Kiss of Death (Blood Brothers Book 1)

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Kiss of Death (Blood Brothers Book 1) Page 21

by Annie Harland Creek

  “Oh, I’m not going anywhere, Angel.” Patrick was at her side in seconds, his arms wrapped around her as he kissed the puncture marks on her neck. “You look sooo hot babe. Let’s kill the witch together and screw until the sun comes up.”

  “You repulse me.” She pushed him away, sending him sailing over a glass cabinet, surprised to realize what little effort it took to accomplish the feat.

  In less than a heartbeat, he came upon her, fangs bared, his nails biting into the flesh on her arms. “Make your choice, Anna. Rule with me or die with Corel.”

  “I’m already dead you idiot…” She drove her palm up under his chin, a maneuver that could have killed a mortal but barely knocked Patrick back a few feet, “thanks to you.”

  “I only brought you to the brink of death. It was Corel who pushed you over the edge.”

  “You gave him no choice.” Even as she said the words, Anna realized the difficult situation Derrick must have found himself in. She would have done the same for him had the roles been reversed. He loved her. Watching her die would have been more than he could bear.

  “He would have turned you eventually. Face it, Anna, if you develop those premonition thingies that you do, we could have an unstoppable vampire coven. We could use your talents to be rich and powerful—”

  “Talents? So now you call what I have a talent? I remember when you treated my visions as some sort of handicap. You made me feel like I was a lunatic.”

  “That’s all in the past love. Our future is going to be spectacular.”

  Anna shook her head. “No, Patrick. There is no future for us, not together or even separately.”

  “Well, Angel. I guess it’s time I left.”

  Before Anna had time to react, Patrick had shot past her and out the back door, grabbing Sofie who had been standing in the alley, afraid to go any further alone. With Sofie tucked under his arm, he disappeared into the night.

  It took Anna only a few seconds to catch up with them at the beach, over a kilometer away from the shop. Patrick had Sofie pinned down on the sand, he had begun to feed. Anna lost control. She grabbed his shirt collar from behind and hurled him into the water. Before he had a chance to react, she was on him, pummeling him, the speed of her punches a blur to the human eye. His jaw cracked and caved but she was consumed by rage, driven by anger. Out of control. She continued her attack, breaking his ribs, his arm. Blood pumped from his arteries, tainting the water. His body and face no longer resembled the man who she had once considered handsome. It hardly even looked like a face. His cheekbones caved, his eye sockets shattered and his teeth resembled a picket fence but she continued to pound the flesh that clung precariously to his bones.


  Anna recognized the voice but the rage inside her was stronger than she could control. Strong arms wrapped around her and she found herself being dragged back onto the beach.

  “Let me go!” she screamed at Derrick as he pulled her down onto the sand. “He killed Sofie. He’ll kill again!”

  Derrick shook his head and allowed Anna enough leeway to sit up although he held her tightly to his chest. She could see David and another man—who she recognized as the “Lurch” impersonator from the ill-fated romantic evening—tearing up Patrick’s body and hurling it into the ocean, far from shore. A series of splashes and the blur of fins reminded Anna that vampires were not the only predators in the water this night. But there was something else … something familiar. Dark clouds clustered above her and threatened to storm and she realized that the water was red with Patrick’s blood. Breaking waves churned into pink foam as they reached the sand. It was exactly as she had seen in her vision the day she and Patrick had eaten lunch on the sand. Only her vision had not enlightened her as to whose blood would be staining the pristine ocean nor how she would be viewing the scene as a vampire. Anna watched as David and Lurch stepped from the surf and wondered how often they had performed this task. How many vampires had they killed?

  David stopped to face her, his expression uncharacteristically formal. “Now that you are part of this coven, you must follow the rules. There is a chain of command which must be obeyed. It is the responsibility of the elders to execute unscrupulous vampires and no deviation to this rule will be tolerated. The penalty for breaking this rule is true death.”

  “But he—”

  “We cannot kill in retribution, Anna. Self-defense is one thing, but vengeance and anger is quite another.” He turned to Derrick. “As co-leader, and Anna’s sire, she is your responsibility now, brother. Make sure she learns that—as her sire—you are also accountable for her behavior.”

  As he walked away, David looked over his shoulder and added, “But whatever he tells you, remember, cherie. He is only the boss outside the bedroom.” With a wink, he was gone.

  “Is anyone there?”

  “I’m coming, Sofie!” Anna called, delighted her friend was alive. How strange. How could see her friend clearly, despite it being the middle of the night? How was that even possible?

  “Anna. Is that you? Where are you? I’m frightened.”

  Anna and Derrick made their way to Sofie at a human pace, careful not to frighten her more than necessary. As she looked at Derrick, she realized that she could see him clearly. She could see the colors in their clothes as clear as day yet it was a dark and a moonless night.

  “I have night vision?”

  “Among other things.” Derrick informed her as he reached down and picked up Sofie, cradling the terrified woman in his arms. He touched the woman’s wound and the bleeding ceased. “We can talk about this later Anna. I think we should get Sofie to a hospital, she has lost a lot of blood.”

  “Did you bring your car?”

  Derrick rewarded Anna with a cheeky grin. “Why don’t we just go for a little jog?” He took off into the night, with Sofie in his arms and Anna close at his heels. She found it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand. The transformation had been sudden and she had revolted against the change, until now. Now, the world seemed to be brighter, sharper than she had ever imagined. They blazed past the shops and traffic lights, the colors ribboned in their wake, as if it the world, and not her, traveled at inhuman speed.

  When they reached the emergency ward of the hospital, Derrick spoke with the triage nurse while Anna studied the people waiting to be seen by the doctor. It seemed to be a quiet night and there were only a few people waiting. Within seconds, she had already deduced their ailments, none of which were life-threatening. The three-year-old who was crying in his mother’s lap had stuffed a bead up his nostril which was making it difficult for him to breathe and gave off an awful odor. The doctor would be able to see and remove it easily. A middle-aged man was rushed past them on a gurney, pale faced, sweat beading on his brow and holding his chest. Anna smiled. It was not the man’s heart that was causing the pain but the Szechuan chicken he had eaten for dinner, a simple case of indigestion.


  She turned her attention back to Derrick. “Oh, sorry.”

  “Sofie is being admitted and she is only allowed to have one person stay with her. Would you stay with her while I go to collect her daughter? She’ll be concerned when she arrives to pick up Sofie and finds the shop in disarray and her mother missing.”

  “Of course.” She agreed, absently. “You do what you have to do.”

  “Promise you won’t leave.”

  She nodded and shooed him away. He frowned his concern. “Fine. I promise I will be here when you get back.” She emphasized the vow by drawing the sign of a cross on her chest.

  Derrick hesitated, turned to walk away and then turned back. He took her into his arms and kissed her with such passion she thought her bones would liquefy. Her senses exploded like a wave of fireworks shooting through her every fiber, every pore. She wanted him now. Right there in the middle of the waiting room if necessary.

  You don’t know how much I want you too. Derrick told her telepathically, their sire bond initia
ted. But we have a responsibility to Sofie.

  Go. She answered, thrilled with her new power. But hurry back.

  He walked to the door at a human speed. Once again he paused to communicate to Anna but this time he called out loud in a volume clear enough for everyone in the room to hear.

  “I love you, Anna Derwent.”

  While waiting for Derrick’s return, Anna learned that she had another power. Frustrated with answering questions as to Sofie’s blood loss, she compelled the doctor and nurse into believing that the blind woman was simply anemic due to a poor diet and even suggested that despite her low income, she should be given a private room. The doctor ordered a transfusion and gave Sofie strict instructions on eating better, advising her that Meals on Wheels could deliver nourishing meals for a small fee. The witch scoffed at the idea of having someone else prepare her meals and shooed the doctor away. Anna was pleased to see that Sofie still had her fighting spirit but the new flush of color to the old woman’s cheeks reminded Anna of her hunger. She couldn’t stay a moment longer.

  You can handle this. Derrick’s voice echoed in her head and she wondered if it was her imagination until he spoke again. I am nearly there, Anna. Hold on.

  Sofie must have sensed Anna’s discomfort, adding her own words of encouragement. “I trust you.”

  “You probably shouldn’t.” Anna began to wring her hands in her typical OCD fashion as she tried not to stare at the blood dripping down from the tube attached to Sofie’s arm. For the first time in her life, she was tempted to steal. She wanted to snatch the blood and make it her own special “happy meal.” It was as if her corpuscles were screaming at her … begging for nourishment. She needed it as much as Sofie, maybe more.

  “I’m sorry,” she told the woman as she dreamily traced her finger down Sofie’s forearm, stopping at the pulsating vein in her wrist, “but I must go.”


  The young woman—who looked a few years younger than herself—appeared in the doorway just as Anna attempted to make her escape. It took everything in her power to stop before she knocked her to the ground. Unaware of her near-death experience, the woman hurried to her mother’s side, showering her face and hands with kisses. Outside the room, Anna found herself suddenly in Derrick’s arms. He pulled her into his embrace and held her tight as she began to shake violently from the effects of hunger and shock. Shock from the realization that she almost slammed into Sofie’s daughter with a force that may have killed her … a fine way to repay the woman for her kindness.

  “We must get you some blood,” Derrick whispered to her in a tone that sounded more like an order than an observation.

  “No.” she argued, although the thought of it now made her salivate. “I don’t want to hurt anyone and if you suggest I eat a rat, I’m going to throw up on those expensive looking shoes.”

  “I’d rather you didn’t.” He laughed. “These are my favorite.” He scooped her into his arms and carried her to the hospital parking station.

  Her body began to shake and she feared that she was about to die … permanently this time. As she began to lose consciousness, she heard his voice in her head pleading. Hold on, Anna. Hold on.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Although it felt like only a moment had passed since she had closed her eyes, Anna found herself waking up naked in Derrick’s huge bed and this time she was not alone.

  “Before you blast me for taking advantage, I assure you, nothing happened.”

  “Then why am I naked?”

  “I was using my body heat to warm you. Your skin was as freezing as marble.”

  Anna found the excuse hard to believe. “Look who’s talking, Mr. Cold as ice.”

  As she reached out and touched his skin, she was shocked at the warmth radiating from him. She touched her own chest and shuddered at the difference in temperature. Her expression telegraphed her shock even before Derrick read her thoughts.

  “Not what you were expecting?”

  “Why are you so warm?” she asked. “You usually feel like an icicle.”

  “While you were sleeping, I fed. The blood warms our bodies,” he told her, and before she had time to ask the question aloud, he added, “and no, I didn’t kill anyone to do it. There are many ways to get blood Anna. Some of us have human volunteers. David for example, has no shortage of humans offering themselves for a snack—”

  “I can just imagine the skanky women lining up to have him suck on their necks.”

  “What makes you think that the volunteers are all female?” He teased. A wicked grin twisted the corner of his mouth.

  “You mean he’s…?”

  “No, no, no...” Derrick said emphatically. “He’s definitely heterosexual, although … I must remember to tell him what you said later.”

  She slapped his chest and frowned. “Don’t you dare. Now, explain the blood thing.”

  “There are employees at the blood bank who are more than happy to sell us bags and we even have a choice in the blood type. It’s a bit like going to the liquor store.”

  “What about rats? I have seen movies where vampires eat rats.” Anna cringed at the thought and made a gagging gesture.

  “A thing of the past. These days blood is easier to come by.”

  “I still don’t think I can do it, Derrick. Drinking from someone, it seems so … intimate.”

  “It can be a very intimate and sexual experience.” Derrick admitted, leaning in close enough for Anna to feel the heat from his skin. “That’s why I want you to feed from me.”

  “I can do that?” The idea had never occurred to her. “How does that work? Wouldn’t I be draining you?”

  “It would just mean that we would have to do it twice a night instead of once.”

  Anna raised her eyebrows. “Do it?”

  “Feed. But if feeding you twice a day leads to other things … I have no objections.”

  When he kissed her, Anna melted in his arms, momentarily forgetting the hunger that gnawed away at her insides. His lips were warm and soft and … yummy? She thrust her tongue inside his mouth, lapping up the coppery taste and savoring the flavor until it was gone. Desperate for more, she pulled him on top of her, sucking his bottom lip as she searched for another hit of whatever substance he had been consuming. She ignored the sting as her incisors lengthened and split her gums. She barely heard the groan of pleasure from Derrick as her new fangs broke the skin of his lip and the blood trickled into her mouth, but she could not ignore the sensation of Derrick’s blood as it filtered into her own blood stream. It amazed her how only a few drops could make her feel so alive, so aroused.

  She wrapped her legs around him and deftly wrestled him onto his back where she straddled his hips. She leaned over him, her breasts hanging close to his mouth. He kissed each breast, and then drew one nipple into his mouth, sucking hard, causing her to gasp. She lowered herself back until she felt the tip of his sex licking at the entrance of hers and slowly eased down, only slightly, before drawing almost off again. Derrick groaned as Anna continued to slide up and down the tip of his erection with deliberate, slow movements. He held her breasts, rolling her nipples between his thumbs and index fingers. She could feel the sire bond. He was telepathically pleading with her. Trying to compel her to fully impale herself, but his caressing triggered a different reaction.

  She closed her eyes and threw back her head as her incisors grew to full length. When she opened her eyes, she stared down at his carotid artery, mesmerized. She pinned Derrick down by his shoulders, sinking her fangs into his neck, drawing the coppery fluid into her mouth simultaneously impaling herself on the length of him. The blood excited her, sensitized her. She rode him faster and harder, experiencing sensations she had only ever read about. A slave to her desire for blood, for flesh. Every inch of her skin cried out for him and he obliged. She grabbed his hands and moved them over her body, placing them where she felt the most need but continually moving them when another part of her called out for ple
asure of his touch. He groaned her name as he shuddered inside her and she felt her own body climax in glorious synchronicity. But she wanted more. More touching, more Derrick, more blood.

  “Anna.” he wrapped her in his arms as he rolled her onto her back, her fangs still firmly attached to his neck. “You are going to be the death of me if you don’t stop now.”

  Anna broke contact. She lapped the few drops of blood that oozed from the puncture wounds in his skin and watched in wonder as her saliva healed the holes.

  “Wow,” she gasped. “I can’t believe I just did that.”

  “Well, I for one am certainly glad you did.” Derrick sighed as he raised his arms above his head. “And not just for your sake.”

  “That was the most satisfying meal I have ever eaten.” She rolled off him and onto her side. As she traced her fingers over Derrick’s chest, twisting the fine chest hairs around her fingers, she asked, “Will it always be like that?”

  “Why do you think I only want you to feed from me?” he wrapped one arm around her and she snuggled against him.

  “And who will be feeding you?” a pang of jealousy suddenly hit Anna as she imagined Derrick taking sustenance from a human female. Experiencing the same physical response that left her body tingling.

  “You have my word. The blood bank will be my sole supermarket,” he promised, planting a third eye kiss on her forehead. “But I may need to make a large withdrawal if your first feed was any indication. You haven’t even come into your full strength yet.”

  “If it wasn’t for giving up the beach, I could grow to become perfectly satisfied with this lifestyle,” Anna confessed, adding, “Especially the feeding part.”

  “There’s nothing stopping you going to the beach, my love. The only difference is you’ll be swimming after dusk.”

  “What about sharks?” Anna sat up; horrified that Derrick would suggest swimming at one of the most dangerous times of the day.


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