Romance: Mail Order Bride The Ideal Bride Clean Christian Western Historical Romance (Western Mail Order Bride Short Shorties Series)

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Romance: Mail Order Bride The Ideal Bride Clean Christian Western Historical Romance (Western Mail Order Bride Short Shorties Series) Page 160

by Alice White

  “Gavin, did you just hear that?” Jenny looked around

  “No, sounds around this place can take some getting used to. It was probably a barn owl or a horse scratching an itch.”

  “I suppose,” Jenny said as she milked the cow and enjoyed the task. “How often do these cows have to be milked? I’m guessing once a week.”

  “The udders will explode if you wait that long. You have a lot to learn about tending to this place but I don’t want you risking your health. I don’t know much about a pregnancy but I do know that it’s time for you to take it easy.”

  “Without Nell and with me getting less able to help as my pregnancy continues, how will we manage things?”

  “I have ranch hands that’ll be happy for the extra work and I’ve had a good year so I can afford to pay ‘em, too. I think we should head back to the house with this milk. It’ll spoil in the hot sun if we don’t get it into the icebox.”

  “Excellent idea. I’ll get started on dinner if Nell hasn’t and you can move your things into our bedroom. For appearance only, of course.

  “Of course, Jenny.” Gavin Winked and then he helped Jenny up off the stool.

  “I’m not a china doll and I don’t need help. Thank you for the kindness.” Jenny blushed as Gavin put his hand on her tummy and then looked at her with his lucid green eyes.

  “I said that I wasn’t sure about raising this child as my own but as every minute passes, I’m surer. I’m already looking forward to being a father to this child – my child.”

  They both heard the door slam and Jenny was convinced that a person had been in there the whole time.

  “I can see that you think an intruder or maybe a ghost is lurking about. I’ll check it out and prove you wrong.” Gavin kissed Jenny to calm her nerves, which worked because her fears subsided immediately. He looked around anyway. “We are the only humans in the barn, except for the baby, of course.”

  “You’re really getting on board with this and I don’t know how I became so lucky. I’m just nervous that men seeking revenge on Leonard have followed me to Texas.”

  “Don’t worry, Jenny, it’s my duty to protect you from them. I’ll fight to the death before I let anyone bring you harm.”

  Gavin picked up the buckets of milk with his tanned muscular arms. He then escorted Jenny to the wagon and helped her up. He was a rancher with a rough exterior but he was mannerly and chivalrous at the same time. She couldn’t wait to be held in his arms where she would be forever safe. Jenny forgot about the obstacles she and Gavin had yet to climb and relished the happiness she was feeling. Jenny felt safe for the first time in her young life and it was a euphoric emotion.

  “I’m going to the spare room to collect my things while you fix dinner with Nell. Remember, not a word about the baby. She’s leaving in a few days and then we can focus on the baby you’re carrying.” Gavin kissed Jenny on the lips and ran to the back bedroom.

  Chapter Six

  Nell was in the kitchen humming a tune and peeling carrots to add to the stew.

  “Did you have a nice day, Jenny?” Nell asked.

  “It was splendid and thank you for asking. I hope I’m not too late to help with dinner, am I?”

  “No, but for tomorrow we have to bring up potatoes from the root cellar. How are you with heavy lifting?”

  “Um, I. I’m not that strong but I’m sure that Gavin will be available to help.”

  Nell was quiet for a moment before a smirk grew on her face. “Jenny my dear, I’m afraid your scam is up. I know you’re pregnant and know that it’s not my nephew’s baby. It belongs to your deceased husband and you couldn’t raise a Fisk in Boston so you decided to dump your mistake in Texas. I knew from the moment you stepped on to the train platform that you were trouble and a poor substitute for Mary Horning.”

  “There was someone in the barn and it was you. Spying is wrong, Nell, and Gavin won’t stand for your behavior,” Jenny said confidently as she knew Gavin would support her.

  “Spying is nothing compared to what you did. Saddling a rancher with a criminal’s child; how could you? What’s worse is that you knowingly brought danger along with you. Those men who want to exact revenge on you will take Gavin as well. I guess that’s how you were raised back east but we do things different here. Gavin isn’t my own child but he’s close and I want what’s best for him, which is not you, Jenny.”

  “I hate to burst your bubble, Nell, but Gavin knows that I’m carrying another man’s child and he’s moving into our bedroom as we speak. I don’t even know why you’re bringing this up since you and Caleb are moving to Houston in a couple of days.”

  “I’m not leaving when so much is at stake for Gavin. My departure is delayed if not cancelled. You are leaving Olean tomorrow without a word to Gavin.”

  “I offered to leave but Gavin wouldn’t even consider it.”

  “Sit down while I finish setting the table and I’ll tell you why. You were Jenny Fisk when you came here and couldn’t wait to shed the name. It’s to your advantage that no one from Boston finds you. They might do something to you and your baby or they would destroy your reputation here in Texas. In any event, Gavin would be negatively affected.”

  “No one from Boston knows where I am.” Jenny still believed she would win the argument and expected Gavin to walk in and rescue her.

  “If you don’t leave then I will send a telegram to your local paper in Massachusetts. Should I help you pack your things?”

  Tears welled up in Jenny’s violet eyes. “Gavin won’t let this happen.”

  “He won’t know. You’ll leave when he’s left for his day’s work.”

  “I’ve nowhere to go and hardly any money.”

  “There’s a place where unwed mothers can go in Houston. Your child will be given to loving parents, and after that, you’re on your own.”

  Before Jenny could respond, Gavin showed up in the kitchen.

  “Am I interrupting something? I sense tension in the room.” Gavin had sweat pooling at his temples from moving his things in the hot weather.

  “Nothing at all, dear. Jenny and I were getting to know one another better. Isn’t that right, Jenny?”

  “That’s right, Nell. Gavin your Aunt made a lovely Stew for the family but I’m feeling ill and I’m going to retire early.”

  “Are you ok, Jenny?” Gavin worried that it was the baby. “You look pale. Did something happen to upset you?”

  “No, nothing at all. It has been a long day and I’m better off calling it quits.” Jenny rushed off before Gavin could give her a kiss goodnight. She walked out of the kitchen to listen to his conversation with Nell. She cowered in the hallway as she heard Caleb come in and join them for dinner; he seemed to know nothing of Nell’s plan.

  Nell started the conversation as she hatched the second part of her scheme. “Now that you have a wife Gavin, it won’t mean much that Mary Horning is back in Olean and living at her parent’s ranch.”

  Caleb spoke before Gavin had a chance. “Surely he doesn’t care because Gavin seemed to get lucky and Jenny is a charming and capable girl.”

  “Thank you for standing up for my wife, Caleb, because I agree that Jenny is everything that I wanted in a wife and more. However, I am curious as to why Mary Horning is back.”

  Jenny squirmed because Gavin was playing right into Nell’s hands. She was tempted to burst into the kitchen and tell Gavin everything but then the men seeking revenge on Leonard would not only harm Jenny but Gavin and the baby also.

  “Mary and her beau couldn’t make a go of it. She missed life on the ranch and decided that Olean was where she needed to be. She was asking about you and I think the two of you can rescue your friendship despite Jenny. If you ask me, Gavin, Mary has never looked more beautiful with her auburn hair and green eyes. She looks like the old Mary again without all the fussiness when she was living in the city.”

  “Jenny and I will invite her to the ranch some Sunday after church services. My wife doe
sn’t have any friends in Texas besides us and it would be nice to get the two of them together.”

  Jenny had heard enough and she ran to her bedroom in tears. She would pretend to be asleep when Gavin came to the room because she was tempted to tell him everything. Caring for Gavin came so easily and she couldn’t allow anything to happen to him. When she pulled back her blanket there was a wrapped gift with a note:

  To my sweet Jenny and the lucky baby who will call you Mommy.



  She tore open the cloth in which it was wrapped and found a silver baby spoon with the initials GH. It must have been his as a child. She held it tight as she covered herself with the blanket and cried herself to sleep. She heard Gavin creep in and felt him as he gave her a gentle kiss.

  Chapter Seven

  The following morning Jenny opened her eyes to find Nell standing over her. It meant that she wasn’t having a nightmare and that she was truly being forced to leave Gavin.

  “Most of your things are packed and you can leave the wedding ring with me. I’ve arranged for a coach to take you directly into Houston to the home I was telling you about.” Nell ripped off Jenny’s light blanket and tossed it on the floor. “You shouldn’t be surprised that things didn’t work out as planned. You came here as a mail order bride with the intention of swindling my nephew.”

  “I planned nothing of the sort, Nell, and I’m keeping the ring that Gavin gave me.” Jenny brushed away her tears.

  “The ride to Houston will take most of the day, which will leave plenty of time for tears. Gavin and Cal went to the back forty and they won’t be back this way until sundown,” Nell said as she stuffed Jenny’s blanket and bed linens in a potato sack to be used for rags.

  “You must be aware that Gavin will come looking for me. He told me that you don’t believe in true love but he does and what we have is stronger than you.”

  “I’ll take care of Gavin and now that Mary’s back, he’ll have a shoulder to cry on. He’ll find a note detailing that you’ve gone back to Boston because life on this filthy ranch isn’t for you.”

  “That won’t work because Gavin knows that I love Texas and look forward to the opportunities ahead.”

  “Silly girl. Your carriage will be here any moment. I’ll leave you to get dressed.”

  Jenny was pushed into the waiting carriage and the driver was given instructions. She looked out at the long amber grass and knew that somewhere on the range was Gavin. She thought that he was likely thinking of her and the baby. How wonderful it would be to raise a child in the ways of the ranch as his father had taught him. The prospect of giving up her baby made Jenny cringe. She was not going to let evil win and someday she would find her way back to the ranch and Gavin Hennessey. The carriage pulled over to water the horses, which gave Jenny a chance to stretch her legs. She saw the man looking at her and Jenny knew she could use him to her advantage. He had probably been given strict instructions from Nell but she had an allure that Nell didn’t have.

  “It’s hot under the mid-day sun. I won’t be insulted if you take off your hat and coat.” Jenny dipped her handkerchief in the well water and dabbed her chest. She could feel his eyes upon her and knew he was softening. “I don’t want to be dropped off at the place where Mrs. Hennessey directed you. I do hope that won’t be a problem.”

  “I was given specific instructions from Nell.”

  Before Jenny left she’d grabbed a few cigars and a flask of whiskey. Caleb kept a stash that she came across by accident. She showed them to the man and his eyes widened.

  “Please, sir.” Jenny blinked her violet eyes.

  “What you’re offering will make the trip a lot more enjoyable. Just let me know, Ms. Jenny, and I’ll drop you where you want.”

  “Splendid. I’ll let you know when we get close.” Jenny smiled. She had an idea as she looked out at the azure sky that seemed limitless. She wasn’t sure where she would stay but she certainly couldn’t carry around her trunk. She had a bauble or two that she could use to barter. She would offer the coachman something to do her one last favor. “Sir, I’ve arrived at my destination. When you make it back to Olean, I’d like you to pass this note to Gavin Hennessey without anyone else knowing. For your trouble, I can offer you this necklace. It isn’t made of a precious stone but you can still impress a lady with it.”

  “I’ll do it but I won’t take your necklace, ma’am. A beautiful woman should keep such a thing. Give me the note and I’ll be sure to pass it to Mr. Hennessey.”

  Jenny read the note before folding it and handing it to the coachman.

  Dear Gavin,

  I left to protect you and for no other reason. You gave me a sense of safety and happiness that I will always cherish.



  Jenny grabbed her one bag and walked into the nearest guesthouse to see how much a room would cost for the week. That would be enough time to figure out her next move. She found out the amount, which was shy of what she had. Karen, who was the guesthouse owner let Jenny put her bag in a room and come back later with the rest of the $10. She set out to sell the only thing that she had that was worth anything, which was her hair, her crowning glory.

  “Hello, I asked Karen at the Sunnyvale guest house and she said a woman named Doreen would be able to help me.” Jenny said.

  “That’s my wife, darling, and she helps out with a lot of things. What is it you need help with?”

  “I want to sell my hair and I think Doreen uses it to make wigs for fancy women.”

  “She does. It’s an odd profession but she sells what people are willing to buy. She’s happy to help girls like you who are unwilling to become saloon girls when they need money.”

  The man called out his wife Doreen who led Jenny into the back and instructed her to sit on a stool. “My husband tells me that you’re down on your luck. Not many would sacrifice years of growing their hair. I don’t take pleasure in doing this, especially while you’re in such a delicate condition. I hope this helps you get by before the baby is born.”

  “You can tell I’m pregnant?” Jenny was shocked.

  “Yes. You’re a little thing but you’ve popped. Can you feel the critter swimming around in there?” Doreen said as she took out Jenny’s hairpins. Jenny’s jet-black hair cascaded down her shoulders to the bottom of her back.”

  “I felt something today but I thought it was the result of bouncing along the gravel roads. I think it’s going to be a boy, or maybe a girl.”

  Doreen laughed. “It’s gonna be one or the other. Close your eyes, Jenny, and I’ll be finished before you know it.”

  The sound of her hair being cut was nerve-racking but Gavin and her baby were worth it. Jenny felt light as her hair fell away.

  “I can’t say it’s pretty but with eyes like yours you could be shaved bald and still be beautiful. I have a collection of hats to choose from and yours is free. My husband Jack will pay you on the way out. Please send my regards to Karen. If you’re looking for help and know no one in town you are lucky to have found Karen.”

  “Thanks for your kindness, Doreen. Do you have a mirror nearby?” Jenny asked and Doreen directed her. Her long beautiful hair was gone and all that was left were stubby locks. Jenny shook her head, placed a hat on her head and walked out confidently. She was resolved not to let Nell have the last word.

  Chapter Eight

  Jenny had been at the guesthouse for five weeks because a small barn in back needed tending and she agreed to do it. Karen was her guardian angel in many ways. In exchange, Jenny had a place to stay and a few dollars, which she was able to save. Her pregnant belly had grown, as had her hair. She was convinced that being pregnant caused her hair to grow quickly. Her theory had no proof but she was sure of it. News travels and she had heard of no tragedies in Olean, so she assumed Gavin was getting on without her and he probably gave another mail order bride a chance. Jenny thought of him every day but as the birth of her baby neare
d, she knew that he or she must be her priority. Jenny waddled down the stairs to find Karen making biscuits.

  “Good morning. One of these days you’re going to have to teach me the secret to your flaky biscuits.” Jenny said as Karen offered her one warm from the oven.

  “I have a new guest who also loves my biscuits. Have you met Mr. Morrow?”

  “No I have not. I spend most of my day in the barn with the animals. The new chicks have hatched and the pregnant cow is fixing to give birth soon. The animals and I have a lot in common these days. What’s the deal with Mr. Morrow?”

  “He’s very handsome and if you weren’t still stuck on Gavin, I’d introduce you with the hopes of making a match. His teeth are whiter than I’ve ever seen. He’s handy and willing to help when it comes to heavy lifting. Mr. Morrow had a sadness in his eyes when he first showed up that has seemed to disappear. He’s mysterious so I came out and asked what he was doing in Houston. He said he was searching for something very dear to him and he’s finally found it.”

  “Good for Mr. Morrow. At least someone is content,” Jenny said.

  “You seem more content than when you first arrived,” Karen commented.

  “That’s true, and I’ll be happy when my child is born. My situation isn’t perfect but I’m learning to make the best of it.”

  “That’s my girl. I don’t know what I would do without your help. Please take the bell with you and ring it if you feel the slightest twinge. I’ve never delivered a baby but I’m a quick learner and I’m all you’ve got.”

  Jenny pushed open the door to the barn and the aroma of manure was a reminder of her time with Gavin. As she checked on the new chicks and started to collect eggs from the hens, Jenny felt an odd sensation. It was the same way she felt when Nell was spying on her in Olean. Jenny thought that someone from Boston must have found her in Texas. She had sent a letter to her parents and word must have got out. Jenny reached for the bell, which was beside her in a cloth bag, but before she could reach it, a firm grasp stopped her. It was a hand that she had seen before and thought she would never see again. Jenny was afraid to turn around because she couldn’t take the disappointment if she was wrong.


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