Rescuing Rebecca

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Rescuing Rebecca Page 14

by Serena James

  “She stammered at him, “My brother? Where’s my brother?”

  Kane glanced at the first car. He could see Michael straining to look out of the back window.

  “It’s okay, he’s safe with Miles and Ramsay.”

  He ran to the driver’s side. The engine was still running. He heard the car doors in the back slam and found Tom next to him in the passenger seat. He radioed on the mike for everyone to return to the cars, they were moving out. He watched them all quickly obey. All present and correct. If we all get out of this alive there will be a bloody good bonus for every man.

  Kane heard Connor order Rebecca and Charles to keep their heads down as they moved off behind Miles and Ramsay in the first car. Connor and Tom leant out of the windows and shot at the assailants as they passed. The car careered past what was left of the team sent to kill Rebecca.

  They raced out of the hospital’s service drive and out onto rubble strewn streets, swerving around debris from the bombs. Dazed people quickly mounted the pavements to keep out of their way. Kane told Miles, driving the front car, to take the route they’d planned to the airport but Kane warned they would have to be ready to improvise. He called out to Connor, Rebecca and Charles in the back as Tom took the map out of the glove box.

  “Is everyone all right? Rebecca, are you okay?”

  Connor and Charles answered him immediately. Charles sounded quiet, there was a tremor in his voice. In his mirror Kane saw Charles sitting back in his seat, rigid and pale. He was staring into space. Shock was taking over.

  Connor was still leaning out of the window checking on the situation behind. He told Kane that two unknown cars were following. Rebecca hadn’t answered. Kane shouted her name again, frustrated and worried by her silence. He glanced at her in the mirror before swerving the car to avoid some debris. She was sitting forward staring at her raised hands. They were shaking. It was the blood and dead flesh on them that was disturbing her. It was from the man who was shot in front of her on the stairs. It was also covering her face. She appeared to be lost somewhere dark in her mind.

  Kane wondered if it had triggered some disturbing memory. He called her name again. This time he spoke softly, with patience. She answered him quietly. Her voice sounded far away, horrified. She almost whimpered, “I need to wipe my face and hands. I need to wipe my face.” Another glance in the mirror told him she still couldn’t tear her eyes away from the bloody mess. She continued and this time he could hear angry hysteria playing under her words. “Why do people keep dying around me?” He wondered how much more she could take. How much anyone could.

  Kane shouted to Connor, his voice on the verge of desperation. Connor knew instantly what was happening when he moved his attention from the window. He assured Kane, “It’s all right. I’ve got it. I will sort her out.” Kane looked back in the mirror to see Connor gently wiping away the blood from her face and her hands with his handkerchief. Kane could hear him talk softly to her, telling her that he was around her and he had no intention of dying. He was attentive and tender. He held her shaking hands steady in one of his own and smoothed his thumb over them to subdue her anxious agitation. The whole scene was almost loving.

  Kane found himself narrowing his eyes at Connor through the mirror. He turned his attention back to his driving. As he did so he caught Tom watching him with one raised eyebrow. Tom shook his head amused and put his head down to study the map again. Kane wished he could stop the car and drag Connor out. He wanted to know what the hell was going on.

  Alastair’s strong London accent suddenly sounded on Kane’s mike. He was driving the car behind Kane’s. “Sir, the two cars that were following us are dropping off. I don’t like it. I didn’t expect them to give up that easy.

  Kane had to suddenly apply the brakes. He swerved to a sideways stop behind the first X5. Ramsay calmly related the reason for stopping. “The road is blocked. Emergency services are in attendance. There is no passage through. We have to back up.”

  Tom shouted new directions as the three cars started to back up the road in uniform formation. Kane answered Alastair. “I agree. They probably knew this road was blocked. It’s more than likely they are setting up an ambush. Everyone stay alert.” They raced along the clear stretch of road that Tom had directed them to. It led out of the city into a poorer area and into the countryside. Kane was searching for signs of ambush on every corner, every turn. They weaved through the small roads that ran through the middle of the rice fields.

  They approached a small village. To Kane it had all the hallmarks of enabling a classic ambush. Only one road through, but then plenty of places to hide vehicles ready to pounce on their prey. He asked Tom, “Is there another way round? We are asking for it here.”

  “Yeah, I know, but there is no other route.”

  “Maybe we should try off road.”

  Rebecca jumped in. Her voice was stern, anxious, “No. That’s what I did. They came out of nowhere. They anticipate it. They...”

  Kane cut her off. “It’s different this time. Rebecca, we are trained and we know how to out run them. We know what we are doing.” He immediately regretted the way he snapped at her. It was a put down. He knew he was feeling agitated because of Connor.

  She was quick to snap back, clearly hurt. Sarcasm was heavy in her weary tired voice. “Yeah, I know nothing. I just managed to get myself out of South Bundhara on my own when they were chasing me down. And I wasn’t even trained. How the hell did I manage, Captain Caveman?”

  It was the familiarity in her voice as she finished her sentence that startled him more than her words. There was a sudden silence from the others in the car. Tom was trying to contain his amusement. Kane stared at her wide-eyed in the mirror and couldn’t help but smile to himself. She sounded more like the Rebecca he knew.

  He told her graciously, “Point taken. But we are going to have to take a chance.” He looked in the mirror once more. Her green eyes were narrowed, flashing anger at him. For one moment he saw the real Rebecca. Then it faded as quickly as it had appeared. Her eyes dulled, went blank, sad again with pain and loss. He watched her sit back between Connor and Charles. She stared at the floor.

  He couldn’t resist a second glance wondering if what he had seen was an illusion. But this time he saw Connor trying not to laugh. He was rubbing her shoulder. She looked up at Connor and gave him half a smile. Then she turned to Charles to ask him if he felt okay. Charles didn’t look too good. He looked ready to throw up. Damn it Rebecca. What the hell is going on between you and Connor?

  Kane kept looking for another route. Off road was probably the way to go but if there was another way they had to find it. Rebecca’s injuries needed to be considered. He doubted she would be able to stand the constant jolting that came with off road. The road they were travelling on was narrow and houses lined them on both sides. The small voice persisted in demanding he get off the road now. There were too many side streets. It was perfect for them to hide a car and pounce.

  But there didn’t seem to be any safe way to exit the village. His fear was confirmed when Miles suddenly yelled down the mike. “Ambush. Ambush.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  There were cars coming out of nowhere. Three of them tried to box in the front X5 along with Kane’s. Miles and Ramsay in the front car leaned out of the vehicle and opened fire. Kane’s reflexes were lightning quick, he slammed the car into reverse and floored it at the same time as Stuart did behind.

  Out of reach, Stuart swung his X5 round at a sharp ninety-degree angle and started moving off in the opposite direction. Kane kept his own vehicle going at speed and pulled his handbrake up hard. The X5 swung around with a screech and then followed the other car. A little further on Stuart pulled into the side of the road. Kane nodded at him as he overtook, taking up position at the front. It was textbook.

  Kane gave an order to Miles and Ramsay. “We’re clear. You’ve made your point. Move off and make your way to the airfield. Good luck,”

e heard Ramsay acknowledge the instruction without question. “Received. On our way. Good luck, sir.”

  Rebecca was anxious. “Dominic, what about my brother? He’s in that car?”

  “Miles and Ramsay will look after him. You have to trust me Rebecca.”

  Kane decided they were going off road. He guided the X5 over the rough terrain when they reached the outskirts of the village. He worried about Rebecca and her injuries but they would have to take their chances. He glanced at her in the rear view mirror again.

  Rebecca was leaning forward. Her features were ashen. She was jumping with every jolt. She sat quiet, clutching the laptop once more, her other hand on the back of Tom’s headrest for support. She was squashed between the two men and she looked as though she were in agony. Every dip and bump they hit must have been sending shockwaves of pain through her broken ribs alone.

  Another covert glance saw Connor briefly brush her arm with a soothing caress. Kane saw the worry on his face for her. She gave him a gentle smile. There was something going on.

  A line of tanks on the road ahead caught his eye. One of them was moving out of formation, out across the road towards them. He radioed Stuart and Alastair. They’d already seen it.

  Alastair told him, “Its markings are South Bundenese, sir. They must have crossed the border. Looks like the rest of them are heading to Kamol.”

  Kane answered him quickly, “There’s no time to deliberate. Head for the trees and cover.”

  Tom piped up looking out of the window to study it closely. “It’s a Russian T90. It’s going to have infrared. We have to move fast. We need to break formation. Give him a choice of who to chase down. With any luck they won’t know which car Rebecca is in.”

  Kane agreed. He floored the accelerator once more, taking advantage of a sudden smooth section of terrain. He headed for the safety of the trees. The other vehicle broke away from them. But to his dismay the tank kept heading for his own car.

  Tom told him firmly, “Dominic, that thing can take out aircraft, you can’t out run it. We are going to have to jump and ditch the car.” Kane didn’t answer him, he was thinking hard. Tom repeated himself, his tone heavy with warning. “You know you can’t out run it.”

  Kane watched the tank’s quick progress towards them. He said, “We need the cover of the trees. I am just going to have to make it difficult for him to get a shot.”

  Kane started to swerve the car back and forth. It slowed him down but it would be making it tough for the tank to lock on to their position. It didn’t, however, stop the tank from firing on them and giving it a damned good try.

  A shell hit the ground to their side. The loud explosion made all occupants of the vehicle jump. The car lurched to one side. A concoction of smoke, soil and mud splattered hard against its panels and the windows. Nearly there, nearly there.

  Tom’s voice was agitated. “He’s too close. We have to jump.”

  Kane snapped at him. “She can’t jump, Tom. I don’t know what it will do to her in that state.

  Tom was firm and unsympathetic. “It is a chance we and she are going to have to take. Stuck in this car we die.”

  Connor joined the debate on Kane’s side. “Dominic, you can’t. It will kill her.” He was leaning forward. The concern in his tone for Rebecca was deafening. What is it with you?

  Kane swerved to avoid another shell. Next time the bastard was going to get them. He raced for the tree line. Tom was right. They had no choice.

  He told them all, “I don’t like it but Tom’s right. We will die in this car if we don’t jump. Connor...”

  Kane’s worry was audible. He knew that Connor would know what he was frightened of without telling him.

  Connor assured him. “Okay, I’ve got her. I will make sure she lands against me so her fall is broken. I won’t let go of her.”

  Rebecca told him. “I’ll manage Dominic. Don’t worry.”

  He didn’t answer her. He wasn’t as confident. But he had faith that Connor would take care of her.

  He shouted at Charles, “Are you ready?”

  Charles gave him a quiet, “Yes.” There was a hell of a tremor in his voice. Kane couldn’t help wondering that he might not jump.

  Connor swung the door open. Kane made him wait for his command. He gave Rebecca an anxious glance. She looked terrified. Kane thought no more and told everyone to jump as the car entered the tree line. With an arm wrapped tightly around Rebecca’s waist, Connor jumped from the car pulling her with him. Surprisingly Charles didn’t need to be told. He just went for it.

  The tank fired again as Tom and Kane jumped out. Kane landed heavily on the dusty forest floor. He rolled over and over until he came to a rest face down. He looked up at the car. It was still driving itself.

  The car was heading for a large cedar tree. Just before it collided with the trunk, a shell caught up with it. It was a high explosive round. It whistled between him and Tom. The X5 exploded as it hit the tree. It flipped up into the air and almost executed a perfect back flip. Kane covered his head and face until the twisted metal that hurtled towards him came to a rest. He looked up to see the tree swaying as though it might come down any moment. He didn’t want to hang around to find out.

  The tank’s thermal sight would pick them up. The crew would know they were on foot. And although they couldn’t follow them through the trees they would probably send a team after them.

  Kane stood and made sure Tom was all right before running back to find Rebecca. He tried raising Stuart and Alastair but there was nothing on the mike. He tried his phone but the network was down. Probably taken out by the fighters.

  Connor had been true to his word. Rebecca had landed against him. He had broken her fall. It was obvious that he had lain his body over her to shield her from the debris that splintered through the air. He was sitting up off her when Kane approached.

  Rebecca lay looking up to the sky, blinking up at the bright sunlight. The laptop was still in her hand. Connor was whispering something to her. Kane felt his temper demand he lose it, but now wasn’t the time. Connor was clearly involved with her. She obviously didn’t remember. Rebecca’s eyes brightened when he leaned over and looked down at her.

  He ignored Connor and asked her gently, “How are you doing? Think you can move? We have to go.”

  She started to sit up murmuring thanks at Connor who helped her up. Kane took her hand and immediately encountered resistance from Connor who tried to push his hand away. There was a warning tone in Connor’s voice when he told Kane, “I’ve got it sir. I will help her.”

  No you fucking won’t. Kane took the laptop from her other hand and thrust it into Connor’s grasp. He reached for her again and pulled Rebecca to standing. She grimaced with pain. He frowned at Connor and told him firmly. “No. I will see to Rebecca. Go and help Charles, he looks injured. I will take it from here Connor.”

  Connor glared at him. Kane watched him narrow his sharp coffee brown eyes until it was a full-blown insult. The pretence was off.

  Connor persisted. “Rebecca and I have been together now for a few months. I think I can take care of her and I don’t need your help... sir.”

  Kane stared at him. Rebecca turned to him flabbergasted. “What? When did this happen? I don’t even know who you are. When is this going to end? They are all coming out of the bloody woodwork.”

  She sounded weary. She didn’t need them squabbling over her.

  He shouted at Connor. “You told me you weren’t attached to anyone, Connor. I don’t like liars in my team. I am in charge here. Go and help Charles. You and I can settle this later.” He deliberately glanced at Rebecca. Connor followed his eyes and nodded.

  Connor was sarcastic and his temper was threatening to boil over, “Yes sir.”

  Kane stared Connor out as he walked over to Charles. Back off before I deck you. He noticed Rebecca pass him. He frowned, she was limping. No doubt she had more bruises on her already bruised legs. He followed her and caught her arm to ma
ke her stop. He was just in time as her legs buckled and she began falling.

  He heard her swear with frustration. He held her up against him. She gave him a shaky smile. “Looks like my legs have gone, Mr. Kane.”

  He made light of the situation, keeping in line with her persistence not to be defeated by her injuries and her fear. “Looks like they have, Ms Eaton. And it looks like I am going to have to carry you after all.”

  “I think you are going to have to.” She gave a small cry of surprise as he bent quickly and in one fluid motion swung his arm around her legs and lifted her up around his shoulders. He started to move quickly to catch the others. Tom took the lead after finding their rough position on the map.

  Rebecca was breathless with Kane’s pace as they hurried through the humid forest. He could still hear the screech of the tank somewhere in the distance. She asked him, “Why does this feel like déjà vu?”

  He grinned to himself. “That’s because it isn’t the first time I have found you legless, Eaton, and had to carry you.”

  “Really. Now that’s a story I want to hear. But it will have to be later. Do I have your permission to pass out now.”

  “Granted. Relax, you’re safe with me.”

  She whispered, “I know. I’ve heard that somewhere before.”

  Kane felt Rebecca’s body go limp and lose consciousness in his arms. He was damn glad he had a hold of her and not Connor.

  * * * * *

  It was getting late. They were about to run out of daylight. They needed to bed down for the night. He could hear the sound of rushing water. They all needed water. He asked Tom to work out where it was and indicated that they should make a camp there.

  “That water you can hear, it’s a waterfall leading into the Yai River,” Tom told him as he looked at the map. “It runs right through the Yai Doi National Park we are walking through. We should head for there. It’s in the right direction and should be about a quarter of a mile straight ahead.” Tom turned to look at Rebecca. He grinned at Kane. “I think the lassie is waking up. I will leave you to talk.”


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