A Throwback Witch

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A Throwback Witch Page 10

by Holly Ice

  ‘How long has the school been here?’

  ‘Centuries. It survived the Baltic Crusades.’

  What? So much to unpack there. I needed to go back over my introductory tome and see if they had any witch history classes.

  ‘Labrit!’ An aproned woman hurried out of the kitchen and rested her hands on the beer pumps.

  Shane took over, speaking in what must be decent Latvian because the woman pointed us around a corner.

  We passed two tables where bearded men in work clothes tucked into a meaty brown soup or sausages and sauerkraut. My mouth watered, and I’d have lingered, but Shane tugged me towards the door on the far wall.

  Inside was a cubby-like room with three tables lined by booth seats on one side and chairs on the other. One seat was occupied. With a very familiar face.


  Shane sat across from Justin. ‘He said you’ve met?’

  ‘You could call it that. He helped kidnap me.’ But I joined the table anyway.

  Justin put up his hands. ‘Was it so bad coming here?’

  I’d bet the complaints department hadn’t even slapped his wrists. ‘I’d have liked a choice, and a better explanation.’ And time to pack my things, and say goodbye, and keep my phone…

  ‘Me, too.’

  I frowned until I spotted the wee bird on the back of his seat. ‘You’re not from an old family?’

  ‘Hell no. I grew up in Manchester. Mum’s a dental hygienist, and Dad’s a solicitor.’

  ‘So you were taken, too?’ You’d think the bampot could explain the situation better if he’d gone through the same thing.

  ‘Years ago now, but yes.’

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘I stumbled across something I shouldn’t have. But that’s not why we’re here.’

  ‘No.’ I was going to check the ‘liaison’ I spoke to worked for the WMCF, but there was no need with Justin. ‘Shane and Cameron told me they’re working for you.’

  Justin nodded. ‘Strange, I know, but students are the best candidates to move freely around the academy.’

  ‘I still don’t see what the problem is.’

  Justin glanced at Shane.

  But they were not censoring this. ‘In the last nine days, the WMCF have kidnapped me, condoned secret reports on throwbacks, and searches of the head’s office. Probably a dozen other things besides. I don’t trust you, so if you want my silence, I’m going to need a very good reason.’

  The bartender pushed open the door, balancing two coffees and a herbal tea. We each took our cup, but I didn’t take my eyes off Justin, even as I breathed in the sweet smell of freshly ground beans.

  A minute later, the server returned with croissants, jam, and butter. My stomach growled. I grabbed my helping, dolloped on toppings, and stuffed the first in my mouth.

  Justin still hadn’t said anything.


  ‘We think a group is… orchestrating more throwbacks.’

  ‘So they’re sleeping around.’ I shrugged. ‘So what?’

  ‘If they were simply sleeping around, there’d not be an uptick in non-sentient fae attacks that matches the increase in throwback numbers.’


  Icy chills shot through my back, and my bandaged wounds burned with the memory of the barghest’s fiery eyes.

  I put down my coffee cup. I got it now.

  More throwbacks meant more than bedroom shenanigans. To be found, those witches had to have their magic triggered, usually in a near-fatal attack. And the barghests that found Kaylee and me had been chained. That didn’t scream coincidence.

  I couldn’t fathom why someone went to those lengths to hide an unplanned pregnancy.

  ‘Don’t old families have risk-free ways to activate instinctive magic? I’m sure they could organise one of those quietly, and far more easily than an attack.’

  ‘That’s the mystery we’re trying to solve.’

  ‘These cowards want to keep their involvement in the throwbacks’ lives secret,’ Shane snarled. His familiar knotted through his legs, and he held his cup so tight the saucer was full of coffee.

  ‘Are you okay?’

  His lips pinched. ‘I got my magic in a bike crash.’ His pushed his cup away. ‘Inflicting that fear, that risk, is criminal.’

  We had more in common than I’d thought. ‘Is that how you broke your leg?’

  ‘Yes.’ He shook his head. ‘I don’t want to believe my uncle could be involved in this, but I saw him smirk when Kaylee was sorted. The only time I’ve seen that expression on him is when he gets away with something, like bluffing to win a hand of poker.’

  And now his anger over me finding out about his operation made sense. It was personal for him, too.

  Justin watched us over his tea. ‘It’s more than that. McKee started a familiar support group shortly after joining the academy. He’s helped new Cognata find their witch families. Including the few throwback Cognata. So far, none have been McKees, but he finds their family incredibly quickly. It’s not proof, but… something to look into.’

  I blew out my breath. ‘Okay. I won’t say anything.’

  At least until I was done with my digging. If someone was doing what they thought, they deserved to be punished, but I didn’t like the WMCF having their fingers in my business.

  ‘I ken you want to keep the team small, but can I help?’ The closer I was, the more I’d find out.

  ‘I’ll need to run it by my bosses, but I don’t see why not.’

  ‘Okay then. See you soon?’

  He nodded.

  Shane and I walked back through the restaurant. He’d revealed a lot today. ‘Thank you.’

  He passed me my hat. ‘For what?’

  ‘For trusting me.’

  He pulled on his helmet, eying me through the visor. ‘Do you feel better, knowing it all?’

  Didn’t most people?

  Shane opened the door. A blast of cold slapped us, like walking into a freezer.

  Was it better to ken someone might know about me? That my life might have been risked for no reason? It wasn’t comforting, but…

  ‘It’s nearly always better to ken what you’re getting into.’ If only I was sure that was everything.

  ‘I agree.’ He looked at the bright morning sun. ‘But I bet this wasn’t what you expected from the academy.’

  ‘Drama, secrets, prejudice? That’s almost exactly what I expected.’

  I felt the ghostly touch of Shane’s lynx on my leg.

  Shane had a curious sparkle in his eyes. ‘It will be interesting working with you.’


  ‘You’re different.’

  ‘Different?’ What the hell did he mean?

  Shane shoved his hands in his pockets. ‘Snow’s melting. We should get back, before the road turns into an ice rink.’

  ‘Oh no.’ I grabbed his arm, yanking his hand out of his pocket. His shoes slipped, almost toppling him, but I held him upright. ‘You can’t leave it like that.’

  He gazed into my eyes with that half-lidded look and stroked my cheek. The path he drew along my cheekbone and down the side of my face, my neck, simmered in his wake. ‘You are trouble.’

  I held my breath. Now I knew his secret, he was letting his thorns fall away.

  But Shane dropped his hand and hopped on his bike. ‘Helmet on!’

  For some stupid reason, I only wanted him more.

  Chapter 11

  Shane had rolled his bike halfway across the lake bridge when someone puffed behind us, running from the school.

  Cheeks ruddy, McKee yelled, ‘Why the hell are you on that bike?’ He skidded to a stop. ‘You’re as bad as your brother. Wooing girls is not worth another accident.’ He tutted at me and turned back to Shane. ‘Your mother would wring my neck if she saw you on that thing. In this weather!’

  Where did he get off telling Shane what to do, with the way he’d acted? I glanced at Shane, sure he was about to tell McKee off, but h
e’d frozen in place, shoulders hunched in. Hell no.

  Stay out of it, Bianca.

  Not happening.

  ‘What Shane does in his free time is none of your business.’

  ‘Oh, but it is. If I let him keep his precious bike on school property, everyone will want to park their flashy cars on the drive.’

  So that’s what this was about. ‘Maybe you should talk to your nephew privately, rather than chase him across the school yelling?’

  McKee huffed. ‘You have two days. I want that bike gone.’ He stomped back into the school.

  Shane blinked at the doors as they banged shut, and then continued to the boathouse, dragging his feet.

  That bastard had snatched his joy away.

  Shane locked his bike up but dawdled on the way back in. ‘Thank you for talking to him.’

  ‘My pleasure.’ And it was. McKee deserved a reality check. But I wished Shane had the confidence to fight that battle himself.

  ‘You know, I don’t make a habit of wooing girls with my bike.’ He tried a smile. ‘You’re the first girl who’s been on it.’

  I shrugged. ‘He was trying to embarrass you. I didn’t take him seriously.’

  Shane caught my fingers and kissed my cheek.

  The flash of warmth ignited a dizzy spark in my chest.

  * * *

  Shane walked me to my dorm room. Neither of us had much more to say, but we kept stealing glances at each other. And I so wanted to take the initiative. But how would he react if I pinned him to the wall?

  I was about to pounce when Shane took my waist and kissed me, slow and sweet. Fresh snow and pine enveloped me, and that musky smell he wore.

  He grinned against my mouth, his stubble scratching my chin, flaring that tiny spark to my core.

  I grabbed his arse and pulled him tight to my hips. And I could’ve sighed out my relief. He was hard. He wanted this as much as I did.

  He pressed his lips to mine, harder, demanding entrance. I gave it to him. He fisted his hand in my hair. I groaned, sharp sparks of pain adding fuel to my need.

  His other hand slipped inside my underwear. Slowly, he stroked my sensitive nub. Pleasure shot through me, and I pushed into him. But he moved away, teasing.

  And then his fingers filled me, stretching in a way that deliciously walked the pain-pleasure line.

  He stroked my clit, and I shivered.

  My legs tingled as he pumped his fingers. My breath was almost a pant. I dug my nails into him. He was in the perfect place.

  And then he drew back, the same sparkle in his eyes that was there outside in the snow. ‘See you later, Trouble!’ His lynx was already padding downstairs.

  ‘No!’ Shit, that was too breathy. ‘Get back here. Now.’

  Screw it. I wasn’t waiting. I thundered downstairs and grabbed his shirt, twisting it to reclaim his mouth. He still tasted like the outdoors.

  Fingers shaky, I undid his belt and held him through his jeans. He was so big. I rubbed his length and unzipped him. He’d feel so right inside me.

  He licked his lips.

  I stroked him and watched his defences fall. His hands tightened on my waist, his eyes almost shut. God, that was hot.

  This time, I pulled away.

  He followed, but I put my hand on his chest. ‘Turnabout is fair play.’

  Shane straightened my top and rezipped my coat. Then he sorted himself out. ‘Mesmerising, inside and out.’ He kissed my cheek and turned for the stairs.

  But I had to say something. ‘Shane?’


  ‘I’m not looking for anything serious.’

  He chuckled. ‘I can live with that.’

  My heart sang and, this time, I let him go.

  I opened my door and sank onto the bed, the insistent throbbing below almost making me wish I’d fucked him by the stairs.

  ‘What happened?’

  And there came reality. ‘Hi, Kaylee.’

  She’d sprawled across her bed, chin propped on her arms. ‘No bad boy sex?’


  ‘Not even a kiss?’


  ‘Liar. Your lips are all pouty and your hat is halfway off your head. You, my dear, have been well kissed, and it sure wasn’t Gio.’

  ‘Shut up.’

  ‘I’m just saying, you should have taken my advice earlier. But I’ll let you live with that. I need to get going.’ She rolled out off the bed, picked up her purse, and opened the door.

  ‘Wait, what is it today?’

  ‘Familiar support group.’ She paused in the doorway. ‘Sure you don’t want to come? We have a special guest.’


  ‘McKee. He’s hosting in his office.’

  ‘He is? Why?’ Could this be something I needed to tell Shane? Or Justin? An eye in the room might crack how McKee matched witches to their families.

  ‘It’s a recurring thing. Every term he asks the group if he can help.’

  ‘And how could he do that?’

  ‘Well, he knows a lot of the community, so if my familiar passed in living memory… why are you looking at me like that?’

  ‘Is it only Cognatas who go to this thing?’

  Kaylee frowned and pulled the door to. ‘You want to go?’

  ‘Maybe. If they could help me…’

  ‘I thought you wanted to keep your search private.’

  ‘I do. Did. But he might know something.’ And scouting him out myself gave me a much better indication of his involvement than listening to Justin and Shane. But I had just shat all over his day.

  ‘So are you coming, or not?’

  ‘Think I’d be welcome?’

  ‘You’re really nervous about this, aren’t you? Should I sound it out for you?’

  I was nervous. But not for the reasons she thought.

  I don’t think you should see him so soon after that scene.

  I ken, but it could help me work out what’s going on with the WMCF.

  Ah, back to helping Shane.

  No. Shane was hot, but I wasn’t looking into this for a fling. Especially for a guy blowing as hot and cold as Shane.

  Kaylee tapped her temple. ‘You still in there?’

  Shit. ‘Can I think about it?’

  ‘Suit yourself.’

  ‘And can you maybe take notes?’

  ‘Fine, whatever, but I need to go.’ She left.

  Lyall shifted into his human form. It used to make me jump, but he often shifted when we were alone. He said it reduced the strain of maintaining an unnatural form for so long.

  ‘Do you trust her?’ he asked.

  ‘Kaylee? Does it matter? If she talks to them, she’ll give them the same sob story I gave her.’

  A thumping knock rattled the door. I checked Lyall was back in feathers before I opened it, and found Shane, slipping his phone into his pocket.

  I grinned and pulled the door fully open, only to have him push me inside and kick the door shut behind him. He gripped my arms and cornered me. His hot breath hit my cheeks. And his eyes were lightning bright, a match to his familiar’s growls.

  ‘Did you wait for Kaylee to leave?’

  His familiar hissed, her fur bristling.

  ‘Is Mira always like that? And maybe ease up on the arms.’

  ‘Stop it.’

  ‘Stop what?’



  Shane cursed. ‘You’ve manipulated us, from the moment you were “attacked”.’

  ‘What are you on about?’ Why the hell was he treating me like the enemy?

  Shane jabbed his finger at Lyall. ‘Him.’

  Cold sweat gathered at my back. ‘What about him?’

  ‘You think we don’t check the people we bring in?’ His voice was dangerously quiet. ‘A familiar was in the trees, watching how you reacted to this breakfast meeting. Imagine my surprise to get a call so soon after I left, to learn you’re not an Animalis, you’re a Cognata. What are you, a sp


  ‘Is Kaylee going to tell my uncle what we’re doing here? Is that why she left so quickly?’

  ‘No! Hell no.’

  ‘Why else get in on this operation, if not to spy? How did you disguise Lyall as a raven through the initiation in the first place? You must have had help. And Uncle Eugene is perfectly placed.’ He shook his head and backed up to the door. ‘I can’t believe I kissed something as twisted as you.’

  That wasn’t fair. ‘Shane, wait. Your uncle’s barely spoken a hundred words to me since I arrived.’ Convincing him it was all a coincidence was almost impossible now, but I had to try.

  ‘It was staring me in the face. Forcing barghests metres away. Metres! How could I have dismissed that so easily?’ He threw his hand through his hair and grunted in disgust. ‘Of course you weren’t really interested in me.’

  Whoa. How could he even think that? ‘Let me explain.’

  ‘No. Stay the hell away from me.’

  ‘I didn’t plan this.’

  He jabbed his finger at me and then let it drop, shoulders slumped. ‘No.’ And quieter, ‘No.’ He opened the door, ending the conversation, and left.

  Does that put an end to this romance?

  I glared at Lyall. Did you plan this?

  No. But perhaps I should have. I didn’t realise he’d embroil you in a WMCF investigation.

  You aren’t curious?

  Yes. But do I think you should be an undercover agent? No. Whoever’s behind this is dangerous. You should focus on becoming a better, more powerful witch. Then you can chase conspiracy theories to your heart’s content. Fully trained.

  I stared at the door. I should go after him.

  That’s a terrible idea.

  Okay, I’d not get through to him in this state but… He knows what you are.

  And he won’t say a thing.

  You can’t know that.

  Lyall fluffed his wings. Shane’s too focused on his mission. If he reveals my form, he’ll be the centre of gossip for weeks. Even more than he already is. That’ll put too much of a kink in his ability to investigate.

  Shane was determined to find out if his uncle was hiding something. But I couldn’t imagine the fallout if he told the school about Lyall’s real form.


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