BARE_A Hollywood Romance

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BARE_A Hollywood Romance Page 5

by Sarah Robinson

  "Sure." She lifted the empty wine glass, and he grabbed the already-open bottle from the basket, then poured it in hers first, then his. "Cheers."

  They clinked glasses together, then both took a sip. He pulled out the meats and cheeses next, arranging it in front of her.

  "This looks delicious," she admitted, spreading some goat cheese on a cracker. "Much better than what we ate on our first date."

  "We're not dumb college kids anymore," he teased. "We get better with age."

  She didn't say anything to that, and he realized she might be reading more into what he was saying than he meant. Shit. Things were awkward. He was trying for a nice moment, but tension hung between them and he had no idea how to fix it.

  "So…" she started, clearly feeling as uncomfortable as he was beginning to. "We're here to catch up. Right?"

  He nodded. "What's new in your life?"

  "In eight years?" She tapped a finger to her bottom lip. "Uh, kind of a lot."

  "Well, what about your family?" he suggested, trying to narrow the topic. Fuck, this was strange. Suddenly he couldn't recall why he thought any part of this would be a good idea.

  "Aria's married." A smile finally returned to Teagan's face, and she relaxed. "They have a beautiful daughter, Tillie. I babysat her last night."

  "That's wonderful," Reed said, though admittedly, he had followed Aria's career somewhat. It was hard not to since they were in the same circles. "I have a niece, too. Nell."

  "Penelope had a daughter?" Teagan put a hand over her heart. "That's wonderful. Do you have pictures?"

  He pulled out his phone and they traded photos of Nell and Tillie, gushing over each other's nieces. The pride in his voice was evident, because Nell was his life and she had been since she was born six years ago.

  "I love the way you talk about her," Teagan said, handing him back his phone. "It makes yesterday feel more…genuine."

  He furrowed his brows, unsure what she meant. "Yesterday?"

  "The publicity stunt with all those kids." She looked down at her hands fidgeting in her lap. "It was so wonderful what you were doing for them. I was really impressed."

  "And you're not now?"

  She shrugged. "I thought you'd done it out of the goodness of your heart, not to fix your image in the public."

  The look on her face yesterday—crestfallen and disappointed—it made sense now. He hated that he'd done that to her, and he hated even more that he couldn't deny it. That was exactly what had happened. She was right.

  "I…I don't know how to explain yesterday in way that would make you feel better, or see me differently," he admitted. "It was a publicity stunt. My agent wants to fix my image. He wants the public to stop seeing me as the playboy partier the paparazzi has made me out to be." Reed sighed. He was making this worse. "But I can tell you that even though it wasn't my idea, and it wasn't my doing, I really enjoyed yesterday. I loved every minute of being with those kids, and seeing their struggles was…shit, it was inspiring as hell. Those kids have been through more than I've ever been in my entire life, and not one of them looked like it bothered them. They were just happy and living their life, and I admire that kind of strength."

  She studied him carefully, as if she was trying to decide what to think or feel about everything he'd just said. "I feel that from you now, honestly. The way you talk about Nell, the way your face lights up…it's genuine. Yesterday, I just…I'm not sure."

  "You don't trust me or my motivations," he finished for her. "And that's okay. You have every reason not to trust me."

  Teagan's eyes watered slightly, and she swallowed hard, her jaw tensing. She dropped her gaze down to her lap and the glass of wine in her hand. "I spent so many years hating you, Reed." Finally, she raised her head back up to look at him. "It's honestly relieving to let that go. I don't think I even understood what a darkness that was on my heart all this time, but these last two weeks with you, learning the things I have…I feel lighter."

  Reed smiled a little, trying to keep his hopes from leaping out of his chest and running to her. Though, it was already too late. "I'm glad, though I'm so sorry I made you feel that way for so long."

  Teagan put down her glass and scooted closer to him on the blanket. "Can I tell you something?"

  He nodded.

  "I'd already turned down the Broadway role a week before our wedding," she admitted.

  His eyes widened. He hadn't known that. Hell, that role had been the entire reason he'd convinced himself he needed to end things with her. "I…I didn't know."

  "It was going to be a surprise," she admitted. "Ironic, right?"

  Reed felt like his chest was about to cave in from the ache in his heart. God, he wanted to go back and change everything. He wanted to rewrite their story. He wanted to write their epilogue—give them a second chance at finishing what they’d started.

  "I don't know what to say, Teag. I feel like you lost so much because of me."

  She shook her head. "We're letting go of all of that now. Right? Moving on?"

  "I'd like that a lot," he admitted. "But are you sure? I don't deserve it."

  "Of course you don't deserve it." She smiled, a teasing glint in her dark brown eyes. "So, it's a good thing life isn't fair."

  Reed laughed, pulling her into him for a hug. "Speaking of unfair, I have something to show you."

  She lingered pressed against his chest, and he was glad she did because there was something magical about the way she fit in his arms. "What is it?"

  He stood and pulled her to her feet beside him. "Come on."

  Leading her off the set, he took her in the direction of the dressing rooms. After a few turns down several hallways, he paused in front of a door with an empty slot where the name should be. Reed pulled a key out of his pocket and stuck it in the lock, opening the door and flipping on the light.

  "What are we doing in here?" Teagan asked, walking into the dressing room slowly. "Who's is this?"

  Reed gestured toward the other end of the room where there was a mirrored wall and a bar. He didn't expect her to actually use it for practice, since there wasn't as much space as the studio, but he'd wanted it put in for her anyway. There was a brightly-lit vanity and counter to one side, and a plush couch and lounge area to the other that even had a mini-fridge he'd made sure was stocked full of her favorite drinks. "It's yours. I had your things transferred."

  She knit her brows and stared at him. "What are you talking about?"

  "That other room of yours was basically a closet, Teag. Hell, smaller than a closet. You need actual space. Hell, you're on set as much as I am, if not more, and you're one of the hardest working people on staff."

  Teagan walked farther into the room, examining everything around her then slowly turned back to face him. "This…this is basically the size of my apartment."

  "Well, damn, we should get you a new apartment next."

  She laughed and shook her head. "I don't know what to say, Reed."

  "Don't say anything." Honestly, he wasn't looking for thanks. He just wanted her to have the space she needed—and deserved. "It was seriously nothing."

  "You know you don't need to give me anything, right? I'm not someone whose attention you have to buy."

  Reed chuckled. "I'm fully aware of your aversion to all things materialistic. This is more for me than you. Now I don't need to worry about you."

  "You were worried…" She furrowed her brow. "About me?"

  "Well, that closet was way in the back lot, the farthest possible from set. It's nowhere near the security guard shack, and I just…" He rubbed the back of his neck. Shit, what was he saying? "I just wanted you closer."

  Teagan walked toward him and then past him. She closed the door to the dressing room behind him. Turning back around, Teagan faced him and put her hands square on her hips. "If I do something, can you not read into it? Not think it means something more than it does?"

  Huh? "Uh…sure? I don't really know what that means, but—"

  She didn't wait for him to finish before she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.

  Reed's eyes widened, but then he didn't miss a beat either. He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her body flush to his. She ran her fingers through his hair, and their tongues danced as they tasted one another.

  It was everything he remembered kissing Teagan to be, but, somehow, it was so much more. This wasn't the young girl who'd been his college sweetheart. This was a woman who had long outgrown the inhibitions of age. She knew what she wanted, and she knew how to take it from him—and he wanted to give it to her, everything she asked for and more.

  His hands slid down her back, scooping under her ass and lifting her against his body. She automatically wrapped her legs around his waist and anchored her arms to his shoulders as their lips continued to crash against one another, hungry and wanting. Walking them over to the vanity, he sat her on the counter and pushed her knees apart.

  Reed stepped between her legs, and he knew she could feel his dick pressing against her core even through his pants. After years apart, he needed no time to prepare. His body wanted her—now.

  Letting his lips fall south, he kissed across her jaw and down her neck. He nibbled and licked a trail to her collarbone, and then across the fleshy mounds of her breast above the hem of her shirt. She moaned, pushing her hips against him and letting her head fall back.

  It was by far the sexiest sound he'd ever heard in his life, and his dick practically throbbed as he listened to her pant and gasp with every new sensation. Eager to hear what other sounds she could make, he let his hand slide up her inner thigh and dip inside her jeans. She spread her legs wider, encouraging him on.

  "You're soaked," he said, growling roughly in her ear as his fingers found her center.

  She moaned again, clutching tighter to his shoulders, her face buried against his neck.

  Reed circled his fingers over her swollen clit, loving the way she trembled and shook against him. Pushing farther, he slid two fingers inside her, but kept his thumb rubbing against her clit.

  "Ah!" She gasped, thrusting her hips forward with his movements. "Oh, God, I'm close."

  His mouth found hers again, and they nipped, kissed, and caressed one another with their lips until her tremors overtook her. Her moans were thick and heavy against his ear, her body clenching around his fingers as he felt her climax power through her body in waves.

  When she finally began to quiet against him, he removed his fingers but continued rubbing slow, soft circles against her clit. She jolted every few seconds as the aftershock of her orgasm continued to hit her.

  Teagan slid her hand slowly down his chest, still pressed tightly to him. Moving below his belt, she rubbed against his hard dick through his pants and he nearly exploded then and there. She went to undo his belt buckle, but he grabbed her hand and removed it.

  "Not yet," he instructed, placing small kisses on her cheek. "I want you to trust me first."

  He couldn't believe himself—stopping a hand job? Maybe more? That certainly wasn't his style. But as much as he wanted to slam his dick into her and drain every bit of pleasure he could, he also…didn't. He didn't want to treat her like the other women he'd fucked and forgotten.

  Teagan was different. She was so much more, and when they had sex, it would be because she loved him and trusted him again. He wouldn't let her settle for less.

  Chapter Nine

  I'm in way too deep. Teagan watched Reed and Elena dancing together on set, the cameras rolling as he spun her around and dipped her close. They rolled their bodies up to a standing position slowly, her hand on his face as they came close to kissing. The camera panned in on their faces, the way they looked at each other—unsure, but wanting. In love, but terrified.

  It was a familiar feeling.

  The movie was filming the scene where the main characters first realized they were falling in love, and the chemistry between Reed and Elena was undeniable. Sure, Teagan knew it was just acting—and at that, Reed was insanely talented. But it didn't make the jealousy swirling in her stomach lessen any when he pressed his lips to Elena's.

  She kissed him back, gentle and soft. It was nothing like the hungry, needing way Reed had kissed Teagan yesterday.

  Her cheeks flushed at the memory of their actions in her new dressing room. She still couldn't believe she'd been so wanton as to kiss him like that. She was surprised at both how far it had gone, and how quickly it had stopped. The fact that he wanted to wait and didn't want to jump into bed…it was relieving. Her libido had definitely taken over, and now that she had had a chance to step back and think it all through, she was realizing how insane it all was.

  They were not getting back together. Going down this path would only lead to another heartbreak, and that was not something she was interested in anymore. Still…their chemistry. The fire between them when he'd kissed her, when he'd brought her to climax with just his skilled fingers…it felt impossible to deny. Impossible to walk away from.

  Ever since yesterday, her body had been in a constant state of arousal. Every thought, every move, all brought her mind back to sex and Reed and how badly she wanted every inch of him. Hell, the way Elena was looking at him right now, it seemed she was feeling the same thing.

  Reed broke their kiss, and lovingly stared into Elena's eyes. A small smile lifted the corners of his lips as the camera faded away. God, he was fantastic. Watching them, Teagan could almost believe it was real. If he hadn't been making her come on his hand less than twenty-four hours ago, she might have thought there was more between them.

  "Cut!" Mario called out, walking on to the set and Elena and Reed let go of each other. "Fantastic job. I think we got it on that take."

  "You were fantastic," Elena agreed, running a hand down Reed's chest. "And a great kisser."

  Reed chuckled lightly, though he didn't look uncomfortable. Instead, he was watching Teagan. "Glad we finally got those dance moves down. That one was a hard number."

  Teagan gave him a small smile, walking closer.

  Elena shrugged her shoulders. "It wasn't that hard. I think the choreography could have been better."

  This bitch. Teagan turned her attention away from Reed and looked at Elena. "Was there a problem with my routine?"

  "No," Elena said, an unmistakable attitude in her voice. "You have to admit it was a little elementary. We could have handled more." Elena placed her forearm on Reed's shoulder, molding her body to his side. "Reed's very talented…with his body."

  "Oh, I'm very familiar of his talents," Teagan assured her, trying very hard not to roll her eyes. "But I'll amp up next week's routine for you. Maybe give you a solo dance scene. All. Alone."

  Reed glanced between the two women. "Uh…"

  Elena's nostrils flared, and she looked between Reed and Teagan. "I'm going to my dressing room." Elena stormed away, flouncing across the set with a stomp in each step.

  "Have a lovely day," Teagan called after her, her voice oozing a false sweetness that was not at all professional and not at all like her. Honestly, she'd never had a standoff with another woman over a man before, but that was undeniably what was happening right now.

  Over Reed.

  Teagan was beginning to wonder more and more if she was even capable of walking away at this point, or if she needed to see this out. It was getting harder and harder to see where the line was between who they were eight years ago and who they were now.

  "Well, that was awkward." Reed looked at her. "What the hell was that?"

  Teagan shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  He stepped closer, leaning in to speak softly into her ear. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were fighting over me."

  "Not everything is about you, Reed," she assured him. She was mostly lying, but he didn't need to know that. "I'm very passionate about my routines, and I don't like them being called elementary."

  "Fair. That was a bit rude," he agreed. "Plus, that rou
tine was hard as fuck."

  "Thank you."

  "Reed!" Mario walked over to them. "Plane's taking off in two hours. Your assistant has everything packed and on board."

  Reed nodded. "I'm ready."

  They were filming a scene on location in Napa Valley, which was about a two-hour flight from Los Angeles. Teagan's things were already packed and in the back of her car, since she was planning to drive up—though she was definitely not looking forward to the long car ride. Thankfully, her neighbor was feeding Benson for the week, so she didn't have to worry about being away from home for too long.

  Mario slapped him on the back. "Great. We're going to knock out those scenes. Teag, how's the choreography for the vineyard?"

  "I'm almost done with it, but I think it’ll be great. I just need to see the actual set to finish it up."

  "Makes sense," Mario said. "When will you arrive at the winery?"

  "It's about a six-or-seven-hour drive, so pretty late tonight."

  "That's ridiculous," Reed interjected. "Fly with me."

  "That would be easier," Mario agreed. "There's plenty of room on the plane. I'll tell my production assistant to get your suitcase on board."

  Teagan looked between the two men. Admittedly, flying on a private plane sounded a thousand times better than fighting Los Angeles traffic. "Um, I guess I could do that." She glanced at Reed. "It would probably be easier."

  "It's settled then." Reed clapped his hands, then stalked away, probably to go find the PA.

  Mario looked over at her. "Hey, listen, Teag…this may not really be my place to say, but I think I need to."

  She furrowed her brow. "What's wrong?"

  "You and Reed—is there more there than working together? Anything I need to be aware of?"

  She swallowed hard, unsure what to say. Lying to her boss wasn't something she was in the habit of doing, but she also genuinely didn't know the answer to what was going on with her and Reed. "We, uh, we're not anything right now, if that's what you're asking."

  He furrowed his brow. "But?"


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