Kiss of Death (Blood Brothers Book 1)

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Kiss of Death (Blood Brothers Book 1) Page 13

by Annie Harland Creek

  Derrick shook his head. “I can’t believe she didn’t tell me. Why didn’t I notice the bruises?”

  “The second letter informed me that he usually hit her in the stomach so there was no visible evidence. You wouldn’t have seen anything.”

  “How long did this go on?”

  “The second letter arrived for me around a month later. She told me that the beatings were becoming a daily occurrence and that she no longer loved him. She planned on leaving him. I told her to wait for me to return so we could confront him together and I booked my passage back the same day.”

  “So why did it take you so long to get back?”

  David frowned. “If you remember, dear brother. I had an encounter with a lady whose company proved to be the death of me. My sire was on that very ship and it took a few days after landing for me to control my new condition enough to be of any assistance to you, Isabelle, or even myself for that matter. Her wham, bam, thank you ma’am approach left me completely out of control and a danger to everyone.”

  “Why haven’t you told me all of this before?”

  “Gee, I don’t know, Derrick? Maybe because when I found you beside the body of our sister, beaten half to death and with three thugs and an arse-hole of a brother-in-law wailing on you, I had better things to do.”

  “You could have told me later.”

  “Yes, I guess I could have. Except, after I turned you, you told me that you hated me for not allowing you to die with Isabelle and took off for decades. You weren’t an easy person to find in those days. My sources told me that when you weren’t honing your fighting skills in Japan, you were out on the streets of London looking for thugs to beat up. By the way, I have always wondered … did you have anything to do with Jack’s demise? I thought it was a coincidence that the ripper disappeared the day after you arrived.”

  Derrick shrugged but the corner of his mouth curled into a grin. David poured them both a drink, handed one to Derrick and pulled up a chair beside his brother. He flopped into it with a sigh.

  “You have always been hot-tempered and passionate. Stop worrying about the things that have happened in the past or what could happen in the future. Get on with your life. Grab that little firecracker of yours and screw her brains out. God knows you both look like you could use the release. You’re both so wound up, being around you is like waiting for a bomb to go off.”

  “You should write for Hallmark,” Derrick told his brother, “your Valentine’s Day cards would run off the shelves.” He shook his head. “Grab her and screw her brains out. Lovely … very romantic.”

  “At least I took your mind off your worries for a moment.” David laughed.

  “Okay, I realize that I have been a glass half-empty guy for a while, but we still have a serious problem to deal with. What was Torke doing here anyway? His beef is with me, not Anna.”

  “He wasn’t invited if that’s what you were thinking.”

  “Do you think it has anything to do with the scouts he sent to stir up trouble? The three vamps I took out behind Jake’s gym?”

  “That was years ago Derrick and I doubt that they meant anything to Torke anyway. But … there have been a recent spate of disappearances in town. He may be recruiting for a hostile takeover. Remember what he insinuated the other night? He is using your reluctance to accept joint leadership to cause a rift in the coven.”

  Derrick opened his mouth to argue but was interrupted by his brother.

  “I know that you were reluctant to rule with me but I think we have overcome our differences. It’s time you forgave yourself, and me, and moved on. You have found Zen grasshopper.”

  “Oh bugger off!” Derrick cursed, but he couldn’t restrain his smile.

  “Well you know what they say … united we stand—”

  “Okay, okay. You have a point. From now on we work as a team and I am making an executive decision. Torke is going down.”

  “Good.” David sipped his beverage, licking away the thick red liquid that clung to his lips. “I second that motion and in regards to what I said earlier, have you made any decisions about your little firecracker?”

  Derrick ran both his hands through his thick black hair, his fingers digging into his scalp. “How could I? I was barely away for a night when Evan called me back. Those twenty-four hours were torture for me. I can’t breathe without her.”

  “Technically you can’t breathe at all little brother. At the risk of repeating myself. Why not just have her? Make mad passionate love to her if that’s what it will take to make you happy. I really can’t see the problem.”

  “I told you. I can’t—”

  “Run the risk of biting her, yes, I know that.” He took another sip. “And I know you made a promise to yourself that you would never risk hurting her but some promises are meant to be broken.”

  “Not this one. Not if I can help it.”

  “So you plan on staying celibate?”

  “It shouldn’t be a problem.” Derrick bit his bottom lip, his elongated teeth tearing into the flesh as he remembered the massage and its effect on both their bodies. “As long as I make sure she never gets me alone.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Derrick locked the gym door behind the last of his Karate students. The class had run longer than usual with a few of the students lingering to ask questions about the Japanese origins of his techniques. Rushing into his dark office he began to strip off his Gi jacket choosing not to waste time showering. There was no need of a light switch; his eyesight was good in the dark. Besides, he was anxious to track down Torke and let him know how swiftly he would come down on him if he ever approached Anna again. Throwing his jacket across the room, he noticed a movement in the corner of the room. He tensed—all his senses on high alert, ready for an impending confrontation.

  “Who’s there?” He asked, although he already knew who was waiting in ambush and sensed that this encounter may be his undoing.

  A shuffling noise. The shadow moved again, this time towards the door. As he heard the click of the lock, he noticed the silhouette glide past the door, the familiar scent already assaulting his senses.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Slowly she glided towards him. She took her time, each step seductive and sensual. He backed away, knowing all too well what she had on her mind. Her intentions clear. Her pheromones overwhelmed his senses. He was too close to the edge, couldn’t take any more temptations, couldn’t resist.

  He repeated his question. “Anna. What are you doing here?”

  She smiled and seductively traced her fingers down the front of the jacket she was wearing. The very same jacket he had discarded moments earlier. Her clothes were stacked neatly on the chair beside the door where she had obviously removed them earlier. He studied her body in the dimly lit room. Beneath the oversized jacket, her legs were bare. He swallowed. Hard. A bead of sweat trickled down his chest. To his amazement, Anna leaned forward and licked the salty trail. Slowly, sensually. He rolled his eyes and reached for her shoulders, holding her at arm’s length.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Can’t you tell?” She feigned a pout. “I mustn’t be doing it right.”

  Grasping the neck of the jacket, she slowly—very slowly—eased it open. Derrick gasped as she lifted the jacket off her bare shoulders, lowering it to reveal a strapless red bra, a flat stomach and finally almost transparent lacy red panties. She stood almost naked before him, the jacket once again retired to the office floor.

  “If this is about the other night, I’m sorry about the deception.” Be strong. Think of something to say. Anything. Anything that would draw his attention away from her tantalizing body.

  “I’m not sorry.” Anna played with the draw string that tied his pants. “If anything, I owe you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything.” Of course he knew what she meant. His body shook with anticipation as she tugged the knot loose and his pants dropped to the floor, pooling at his ankles.

sp; Anna smiled and licked her lips. “Ah. I see that along with the Karate, you also like Commando?”

  Derrick silently cursed his body for betraying him. Even if he had bothered to wear underwear, his erection would have been hard to disguise. No matter what feeble excuses he formed, he knew his attraction betrayed him. His rock hard erection throbbed in anticipation of her touch. Still he tried to reason.

  “We can’t do this, Anna.”

  Even as he said the words, his hands reacted on their own accord. Reaching for her, brushing the silky skin on her arms as he unfastened the clasps on her bra, dropping it unceremoniously to the floor. He kissed her neck, lingering for a few moments before his mouth traced down to her shoulders. He lowered his hands to her panties, tearing the silk from her body like tissue paper. When he slipped his hand between her thighs, she forced him back into a chair to straddle his lap. Hovering over him, she dipped slightly, allowing a nipple to brush his face, caress his lips, enticing him to suckle. He drew the firm little peak into his mouth, wrapping his arms around her torso as she sighed and weaved her fingers through his hair.

  His erection grew harder as she hovered directly above him, her own arousal moistening the tip of his shaft as she maneuvered herself into position. When he opened his mouth to protest, she silenced him with a kiss. Her warm, sweet mouth silencing his doubts, drawing him into her web of seduction. Unconsciously, his hands moved upwards to caress and cup her breasts. He had often dreamt of their weight and texture in his hands, against his chest, brushing his face and reality did not leave him disappointed. Her kisses became more intense, more desperate as she wiggled in response to his touch. Her soft moans encouraged him on. He could deny her nothing. He knew he was lost and doomed to break his promise because—the moment she drew his tongue into her mouth—she lowered herself down.

  Past the point of no return. She had come to the office in order to tease Derrick, offer him pleasure and leave him as unsatisfied as he had left her the night of the massage. Her plan had been flawless until—until he brushed the skin between her thighs and sent a shock of heat through her already sensitized body. Her body cried out for more. More touching, more kissing, and more Derrick. She needed him more than she could ever have imagined. There was no turning back now. She wouldn’t allow herself to forgo the experience of making love with this man. Even if it cost her everything: her pride, her reputation, her self-respect. Instead of hovering mercilessly above him until her withdrawal drove him insane, she gave in to her own wants, her own needs. She lowered herself down, gently at first, allowing her body to adjust to the size him, and then she gradually eased lower until she finally impaled herself on the full length of him.


  Derrick struggled to retain control of his senses. He had already lost control of his body to Anna. Her muscles gripped him, searing his skin with velvet heat while his tongue shared the experience in her mouth. Her groans of pleasure reverberated in his mouth. She held his tongue between her lips while she rode him, stroked him, pleasured the both of them until he could stand no more. Supporting himself on the arms of the chair, Derrick shuddered with release. No way to hold back. She had unleashed his demon and it demanded satisfaction. His head shot back and he growled his orgasm, baring his fangs, feeling the incisors lengthen. With a final thrust of his body he seized her, sinking his fangs deep into her throat, tasting her, drowning in her sweet life force. She struggled uselessly against his vice-like grip. He fed, until her body went limp in his embrace.

  When his fangs withdrew, Derrick realized he had gone too far. Anna’s head slumped to the side. Her eyes closed and her cheeks stained with tears. Tears that had gone unnoticed during his quest for pleasure.

  “Anna?” How could he have done this? She had been in pain, crying and he hadn’t noticed, hadn’t given a thought to how she felt. “Anna, please wake up.”

  She stirred in his arms, her eyes fluttered open. Her complexion ashen, her freckles stood out like polka dots on her pale cheeks, spotting her nose. Dark circles outlined her pale blue eyes. Her lips parted but it took a few excruciating moments before she spoke.

  “What … happened?”

  “I’m sorry.” He clutched her to his chest, rocking her anxiously on his lap, their bodies still intimately joined. “I should never have allowed this to happen.”


  Anna could hardly move. Her body a dead weight, too heavy, too tired. She leaned into his chest, unable to lift her head as she fought the urge to sleep.

  “Vampire,” she mumbled, against his broad chest. “You lied to me. You really are a vampire.”

  “I didn’t mean to lie. I just thought it was better you didn’t know.”

  “Better for who?”

  “I—I don’t know. Better for both of us?”

  “Oh, god. Does this mean I’m going to be like you?”

  “A vampire? No. No, you can only be turned if I give you my blood.”

  “Good. That’s good.” Sleep, just let me sleep. “I don’t want to change. I don’t like change. I just want to be normal.” She somehow managed to lift her chin. “Derrick?”

  “Yes, Anna.”

  “I want to go home.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “What’s that infernal noise?” Anna struggled to open her eyes while the ringing continued. By the time she recognized the noise as the landline, the caller had given up. Either that, or the call was picked up by the answering machine. It didn’t matter either way, she couldn’t move. Her body felt weighed down with fatigue. She closed her eyes. Why was she so tired? Did she have a late night? When did she get home? Nothing made sense. She remembered going to the gym but she couldn’t remember coming home. What happened in between? It was as though the whole of her evening had been erased from memory.

  Shaking off the compulsion to remain in bed for the day, Anna slipped out from beneath the sheets and wondered why she was wearing her lacy nightgown when she usually preferred cotton pajamas. Not that it mattered, there was never anyone there to impress anyway. She made the conscious decision to cut back on her alcohol intake, despite its medicinal qualities. Whiskey blocked out the visions and red wine numbed her senses enough to ignore the empathic exchanges between her and whoever crossed her path. Still, if drinking had caused this stupor, she would learn to live without it.

  She padded down the hall to make a mug of coffee, passing the flashing red light on the answering machine. For a moment, she considered checking the message but decided the coffee was a better proposition. Returning to the lounge room with a mug in hand, she depressed the button to retrieve her message. A hang up. Whoever called was too impatient to leave a message and Anna could not have cared less. Exhausted, her mind clouded as if and it were stuffed with cotton, she tried to make sense of the situation. Had she been drinking last night? She couldn’t remember drinking, but then again, the whole night had become a blur.

  Finishing her coffee, she strolled into the bathroom to take a quick shower before her jog with Susie. It seemed rather redundant having a shower before a workout but Anna felt she needed the hot water to wake her up. The fog in her head clouded her judgement, made it nearly impossible to form a clear thought. She hoped the shower would be the pick-me-up she needed. Susie would tease her mercilessly if she didn’t keep up the pace. She reached into the recess and turned on the taps before returning to collect her clothes from the bedroom.

  After stripping off her nightgown, she eased her weary body under the steady stream of water and sighed with relief as her tired muscles relaxed slightly with the heat. The shower foam felt luxurious against her bare skin and she felt sensitized, her body tingling as she touched the wash cloth to her breasts, her nipples peaking in response as though remembering a secret lover. Anna mentally shook off the thought and dismissed the idea as a fantasy. She had been having many of those lately. Fantasies of making love with Derrick on the table of the massage room … in the ocean … and one especially vivid dream of seducing him in th
eir office. She turned the temperature of the water down to as cool as she could stand it, then she shampooed and conditioned her hair before wrapping her copper locks in a small towel. Stepping from the cubicle, she rubbed her body dry using a larger towel and noticed her throat stung when she wiped her neck. On inspection, the white terry cloth appeared to be spotted with blood.

  That’s weird. She didn’t remember cutting herself. The nick from her recent mugging had already healed so it shouldn’t be bleeding. Wiping away the condensation from the mirror with the edge of her towel, she stepped back in terror, her hand shooting up to cover her open mouth. The mirrored surface acted as movie screen, showing her—blow by blow—the missing parts of the previous night. Not only did the mirror explain the puncture wounds on her throat, it played the whole scene as if she were watching a late night horror movie. There in brilliant technicolor sat Derrick, gloriously naked, his body covered by hers as she straddled him in an erotic lap dance. Their love making continued, thrusting and gyrating to climax. Oh, my god. This was no fantasy. She remembered every sensation, every touch, every kiss. Someone had taken her memory of the event and conveniently erased it from her mind. But why? Anna stood transfixed as the mirror showed Derrick’s lips receding, his teeth elongating. She watched in horror as he threw back his head in ecstasy, moments before sinking the fangs into her exposed throat. Her doppelganger in the mirror squirmed. Its head lolled to one side, its eyes fluttered and finally closed. She heard herself ask to be taken home before losing consciousness. Derrick rose, lifting her in his arms as he whispered a compulsion into her ear. Nothing happened tonight, Anna. You will not remember any of this.

  The scene in the mirror blurred then disappeared altogether; leaving Anna staring at her own bemused reflection. “Bastard!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. “You selfish bastard!”



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