth opened to speak, but he squeezed down, cutting off my words. With a grunt he slammed me again, ripping the air from my lungs. My fingers went to his hands, clawing at them. “Ry-ker...”

  His lids fluttered, his glassy eyes sparked with life. His hand loosened around my throat, giving me a gulp of air.

  “Zoey.” He blinked, his voice low. He dropped me to my feet, his hand falling to the dip at the base of my collarbone.

  “Yes,” I whispered hoarsely, ignoring my burning throat. “Stay with me.” I reached out for him. The instant my hand touched his face, his eyes slammed shut, like it burned his skin.

  “I can’t fight it,” he whispered.

  “Yes. You can.” I drew him closer to me, tipping his forehead against mine, hoping contact with me would help keep him centered. “Remember we do whatever it takes to live and be together. That’s the love I want with you. Whatever the outcome. We fight,” I said, suddenly reminded of similar lines I said to Ryker in a dream.

  He jerked his head up, sucking in air. He blinked, his brows dipping in puzzlement.

  Fearful of losing him again, I wrapped my arms around him. “Feel me, Ryker. Remember us. We are more powerful together.” My hands drifted over his back, running up and down his body. The scars, open wounds, and dried blood were jagged under the tips of my fingers.

  He breathed out, letting his body fall against mine, pressing my back against the wall. In an instant, his hands moved under my top, roughly grazing my skin. His touch was fire to my system. A barely audible groan escaped my mouth.

  His touch grew more eager, pulling me into him. Through the thin cloth I could feel him as he brushed against me. Every bit of him. Wanting me. The friction of the fabric as he moved against me sent heat into my stomach, moving lower.

  This was not the time or place. At all. But I couldn’t seem to stop.

  His arms went around my ass and pulled me up, my legs wrapping around his torso. He moaned, slamming our bodies back into the wall, his lips crashing down on mine.

  Desire exploded in my body. Tuning out the voice warning me to stop, to use this time to get away. But the months of separation, the weeks of pretending to hate him, the guilt of torturing him…it now consumed me, needing an outlet.

  He bit down hard on my lip, drawing blood. The pain only triggered more craving for him. I wanted him now. Our breaths became frantic as our mouths moved together with need.

  He yanked his head back, his tongue sliding over his bottom lip. He reached to his mouth, blood pooled on his finger. My blood. His gaze went to my mouth. He leaned forward, his tongue slowly licked my broken lip. He watched me as he trailed my mouth. A blaze of need pounded between my legs.

  Ryker drew back, swallowing. His eyes glinted, a rumble rolled from his chest, sounding wild and threatening.

  It was instant, the shift. The taste of my blood.


  A growl flared from his throat. His muscles tightened under me. He pinned my body harder against the wall with his, grabbing my face forcefully. With a snarl, his hands slid down to my neck.

  “Ryker. Don’t—” My plea cut off, his hands compressed around my neck. A thumb rubbed softly over my vocals. Then his eyes flared, a strangled cry wrenching out of him, full of pain. I saw him fully leave me. The curse battling for dominancy.

  And winning.

  He grunted. His shoulders grew, expanding with power. The thumb which had caressed my skin was now pushing into my throat. My mouth gaped for fresh air, which would not come. Spots dotted my vision as I fought against his hold. Like a cat put in water, I clawed, kicked, and hissed, but he did not relent.

  “A promise is a promise.” He drew close to my ear, nipping. “And I never break my promises.”

  He was going to kill me. It was exactly what I asked him to do, but I was no longer willing to go. Instinct to survive was ingrained deep, and when it came down to the moment, I fought. For myself. For him. For Lexie, Sprig, Croygen, Daniel…for the girl who was still trapped in Duc’s warehouse being used as an escort. For all the lives Rapava was destroying or would.

  A heaviness gripped my brain, tugging sleepiness into my mind. My sight drifted down a dark ravine into blackness.

  The sleeping pills, Zoey! My gut cried at me. But my brain and body were no longer communicating. I tried to fight, to hold on, but I felt my limbs wilt and go limp at my sides. No!

  I didn’t want to go out this way. If I were going to die, I wanted to be far away from DMG, where I knew my loved ones would be safe.

  Anger punched my abdomen. All Ryker and I had been through, the love we finally found and let in. Was this how our story was going to end?

  It felt life was mocking me again. Daniel’s death had been horrible, but this was vindictive and cruel. Memories of Ryker and me flashed in my head, our bodies intertwined, discovering each other. The moment by the creek in Peru where he told me about his past, when I realized I was falling for him. Th
e night he curled up behind me because I had a bad dream. When he kissed me in the rain….the night he snuck into the closet while Amara was across the hall. Putting a birthday candle in the loaf of bread for me.

  Every moment played out in my head with the man I fell for.

  I held no blame or anger at Ryker as I felt my life slip from me. This was my doing. The only fury I could feel was at myself, for forcing him to do this, something he would have to live with.

  I think we all wish for that epic ending, where everything is resolved and our death would have meaning. This was not the case.

  A tear slipped down my face. A sorrow for what could have been.

  The loss of hope and happiness.

  And because my love wasn’t strong enough. This time we couldn’t fight and win.

  I had lost.


  Not something I was good at.

  I heard a strange pop as my life slipped across the divide into nothingness.

  Thank you to all my readers. Your opinion really matters to me and helps others decide if they want to purchase my book. If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving an honest review on the site where you purchased it. Thank you.

  Want to find out about my next book, From Burning Ashes, Collector Series #4? Sign up on my website and keep updated on the latest news.

  From Burning Ashes

  Collector Series #4

  This war is not being played on a battlefield.

  Killed by the man she loves, even death is not kind to Zoey. Neither life nor her fae powers will let her go in peace.

  In this final installment, Zoey’s strength, determination, and trust are put to the ultimate test. In the fight to protect the people she loves and stop DMG from experimenting on fae, humans, and animals to create soldiers, she learns the reality of how far Dr. Rapava will go to achieve his ultimate mission.

  Of course, Rapava is not the only one willing to go to extremes. Vadik is hunting Ryker, and there is nothing he won’t do to get the property back he feels is his: both Ryker and the Stone of Fál, the Stone of Destiny.

  Zoey has always stood alone, counting only on herself and keeping her heart well-guarded. But now she realizes it will take an army to fight against this opponent. To save herself and all she cares about, she must learn to trust. This might be the hardest lesson for her to learn, especially when betrayal comes from those closest to her.


  Seven books in and the only reason I’m still standing is because of my amazing team. I am so lucky for the people helping me along this wonderful and crazy journey!

  A special thanks to:

  • Rachel at Mark My Words P.R.: What would I do without you? Seriously, thank you for “dealing” with me and just letting me write.

  • Jordan, your developmental help and editing are crucial to me. You constantly push me to be a better writer while giving me such encouraging positive notes. Thank you.

  • Hollie, “the editor.” Meeting you in person has only made me adore you more. You are incredible. Thank you for your endless support and love.

  • Kelly at Indie-spired Book Covers: I am so glad Rachel introduced us. Book covers are so important and you have transformed mine. Thank you. You are amazing and incredibly talented!

  • Judi at As usual you have made the anxiety of getting my books out on time so much easier.

  • As always to Mom for being there at every turn. There’d be no books without you!

  • All the readers who have supported me: My gratitude is for all you do and how much you help indie authors out of the pure love of reading. I bow down. You all are amazing!

  • My Street Team for being awesome and so supportive, thank you.

  • To all the indie/hybrid authors out there who inspire, challenge, support, and push me to be better: I love you!

  • And to anyone who has picked up an indie book and given an unknown author a chance.



  Stacey Marie Brown works by day as an interior/set designer and by night a writer of paranormal fantasy, adventure, and literary fiction. She grew up in Northern California, where she ran around on her family’s farm raising animals, riding horses, playing flashlight tag, and turning hay bales into cool forts.

  Even before she could write, she was creating stories and making up intricate fantasies. Writing came as easy as breathing. She later turned that passion into acting, living and traveling abroad, and designing.

  Though she had never stopped writing, moving back to the States seemed to have brought it back to the forefront and this time it would not be ignored.

  When she’s not writing, she’s out hiking, spending time with friends, traveling, listening to music, or designing.

  To learn more about Stacey or her books, visit her at:

  Author website

  Facebook Author page





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